Liberals, how do you feel about anti-pitbull legislation?

I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!
Any breed of dog can be trained to do what that dog did.

And again, it is not the breed it is the owner. Cesar Millan proved this long ago...

It's not the breed? Then why doesn't the record of dog attacks show an even distribution across all breeds?

Why don't we have as many children mangled by Bassett Hounds as we do Pit Bulls?

Because a lot of other factors go into what is reported. Attacks by smaller dogs don't tend to be reported or require hospitalization. The popularity and abundence of a breed in an area. Breed idenfitication (many times a dog identified as a a breed isn't). Children are often the worst injured and in the face due to their height, more fragile skin and bodies.

According to this source, the breeds that bite the most in the Denver area:
Based on 6,500 reported dog bites between 2012 and 2013, the top five biting breeds* in the Denver area are: Dog breeds that bite the most along the Front Range
  1. Labs
  2. German Shepherds
  3. Pit Bulls
  4. Chihuahuas
  5. Bulldogs
*Breeds in these cases are not official, and in most cases, the dog was identified by either a victim or animal-control officers. Breed identification is often subjective.*​

I've had dogs, quite a few, for many years. Anyone who claims this is all about owners, or mostly about owners, is out of their mind.

The owner has a big influence on the dogs behavior, but you can't ignore the dog's genetic predisposition. That can't be changed or ignored.
If you need a reason not to own a pitbull, consider the liability you might face if your dog kills a kid.

Why own a high risk breed for that liability when the world is full of nice dogs that will keep that risk to a minimum?
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?
I think owners should be personally responsible for their animals.
If your dog is threatening others you are warned
If it attacks a person or other animal, you are civilly liable
Work out the details with your insurance company and see if you can afford it
It is not the breed. It is the people who own the breed.

Blaming the breed is like blaming guns for killing people.

Pitbulls are great dogs generally.

Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that every serious pitbull attack has been traced to owner neglect or abuse?

Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that every serious pitbull attack can't be traced to the owner's neglect or abuse?

The dogs that did this were once cute puppies too.
Police: No charges expected in child's dog mauling death

Kill them! Destroy them! Is there nobody out there who will support banning and destroying all pitbulls?

If you knew this sweet little boy and his parents as I do,you would feel differently. At least you would if you had any humanity.

I wouldn't blame an entire breed and want them erradicated.
What agitates me is the sheer number of people, groups and Web sites that defend Pit Bulls from those who would criticize and legislate against them.

I will now go to another screen and Google “pit bull attacks.” Limiting myself to the last five days—a full week would bring too many hits—I see that a 65-year-old woman died of heart failure during a Pit Bull attack in South Carolina, that two Pit Bulls “invaded a home” and killed a dog in Colorado, that a Pit Bull “chewed up” a Yorkie in Missouri, a golden retriever was severely injured by a Pit Bull in Indiana, and that two Indianapolis police officers were bitten by Pit Bulls on successive days.

Statistics show that Pit Bulls are by far the most dangerous breed of dogs, involved in several attacks on people and animals in the U.S. each day.

Get Rid of Pit Bulls

We "defend" them because we advocate a rational over hysterical approach to the issue of dangerous dogs - most notably, dog attack fatalities are exceedingly rare.

In 2014 - there were 42 total fatalities (27 were Pitbulls if breed id was correct).

There are maybe 83 million dogs in the US. Est 6% are Pitbulls.

According to the AVMA's research: Dog Bite Risk and Prevention: The Role of Breed

Breeds Implicated in Serious Bite Injuries
In a range of studies, the breeds found to frequently appear in lists of dogs implicated in biting incidents were German Shepherd Dog,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,50mixed breed,1,4,6,8,10,11,12,19,17,20,50 pit bull-type dogs,5,9,13,16,21,20,22,23,24,25,26,27 Rottweiler,15, 18,22,24,25,28 Jack Russell Terrier,21,25,26 and others (Chow Chow,7,23 Spaniel,14,26 Collie,3,29 Saint Bernard,20 and Labrador Retriever2). If only the cases that resulted in very severe injuries or fatalities20,22 are considered, pit bull-type dogs are more frequently identified. This may relate to the popularity of the breed in the victim’s community, reporting biases, misidentification, and the dog’s treatment by its owner (e.g., use as fighting dogs20). It is worth noting that fatal dog attacks in some areas of Canada are attributed mainly to “sled dogs” and Siberian Huskies,52 presumably due to the regional prevalence of these breeds.

Pit Bull types

Owners of dogs that are identified by the community as ‘pit bull type’ may experience a strong breed stigma,44 however controlled studies have not identified this breed group as disproportionately dangerous. The pit bull type is particularly ambiguous as a “breed” encompassing a range of pedigree breeds, informal types and appearances that cannot be reliably identified.45 Visual determination of dog breed is known to be unreliable.46 As discussed witnesses may be predisposed to assume that a dog that bites is a ‘pit bull’.
The incidence of ‘pit bull-type’ dogs’ involvement in severe or fatal attacks may be associated with prevalence of at-risk dogs in neighborhoods with lots of young children. Owners of stigmatized breeds are more likely to have involvement in criminal and/or violent acts47, so apparent ‘breed correlations’ may be due to patterns in owner behavior.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.
Blacks commit homicide at a higher rate than any other breed of human. Do you totally reject genetics and selective breeding?
A dog kill someone, liberals blame genetics.

A human kills someone, liberals blame society.

Positively schizophrenic!
All dogs can be aggressive.

But when certain breeds are aggressive they are downright dangerous.

