Liberals Understand Human Nature.....Not.

The contents of this video is an example of diseased America:

O'Reilly hits it outta the park!

Liberals have destroyed the black family...and are using same to destroy the entire nation.

I wish I had faith that anything could reverse the slide into the abyss.

You can always go back to where you came from if it's so bad here. Please do.

Gee....a Liberal, unable to win in the marketplace of ideas, wants opposing ideas eliminated and/or exiled.
How unusual.

Seig heil, you fascist.

If my ideas weren't winning you wouldn't hate this place so much, so get your little Korean ass back on the boat to home where it belongs.

I love getting under your skin.....

....but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?

News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.
This Liberal bloviation re: 'noble savages,' and the fake science of environmentalism, is an excellent representation of the lies on which Liberalism is built.

9. "
Many people believe that tribal or indigenous people live in harmony with the environment, and that they have a more "holistic", more spiritual, and far less materialistic, approach to nature than modern Westerners. A barrage of writings, films, television programmes as well as the statements of indigenous people themselves reinforce this belief -- and its corollary that an appropriate relationship between humans and the natural environment requires radical changes in Western culture in order to incorporate tribal wisdom.

... if the environmentalists' depictions of indigenous cultures were accurate and fair, attempts to encourage similar cultural developments in Western societies might be defensible and constructive. But the depictions are mostly fantasy.

For one thing, they frequently depend on a revealing naïvety about the relation between stated ideals and actual behaviour amongst non-Western peoples. No environmentalist would be willing to argue that the behaviour of all Christians through the ages has reflected the altruism and compassion of the New Testament, yet they seem willing to make such generalisations when it comes to other cultures. "

There are literally dozens of such phony and math-based ideas that one must swallow unquestioningly in order to be a Liberals.

Since even the most rudimentary introspection would reveal them to be false....
...only one possible conclusion about Liberals is possible:

O'Reilly hits it outta the park!

Liberals have destroyed the black family...and are using same to destroy the entire nation.

I wish I had faith that anything could reverse the slide into the abyss.
You can always go back to where you came from if it's so bad here. Please do.

Gee....a Liberal, unable to win in the marketplace of ideas, wants opposing ideas eliminated and/or exiled.
How unusual.

Seig heil, you fascist.
If my ideas weren't winning you wouldn't hate this place so much, so get your little Korean ass back on the boat to home where it belongs.

I love getting under your skin.....

....but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?
News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.

Reality is defined by actions, not by wordsl

And your actions....three posts in a thread in which you have commented on not one item posted.

Only on lil' ol' me.

Under your skin?

You betcha'!!
You can always go back to where you came from if it's so bad here. Please do.

Gee....a Liberal, unable to win in the marketplace of ideas, wants opposing ideas eliminated and/or exiled.
How unusual.

Seig heil, you fascist.
If my ideas weren't winning you wouldn't hate this place so much, so get your little Korean ass back on the boat to home where it belongs.

I love getting under your skin.....

....but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?
News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.

Reality is defined by actions, not by wordsl

And your actions....three posts in a thread in which you have commented on not one item posted.

Only on lil' ol' me.

Under your skin?

You betcha'!!
Words are cheap little gook. I can drop them off all day long and they mean not a goddamned thing. Yours certainly never do...
10. Liberals, and they make up the majority of environmentalists, live in a world of fantasy. Let's put the "Noble Savage" in with Santa and his children's story books.

"... environmentalists "who are involved in dealings with Aboriginal people in conservation matters will become quickly disillusioned. One has only to camp in the bush with Aboriginal people in many areas and see children cutting down any and everything in sight to appreciate this".
"Aborigines and conservationism: the Daintree-Bloomfield road", Australian Journal of Social Issues, volume 24, 1989, page 220.

"... the Aranda of the Central Australian desert responded to the times of plenty that followed heavy rains: Animals were slaughtered ruthlessly, and only the best and fattest parts of the killed game were eaten; every tree was stripped bare of its fruits, and all that were unripe and tasteless were tossed away ... " Strehlow, Aranda Traditions, Melbourne, 1947, pages 49-50

"....American Indians displayed a similar lack of sensitivity to the "complex web of life". The Sioux, as Daniel Guthrie has noted, "showed no qualms about driving a herd of buffalo over a cliff or about starting a range fire to drive the buffalo". And when buffalo were plentiful, often only the choicest parts were eaten, with the rest of the kill being left to rot --Dances with Wolves notwithstanding. " "Primitive man's relationship to nature",Bioscience, volume 21, 1971, page 722.

