Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

Spending can be cut, start with the DOD. It's not the cutting, it's what you want to cut. The Fed budget is roughly 3,500 billion. Find that cash and tell us how much you are going to save?

And you can also grow the economy and raise taxes. You are off and running.

US Federal Budget Definition - Spending Breakdown Deficit Debt Pie Chart

Lolberals ALWAYS point first (and all but exclusively) to DEFENSE Spending as a Pavlovian reaction to ANY discussion about cutting Federal Spending.

The poor deluded tools cannot seem to grasp that their ENDLESS desire to SPEND SPEND SPEND has consequences that will eventually kill the golden goose.

If conservatives would AGREE to "cut" defense spending (using management tools and proper accounting and oversight as tools to massively cut waste and needless duplications, for example), I'd LOVE to hear what the liberals would agree to cut from NON DEFENSE spending.
It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?

Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.

That's the definition of a parasite. Who defines who's a parasite? The one you ridicule may have sometime in his past risked his life for others and his country- built up a business and then lost it to poor health. You haven't come across this idea in all those thousands of books you read? How about "No man is an island unto himself"?
It's all about establishing priorities.

Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?

Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.
Why should the welfare of some tick on the ass of society take priority over my family's welfare?

Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?

Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
Are you suggesting the 85 year old man in the example above is a "tick on the ass of society"?

Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.
Strictly speaking, yes he is. He produces nothing and the taxpayers pay his bills.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
Spending can be cut, start with the DOD. It's not the cutting, it's what you want to cut. The Fed budget is roughly 3,500 billion. Find that cash and tell us how much you are going to save?

And you can also grow the economy and raise taxes. You are off and running.

US Federal Budget Definition - Spending Breakdown Deficit Debt Pie Chart

Lolberals ALWAYS point first (and all but exclusively) to DEFENSE Spending as a Pavlovian reaction to ANY discussion about cutting Federal Spending.

The poor deluded tools cannot seem to grasp that their ENDLESS desire to SPEND SPEND SPEND has consequences that will eventually kill the golden goose.

If conservatives would AGREE to "cut" defense spending (using management tools and proper accounting and oversight as tools to massively cut waste and needless duplications, for example), I'd LOVE to hear what the liberals would agree to cut from NON DEFENSE spending.

Not all liberals point first and all but exclusively to defense spending when the 'bell' rings on spending debates. Some of us point out the Congress has never - in my experience, correct me if I'm wrong - cut their own salary, benefits, staff or other perks. Leadership by exampe seems an unknown art to them.

The problem with our budget is the undue influence of special interests on legislation in the Congress, State Legislatures, and even county and city councils. Special Interests, with plenty of money, exacerbated the problem with recent Supreme Court split decisions making the restriction of money in politics unconstitutional.

LIEability, for all of his pretense, hit the nail off center but drove the point home, crooked, but home. The Golden Goose is in jeopardy because the Congress, Executive and Judicial Branches of our government are owned by the Plutocrats, and thus the once and no more democratic institutions will no longer protect capitalism from the capitalists.
It's become obvious that you believe the world began the moment you were born.

Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.
Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
Wrong. I have read enough history books to make a stack about 3 stories tall. I simply note the facts. The definition of a parasite is a creature that produces nothing and lives by sucking nourishment from other living creatures.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

BTW, Joe, you're the scumbag. You're the one who wants to loot what other people have earned. Also, working to pay your bills isn't "making an investment in your country." What makes his labor any more deserving than mine?

sleazy demagogues like you use all kinds of emotionally laden terms that really don't mean jack squat.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

BTW, Joe, you're the scumbag. You're the one who wants to loot what other people have earned. Also, working to pay your bills isn't "making an investment in your country." What makes his labor any more deserving than mine?

Guys such as you like to use all kinds of emotionally laden terms that really don't mean jack squat.
I'm more than happy to contribute to the general welfare - in addition to supporting my own family. Most decent people are.
No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

BTW, Joe, you're the scumbag. You're the one who wants to loot what other people have earned. Also, working to pay your bills isn't "making an investment in your country." What makes his labor any more deserving than mine?

Guys such as you like to use all kinds of emotionally laden terms that really don't mean jack squat.
I'm more than happy to contribute to the general welfare - in addition to supporting my own family. Most decent people are.

