Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

A distinction without a difference to the 85 year old who has a shortfall and cannot pay the rise in cost.

What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.

I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..

Oh, and fuck you.
What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.

I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..

Oh, and fuck you.

Where did I acquire any duty to someone I never even met and may not even like?
Debt's 18 trillion. How much comes in via taxes each year? If not at least a couple trillion no way in 15 years. And that's with very simplified math. Annual budgets are about 2 trillion a year, so if not bringing in that 2 trillion plus some more to pay off the debt you're not paying off the debt. And paying it down doesn't mean you're paying it off, interest continues to accrue. You're convincing dumb people you're paying it off, but not anyone with a calculator or you know, an 80IQ or above. :)
FY2013 revenue: $2774B
FY2013 spending:: $3454B
FY2013 entitlement spending: $2338B - 84% of revenue.
FY2000 entitlement spending: 50.1% of revenue
Since FY2000, revenue increased 136%
Since FY200, entitlement spending increased 226%
There's the problem and there's why there will never be a solution.

Yup. So long as we spend more every year than we bring in the fact we could never pay off the debt looms large in many minds. And pretending we can pay it off if we cut back a few million here, a few million there is something only stupid people try who don't get the difference between millions and billions and trillions. Cutting NASA's budget from 50 billion to 10 so we can pay down our debt isn't gonna pay down the debt. 40 billion comapred to the debt doesn't pay off any of the principle, just some of the interest.

Using the above figures, if we could, and reduced government spending to zero it'd still take a generation to pay off the debt (and then some.) That's the kinda numbers we're talking about. Cutting back doesn't get it done. It's simply, literally, and irrefutably impossible to pay off the debt. Not that you'd want to of course, some debt is healthy, just not this much. Nor making the claim you're paying off the debt so cutting your kids' music class in their school is what you're doing.

If we can find 1.5 trillion for the F-35, we can send every undergrad to school for 4 years at 50k/year 3 times over for the cost of that plane.
And those undergrads can't find jobs and have to move in with their parents.
What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.

I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..

Oh, and fuck you.

You still haven't answered the question, and you never will because you know your answer is the same as mine.
It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.

I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..

Oh, and fuck you.

You still haven't answered the question, and you never will because you know your answer is the same as mine.

Not at all, the answer is you and your family will be taken care of by other Americans if the shit hits the fan effecting you.

I don't know where you live, but I live in Earthquake Country and in 1906 my grandfather lived on Dupont St. in San Francisco, now Grant Ave. He and his two brothers, their mom and dad lived in a tent in Golden Gate Park for months, provided by the US Army which provided the tents within days of the earthquake and fire.

Our county has EQ faults in the center of the fly over states, we have tornado alley, perfect storms hitting the east coast and New England, the threat of a major volcanic events in Oregon & Washington; and the potential for a cataclysmic event impacting Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, which may impact the entire earth.

No man is an Island, only fools and Libertarians believe so.
I believe my post wondered if the cost to provide for the care of senior citizens may have risen 8% and the Republicans only wanted to fund up to 5%, which is effectively a cut, that is the seniors would need to pay more.

I won't accuse you of not being honest, but I suspect you allow your biases to interfere with you comprehension.

In the interest of being accurate, an increase from year to year is simply not a "cut". It can be described as a shortfall, but it is not a cut. A cut is a decrease from year to year.

A distinction without a difference to the 85 year old who has a shortfall and cannot pay the rise in cost.

What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Because your family might be in the ticks position one day?
In the interest of being accurate, an increase from year to year is simply not a "cut". It can be described as a shortfall, but it is not a cut. A cut is a decrease from year to year.

A distinction without a difference to the 85 year old who has a shortfall and cannot pay the rise in cost.

What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Because your family might be in the ticks position one day?

No, he thinks not (thinks? Ummm) believes differently.
In the interest of being accurate, an increase from year to year is simply not a "cut". It can be described as a shortfall, but it is not a cut. A cut is a decrease from year to year.

A distinction without a difference to the 85 year old who has a shortfall and cannot pay the rise in cost.

What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Because your family might be in the ticks position one day?

No, that will never happen. People are almost always born ticks or productive members of society. Anyone who has worked his entire life will never end up poor and will always be able to get a job of some kind.
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What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?
It's all about establishing priorities.
Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?
Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.
I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..
You clearly do not understand your own position or the reasoned objection -- indeed, the only rational response - to it.
You want to FORCE people to have empathy for the less fortunate, and FORCE people to provide goods and services to the less fortunate without compensation.
You, and self-confessed bigots like you, support state-enforced involuntary servitude, you hate freedom - and there's no way to soundly argue otherwise.
And you STILL have not answered his question.
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Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.

I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..

Oh, and fuck you.

You still haven't answered the question, and you never will because you know your answer is the same as mine.

Not at all, the answer is you and your family will be taken care of by other Americans if the shit hits the fan effecting you.

