Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.
Mock? No.

Ironic? Yes.

Stupid? Absolutely.

Hence the notion of giving a mentally distrubed person a gun..should be put to rest.

It's sort of common sense.

But no common with conservatives.
A gun range would be the last place I would counsel a soldier with post traumatic stress syndrome at.
They are openly laughing at his death as a result of "karma." Absolutely ridiculous. The man ILLEGALLY obtained the gun he was using. I guess gun control works, huh?
A gun range would be the last place I would counsel a soldier with post traumatic stress syndrome at.

This is a common thing. Veterans find synergy between their post-combat life and the life they experienced during combat.
Ron Paul ✔ @RonPaul
Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense

SOunds like common sense to me, not mockery. But people need something to talk about, and what better "political punching bag" to roll out than Ron Paul to make a point?

I can think of none. He's the right and lefts punching bag. mainly because he's right and they hate that.
Do any of you have PTSD? Do you know what veterans like to do in their free time?
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.
Not mocking. But not making a big deal. It's just another gun death. No reason to change anything. Carry on.
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.

How did Ron Paul mock Kyle's death?
As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies." -Ron Paul
I think his tweet speaks for itself.
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.

How did Ron Paul mock Kyle's death?
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.

How did Ron Paul mock Kyle's death?
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense


From Paul?

He's a nut.
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.

How did Ron Paul mock Kyle's death?
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense

How was it inappropriate?
And what about the guy with PTSD?
The 2 others tried to treat someone with PTSD with some of the hair of the dog that bit him and they wound up dead for their stupidity.
Now that guy has no hope at all of anything but being locked up for the rest of his life.
Those two did not do their families nor their PTSD comrade any good.
They are failures.
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How did Ron Paul mock Kyle's death?
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense

How was it inappropriate?

He seems to be indicating that Kyle "brought it on himself" by counseling a troubled vet at a firing range. I understand his point, but there was probably a better way to convey that thought and a more appropriate time to do it.

The barbs from the far left ... "karma .... poetic justic .... ironic" are also ill-timed and in much poorer taste imho.

I guess they would rather those insurgents he killed to be unmolested in their attempts to kill Americans???? Whether you agree with why they were there or not (and I do not), to wish them harm is just indefensible imho.
How did Ron Paul mock Kyle's death?
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense

How was it inappropriate?
#1. He wasn't active duty and in theatre #2. He wasn't challenging the shooter. In other words he wasn't "living by the sword." Be a whole other story if he took guys out to the range and told them "Ok we are going to play a little game here. The object of the game is going to be who can shoot who first." If he did, I digress
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

How was it inappropriate?

He seems to be indicating that Kyle "brought it on himself" by counseling a troubled vet at a firing range. I understand his point, but there was probably a better way to convey that thought and a more appropriate time to do it.

The barbs from the far left ... "karma .... poetic justic .... ironic" are also ill-timed and in much poorer taste imho.

I guess they would rather those insurgents he killed to be unmolested in their attempts to kill Americans???? Whether you agree with why they were there or not (and I do not), to wish them harm is just indefensible imho.

Was Jesus saying Peter was bringing it on himself when he used that exact language after Peter cut off the Roman's ear?
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

How was it inappropriate?
#1. He wasn't active duty and in theatre #2. He wasn't challenging the shooter. In other words he wasn't "living by the sword." Be a whole other story if he took guys out to the range and told them "Ok we are going to play a little game here. The object of the game is going to be who can shoot who first." If he did that I digress

Does it matter whether he was living by the sword in the moment, or is it only relevant that he had lived by the sword? I don't think Jesus made any such distinction.
I don't think he mocked it per se but what he said was inappropriate. I'm very surprised at his comment

How was it inappropriate?
#1. He wasn't active duty and in theatre #2. He wasn't challenging the shooter. In other words he wasn't "living by the sword." Be a whole other story if he took guys out to the range and told them "Ok we are going to play a little game here. The object of the game is going to be who can shoot who first in the back." If he did that I digress

A sniper gets shot = what some people see as a form of karma ... snipers do shoot people in the back. People trying to throw American soldiers out of their homeland are not in-theater, they are home...they have more right than us to be fighting.

Insurgents were not terrorists. They may have been our enemies, but they were defending their home against an invader.

facts are important here

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