" In the Pacific Islands, the archaeological record shows that an enormous number of birds became extinct before European contact, but after settlement by the ancestors of contemporary indigenous populations. In many parts of the Pacific more species of land birds became extinct than survive today as a consequence of pre-European contact forest-clearing, hunting, and predation by the mammals which the islanders brought with them. " D.W. Steadman, "Extinction of birds in Eastern Polynesia: a review of the record, and comparisons with other Pacific Island groups",Journal of Archaeological Science, volume 16, 1989.

So....if the concept of the 'noble savage' is bogus....then the doctrinal basis for the French Revolution, and the later Russian and other communist revolutions is equally incorrect.....

People are as they always have been....and will always be.
Human nature is neither malleable, nor perfectible.
There is no basis for totalitarian regimes- and this includes Liberal/Progressive, other than to end liberty and freedom.

Bye, bye, Jean Jacques Rousseau....
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Gee....a Liberal, unable to win in the marketplace of ideas, wants opposing ideas eliminated and/or exiled.
How unusual.

Seig heil, you fascist.
If my ideas weren't winning you wouldn't hate this place so much, so get your little Korean ass back on the boat to home where it belongs.

I love getting under your skin.....

....but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?
News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.

Reality is defined by actions, not by wordsl

And your actions....three posts in a thread in which you have commented on not one item posted.

Only on lil' ol' me.

Under your skin?

You betcha'!!
Words are cheap little gook. I can drop them off all day long and they mean not a goddamned thing. Yours certainly never do...

See what I mean?
Here you are again.....aggravated, irritated, frustrated.

I love it.
Human nature's best characterized by Republicans.

-get ahead by any means
-all for me, none for you
-do what you will, just don't get caught

That sounds like the Clintons, bub.
The childish ideas about 'Native Americans' are accepted unquestioningly by Liberals and other wishful-thinkers.

11. "Primitive people everywhere have become the saints of the environmental movement.In canonizing them, the movement has created an image that bears little resemblance to real primitive people. This reinvention of the primitive world is the heart of environmental theology and "science."

Primitives have become the gold standard of the environmental movement. Against that standard it measures the values and achievements of our society....and condemns industrial society for putting itself above, or 'transcending' nature."
Kaufman, "No Turning Back"

a. "The environmental holocaust will only be averted, according to this argument, when we are humble enough tosit at the feet of tribal peoples and absorb their wisdom."
"Wild in Woods: The Myth of the Noble Eco-Savage," by Robert Whelan, p. 21

12. "There are three major reasons for treating with great scepticism claims that indigenous people's supposed reverence for nature provide an appropriate model for Westerners to follow.

First, some of the accounts on which the claims are based are fraudulent. The most egregious instance is Chief Seattle's speech, whose lofty words seem to provide such strong support for the kind of depiction that environmentalists prize.

["Whatever befalls the earth befalls the son of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

All things share the same breath - the beast, the tree, the man... the air shares its spirit with all the life it supports." Google

It was actually written in 1970-71 by the scriptwriter of an environmental film produced by the Southern Baptist Radio and Television Commission in the United States, and is therefore a product, not of traditional American Indian values, but of current North American ones. ... it was a work of fiction but still presented it as authentic. And people familiar with the geography and history of the Northwest United States -- as one might reasonably expect North American environmentalists with intellectual pretensions to be -- should have been able to recognise that some of Seattle's "observations" could not have occurred. (14)"

"a work of fiction but still presented it as authentic."

So, to is Liberalism.
If my ideas weren't winning you wouldn't hate this place so much, so get your little Korean ass back on the boat to home where it belongs.

I love getting under your skin.....

....but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?
News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.

Reality is defined by actions, not by wordsl

And your actions....three posts in a thread in which you have commented on not one item posted.

