Liberals - It's time to be polite

Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
Great piece of advice. No need for name calling and gloating. Discussions are much more constructive and easy to carry when we show each other respect.

We can all lead by example if we just choose to.

Sorry Eric,

But you don't get to behave like drunken baboons for four years, sober up and insist everyone act like nothing happened.

Fuck off.
It’s okay, I understand that you are upset.

Why am I upset ?

I kept the senate.

Improved on the house.

Took another governorship.

Flipped two state legislatures red.

Will control resdistricting in more states (giving us the house pretty soon).

And along the way got 3 very good SCOTUS judges.

Tell me again why I am upset.
Because you think that the election was tampered with by the same people that had been complaining for four years on the same matter and now, are gloating over this “victory”?
How does that prove the election wasn't tampered with?

You're a fucking moron.
Thank you for a perfect example. I show someone respect and actually listen to him - and suddenly you are not able to follow the conversation anymore.

You seem like a devoted person, I hope you will find enough peace to calm down.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
Correct. Hopefully these last four years have taught us something.

We have a lot of standards to raise.

not until inauguration day ... in the meantime, i'll watch how the basket dwellers behave & how much violence there will be. did you hear about the dudes that showed up in a hummer, fully armed including an assault weapon at the vote counting center?
And they were peaceful. The violence is from the left.

right - that why they were hailed away.... hopefully the deplorables that targeted biden's bus, & harassed them will be visited by the FBI - specially the hayseed in the big bad truck that hit another driver on purpose.
"Hailed away?" What the fuck does that mean? No one filed any complaints. It was all on video. The other driver hit the black truck. Furthermore, it was in his lane.

Everything you TDS morons whine about is easily disproven horseshit.

i meant 'hauled' away .... you little spelling nazi you.

anyhoo - ya, the biden team called 911.
I asked because I didn't understand what you were trying to say, moron.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
Great piece of advice. No need for name calling and gloating. Discussions are much more constructive and easy to carry when we show each other respect.

We can all lead by example if we just choose to.

Sorry Eric,

But you don't get to behave like drunken baboons for four years, sober up and insist everyone act like nothing happened.

Fuck off.
It’s okay, I understand that you are upset.

Why am I upset ?

I kept the senate.

Improved on the house.

Took another governorship.

Flipped two state legislatures red.

Will control resdistricting in more states (giving us the house pretty soon).

And along the way got 3 very good SCOTUS judges.

Tell me again why I am upset.
Because you think that the election was tampered with by the same people that had been complaining for four years on the same matter and now, are gloating over this “victory”?
How does that prove the election wasn't tampered with?

You're a fucking moron.
Thank you for a perfect example. I show someone respect and actually listen to him - and suddenly you are not able to follow the conversation anymore.

You seem like a devoted person, I hope you will find enough peace to calm down.
You're an idiot who doesn't deserve to treated with respect. Your "logic" doesn't compute. Why wouldn't people who have been attacking Trump for four years not be willing to cheat? If anything, they have a clear motive for cheating.
Biden is a Pedophile ( so is his son) and Kamala slept her way into power.

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're his willing lackey.

You may think you've cut a special deal for a luxury suite in Hell, but Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his promises. You'll roast with the other liars, traitors and hypocrites.
they didn't. they voted for a decent man over a sociopathic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development who was a fascist in the making.
Who would have guessed that Obama was running and lost on your planet!

View attachment 413189
74 million believed the Democrat lie while 70 million didn't. Nothing to brag about on your part. I wouldn't glory in lying and ignorance.
If you voted for Trump I wouldn't get on the 'ignorance' or 'lying plank id I were you. The only people who think the Orange Buffoon isn't a lying sack of shit is his Deplorable base.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
View attachment 412763
That's why we made fun of you. If Biden does become president. I will just shake my head, then life will proceed.
What is your point?
I didn't get a vagina and put it on and run around yelling at the sky. Like you loons.
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Biden is a Pedophile ( so is his son) and Kamala slept her way into power.

Satan is the Lord of Lies, and you're his willing lackey.

You may think you've cut a special deal for a luxury suite in Hell, but Satan, being the Lord of Lies, doesn't keep his promises. You'll roast with the other liars, traitors and hypocrites.
Lol, there is definitely a place in hell for abortion supporters. Any Biden is a pedophile, there are plenty of pictures of him inappropriately groping young girls. Kamala did sleep her way into politics.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
View attachment 412763
That's why we made fun of you. If Biden does become president. I will just shake my head, then life will proceed.
What is your point?
I did get a vagina and put it on and run around yelling at the sky. Like you loons.
Oh gee, I never did that. You must have enjoyed it.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
Correct. Hopefully these last four years have taught us something.

We have a lot of standards to raise.

not until inauguration day ... in the meantime, i'll watch how the basket dwellers behave & how much violence there will be. did you hear about the dudes that showed up in a hummer, fully armed including an assault weapon at the vote counting center?
And they were peaceful. The violence is from the left.

right - that why they were hailed away.... hopefully the deplorables that targeted biden's bus, & harassed them will be visited by the FBI - specially the hayseed in the big bad truck that hit another driver on purpose.
Oh, poor baby. How convenient to ignore the billions in damages and numerous assaults by antifa and blm. You creatures are sick.

