Liberals suspend college student for criticising Islam, mexicans, and Baltimore rioters.

This isn't a First Amendment issue as much as it is a cultural issue.

Our colleges have become, amazingly, among the most intolerant, closed-minded, bigoted places in the country.

I never would have thought I'd see that.

Yes, they've always been bastions of say or do whatever the fuck you like. Oh wait, no, that's not true even in the Public Square. Oh well...

Fire!! or mention the word "bomb' in a sentence at an airport or on a plane
Why would I?
It's conservative.
Is it allowed to call Mexicans beaners there?
No. You're confused again. You are the racists, not us.
But that would be a violation of free speech, which is what this thread is all about.

I luv you Ravi, but...

Free speech?

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting ...​
Turn on your sarcasm meter.
This isn't a First Amendment issue as much as it is a cultural issue.

Our colleges have become, amazingly, among the most intolerant, closed-minded, bigoted places in the country.

I never would have thought I'd see that.

You betcha. The Christian college that NotSTMICHAEL is pushing actually has its students pray for harm to come to gay people.
It's conservative.
Is it allowed to call Mexicans beaners there?
No. You're confused again. You are the racists, not us.
But that would be a violation of free speech, which is what this thread is all about.

I luv you Ravi, but...

Free speech?

The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting ...​
Turn on your sarcasm meter.
its on
There are liberals at Texas Christian University?

Regardless - it's a private institution - they can set their own codes for free speech.
Not if they accept federal education subsidies.
what exactly does that mean?

Do you know of an institution of higher learning that was threatened with de-funding if their speech code didn't comply with some imagined standard of yours?

I was wondering about that to. If a school accepts federal student loans - which is what I'm guessing he is talking about - what does that mean for the school? Many private schools have codes of conduct and the religious ones may have religious codes as well.

Bob Jones U is one example - hard core conservative and religious and accepts the federal student loan money as does Texas Christian U.

BJU's student handbook and code of conduct is chock full of restrictions on free speech and behavior: Loans Bob Jones University

...Students are expected to attend all Sunday morning activities of a local
fundamental church. In most cases that will be Sunday school and the Sunday
morning service, plus an additional service during the week—Sunday evening
service, Wednesday evening service or a church shepherding group meeting. A
student may have up to six absences from services each semester for illness or
travel. (Students who serve in Sunday morning nursing home ministries may
consider that activity equivalent to participating in their churches’ Sunday
morning meetings.)...

...Certain types of magazines and catalogs reflect an ungodly philosophy or
pervasive sensuality and are not to be subscribed to, read or downloaded onto
electronic devices. These include fashion, model, teen, body-building,
video/computer game and television/film magazines, such as Esquire, GQ,
People, Entertainment, Yahoo Magazine, Men’s Fitness and ESPN....

Harry told me he regrets the foul language he used – as well as the unintentional Mexican slur “beaner.”

“I did not know that word was such a hurtful word,” he said. “I do regret that one because I do realize that could have caused harm to some people.”

Gee I didn't know that calling people beaners,, sh1theads, and criminals could result in me being responsible for my words...
Texas Christian University is a private institution. It also apparently has a code of conduct that students sign on to when they join.
When students enter Texas Christian University, they take upon themselves certain responsibilities and obligations,
including satisfactory academic performance and social behavior consistent with the mission, philosophy and objectives
of Texas Christian University. Student conduct, therefore, is not considered in isolation within the college community
but as an integral part of the education process. This Code of Student Conduct outlines student behaviors specifically
prohibited at TCU, but is not exhaustive. Any conduct may be considered inappropriate and prohibited if it is inconsistent
with the University’s mission, vision, or core values. Members of the TCU community are committed to personal and
academic integrity, respect, honesty, compassion, and recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all persons. TCU does
not tolerate behavior that contradicts these values. All students are expected to know and abide by this Code of Student

They are also recommended for those looking for a "conservative campus": Conservative Campuses CollegeXpress
Although not necessarily religious, these are colleges where values and morals are prized. There is less partying and more sexual abstention, less diversity in clothing styles and more traditional attitudes among students. Many students have a "Republican/right wing" political orientation and may believe that less government is good, that a strong military is a top priority, and that the federal government should not provide "handouts" to the poor. Some of these colleges have a rigid "core" education with required classes instead of electives.

So....the claim that liberals suspended anyone is likely faux. It's a private institution with a specified Code of Conduct.

People are just whining because a student broke the rules, got suspended, and his message happens to be approved bigotry so it's being called a free speech issue. Free speech doesn't always apply in a private institution.
If it accepts federal education subsidies then it's "code of conduct" is null and void when it conflicts with the student body's constitutional rights. Why is this so hard for you to grasp?

