Liberals still blaming Bush after 30 months and trillions, when does it stop?s

I won't stop blaming Al Qaeda for destroying the World Trade Center..either..
The 1940's (call it the War decade) saw nonfarm payrolls increase 72%
The 1950's (call it the Truman decade) saw a 51% increase in nonfarm payrolls
The 1960's (call it the Kennedy era) saw a 53% increase in nonfarm payrolls.
The 1970's (Call it the Nixon Decade) saw a 38% increase
The 1980's (Call it the Reagan Decade) saw a 34.9% increase
The 1990's (Call it the Clinton Decade) saw a 38.6% increase.
The 2000's (Call it the Bush Decade)? 0%. zero percent.

Which one of these is not like the other, and why?
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The only thing Obama can do at this point is announce that he is not going to seek reelection, and then reduce spending dramatically.
You Teabaggers are gonna HAVE to get used to the idea that Barack Obama was NOT required to wait....until any-and-all White-people passed (on running for the Presidency)....before it was His "turn".

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Right America Feeling Wronged pt1‬‏[/ame]

The Sec is the securities and exchange
what does that have to do with a person not paying back a loan?
a loan being made to a person that is not qualifies?
there are laws against that in place

so can we move on?
What law is in place to prevent loans from being made to people who don't qualify?
What is Obama supposed to do force companies to hire people?

Well, he could start by being business friendly instead of anti bussiness. Ya think?
Everyone's well-aware of how well business-friendly works-out.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪American Casino‬‏[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - ‪AMERICAN CASINO[/ame]
Let's HEAR IT!! for.....

Allowing The Marketplace To Regulate ITSELF!


[ame=]YouTube - ‪Great Depression‬‏[/ame]​


You know what amazes me?
Bush did ok, he really did
We should have looked at adding a tax to the something to pay for the wars. To be taken off immediately when they were over (like now for Iraq)
I also think we should have looked harder at the hole his mediacre reform
GWB had great plans
9-11 changed those plans and the media as well the libs pretend it does not exist
(That's Not-hardly, for you Bush-fans.


The ONLY thing that 9/11 changed, was.....The DICK; Cheney FINALLY got the opportunity to bump-up the value o' his deferred-compensation from Halliburton.

The DICK proved War COULD be profitable....


[ame=]YouTube - ‪US Troops in Iraq talk about Halliburton & KBR‬‏[/ame]


....and, "conservatives" could once, AGAIN, demonstrate their Patriotism!!!!


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The economy created 18,000 jobs 30 months after Obama took office and 54 months after the Democrats took control of congress

When are we going to face the facts, its not working
when is the liberal going to join forces and put a stop to this failing administration and ut a stop to the blame GWB world?
Liberals won't take credit for their downfalls, they are idiots.
History should not be forgotten.

It will always be the truth that Bush gamed the SEC with cronies who held back the protections written into GLB act so that the lenders could have their way with the economy and the housing market.

Why do you hate history being remembered?
Still lying I see. It was clinton, and the dimwits fault for the housing collapse which fueled the market collapse. Wise up idiot.
The problem is you can’t blame Obama, either – not after only two and a half years.

The doctor/patient metaphor is still apropos: if you were shot in the leg and after 30 months still had a limp, whom would you blame, the doctors who are trying to heal you or the person who shot you in the leg? Clearly the latter.

Given the depth and severity of the December 2007 recession and its aftermath, we’ll more then likely be dealing with its effects well into the next administration, and perhaps the one after that.

You can blame Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, say presidents don’t have any effect on economic boom or bust, blame the Tooth Fairy if you like – bottom line, you can’t blame Obama.

And those who still insist on blaming Obama, it’s merely subjective partisan dogma.
The problem is you can’t blame Obama, either – not after only two and a half years.

The doctor/patient metaphor is still apropos: if you were shot in the leg and after 30 months still had a limp, whom would you blame, the doctors who are trying to heal you or the person who shot you in the leg? Clearly the latter.