& yet the FBI says it's the whitey supreeeeemisists that is the domestic terrorists.

huh... 'magine that.
Yeah, Joe Biden and his wench Kalamata.
they didn't. they voted for a decent man over a sociopathic, malignant narcissist, with arrested development who was a fascist in the making.
Who would have guessed that Obama was running and lost on your planet!

View attachment 413189
74 million believed the Democrat lie while 70 million didn't. Nothing to brag about on your part. I wouldn't glory in lying and ignorance.
If you voted for Trump I wouldn't get on the 'ignorance' or 'lying plank id I were you. The only people who think the Orange Buffoon isn't a lying sack of shit is his Deplorable base.
Propaganda parrot.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
Correct. Hopefully these last four years have taught us something.

We have a lot of standards to raise.

not until inauguration day ... in the meantime, i'll watch how the basket dwellers behave & how much violence there will be. did you hear about the dudes that showed up in a hummer, fully armed including an assault weapon at the vote counting center?
And they were peaceful. The violence is from the left.
Yeah, you guys are real snowflakes.
We're Patriots. We keep this country safe and secure, and you filthy socialists benefit. If left to yourselves you'd kill each other over a loaf of bread.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
View attachment 412763
That's why we made fun of you. If Biden does become president. I will just shake my head, then life will proceed.
What is your point?
I did get a vagina and put it on and run around yelling at the sky. Like you loons.
Oh gee, I never did that. You must have enjoyed it.
Your fellow liberals did, it was amusing to see how stupid they were.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---

Liberals? You're posting to about five people on here. You're no Liberal and 99.9 percent of leftists on here are not

Liberals support free speech. They hate it. Liberals support the notion that everybody be afforded the same rights and opportunities. They play identity politics and support shutting small businesses while keeping the giants open. Liberals want free and fair elections. They support any and all manner of corruption as long as their preferred candidate wins.

They are authoritarians, not liberals.

Progtards..... nearly every leftist on here is one
the crazy lunatic white supremacists on this board are not the voter base any sane and logical political movement would want...

And yet Democrats have made a living on them. White leftist supremacists burning black inner cities has been endless. Slavery, the KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching, burning crosses all being Democrat traditions. And today try to leave the Democrat plantation and white supremacist Democrats will let you know you're not free to leave any time ever, you will think what they tell you to think.

If only were were so free as you claim, the Democrat party is evil.

And note the subtle white supremacist theme in your user name, white covered mountains
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---

Yeah. I don't see that happening from Trump supporter land. Their guy lost and they won't accept that he didn't win.
No Democrat was barking about a "rigged" election four years ago.

Forgot about Russia Russia Russia didn't ya?

Happened after the inauguration. Again, no one claimed the election was "rigged" while the votes were being counted. And in the run up and the immediate aftermath.
C'mon, your memory isn't that bad is it. :)

What difference does that make when you spent the last four years saying you won because of the PV, which isn't even a thing. And you spent the whole four years using that as a justification to endlessly try to overturn an election because you lost and have massive butt hurt about it
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
Correct. Hopefully these last four years have taught us something.

We have a lot of standards to raise.

not until inauguration day ... in the meantime, i'll watch how the basket dwellers behave & how much violence there will be. did you hear about the dudes that showed up in a hummer, fully armed including an assault weapon at the vote counting center?
And they were peaceful. The violence is from the left.
Yeah, you guys are real snowflakes.
We're Patriots. We keep this country safe and secure, and you filthy socialists benefit. If left to yourselves you'd kill each other over a loaf of bread.
You guys are little kids playing games in your heads.
What difference does that make when you spent the last four years saying you won because of the PV, which isn't even a thing. And you spent the whole four years using that as a justification to endlessly try to overturn an election because you lost and have massive butt hurt about it
Nobody was trying to overturn the election result with the Russian probe. They were trying to find out how far the Russian influence spread/infected the process. Do try and keep up.
Dear Liberals - I know you're happy, (as a fellow Liberal, so am I) I also know you're itching to post some abrasive "in your face!" messages to Trump supporters here.

Don't do it!

I know you remember all those Trump folks here in 2017 posting little Yoda photos here reminding you of your "butthurt, and sarcastically advising you to cry like bitches etc. Please - don't put yourself on that level.

Democrats pulled off a modest win this time around, but you're not going to build up your voter base by antagonizing and insulting others. Debate the issues respectfully, and don't resort to mudslinging. It won't help---
View attachment 412763
That's why we made fun of you. If Biden does become president. I will just shake my head, then life will proceed.
What is your point?
I did get a vagina and put it on and run around yelling at the sky. Like you loons.
Oh gee, I never did that. You must have enjoyed it.
Your fellow liberals did, it was amusing to see how stupid they were.
Yes, it was a brilliant protest.

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