I can't find any evidence that it does - if that is so, please provide info.
Almost certain that it does. Colleges that refuse federal funds, such as Hillsdale, are so rare that it shifts the burden of proof to you to prove it doesn't.

No. It does not shift the burden on me. You seem to think it does - prove it. You're asking me to prove a negative.

Unless you can prove it does then it's a private institution and can do what it wants just like any other private institution.
Wrong! Unless you can prove it's a completely private college that accepts no federal funding, then it's like nearly every other college in the country that must conform to civil rights codes. See, I can do that too. Except your claim is far less likely which means you need to prove it, whether you possess the intelligence to understand it or not.

Read this: Hate Speech on Campus American Civil Liberties Union

From an organization that has successfully defended free speech rights based on colleges being public institutions and required to observe the Bill of Rights.
Texas Christian University is a private institution. It also apparently has a code of conduct that students sign on to when they join.
When students enter Texas Christian University, they take upon themselves certain responsibilities and obligations,
including satisfactory academic performance and social behavior consistent with the mission, philosophy and objectives
of Texas Christian University. Student conduct, therefore, is not considered in isolation within the college community
but as an integral part of the education process. This Code of Student Conduct outlines student behaviors specifically
prohibited at TCU, but is not exhaustive. Any conduct may be considered inappropriate and prohibited if it is inconsistent
with the University’s mission, vision, or core values. Members of the TCU community are committed to personal and
academic integrity, respect, honesty, compassion, and recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all persons. TCU does
not tolerate behavior that contradicts these values. All students are expected to know and abide by this Code of Student

They are also recommended for those looking for a "conservative campus": Conservative Campuses CollegeXpress
Although not necessarily religious, these are colleges where values and morals are prized. There is less partying and more sexual abstention, less diversity in clothing styles and more traditional attitudes among students. Many students have a "Republican/right wing" political orientation and may believe that less government is good, that a strong military is a top priority, and that the federal government should not provide "handouts" to the poor. Some of these colleges have a rigid "core" education with required classes instead of electives.

So....the claim that liberals suspended anyone is likely faux. It's a private institution with a specified Code of Conduct.

People are just whining because a student broke the rules, got suspended, and his message happens to be approved bigotry so it's being called a free speech issue. Free speech doesn't always apply in a private institution.
Ah, another brilliant rejoinder by coyote..."Iikely faux". Right up there with "I imagine" being put out there as a legitimate disputation of facts.
oh no kosher is
Texas Christian University is a private institution. It also apparently has a code of conduct that students sign on to when they join.
When students enter Texas Christian University, they take upon themselves certain responsibilities and obligations,
including satisfactory academic performance and social behavior consistent with the mission, philosophy and objectives
of Texas Christian University. Student conduct, therefore, is not considered in isolation within the college community
but as an integral part of the education process. This Code of Student Conduct outlines student behaviors specifically
prohibited at TCU, but is not exhaustive. Any conduct may be considered inappropriate and prohibited if it is inconsistent
with the University’s mission, vision, or core values. Members of the TCU community are committed to personal and
academic integrity, respect, honesty, compassion, and recognizing the inherent worth and dignity of all persons. TCU does
not tolerate behavior that contradicts these values. All students are expected to know and abide by this Code of Student

They are also recommended for those looking for a "conservative campus": Conservative Campuses CollegeXpress
Although not necessarily religious, these are colleges where values and morals are prized. There is less partying and more sexual abstention, less diversity in clothing styles and more traditional attitudes among students. Many students have a "Republican/right wing" political orientation and may believe that less government is good, that a strong military is a top priority, and that the federal government should not provide "handouts" to the poor. Some of these colleges have a rigid "core" education with required classes instead of electives.

So....the claim that liberals suspended anyone is likely faux. It's a private institution with a specified Code of Conduct.

People are just whining because a student broke the rules, got suspended, and his message happens to be approved bigotry so it's being called a free speech issue. Free speech doesn't always apply in a private institution.
Ah, another brilliant rejoinder by coyote..."Iikely faux". Right up there with "I imagine" being put out there as a legitimate disputation of facts.
Kosher hag feigning intellectual discourse again.
There are liberals at Texas Christian University?

Regardless - it's a private institution - they can set their own codes for free speech.
Not if they accept federal education subsidies.
what exactly does that mean?

Do you know of an institution of higher learning that was threatened with de-funding if their speech code didn't comply with some imagined standard of yours?

I was wondering about that to. If a school accepts federal student loans - which is what I'm guessing he is talking about - what does that mean for the school? Many private schools have codes of conduct and the religious ones may have religious codes as well.