I don't support banning pit bulls, but I support serious penalties and mandatory jail time for dog owners whose animals cause serious damage off their property or on property to an invited guest.
I've had dogs, quite a few, for many years. Anyone who claims this is all about owners, or mostly about owners, is out of their mind.
We've had this discussion, you shouldn't own a powerful breed. The friendliest dogs at the park are often Pits. One of mine is an AmStaff, many consider that a Pit. No one will ever find a friendlier dog.

The thing people grossly underestimate is how aware dogs are, they know a LOT more than we give them credit for. Hell, my dogs probably know more about me that I do about them. They watch every single tiny movement.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.
Blacks commit homicide at a higher rate than any other breed of human. Do you totally reject genetics and selective breeding?

Do you have evidence that black human beings were selectively bred to commit crimes?
Shall we kill the pitbulls? They're vicious hate machines. I mean, look at this one, he's coming for you right now.


[Oh my god, he's so fucking cute!]

So please explain how you feel about this. Why is it okay for the government to kill the puppies?

Population control.

And people who own pit bulls and don't train them to have an instant "Stay" - "release" command are ASSHOLES and should be jailed and forced to watch their pit bull executed.

Pitbulls really serve no purpose except to intimidate other dogs and owners.
I've had dogs, quite a few, for many years. Anyone who claims this is all about owners, or mostly about owners, is out of their mind.
We've had this discussion, you shouldn't own a powerful breed. The friendliest dogs at the park are often Pits. One of mine is an AmStaff, many consider that a Pit. No one will ever find a friendlier dog.

The thing people grossly underestimate is how aware dogs are, they know a LOT more than we give them credit for. Hell, my dogs probably know more about me that I do about them. They watch every single tiny movement.

You don't evaluate a breed on one example. You evaluate it on thousands of examples.

Pit Bulls were BRED specifically for the trait of attacking the head or face of an animal, biting and holding on. They were BRED for bull baiting and dog fighting.

For same reason it's not uncommon to have a border collie want to herd children around, you get pit bulls biting people.

It's not that complicated.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.
Blacks commit homicide at a higher rate than any other breed of human. Do you totally reject genetics and selective breeding?

Do you have evidence that black human beings were selectively bred to commit crimes?
Do you think they weren't selectively bred to be as strong as pitbulls?
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!
Any breed of dog can be trained to do what that dog did.

And again, it is not the breed it is the owner. Cesar Millan proved this long ago...

It's not the breed? Then why doesn't the record of dog attacks show an even distribution across all breeds?

Why don't we have as many children mangled by Bassett Hounds as we do Pit Bulls?

Because a lot of other factors go into what is reported. Attacks by smaller dogs don't tend to be reported or require hospitalization. The popularity and abundence of a breed in an area. Breed idenfitication (many times a dog identified as a a breed isn't). Children are often the worst injured and in the face due to their height, more fragile skin and bodies.

According to this source, the breeds that bite the most in the Denver area:
Based on 6,500 reported dog bites between 2012 and 2013, the top five biting breeds* in the Denver area are: Dog breeds that bite the most along the Front Range
  1. Labs
  2. German Shepherds
  3. Pit Bulls
  4. Chihuahuas
  5. Bulldogs
*Breeds in these cases are not official, and in most cases, the dog was identified by either a victim or animal-control officers. Breed identification is often subjective.*​

I've had dogs, quite a few, for many years. Anyone who claims this is all about owners, or mostly about owners, is out of their mind.

I've had many dogs over the years - the owner plays at least as big a part in it as the dog's breed and individual character. Some dogs are just plain wired wrong, but that is not very common. Other's are inappropriate for the owner, or the owner is incompetent or irresponsible.

Situations where the owner is a big part of it:
Dogs running loose and forming a pack for example behave much more dangerously than a single dog.
Poorly socialized dogs, particularly in the guardian breeds.
Intact males.
Dogs chained out.
Dog owners who refuse to address problems or control their dogs.
Leaving very young children unsupervised with dogs.

Having a dog is a responsibility - both to the dog who's life is in your hands and to the public, who's safety you effect.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.

The breeding that went into pit fighting dogs also included a lack of aggression to humans because they had to be handled by humans regularly and safely - which also makes them easy to abuse.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.

You have proven over and over you are an idiot. The owners teach the dogs. My son owns a rescued Pit Bull, the dog wouldn't hurt anyone. The dog was severely abused. It's people not the animals.
I was in NYC one summer and found myself in mid-town Manhattan during the Puerto Rico Day parade. The sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder. All I wanted to do was walk two blocks south where a friend was waiting to meet me.

There was a zipper head with a pit bull on a twelve inch leash and choker collar. He held this dog like a buzz saw, cutting through the crowd as the dog lurched forward biting and snarling. The crowd parted before him like the Red Sea parting before Moses. Anyone not yielding to his dog risked real physical harm. It was one of the most irresponsible behaviors of man and beast I ever saw.

But following the idiot and his dog made my two block walk a lot easier!

And this is why we need to destroy them. They are dangerous, they are menacing, and there is no reason you need to have one. Children are hurt all the time by pit bulls!

I am for destroying the owners that abuse them and teach them to be dangerous, whether it is intentional or not.

As far as the example cited? Again we need to destroy the owners, not the dog.

You totally reject genetics and selective breeding? You're ignorant. As in ignorant of the facts.

You have proven over and over you are an idiot. The owners teach the dogs. My son owns a rescued Pit Bull, the dog wouldn't hurt anyone. The dog was severely abused. It's people not the animals.

So you reject genetics and selective breeding? So when someone tosses a rolled up sock and a 2 or 3 month Lab puppy runs and gets it and brings it back,

he was TRAINED to do that? Selective breeding had nothing to do with that?

lol, jesus.

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