Liberals Outraged, Too!!!

New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Did you intentionally try and use as many big words that you don't understand as you could?


Here is a response that I see, not as classic liberalism...but as classic liberal asshole.

He has nothing for the post, which he can't refute, so he goes after grammar and syntax.

This kind of thing, and outright name-calling, is about all you get by way of debate on a board designed for debate....from these pinheads.

I would like to add that New York deserves DeBlasio.
PC chooses to live in the US, and can't stop complaining about it.

PC chooses to live in NYC, and can't stop complaining about it.

Have you ever considered Monroe, Louisiana?

What does this mean?


Good question.

I think it means we are all going to have to put up with these Political Correctness Assholes forever...excepting only the Robertson family in Louisiana who the Political Correctness Assholes have learned not to fuck with.
New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Did you intentionally try and use as many big words that you don't understand as you could?


Here is a response that I see, not as classic liberalism...but as classic liberal asshole.

He has nothing for the post, which he can't refute, so he goes after grammar and syntax.

This kind of thing, and outright name-calling, is about all you get by way of debate on a board designed for debate....from these pinheads.

I would like to add that New York deserves DeBlasio.
NYC should also declare themselves a Nation-State.
When he drives companies away from Wall Street.....NYC is going to turn back into the shithole it was before Ed Koch took over back in the 70s-80s.
Theres a rule that says: Dont attempt to make sense out of nonsense.

So when you ask PC a question and she doesnt answer, and opts for going into her bag of lame zingers. Remember she cant explain her nonsense because....its nonsense

That's the tell that she's lost the argument. Most guys with an ex-wife should recognize it lol.
What does this mean?

It means that if you don't want to live under the 'communist' rule of de Blasio, and under the 'communist' rule of Albany,

move 5 miles into New Jersey.

That requires ability to take action and actually following through on something. Two traits that 99% of the "patriots" on this site seem to lack.

Their 'patriotism' translates into a love of 19th century America.
Think 'Supergirl's Glenn Beck in disguise with the point by point breakdown of things. Beck does the same thing on whiteboards. :)

If only.....

What does it say when you numbskulls are never able to actually confront the points made....but merely discuss the way the points are made?

It means that the arguments that I present are correct.
So now they miss the BILLIONAIRE who rightly wanted to ban diabetes-sized soda cups

I need the government to tell me what to do from cradle to grave....could I be a Liberal?

No. But you could be a victim of Downs.
Fuck off, you idiot! Downs syndrome kids still have their families. I have a grandson with Downs and he certainly does not need the goddamned government to tell him what to do.

It is correct to assume that someone that needs the government from cradle to grave is likely vote for liberals...therefore be a liberal supporter...therefore be classified as a FUCKING LIBERAL LEECH!
From reading this thread I take it that New York city has gone communistic, and this guy Rudy did it. Seems the world is going communistic city after city, and and now we know it's that guy Rudy.
From reading this thread I take it that New York city has gone communistic, and this guy Rudy did it. Seems the world is going communistic city after city, and and now we know it's that guy Rudy.

"From reading this thread I take it..."

I’m going to enroll you in the Federal Wit-less Relocation Program.
New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Fail. Rightwing propaganda.

NYC, like the USA, is run by and for big corporate money. Deblasio is window dressing for people dumb enough to believe that one stupid progressive mayor can return the city of Wall Street to the 99%.

America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point: after the housing meltdown we bailed out the wealthy Wall Street banks but foreclosed on the middle class home owners. This country is owned by the private sector which has fully co-opted the centralizing power of government. These people bilk the public by getting their Washington puppets to give them endless subsidies and bailouts (as they quietly shift production and US jobs to Communist China.)

NYC and the Nation are run by and for the folks wealthy enough to fund elections and hire lobbyists. Deblasio can't and won't change a fucking thing. Like most liberals, he will be given a very small sandbox to play in. He will do things like add more garbage cans to Times Square in order to curb littering ... as the lemmings cheer ... while the Wall Street crowd looks down from their penthouses on all the liberal Lilliputians who believe that recycling can save a city that will always be run by and for the wealthy.

Sorry son, but your Marxist scare stories don't compute with how power actually works in the city of Wall Street.
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New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Fail. Rightwing propaganda.

NYC, like the USA, is run by and for big corporate money. Deblasio is window dressing for people dumb enough to believe that one stupid progressive mayor can return the city of Wall Street to the 99%.

America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown where we bailed out the wealthy Wall Street banks but foreclosed on the middle class home owners. This country is owned by the private sector which has fully co-opted the centralizing power of government.

NYC and the Nation are run by and for the folks wealthy enough to fund elections and hire lobbyists. Deblasio can't and won't change a fucking thing. Like most liberals, he will be given a very small sandbox to play in. He will do things like add more garbage cans to Times Square in order to curb littering ... as the lemmings cheer ... while the Wall Street crowd looks down from their penthouses on all the liberal Lilliputians who believe that recycling can save a city that will always be run by and for the wealthy.

Sorry son, but your Marxist scare stories don't compute with how power actually works in the city of Wall Street.

"America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown...."