I don't know where you live, but I live in Earthquake Country and in 1906 my grandfather lived on Dupont St. in San Francisco, now Grant Ave. He and his two brothers, their mom and dad lived in a tent in Golden Gate Park for months, provided by the US Army which provided the tents within days of the earthquake and fire.

Our county has EQ faults in the center of the fly over states, we have tornado alley, perfect storms hitting the east coast and New England, the threat of a major volcanic events in Oregon & Washington; and the potential for a cataclysmic event impacting Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, which may impact the entire earth.

No man is an Island, only fools and Libertarians believe so.

If you live in an earthquake zone, then you have no one to blame but yourself if such a disaster should occur. The same goes for hurricane zones and tornado zones. If the volcano under Yellowstone ever goes off, we'll all be dead, so that's a moot point. The reason insurance was invented was to provide a contingency in the case of such events. If you don't have any, you know who to blame.

Furthermore, we really aren't discussing the victims of natural disasters. We're discussing the victims of self-created disasters. We're talking about people who couldn't bother to pay attention in school and graduated without learning how to read, or people who didn't graduate at all. We're mostly talking about irresponsible young girls who couldn't keep their legs together and couldn't be bothered with birth control. I don't feel the slightest obligation to alleviate their plight. In fact, the more they suffer the better to teach other young girls a valuable lesson.
Not at all, the answer is you and your family will be taken care of by other Americans if the shit hits the fan effecting you.
This is a response, it is not an answer; it is as effective as responding "orange" to the question of "what is 2+2?"..
He asked for a reason as to why the welfare of his family should be subordinate to the welfare of some other, and, by extension, why the state should enforce this subordination.
A distinction without a difference to the 85 year old who has a shortfall and cannot pay the rise in cost.

What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Because your family might be in the ticks position one day?

No, that will never happen. People are almost always born ticks or productive members of society. Anyone who has worked his entire life will never end up poor and will always be able to get a job of some kind.

I've seen the opposite of what you said happen quite often. Poor health, injuries, and the aging process happens.
Fucking Republicans explode spending inflation prices & destroy the US dollar!!!

95% of all Republican members of congress & all their 2012 candidates signed pledge vowing to Destroy the US Dollar & Skyrocket Inflation!

Republicans explode spending inflation prices & destroy the US dollar!!!

Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending
But Republicans don't want spending cuts.

They want to add to the deficit by eliminating the medical device tax.

They want to add to the deficit by increasing military spending.

They want to increase the deficit by repealing Obamacare.

The list is long - I'm not going to waste my time just so you can ignore it.
Not at all, the answer is you and your family will be taken care of by other Americans if the shit hits the fan effecting you.
This is a response, it is not an answer; it is as effective as responding "orange" to the question of "what is 2+2?"..
He asked for a reason as to why the welfare of his family should be subordinate to the welfare of some other, and, by extension, why the state should enforce this subordination.

You really are stupid. I feel bad writing, "Fuck you" to someone as mentally challenged as you seem to be. Seem to be 'cause I'm pretty sure you're simply being a dishonest jerk, thus, Fuck you.
A distinction without a difference to the 85 year old who has a shortfall and cannot pay the rise in cost.

What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?

Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.
It's all about establishing priorities.
Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?
Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.
I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..
You clearly do not understand your own position or the reasoned objection -- indeed, the only rational response - to it.
You want to FORCE people to have empathy for the less fortunate, and FORCE people to provide goods and services to the less fortunate without compensation.
You, and self-confessed bigots like you, support state-enforced involuntary servitude, you hate freedom - and there's no way to soundly argue otherwise.
And you STILL have not answered his question.

Ever heard of Social Contract Theory?

  1. Social contract theory (SCT), nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that a persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.
By accepting the benefits of our society, you have tacitly agreed to be bound to and obey our laws and pay the taxes. It's really that simple.

Your philosophy is almost as old as SCT and is inscribed in several of the Deadly Sins.

See: The Seven Capital Sins
What makes you libturds assume that taxpayers can automatically afford to pay the cost of all these programs?

It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?

Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?
Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?
You didn't answer his question.
No one is surprised.
I'm not surprised a callous conservative libertarian leaning piece of shit like you, and the piece of shit anarchist, feel no duty and have no empathy to our senior citizens or any other American citizens..
You clearly do not understand your own position or the reasoned objection -- indeed, the only rational response - to it.
You want to FORCE people to have empathy for the less fortunate, and FORCE people to provide goods and services to the less fortunate without compensation.
You, and self-confessed bigots like you, support state-enforced involuntary servitude, you hate freedom - and there's no way to soundly argue otherwise.
And you STILL have not answered his question.

Ever heard of Social Contract Theory?

  1. Social contract theory (SCT), nearly as old as philosophy itself, is the view that a persons' moral and/or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement among them to form the society in which they live.
By accepting the benefits of our society, you have tacitly agreed to be bound to and obey our laws and pay the taxes. It's really that simple.

Your philosophy is almost as old as SCT and is inscribed in several of the Deadly Sins.

See: The Seven Capital Sins

The social contract is a myth. It doesn't exist.

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