Liberals Outraged, Too!!!

PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

HAHAHAA PC lives in NYC?

Not the bastion of liberalism? I thought repubs were leaving in droves? Did PC miss her carpool?

Maybe she's got a rent controlled apartment she doesn't want to give up.

Jersey City is just across the river, in NJ. Then Chris Christie can be her daddy.
Wow PC is posting another "not all liberals agree with each other thread".

Maybe she will post a thread about how not everyone will get snow in the next few days too! Really going into deep thinking commentary

Maybe you'll post a serious response about how not everyone will be insured because of Obamacare the next few days. Go on, dig into that vacuous mind of yours, you'll come up with something.

Shouldn't you be out looking for a job and not posting on the internet about the evil of Obama while collecting unemployment checks? Just a thought.
PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

What does this mean?

It means that that lying sack of excrement dreams of the day when he can post the garbage he does without my shredding it.
PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

What does this mean?

It means that if you don't want to live under the 'communist' rule of de Blasio, and under the 'communist' rule of Albany,

move 5 miles into New Jersey.
The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

And, central to the theme, as seen in the title, was that sensible Liberals agree that it was a shameful display.

I also pointed out that those were the brighter Liberals who found it so.

Sure enough, the comments, and lack of comment, by Liberals in this thread proved my very point:
we have some of the stupidest Liberals in the nation right here on this very board.

Wow PC has found that if you mention race it doesnt unite people. Her proof is that she doesnt feel united. It doesnt matter if PC already felt that way since birth this is NEW STUFF.

Where oh where is this person who can discuss differences that bring us together? :doubt:

This person has never existed but PC is sure it can be done one day. Its' only been thousands upon thousands of years.

I feel the same way when I hear women talk about Pap Smears I'm all like "great! Someone else dedicated to divide us into groups instead of offering Pap Smears for everyone."

The part I like on right wing posts are "communist/liberal/democrat like they're one and the same.
The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

What is it with you PC? You are absolutely fixated on communism, even though there are no communist governments left in the world except Cuba, and even though communism is a thoroughly failed and discredited ideology. Reading your posts in this thread, I keep getting the feeling we've been transported back to the 1950's and you're looking for commies when people feared there was a commie under every bed.

It's 2014, not 1954. That you're still seeing commies under every bed, shows how truly out of touch you are with reality.
PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

What does this mean?

It means that if you don't want to live under the 'communist' rule of de Blasio, and under the 'communist' rule of Albany,

move 5 miles into New Jersey.

That requires ability to take action and actually following through on something. Two traits that 99% of the "patriots" on this site seem to lack.
The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

What is it with you PC? You are absolutely fixated on communism, even though there are no communist governments left in the world except Cuba, and even though communism is a thoroughly failed and discredited ideology. Reading your posts in this thread, I keep getting the feeling we've been transported back to the 1950's and you're looking for commies when people feared there was a commie under every bed.

It's 2014, not 1954. That you're still seeing commies under every bed, shows how truly out of touch you are with reality.

You don't visit this site often, do you?

I'd be willing to bet that 75% of the threads started by conservatives on this site reference communism before the end of the first page.
Here's a bet.

Two terms of this guy in NYC and they'll be leaving for Detroit.

Didn't New York just pass a REPUBLICAN idea to suspend taxes for startups for ten years? All in an effort to attract start-ups that hit their record low recently? That won't fly well with this guy, I'm sure.

Give him several years to reverse any progress NYC has made and then let's discuss where we're at.
The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

And, central to the theme, as seen in the title, was that sensible Liberals agree that it was a shameful display.

I also pointed out that those were the brighter Liberals who found it so.

Sure enough, the comments, and lack of comment, by Liberals in this thread proved my very point:
we have some of the stupidest Liberals in the nation right here on this very board.

Wow PC has found that if you mention race it doesnt unite people. Her proof is that she doesnt feel united. It doesnt matter if PC already felt that way since birth this is NEW STUFF.

Where oh where is this person who can discuss differences that bring us together? :doubt:

This person has never existed but PC is sure it can be done one day. Its' only been thousands upon thousands of years.

I feel the same way when I hear women talk about Pap Smears I'm all like "great! Someone else dedicated to divide us into groups instead of offering Pap Smears for everyone."

The part I like on right wing posts are "communist/liberal/democrat like they're one and the same.