Bob Jones U is one example - hard core conservative and religious and accepts the federal student loan money as does Texas Christian U.

BJU's student handbook and code of conduct is chock full of restrictions on free speech and behavior: Loans Bob Jones University

...Students are expected to attend all Sunday morning activities of a local
fundamental church. In most cases that will be Sunday school and the Sunday
morning service, plus an additional service during the week—Sunday evening
service, Wednesday evening service or a church shepherding group meeting. A
student may have up to six absences from services each semester for illness or
travel. (Students who serve in Sunday morning nursing home ministries may
consider that activity equivalent to participating in their churches’ Sunday
morning meetings.)...

...Certain types of magazines and catalogs reflect an ungodly philosophy or
pervasive sensuality and are not to be subscribed to, read or downloaded onto
electronic devices. These include fashion, model, teen, body-building,
video/computer game and television/film magazines, such as Esquire, GQ,
People, Entertainment, Yahoo Magazine, Men’s Fitness and ESPN....
This isn't a First Amendment issue as much as it is a cultural issue.

Our colleges have become, amazingly, among the most intolerant, closed-minded, bigoted places in the country.

I never would have thought I'd see that..
Yes, they've always been bastions of say or do whatever the fuck you like. Oh wait, no, that's not true even in the Public Square. Oh well...
I can understand that you would like what has happened.

For me, it's sad to see.

What's sad is people not understanding that he can say whatever the fuck he likes on the sidewalk, when not affiliated with the school, but that the school has rules and if you break them they come down on you like a ton of bricks. I swear to God none of you ever got spanked and sent to your room for what you said? Time and a place people, time and a place. And Free Speech you have but it doesn't mean you won't get your little ass kicked. Learn it.
This isn't a First Amendment issue as much as it is a cultural issue.

Our colleges have become, amazingly, among the most intolerant, closed-minded, bigoted places in the country.

I never would have thought I'd see that..
Yes, they've always been bastions of say or do whatever the fuck you like. Oh wait, no, that's not true even in the Public Square. Oh well...
I can understand that you would like what has happened.

For me, it's sad to see.

What's sad is people not understanding that he can say whatever the fuck he likes on the sidewalk, when not affiliated with the school, but that the school has rules and if you break them they come down on you like a ton of bricks. I swear to God none of you ever got spanked and sent to your room for what you said? Time and a place people, time and a place. And Free Speech you have but it doesn't mean you won't get your little ass kicked. Learn it.
Seems these conservodicks can't or don't grasp the concept that their free speech rights end where other peoples begin.
I'd be finding another university to attend. But so many are run by liberals it might be a little difficult to find one that won't punish you for your opinions.
Grove City College, about an hour north of Pittsburgh, PA. Check it out.
This isn't a First Amendment issue as much as it is a cultural issue.

Our colleges have become, amazingly, among the most intolerant, closed-minded, bigoted places in the country.

I never would have thought I'd see that..
Yes, they've always been bastions of say or do whatever the fuck you like. Oh wait, no, that's not true even in the Public Square. Oh well...
I can understand that you would like what has happened.

For me, it's sad to see.

What's sad is people not understanding that he can say whatever the fuck he likes on the sidewalk, when not affiliated with the school, but that the school has rules and if you break them they come down on you like a ton of bricks. I swear to God none of you ever got spanked and sent to your room for what you said? Time and a place people, time and a place. And Free Speech you have but it doesn't mean you won't get your little ass kicked. Learn it.
You're pretending the "ass kicker" has no choice but to do it.

They could just live and let live, or engage that person in debate, but they choose not to.

I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it.

This isn't a First Amendment issue as much as it is a cultural issue.

Our colleges have become, amazingly, among the most intolerant, closed-minded, bigoted places in the country.

I never would have thought I'd see that..
Yes, they've always been bastions of say or do whatever the fuck you like. Oh wait, no, that's not true even in the Public Square. Oh well...
I can understand that you would like what has happened.

For me, it's sad to see.

What's sad is people not understanding that he can say whatever the fuck he likes on the sidewalk, when not affiliated with the school, but that the school has rules and if you break them they come down on you like a ton of bricks. I swear to God none of you ever got spanked and sent to your room for what you said? Time and a place people, time and a place. And Free Speech you have but it doesn't mean you won't get your little ass kicked. Learn it.
Seems these conservodicks can't or don't grasp the concept that their free speech rights end where other peoples begin.
Your 7th-grade name-calling notwithstanding, I'm not a conservative.

I simply don't like the way you folks choose to use your rights to shut up and intimidate and punish others just for expressing themselves.

You choose to do that, you don't have to.


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