You're a fool. Welfare doesn't promote the general welfare. It positively harms the general welfare. The same goes for Social Security. And I'm not being asked to "contribute." I'm compelled to pay or the government will use force against me. Treating government transfer payments like they are some kind of charity is the sham of the century. Only con artists agree with it.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
I'm sure you'll never fess up but I think I know exactly the type of person you are and how 'hard' you've worked for what you have. When I worked in defense, all the program managers were cut out of the same cloth. Supreme assholes who made it through engineering school and a wing and a prayer, never having even the faintest desire to learn anything that wouldn't get them a few points on a test. Then after suffering through several years of incompetently functioning as an engineer, management decided that they'd kissed enough ass to be thrown a management bone. At that point, the ass kissing became the defining feature of their career and a new douchebag was born. I'll bet a million dollars that's you.
Liberals Think We're Jerks For Wanting To Control Spending

the majority of voters just see you (whoever you are) as jerks, period.
No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
I'm sure you'll never fess up but I think I know exactly the type of person you are and how 'hard' you've worked for what you have. When I worked in defense, all the program managers were cut out of the same cloth. Supreme assholes who made it through engineering school and a wing and a prayer, never having even the faintest desire to learn anything that wouldn't get them a few points on a test. Then after suffering through several years of incompetently functioning as an engineer, management decided that they'd kissed enough ass to be thrown a management bone. At that point, the ass kissing became the defining feature of their career and a new douchebag was born. I'll bet a million dollars that's you.

Hmmmmm, that sounds like resentment and sour grapes. Got passed over for management, did you?

If you have ever managed people, you'd know it's no bed of Roses. Frankly, it sucks. You have people below you whining all the time, and people above you whining all the time. You have very little actual power. Everyone thinks you're a chump because you expect them to do their jobs and produce. On top of all that you're the first one to get cut when the lay-offs come around.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
I'm sure you'll never fess up but I think I know exactly the type of person you are and how 'hard' you've worked for what you have. When I worked in defense, all the program managers were cut out of the same cloth. Supreme assholes who made it through engineering school and a wing and a prayer, never having even the faintest desire to learn anything that wouldn't get them a few points on a test. Then after suffering through several years of incompetently functioning as an engineer, management decided that they'd kissed enough ass to be thrown a management bone. At that point, the ass kissing became the defining feature of their career and a new douchebag was born. I'll bet a million dollars that's you.

Hmmmmm, that sounds like resentment and sour grapes. Got passed over for management, did you?

If you have ever managed people, you'd know it's no bed of Roses. Frankly, it sucks. You have people below you whining all the time, and people above you whining all the time. You have very little actual power. Everyone thinks you're a chump because you expect them to do their jobs and produce. On top of all that you're the first one to get cut when the lay-offs come around.

I was directly over 43 people. I loved it, they loved working for me, Two weeks after I retired 27 of them quit and went to the competition.... You must have really sucked. People see through your stupidity and resent you don't they?
He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
I'm sure you'll never fess up but I think I know exactly the type of person you are and how 'hard' you've worked for what you have. When I worked in defense, all the program managers were cut out of the same cloth. Supreme assholes who made it through engineering school and a wing and a prayer, never having even the faintest desire to learn anything that wouldn't get them a few points on a test. Then after suffering through several years of incompetently functioning as an engineer, management decided that they'd kissed enough ass to be thrown a management bone. At that point, the ass kissing became the defining feature of their career and a new douchebag was born. I'll bet a million dollars that's you.

Hmmmmm, that sounds like resentment and sour grapes. Got passed over for management, did you?

If you have ever managed people, you'd know it's no bed of Roses. Frankly, it sucks. You have people below you whining all the time, and people above you whining all the time. You have very little actual power. Everyone thinks you're a chump because you expect them to do their jobs and produce. On top of all that you're the first one to get cut when the lay-offs come around.

I was directly over 43 people. I loved it, they loved working for me, Two weeks after I retired 27 of them quit and went to the competition.... You must have really sucked. People see through your stupidity and resent you don't they?

