Liberals value education:FALSE

I don't know how much the recruiters are in our schools but the trend I see is that less and less kids ate enlisting. At least here. Perhaps its different other places. Definitely decrease here.
Liberals use education as an indoctrination method. They could care less how educated a child is, it's all about the agenda

The point I was making was that every attempt to lower standards and to make it easier comes from "liberals". I totally agree that education is being used to indoctrinate the young but that wasn't the point I was making.

Well that is a good point, the moonbats have degraded the quality of education, but not everywhere.

My buddy's wife is a teacher and some school districts have standards above those prescribed by the feds and state.

I agree, my little brother attends public schools, it's in a rural setting and he is getting a quality education but the vast majority of public schools are failing to educate the students properly

I would bet it has a lot to do with your parents....both of them.
Education hinges on parent involvement no matter what school a kid attends. Some parents are busy working or are simply apathetic. Both poor excuses.
Yup. Keep em out. But someone has to try and teach them. And if they don't become scholars the kid or parents hold no part of the problem. Its the teachers fault.
A fraud is one who criticizes when they font know the facts. Here public schools do better. If they didn't I would have done it differently. Why does that offend you? The high quality teachers want the higher pay the public schools offer. The private schools here pay a lot less and get the ones who don't get in.

How about you tell us what town you live in?
If they agree to my terms then big deal. If I have money to pay they will strongly consider it. I wouldn't be the first parent to ask this. I would not ask that the class be stopped just that MY kids not be included. That doesn't hurt the school or me.
Yes everything is according to what you know. Can't be different anywhere else. I simply post what facts are where I reside. How can that bother any intelligent person?
If they agree to my terms then big deal. If I have money to pay they will strongly consider it. I wouldn't be the first parent to ask this. I would not ask that the class be stopped just that MY kids not be included. That doesn't hurt the school or me.

That's not how it works, for example at our oldest's school students are required to stand for the national anthem and say the pledge, they then have daily prayer which the student is required to remain silent during. Nobody is exempt and all follow the rule
We have 3 private schools here. 1 catholic and 2 Lutheran. They struggle to get by. They have very low pupil numbers.

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