Liberals, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero on Twitter

Were they mislead by Clinton when he said the same thing years before?

Oh've been outed as a clueless troll and you are summarily dismissed:eusa_hand: Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes

All of the quotes listed above are substantially correct reproductions of statements made by various Democratic leaders regarding Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's acquisition or possession of weapons of mass destruction. However, some of the quotes are truncated, and context is provided for none of them; several of these quotes were offered in the course of statements that clearly indicated the speaker was decidedly against unilateral military intervention in Iraq by the U.S.

Moreover, several of the quotes offered antedate the four nights of airstrikes unleashed against Iraq by U.S. and British forces during Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, after which Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and Gen. Henry H. Shelton (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) announced the action had been successful in "degrad[ing] Saddam Hussein's ability to deliver chemical, biological and nuclear weapons."

In the section below where we highlight these quotes, we've tried to provide sufficient surrounding material to make clear the context in which the quotes were offered as well as include links to the full text from which they were derived wherever possible.

now let us not hijack this thread rehashing the Iraq war
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I suppose that's one way of looking at it.

If you are predisposed to LIKE RP, then you are likely to read his comments in the most positive light possible. If you are predisposed to HATE RP, then you'll read them in the most negative light possible.

I don't hate him, but I do disagree with his foreign policy and I'm afraid he's a little to Laissez Faire for today's world.

I think one of his biggest drawbacks as a potential POTUS is shown in this issue. He doesn't put enough thought into his words. As POTUS, that could be a very big problem. And it is why I pray for the health of Obama - Biden would be a disaster imho.

Well we're all biased of course, but I think the only rational way to read his comments is to put them in the context that Jesus used them.

Which is be peaceful because violence begets violence?
Which is an appropriate application in this case because?
Kyle was a violent man and his death by violence was to be expected?
If you are predisposed to LIKE RP, then you are likely to read his comments in the most positive light possible. If you are predisposed to HATE RP, then you'll read them in the most negative light possible.

I don't hate him, but I do disagree with his foreign policy and I'm afraid he's a little to Laissez Faire for today's world.

I think one of his biggest drawbacks as a potential POTUS is shown in this issue. He doesn't put enough thought into his words. As POTUS, that could be a very big problem. And it is why I pray for the health of Obama - Biden would be a disaster imho.

Well we're all biased of course, but I think the only rational way to read his comments is to put them in the context that Jesus used them.

Which is be peaceful because violence begets violence?
Which is an appropriate application in this case because?
Kyle was a violent man and his death by violence was to be expected?

Not to be expected, but made far more likely.
Well we're all biased of course, but I think the only rational way to read his comments is to put them in the context that Jesus used them.

Which is be peaceful because violence begets violence?
Which is an appropriate application in this case because?
Kyle was a violent man and his death by violence was to be expected?

Not to be expected, but made far more likely.

See, I think saying that .... right now .... is pretty insensitive.
Kyle didn't choose to go to Iraq, but when he got there he did his best to protect himself and fellow Americans. I don't think he needs to apologize for that or for being good at it. Do you?
I posted in this thread before the merge. My post was concise and respectful. Now its

My threads participeted in show I responded but its gone?

If you can't find your own one else cares

Whats with the hate? I didn't say shit to you.

hate? stop projecting....if you cannot find your own one cares...really. that's not hateful, it's a factual statement
** Excerpt. For full article, go to Cameron Harris: Twitter Users, Ron Paul Mock Death of American Hero

Chris Kyle is not a normal retired Navy SEAL. Kyle is the deadliest sniper in American military history. With over 160 confirmed kills during his time serving in Iraq, Kyle earned a special nickname from Iraqi insurgents who dubbed him the "Devil of Ramidi." They later placed upwards of an $80,000 bounty on his head because of the damage that he was doing to their members. In 2008, outside of Sadr City, Kyle spotted an insurgent approaching a US Army convoy with a rocket launcher. Kyle fired a shot, killing the insurgent from 2,100 yards away, saving the convoy. Upon being honorably discharged from the Navy, Kyle returned home to Texas with his wife and two children. Kyle wrote about his time as a military sniper in his autobiography "American Sniper."

In normal fashion, online liberal figures have used the death of an American hero to push their own agenda. Citing "karma" and "irony," many took to Twitter to mock the death of Mr. Kyle, and for some even celebrate.

There are threads on this board where people mocked the death of a black girl in Chicago, calling it ironic.

Now you know how it feels. Pretty shitty.
Which is be peaceful because violence begets violence?
Which is an appropriate application in this case because?
Kyle was a violent man and his death by violence was to be expected?

Not to be expected, but made far more likely.

See, I think saying that .... right now .... is pretty insensitive.
Kyle didn't choose to go to Iraq, but when he got there he did his best to protect himself and fellow Americans. I don't think he needs to apologize for that or for being good at it. Do you?

Well he chose to sign up, so it's not correct to say that he didn't choose. He didn't have to sign up if he didn't want to go. Regardless, I suppose we'll have to disagree on whether it's insensitive.
If that is what Mr. Paul said, it seems rather tame.
Perhaps some do not like the reference to illegal actions that are called war without a declaration. Perhaps they feel uncomfortable with the realization that anyone participating in such a thing could be regarded as a war criminal.
Perhaps the excuse of following orders rings too hauntingly.

These are the cogitations of an objective observer, neither right nor left. Criticize them as you will. Most minds seem made up, but someone may hear better than that.
One of the most sensible things Ron Paul has ever said.

Just because you've served honorably doesn't mean you can't make a stupid mistake. It was dumb to take someone not quite right in the head to a gun range to shoot. Sadly the guy didn't get to rethink his decision.
One of the most sensible things Ron Paul has ever said.

Just because you've served honorably doesn't mean you can't make a stupid mistake. It was dumb to take someone not quite right in the head to a gun range to shoot. Sadly the guy didn't get to rethink his decision.

go are they doing with guns?

are returning vets with mental health issues protected from gun checks?
The Paul haters try so hard...

You need mental healtcare professionals as much as Ron Paul does.

He blamed America for 9/11 on national television

He said that Navy Seal Chris Kyle "got what he deserved"

He is a despicable, deplorable, sick fuck and so are you for supporting this disturbed dementia patient who should have been properly placed in a nursing home decads ago
Not mocking. But not making a big deal. It's just another gun death. No reason to change anything. Carry on.

More people died today in automobile accidents (including children) than will all of February from guns. So it begs the question (the million dollar question that you run from every time - like a coward): why aren't you advocating to ban automobiles or at least "make some changes"?
How was it inappropriate?

The biggest problem with America is their pride. Their inability to admit they were wrong.

No matter what Obama does, the left worships and fellates him, making excuses and covering for what he does wrong. Why? Because if they admit he is wrong, then they have to admit they were wrong for voting for him.

The same is true with the radical right-wing nut "Sovereign Citizen" assholes who worship and fellate Ron Paul. Even when he is egregiously wrong and his actions completely unacceptable, fuck'n Sovereign Citizen moron's will go "gee, what was wrong with what he said" as if it's not terribly obvious. :cuckoo:

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