Liberals value education:FALSE

Standardized test scores I agree with. They are no measure of anything. Secondly, it depends where you live. Where I live the private schools are all religious schools and as a lifelong practicing christian I oppose religion being taught by someone other than me as that is indoctrination that so many right wing extremists like to babble about. Quality teachers teach in our public schools and the ones that can't get hired are scooped up by the private schools. I know more about my faith than ANY private religious school teacher knows and therefore I oppose their interpretation of the bible. I feel bad for the private students here...they struggle once they enter the public high school. Our high school has almost an80 percent post grad placement rate. Kids do very well and this is evidenced by how many get college degrees and I can't remember the last graduate that joined the military.

Are you insinuating that is a bad thing?
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.
There were many private schools where I lived and people would say that theirs was the greatest., even if it was public.

I had my son in the best public school in first grade. Being a reading teacher I was familiar with the reading series they used. They were three books behind grade level in April! Being a teacher in the system, I didn't want to question their procedures but my son's education was more important. I went to the principal and asked why my son was three books below April in the spring. Why wasn't he in a higher reading group? He was a good reader! Her answer: No student was "on grade level" The entire grade started over in new books three times!

She said she would take the first grade reader and see how he read. She called me at school and told me he read too fast and although he could give examples of a compound word, he couldn't give the definition. Ok!

Two weeks later, he took the test to enter the Lutheran school (we were Lutheran), I knew little about it except to say they were reading on grade level. I never looked back. He then went to the Catholic high school. He consistently was in the 97-99 percentiles and received a scholarship to an out of state college. Today, he's doing quite well and his values are high despite different religious teachings.

I know I am talking about just my son. Others were doing exceedingly well, too. Four fourth graders were invited to attend a NASA seminar during the summer. The post high school placement was 96%. Don't know if that included the student to West Point.
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.

Well ours attend private schools and the quality of education compared to public schools isn't even close, last year's senior class had a 100% college acceptance

Even those that did not want to go to college? Forcing kids into college is NOT a good thing.
That was one small factor. Boy you can't get over things might be different somewhere else. I applaud you for your choice of sending your kids to the better option. I did the exact same. Yet you critique my choice.
I explained how and why I made the choices I did. But you just said the schools were great. I told about the unbiased info that were used to make the decision of continuing to go to the pricey school.
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.

Well ours attend private schools and the quality of education compared to public schools isn't even close, last year's senior class had a 100% college acceptance

Even those that did not want to go to college? Forcing kids into college is NOT a good thing.

I suppose if they didn't want to go they wouldn't have applied?
Not a bad thing to join the military but generally it happens here when a kid can't decide what to do. That is the trend. Not a bad thing at all. But I do believe its been at least 5 years since I heard of a graduate joining.
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.

Well ours attend private schools and the quality of education compared to public schools isn't even close, last year's senior class had a 100% college acceptance

Even those that did not want to go to college? Forcing kids into college is NOT a good thing.
I definitely agree with you. But not everyone wanted to go to college. It was 96%. Some would be great skilled workers as well. But the private school was basically for the college bound students and that is not the case in private schools. I'll never forget the 4 typed page astronomy test my son had in second grade. Even I was astonished. Perhaps it was a unique school.
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.

Well ours attend private schools and the quality of education compared to public schools isn't even close, last year's senior class had a 100% college acceptance

Even those that did not want to go to college? Forcing kids into college is NOT a good thing.

I suppose if they didn't want to go they wouldn't have applied?
Our test scores are good although I don't consider them a top criteria. That is a sign of teaching to the test. Kids should have more than one shot at a test.
Anti teacher anti worker mentality at its finest.
I would never ever recommend someone become a teacher today.....particularly in any red state or red area of a state.

I live in a blue state and the red areas of the state have a large number of failing schools.

Inner city schools?

Bingo! Some of the schools in the suburbs are not so hot either! The cities usually have one or two shining stars and a large number of shit holes.
Well sorry but that's what it seems like here. As I said joining is NOT a bad thing if that's what you want to do. Here not many kids at all enlist and that has been the trend. Most all do other things.
Anti teacher anti worker mentality at its finest.
I would never ever recommend someone become a teacher today.....particularly in any red state or red area of a state.

I live in a blue state and the red areas of the state have a large number of failing schools.

Inner city schools?

Bingo! Some of the schools in the suburbs are not so hot either! The cities usually have one or two shining stars and a large number of shit holes.

Same in our area.
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.

Well ours attend private schools and the quality of education compared to public schools isn't even close, last year's senior class had a 100% college acceptance

Even those that did not want to go to college? Forcing kids into college is NOT a good thing.

I suppose if they didn't want to go they wouldn't have applied?

So no one influenced them to apply? I find that hard to believe.
Anti teacher anti worker mentality at its finest.
I would never ever recommend someone become a teacher today.....particularly in any red state or red area of a state.

I live in a blue state and the red areas of the state have a large number of failing schools.

Inner city schools?
Inner city schools are often failing and the reason is that they push students through especially if they are behavior problems. That is so wrong. They need to have higher standards and retain students if they didn't grasp the material in the year they were given.
I'm praising public education WHERE I LIVE. It is so much better than anything our dingy private schools offer. Not even close.

Well ours attend private schools and the quality of education compared to public schools isn't even close, last year's senior class had a 100% college acceptance

Even those that did not want to go to college? Forcing kids into college is NOT a good thing.

I suppose if they didn't want to go they wouldn't have applied?

So no one influenced them to apply? I find that hard to believe.

IDK I'm not privy to each family's decisions
Anti teacher anti worker mentality at its finest.
I would never ever recommend someone become a teacher today.....particularly in any red state or red area of a state.

I live in a blue state and the red areas of the state have a large number of failing schools.

Inner city schools?
Inner city schools are often failing and the reason is that they push students through especially if they are behavior problems. That is so wrong. They need to have higher standards and retain students if they didn't grasp the material in the year they were given.

It doesn't take many "bad" students to bring school down, both in grades and scores and in a decent environment for children. A big problem is a school's administration either not taking action or incapable of commanding respect and it's not always their fault
Anti teacher anti worker mentality at its finest.
I would never ever recommend someone become a teacher today.....particularly in any red state or red area of a state.

I live in a blue state and the red areas of the state have a large number of failing schools.

Inner city schools?
Inner city schools are often failing and the reason is that they push students through especially if they are behavior problems. That is so wrong. They need to have higher standards and retain students if they didn't grasp the material in the year they were given.

It doesn't take many "bad" students to bring school down, both in grades and scores and in a decent environment for children. A big problem is a school's administration either not taking action or incapable of commanding respect and it's not always their fault

Another problem is that well meaning teachers do not want to "label" the children by wanting them tested for special classes. Students who are educationally, intellectually or behaviorally challenged need specialized instruction and strategies for success. The teachers do not serve them justice by "being the dumbest in the class." No wonder the graduation rate is lower for inner city students!

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