Liberals value education:FALSE

I have no problem with the pledge or prayer. My kids said the pledge every day. I have a problem with someone else teaching my kids religious values when they should come from me and how I interpret the bible and god's word.
I have no problem with the pledge or prayer. My kids said the pledge every day. I have a problem with someone else teaching my kids religious values when they should come from me and how I interpret the bible and god's word.

Then don't send your kids to a religious school and if you do don't expect your kids to be exempt. It's not rocket science
That's what I have been saying all along. The private schools HERE are struggling. I never said EVERYWHERE. But some myopics just can't take it that someone gives a public school a complement. That is weird. Eerie.
I found this rather interesting.
These are the high schools in the Katy school district.
The top performers are all in the upper middle class areas,the lower the income the lower the scores.
This reflects on how these kids are raised and the better upbringing given them by parents with the smarts to achieve,which they pass on to their children.
Katy Independent School District | Texas | Best High Schools | US News
Income levels are low here. A lot of people make $13 to $15 per hour which is very hard to survive on.
If they agree to my terms then big deal. If I have money to pay they will strongly consider it. I wouldn't be the first parent to ask this. I would not ask that the class be stopped just that MY kids not be included. That doesn't hurt the school or me.
Once they make an alteration of classwork to one child, they would have to do it for others. They probably have a waiting list... they could eliminate your child and get a student with agreeable parents.
Higher economic backgrounds will always lead to better schools because parents care. Think of the millions and millions of parents that are not involved and could care less. The kids are a mess. No school is going to fix it.
They could although there is no waiting list here. Numbers in the private schools are dropping such that I know in 2 of them one teacher teaches multiple grade levels in the same room.
Higher economic backgrounds will always lead to better schools because parents care. Think of the millions and millions of parents that are not involved and could care less. The kids are a mess. No school is going to fix it.
Good teachers can make a difference.
I like it here. Its small, quiet, and people are genuine. I left a bigger more affluent suburb because frankly people made alit more money but had this arrogance to them. But their farts gave them away. That and to get away from being closer to a city.
Yes $14 an hour is the wage at the mill which is the largest employer. Although I did well here. How one can stay alive on$14 per hour is amazing.
They could although there is no waiting list here. Numbers in the private schools are dropping such that I know in 2 of them one teacher teaches multiple grade levels in the same room.

When the populace is making 14 bucks an hour thats no surprise.

Why don't the two Lutheran schools merge? It sounds as if these schools are being ran by local churches or parishes. When I speak of private schools I am talking about schools that rival the size of some public schools, a small private school in a town of 3,000 is going to struggle
yet, you republicans want to take away education for all and don't want to fund it.

If you cared about it you'd at least reform it but I can see that isn't your goal.

Stop spreading that BS lie, it's been debunked numerous times
The two Lutheran schools are of different synods and will not merge. There is serious talk of shutting one of them down. I am a member of that church. Too many kids are leaving for better conditions at the newer public school. On Friday night the high school gym is packed for basketball. The whole town is there. The school is the hub of the community.
The two Lutheran schools are of different synods and will not merge. There is serious talk of shutting one of them down. I am a member of that church. Too many kids are leaving for better conditions at the newer public school. On Friday night the high school gym is packed for basketball. The whole town is there. The school is the hub of the community.

Ah ok

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