You just got done calling managers a bunch of assholes. But we're supposed to believe you were "special" somehow.
That 85 year old has probably produced more in his life than you ever will. You want to kick him to the curb because he's not in his prime any longer? That's pretty much the definition of a sociopath.

No matter what he did, he is currently a parasite. He's living off of what others produce. If he was living off his own savings, that would be a different story. If you want to pay his bills, be my guest.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.

The only thing clear is bripat is full of crap. He may have worked hard, but some of us worked smart, and had time to raise a family, volunteer in the community and retire at age 57 with an annual income the year I retired more than I made while employed.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
I'm sure you'll never fess up but I think I know exactly the type of person you are and how 'hard' you've worked for what you have. When I worked in defense, all the program managers were cut out of the same cloth. Supreme assholes who made it through engineering school and a wing and a prayer, never having even the faintest desire to learn anything that wouldn't get them a few points on a test. Then after suffering through several years of incompetently functioning as an engineer, management decided that they'd kissed enough ass to be thrown a management bone. At that point, the ass kissing became the defining feature of their career and a new douchebag was born. I'll bet a million dollars that's you.

Hmmmmm, that sounds like resentment and sour grapes. Got passed over for management, did you?

If you have ever managed people, you'd know it's no bed of Roses. Frankly, it sucks. You have people below you whining all the time, and people above you whining all the time. You have very little actual power. Everyone thinks you're a chump because you expect them to do their jobs and produce. On top of all that you're the first one to get cut when the lay-offs come around.

One of the easiest jobs I had was as manager, only one assignment sucked and that was running IA. The best advice I got when first promoted was two-fold: You have two ears, two eyes, two nostrils and only one mouth for a reason; and, interview everyone twice, at least two days apart, and don't make a judgment until you have. I bet finder boy didn't get such good advice and if he did, he ignored it.
I find it truly sad that you can't see that he contributed to the welfare of many others during his productive life. That's what decent people did. It's what decent people still do. Now, he expects a little payback and you want to completely discount his previous contributions.

It's an interesting glimpse into the psyche of a personality type that I really don't understand or respect but that seems to be becoming increasingly prevalent.

He's already been paid for his services. That's what we call a "wage" or a "salary." Why should he get paid twice?

The bottom line: There is no ethical or moral justification for forcing anyone to pay this man's bills.
He made an investment in his country at a time when he probably couldn't imagine that scumbags like you actually existed. You don't seem to realize that whatever investments you've made in your career, 401k, stocks etc could become worthless at a time when you're incapable of making any type of adjustment. I hope you'll at least have the decency of 'off' yourself rather than burdening anyone else.

If my investments become worthless, that's my problem. Why should it become someone else's problem? What's clear is that neither you nor Wry Catcher believe in a concept called "personal responsibility." You think the smarter more responsible people are obligated to pay the bills of everyone who was stupid, irresponsible or the victim of bad luck.

Don't think I haven't experienced my share of hard luck. I could spend all day crying about all the bad breaks I've gotten, but I've worked like a borrowed mule to keep my head above water, and I don't believe anyone else is entitled to anything I've earned.
I'm sure you'll never fess up but I think I know exactly the type of person you are and how 'hard' you've worked for what you have. When I worked in defense, all the program managers were cut out of the same cloth. Supreme assholes who made it through engineering school and a wing and a prayer, never having even the faintest desire to learn anything that wouldn't get them a few points on a test. Then after suffering through several years of incompetently functioning as an engineer, management decided that they'd kissed enough ass to be thrown a management bone. At that point, the ass kissing became the defining feature of their career and a new douchebag was born. I'll bet a million dollars that's you.

Hmmmmm, that sounds like resentment and sour grapes. Got passed over for management, did you?

If you have ever managed people, you'd know it's no bed of Roses. Frankly, it sucks. You have people below you whining all the time, and people above you whining all the time. You have very little actual power. Everyone thinks you're a chump because you expect them to do their jobs and produce. On top of all that you're the first one to get cut when the lay-offs come around.
I really never had much interest in management. I've got a nice R&D/product development gig that I've found satisfying. My main beef is bad management. Big, sweeping changes based on a very simplistic understanding of problems and processes followed by knee-jerk reactions when those decisions prove disastrous.

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