Only on lil' ol' me.

Under your skin?

You betcha'!!
Words are cheap little gook. I can drop them off all day long and they mean not a goddamned thing. Yours certainly never do...

See what I mean?
Here you are again.....aggravated, irritated, frustrated.

I love it.
None of the above my stupid gook.
What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
James Madison

Progs would disagree with this assessment. Progs would say that human nature is evil, therefore, law after law needs to be passed to curb this evil. Evil that may be committed by lawmakers are simply collateral damage, losses that need to be absorbed.

Really the great evil is free will. The goal is to curb such will via the bureaucracy.

A utopia is said to be within reach if only the individual surrenders more of his liberty and being for the general good, meaning the good as prescribed by the state. If he refuses, he will be tormented and ultimately coerced into compliance, for conformity is essential and leads to our collective salvation.
Religion is the worst breeder of collectivism on earth.
I love getting under your skin.....

....but isn't this when you are usually shedding it?
News for ya Korean girl, you couldn't get under my skin if I gave you a carving knife and taught you how to use it. I just enjoy insulting your gook ass who does nothing but complain about a country they weren't even born in while rejecting the very thing that founded it. You are the dumb bitch complaining that it's hot and smelly while standing in the sauna of your own piss. Whatever country you should be in, this isn't it and you are an American in name only.

Reality is defined by actions, not by wordsl

And your actions....three posts in a thread in which you have commented on not one item posted.

Only on lil' ol' me.

Under your skin?

You betcha'!!
Words are cheap little gook. I can drop them off all day long and they mean not a goddamned thing. Yours certainly never do...

See what I mean?
Here you are again.....aggravated, irritated, frustrated.

I love it.
None of the above my stupid gook.

Face it....I beat you like scissors beats paper.

I'm smarter than you are, and, worse.....shred Liberalism every day.
Hate it, huh?

Expect more.
Ulcer in store.
What is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
James Madison

Progs would disagree with this assessment. Progs would say that human nature is evil, therefore, law after law needs to be passed to curb this evil. Evil that may be committed by lawmakers are simply collateral damage, losses that need to be absorbed.

Really the great evil is free will. The goal is to curb such will via the bureaucracy.

A utopia is said to be within reach if only the individual surrenders more of his liberty and being for the general good, meaning the good as prescribed by the state. If he refuses, he will be tormented and ultimately coerced into compliance, for conformity is essential and leads to our collective salvation.
Religion is the worst breeder of collectivism on earth.

So you don't understand the meaning of even small words, like "worst"?

You're so stupid you'd steal a red-hot stove.

When you recover from your stupor, try a bit of research on totalitarian governance, and the hundred million human beings they slaughtered last century.
GD it. I was betting another gays can't make babies thread.

Why is it one gets the clear sense that you Libs hate the thread....
...yet can't find any way to point out any errors in it?

Read it and weep.
I should of said I was hoping for gay baiting rather than "dems are commies." The gay thing is better suited for humor. But I gave you rep for amusing.
GD it. I was betting another gays can't make babies thread.

Why is it one gets the clear sense that you Libs hate the thread....
...yet can't find any way to point out any errors in it?

Read it and weep.
I should of said I was hoping for gay baiting rather than "dems are commies." The gay thing is better suited for humor. But I gave you rep for amusing.

Y'know....that may be a fine idea for tomorrow......

BTW....did you peruse post #7?

Yup.....Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are,essentially, the same as the communists.

Nor is there anything......anything....funny about the damage that you Leftists have done to America.
Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are,essentially, the same as the communists.

How many liberal democrats advocate taking away all private property? The Supreme Court did in 2005, but you can't call them liberal democrats. How many liberal democrats believe that there should be no private business?

They are not essentially the same.
GD it. I was betting another gays can't make babies thread.

Why is it one gets the clear sense that you Libs hate the thread....
...yet can't find any way to point out any errors in it?

Read it and weep.
I should of said I was hoping for gay baiting rather than "dems are commies." The gay thing is better suited for humor. But I gave you rep for amusing.

For liberals to call themselves intellectuals, yet post nothing in rebuttal to points made in a simple forum thread, belies their intelligence, and their honesty.

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