See if you understand this explanation, IQFree.....

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.

Douglas Adams
Here's a bet.

Two terms of this guy in NYC and they'll be leaving for Detroit.

Didn't New York just pass a REPUBLICAN idea to suspend taxes for startups for ten years? All in an effort to attract start-ups that hit their record low recently? That won't fly well with this guy, I'm sure.

Give him several years to reverse any progress NYC has made and then let's discuss where we're at.

you mean 40oz soda drinks will be back?
Wow PC has found that if you mention race it doesnt unite people. Her proof is that she doesnt feel united. It doesnt matter if PC already felt that way since birth this is NEW STUFF.

Where oh where is this person who can discuss differences that bring us together? :doubt:

This person has never existed but PC is sure it can be done one day. Its' only been thousands upon thousands of years.

I feel the same way when I hear women talk about Pap Smears I'm all like "great! Someone else dedicated to divide us into groups instead of offering Pap Smears for everyone."

The part I like on right wing posts are "communist/liberal/democrat like they're one and the same.

See if you understand this explanation, IQFree.....

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.

Douglas Adams

Just keep Phil Robertson away from said water fowl.
The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

What is it with you PC? You are absolutely fixated on communism, even though there are no communist governments left in the world except Cuba, and even though communism is a thoroughly failed and discredited ideology. Reading your posts in this thread, I keep getting the feeling we've been transported back to the 1950's and you're looking for commies when people feared there was a commie under every bed.

It's 2014, not 1954. That you're still seeing commies under every bed, shows how truly out of touch you are with reality.

" You are absolutely fixated on communism, even though there are no communist governments..."

Actually, I happy to answer that.

Full response in this OP:

You'll quickly realize that the accuracy of the OP therein proves your statement completely false.
The part I like on right wing posts are "communist/liberal/democrat like they're one and the same.

See if you understand this explanation, IQFree.....

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.

Douglas Adams

Just keep Phil Robertson away from said water fowl.

I take it that you're admitting that post #77 was a lie, and/or a feeble attempt at humor.

Resist the temptation in the future.
New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Did you intentionally try and use as many big words that you don't understand as you could?

This from the master of duncehood. Do you need someone to explain those big words to you, little boy?
To these brain dead, liberal children, any word with more than four letters is a big one. It's difficult to dumb down a post so they can understand it on the first read.

The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

And, central to the theme, as seen in the title, was that sensible Liberals agree that it was a shameful display.

I also pointed out that those were the brighter Liberals who found it so.

Sure enough, the comments, and lack of comment, by Liberals in this thread proved my very point:
we have some of the stupidest Liberals in the nation right here on this very board.
The liberal way is to divide and conquer...create enemies, then appease both sides.

1. NYC had made the most egregious of errors in electing Communist/Progressive/Democrat Bill DeBlasio as mayor of this great city. So, there really is no element of surprise when DeBlasio tapped Brooklyn pastor Reverend Fred Lucas Jr., who serves as the chaplain to the Department of Sanitation, to provide the invocation at the inauguration ceremony.

2. The Reverend's speech was peppered with numerous inappropriate racial references, such as “End the civil wars and usher in a new Reconstruction era..." and words used were shackles, plantation, crooked, and emancipation proclamation."

The reverend referred to New York City as "the plantation called New York City."

3. But, heck, what would one expect, after all Communist/Progressive/Democrat DeBlasio is an avowed exponent of the Marxist 'religious' perspective called "Liberation Theology."

a. "... "Bill de Blasio says he doesn't believe in churches -- and he doesn't believe in God either," reports the NY Daily News.
De Blasio told reporters in the Bronx, "I’m not affiliated with any particular church. I do consider myself a spiritual person." He continued, "As I’ve said many times, I was very influenced by liberation theology, by Christian liberation theology in the work I did after college and after graduate school."
Mayor Elect Bill De Blasio Quashes Atheism Rumors, Says He's Spiritual But Unaffiliated

He means when he was in Nicaragua, working with the Sandinistas.

4. Coincidentally, Communist/Progressive/Democrat DeBlasio is known as New York's Obama....and Obama had the same kind of racialist banter at his inauguration.

a "Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around ... when yellow will be mellow ... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen."
Reverend Joseph Lowry, at Obama Inauguration

Me...I'm as mellow as I can be.