Given the depth and severity of the December 2007 recession and its aftermath, we’ll more then likely be dealing with its effects well into the next administration, and perhaps the one after that.

You can blame Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, say presidents don’t have any effect on economic boom or bust, blame the Tooth Fairy if you like – bottom line, you can’t blame Obama.

And those who still insist on blaming Obama, it’s merely subjective partisan dogma.
No it is not partisan dogma. Obamaturd has as much responsibility, more, for the current economic woes than the past presidents. To hold him blameless is just more obamaturd but kissing.
History should not be forgotten.

It will always be the truth that Bush gamed the SEC with cronies who held back the protections written into GLB act so that the lenders could have their way with the economy and the housing market.

Why do you hate history being remembered?

I have no issue with history
Why do you have such an issue with the truth?
The way your using it is sad
It has little to no truth and it does nothing to solve the problems we face

The Sec is the securities and exchange
what does that have to do with a person not paying back a loan?
a loan being made to a person that is not qualifies?
there are laws against that in place

There WERE no such laws for these new "products".....and, Phil Gramm made damned sure OF it!!!!

Quit your fuckin' LYING!!!


[ame=]YouTube - ‪"American Casino" - Doc Investigates Roots of the Subprime Mortgage Meltdown 2 of 4‬‏[/ame]​
And now it's DAT BACHMANN's fault too. Looks like she's their new Bugaboo. Expect vicious Left attacks on her children any day now. It is desperate times in Hopey Changey Land for sure. Blaming DA BOOOOOOSH and calling everyone Racists wont be enough for them in 2012. I think they're beginning to see that. So now it's on to blaming DA PALIN & DA BACHMANN for their awful mess. We'll see if people buy that in 2012.

Who the hell is blaming those two nutters for the economy?
You really expected the Teabaggers to stay-on-subject?

History should not be forgotten.

It will always be the truth that Bush gamed the SEC with cronies who held back the protections written into GLB act so that the lenders could have their way with the economy and the housing market.

Why do you hate history being remembered?

Blah, blah blah blah blah blah.

Ok. If history need be remembered.........

- Bill Clinton had Bin Laden literally in a CIA gun's crosshair but wouldn't OK the kill.

- A liberal, FDR, is the only US president to ever round up US citizens, based on NOTHING but RACE, and put them into concentration camps (Japanese and Germans in WW2).

Lets talk more history, shall we?
Lemme guess.....anything, but "Liberals still blaming Bush after 30 months and trillions, when does it stop?s".....right?

Blaming Obama for the state of the economy is like blaming your hangover on the person making you breakfast.

Well, he could start by being business friendly instead of anti bussiness. Ya think?

Still not sure how he's anti-business.

Your dis respect to the navy seals who took out UBL is typical of the liberal
not anti business?
Why is it he is so hell bent on raising taxes on the "rich"
Why are we not allowed to expand on shale oil exploration/extraction and production?
Why is there such a strangle hold on the way we are permitting the construction of new refineries as well as nuclear plants?
shall I go on?
You're eventually gonna get-back to..."Liberals still blaming Bush after 30 months and trillions, when does it stop?s".......right?

And now it's DAT BACHMANN's fault too. Looks like she's their new Bugaboo. Expect vicious Left attacks on her children any day now. It is desperate times in Hopey Changey Land for sure. Blaming DA BOOOOOOSH and calling everyone Racists wont be enough for them in 2012. I think they're beginning to see that. So now it's on to blaming DA PALIN & DA BACHMANN for their awful mess. We'll see if people buy that in 2012.

Who the hell is blaming those two nutters for the economy?

I am still waiting for you to explain how a loan made from a person in a bank to private citizen is the SECs business

You Teabaggers surely do seem to enjoy recreating other peoples' sentiments!!

Ol' Porky (Limbaugh) larned ya' well!!!.....huh?


Quit dancin'-around the (actual) hu$tle.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Mortgage Fraud - Part 6 of 6 - Dateline NBC - Inside the financial fiasco....‬‏[/ame]​

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