What a dope.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

That look like capitalism to you??
From reading this thread I take it that New York city has gone communistic, and this guy Rudy did it. Seems the world is going communistic city after city, and and now we know it's that guy Rudy.

New York City is a shining example of plutocracy.....Anything but communist. The country's wealthiest people are there and they are not sharing or redistributing anything.
New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Fail. Rightwing propaganda.

NYC, like the USA, is run by and for big corporate money. Deblasio is window dressing for people dumb enough to believe that one stupid progressive mayor can return the city of Wall Street to the 99%.

America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown where we bailed out the wealthy Wall Street banks but foreclosed on the middle class home owners. This country is owned by the private sector which has fully co-opted the centralizing power of government.

NYC and the Nation are run by and for the folks wealthy enough to fund elections and hire lobbyists. Deblasio can't and won't change a fucking thing. Like most liberals, he will be given a very small sandbox to play in. He will do things like add more garbage cans to Times Square in order to curb littering ... as the lemmings cheer ... while the Wall Street crowd looks down from their penthouses on all the liberal Lilliputians who believe that recycling can save a city that will always be run by and for the wealthy.

Sorry son, but your Marxist scare stories don't compute with how power actually works in the city of Wall Street.

"America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown...."

What a dope.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

That look like capitalism to you??

Sorry SuperTwit, but Londoner just ate your lunch.
New York City, as is almost every American mega-city, a perfect venue for Marxist growth. Plenty of room for corruption, deception, uncontrolled growth of regulations, welfare and taxation....the perfect formula for orchestrated progression to a failed socialist state.

Fail. Rightwing propaganda.

NYC, like the USA, is run by and for big corporate money. Deblasio is window dressing for people dumb enough to believe that one stupid progressive mayor can return the city of Wall Street to the 99%.

America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown where we bailed out the wealthy Wall Street banks but foreclosed on the middle class home owners. This country is owned by the private sector which has fully co-opted the centralizing power of government.

NYC and the Nation are run by and for the folks wealthy enough to fund elections and hire lobbyists. Deblasio can't and won't change a fucking thing. Like most liberals, he will be given a very small sandbox to play in. He will do things like add more garbage cans to Times Square in order to curb littering ... as the lemmings cheer ... while the Wall Street crowd looks down from their penthouses on all the liberal Lilliputians who believe that recycling can save a city that will always be run by and for the wealthy.

Sorry son, but your Marxist scare stories don't compute with how power actually works in the city of Wall Street.

Spot on. Now here PC states she lives in Brooklyn. You would think she would at least take the subway into Manhattan and see these things for herself.
Fail. Rightwing propaganda.

NYC, like the USA, is run by and for big corporate money. Deblasio is window dressing for people dumb enough to believe that one stupid progressive mayor can return the city of Wall Street to the 99%.

America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown where we bailed out the wealthy Wall Street banks but foreclosed on the middle class home owners. This country is owned by the private sector which has fully co-opted the centralizing power of government.

NYC and the Nation are run by and for the folks wealthy enough to fund elections and hire lobbyists. Deblasio can't and won't change a fucking thing. Like most liberals, he will be given a very small sandbox to play in. He will do things like add more garbage cans to Times Square in order to curb littering ... as the lemmings cheer ... while the Wall Street crowd looks down from their penthouses on all the liberal Lilliputians who believe that recycling can save a city that will always be run by and for the wealthy.

Sorry son, but your Marxist scare stories don't compute with how power actually works in the city of Wall Street.

"America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown...."

What a dope.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

That look like capitalism to you??

Sorry SuperTwit, but Londoner just ate your lunch.

You didn't even read it....did you.

Let's see you find any error in the post.

Or else you're pretty much a moron....aren't you.
Fail. Rightwing propaganda.

NYC, like the USA, is run by and for big corporate money. Deblasio is window dressing for people dumb enough to believe that one stupid progressive mayor can return the city of Wall Street to the 99%.

America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown where we bailed out the wealthy Wall Street banks but foreclosed on the middle class home owners. This country is owned by the private sector which has fully co-opted the centralizing power of government.

NYC and the Nation are run by and for the folks wealthy enough to fund elections and hire lobbyists. Deblasio can't and won't change a fucking thing. Like most liberals, he will be given a very small sandbox to play in. He will do things like add more garbage cans to Times Square in order to curb littering ... as the lemmings cheer ... while the Wall Street crowd looks down from their penthouses on all the liberal Lilliputians who believe that recycling can save a city that will always be run by and for the wealthy.

Sorry son, but your Marxist scare stories don't compute with how power actually works in the city of Wall Street.

"America isn't a failed socialist state, it's a failed capitalist state. Case in point, the housing meltdown...."

What a dope.

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie and Freddie to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

That look like capitalism to you??

Sorry SuperTwit, but Londoner just ate your lunch.

Oh, nooooooo......poor widdle "Pleez" ran off and hid.....

Looks like post #119 put 'em in his place....back in the dumb row!

Looks like I ate his lunch....

....there goes my diet.

Hey time you have something to say, raise your hand and place it over your mouth.

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