5. But there is a ray of sunlight, as many Liberals found that divisionist polemics hard to stomach:

a." Personally, I am very versed in the income inequalities that exist today. I am also versed in the issues that exhist in New York City. There was no need for Reverend Lucas to use this opportunity to make erroneous references to slavery, with regards to the present conditions of New York City. I'm not going to tolerate this behavior from Sarah Palin or Phil Roberston, so i'm certainly not going to tolerate it from Reverend Lucas. "
The Urban Politico: New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio Inauguration (Full Video) & The Plantation called New York City (???)

b. I am a proud liberal, but the speakers opening DeBlasio's inaugural are embarrassing. "The Plantation of NYC"......F**K OFF!
At Bill de Blasio?s mayoral inauguration, invocation speaker says NYC is a ?plantation? | Twitchy

c. Cleric Fred Lucas Jr., calling NYC a plantation in his "prayer" is a disgrace! Isn't this supposed to be a day of uniting? linda stasi @Lindastasi Ibid.

d. A liberal New Yorker friend's candid comment about some of the tone so far: "This stuff is freaking me out." Josh Greenman @Joshgreenman Ibid.

7. Of course, there were examples of boilerplate Liberalism, too...not just from the podium:
"777Mark777 Sicarium
Deal wit it, hombre. You don't like it? Then move back home to Europe where you came from. You European people are illegal aliens here anyway." Preacher: New York City is a 'plantation' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

And this is exactly the kind of sentiment the DeBlasio-Lucas Axis was meant to bring out.

At least he left the 'mellow' folks alone!

6. Just more of this: De Blasio was roundly criticized back in November when Harry Belafonte, the civil rights leader and actor who was also a de Blasio surrogate, compared the libertarian billionaires Charles and David Koch to the Ku Klux Klan.
Preacher: New York City is a 'plantation' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Throughout history there have been folks who sought to divide people in order to accrue power.....
....they're called tyrants.

I suspect that the brighter Liberals are shaking their heads, muttering 'What have we done...."

The rest of the nation knows what you've done.
I tried to think of an appropriate response to your post:
(I think I nailed it!!!!!)
Exactly! You tried...but could not come up with anything other than BULLSHIT! That is the typical liberal response when they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

Just call BULLSHIT...or say it's all LIES...or call the poster a NAZI...or play the RACE CARD!

All you stupid motherfuckers can do is bleat "BULLSHIT!"
See if you understand this explanation, IQFree.....

If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.

Douglas Adams

Just keep Phil Robertson away from said water fowl.

I take it that you're admitting that post #77 was a lie, and/or a feeble attempt at humor.

Resist the temptation in the future.

It's called a paronomasia.

And I can't stop!
Just keep Phil Robertson away from said water fowl.

I take it that you're admitting that post #77 was a lie, and/or a feeble attempt at humor.

Resist the temptation in the future.

It's called a paronomasia.

And I can't stop!

So your going to hide your prevarication as some type of ......well, like a joke, but different?

That's the sad result of your former occupation, Goalie for the dart team.
Theres a rule that says: Dont attempt to make sense out of nonsense.

So when you ask PC a question and she doesnt answer, and opts for going into her bag of lame zingers. Remember she cant explain her nonsense because....its nonsense
The essential point of the OP was that the shameful speech by Reverend Lucas, and endorsed by Communist/Liberal/Democrat DeBlasio was designed to divide rather than bring the races together.

What is it with you PC? You are absolutely fixated on communism, even though there are no communist governments left in the world except Cuba, and even though communism is a thoroughly failed and discredited ideology. Reading your posts in this thread, I keep getting the feeling we've been transported back to the 1950's and you're looking for commies when people feared there was a commie under every bed.

It's 2014, not 1954. That you're still seeing commies under every bed, shows how truly out of touch you are with reality.

" You are absolutely fixated on communism, even though there are no communist governments..."

Actually, I happy to answer that.

Full response in this OP:

You'll quickly realize that the accuracy of the OP therein proves your statement completely false.

What is PC's Agenda? To always be right, never wrong and to be admired by all with as much ardor as she feels toward herself.

Narcissist -
1. a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.

2. Psychoanalysis . a person who suffers from narcissism, deriving erotic gratification from admiration of his or her own physical or mental attributes.

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