Liberals On Suicide Watch?


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
I've never seen them so freaked out, their like kids throwing a tantrum because they are not getting their way.

How long till they start strapping bombs to themselves?
Hey, if they're gonna commit suicide, the best thing to do is get out of their way.
The liberals here aren't the ones crying uncontrollably about how meeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaan people were for being shouty, and how that represents the end of civilization.

I've never seen the right here so freaked out. The Trumpenfuerher was embarrassed badly, his fans acted like thugs, and Tank has no idea of how to spin that.
The liberals here aren't the ones crying uncontrollably about how meeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaan people were for being shouty, and how that represents the end of civilization.

I've never seen the right here so freaked out. The Trumpenfuerher was embarrassed badly, his fans acted like thugs, and Tank has no idea of how to spin that.

Obviously you live in an upside-down alter non-reality. Carry on, tho'...........
B. Kidd, why does free speech bother you so much? Why do you feel the need for violence to shut it down?

Trump fans, they literally want any dissenting voices stomped on, and most of them are proud to tell you that.
The thing missing in your loony claim that liberals are violent is any sort of evidence that liberals were violent.

We're very different from you in that regard. We have no desire to stomp on people for holding a different opinion.

We also lie a hell of a lot less.
I think a lot of people need to be worried about something happening, how sad that is to have to even make this comment.
I've never seen them so freaked out, their like kids throwing a tantrum because they are not getting their way.

How long till they start strapping bombs to themselves?

At least they know the difference between "their" and "they're."
I think a lot of people need to be worried about something happening, how sad that is to have to even make this comment.
B. Kidd, why does free speech bother you so much? Why do you feel the need for violence to shut it down?

Trump fans, they literally want any dissenting voices stomped on, and most of them are proud to tell you that.
It was a rally with a speaker expressing his agenda. It wasn't a Q & A session. If the pond scum wanted to express their opinions, then they should wait till the end of the speech. Not jump up on the stage like a deranged asshole with the dissenting animal bastards yelling like a pack of idiots. I was hoping the cops would use their billy clubs on those shitheads.
B. Kidd, why does free speech bother you so much? Why do you feel the need for violence to shut it down?

Trump fans, they literally want any dissenting voices stomped on, and most of them are proud to tell you that.
It was a rally with a speaker expressing his agenda. It wasn't a Q & A session. If the pond scum wanted to express their opinions, then they should wait till the end of the speech. Not jump up on the stage like a deranged asshole with the dissenting animal bastards yelling like a pack of idiots. I was hoping the cops would use their billy clubs on those shitheads.

In the new normal, cops hesitate, the military hesitates.............everybody hesitates..........until they don't anymore.

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