Liberals:"We Know The Russians Hacked The Election".We Don't Need Any Proof From Anyone !

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

Total bullshit - hack was poorly executed and was counter-hacked to expose a list of a hack targets that Intelligence community knew was a Russian cyber hit list. And it is highly unlikely to have been false flag operation either, the list is high secrecy level, it would take top Kremlin admin to put it together.

Russia's European election hacks, Ukranian electrical utility hacks (and attempted one in America), Olympic Anti-Doping Agency hacks and DNC hack make the motivation and means more than clear.

Any day you want to prove this, I will pay anyone in here $1,000 dollars to refute with hard care irrefutable evidence Assange's claim that he was given Podesta's emails by a DNC Insider who leaked (NOT HACKED) leaked the emails.

You are crazy, there is ZERO evidence corroborating Assange's claims, nor is there any reason to think Assange would even have any idea who was passing the documents to him as it could easily be done through intermediary (who by the way can claim he was a DNC mole)
$1,000 dollars for you if you can prove Assange is lying when he said A DNC INSIDER gave him Podesta's Emails and that it wasn't The Russians.

So you need to take on WikiLeaks now. Good Luck with that, and good luck getting access to The DNC Server since not even THE FBI has been allowed to look at it.

Chop Chop. You have homework to do now Snowflake.

Bring the proof, or $1,000 dollars for me when you fail at proving it.

You believe in The Russian Hacking Lie so much, you ought to put your money where your beliefs are, which is actually up your ass.

$1,000 to any liberal that can prove Assange got the Podesta Emails from The Russians and not a DNC Insider.
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

...You've lost the vein of this conversation and are /seriously/ barking up the wrong tree here buddy. I suggest you read my post #58 again.

You want my opinion on this crap? I've probably been one of the most outspoken on this board against the bullshit the DNC and Obama administration are trying to fly from the very beginning.

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)
$1,000 dollars for you if you can prove Assange is lying when he said A DNC INSIDER gave him Podesta's Emails and that it wasn't The Russians.


It doesn't matter if he is lying or genuinely believes the bullshit about the mole - THE CLAIM IS BASELESS AND IS COUNTERFACTUAL to American Intelligence and cyber security expert findings.

That fact that you would take Assange's bare word over evidence based conclusions of our Intelligince speaks volumes about just how far detached from reality your Trumpster thought process is.
No Opini
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

...You've lost the conversation and are /seriously/ barking up the wrong tree here buddy. I suggest you read my post #58 again.

You want my opinion on this crap? I've probably been one of the most outspoken on this board against the bullshit the DNC and Obama administration are trying to fly from the very beginning.

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

No Opinions are wanted here when we are talking Cold Hard Cash.

$1,000 dollars for you to prove Assange got Podesta's Emails from a Russian Hacker and not a DNC Insider like he claimed they came from.

Care to make it $2,000 Grand?
No Opini
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

...You've lost the conversation and are /seriously/ barking up the wrong tree here buddy. I suggest you read my post #58 again.

You want my opinion on this crap? I've probably been one of the most outspoken on this board against the bullshit the DNC and Obama administration are trying to fly from the very beginning.

Vlad the Merciful flushed Joke Obama down the toilett - Breaking down the PDF reports "evidence" - re Phishing
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 1)
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Explaining Phishing (Addendum 2)

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Destroying the PDF report's "evidence" - re Malware
Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
No evidence has been submitted that the Russians hacked the DNC - Explaining Guccifer 2.0 and APT28 & APT29 (labeled Fuzzy Bear and Cozy Bear by a private company, not our government, Crowdstrike connection part 2
US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Wikileaks nailing Russia (and specifically Putin,) aka they are no friends
PROOF: FBI, DHS release joint report on Russia hacking - Related: Just how easy it is too get the malware proclaimed as Russia (malware claims to be Ukrainian - Guccifer 2.0 claims to be Ukrainian as well )
CIA Concludes Russia Interfered In Election To Help Trump Win - Related: explaining a bit on how hacking/coding/malware works, as well as trashing the proclaimed "keyboard" tracking the media is flapping about.

US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds. - Related: Our reactions to other countries hacking us in the very recent past (aka 2015)

No Opinions are wanted here when we are talking Cold Hard Cash. $1,000 dollars for you to prove Assange got Podesta's Emails from a Russian Hacker and not a DNC Insider like he claimed they came from.

Care to make it $2,000 Grand?

And now you are doubling down on the stupid without even reading my reply son. Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself with knee-jerk replies...

I suggest starting with this one - Wikileaks: Russia didn't hack shit. - Wikileaks has always claimed it was an insider, Crowdstrike connection, and further breaking down report's evidence
$1,000 dollars for you if you can prove Assange is lying when he said A DNC INSIDER gave him Podesta's Emails and that it wasn't The Russians.


It doesn't matter if he is lying or genuinely believes the bullshit about the mole - THE CLAIM IS BASELESS AND IS COUNTERFACTUAL to American Intelligence findings.

That fact that you would take Assange's bare word over evidence based conclusions of our Intelligince speaks volumes about your batshit-nuttery.

Ok, how about $5,000 dollars for you to prove Assange did not get Podesta's Emails from a DNC Insider?

Is that tempting enough? All I am seeing from anyone is Opinion that is not rooted or attached to any evidence what so ever.

5 Gs and you have one month to prove Assange got the emails from a Russian Hacker and not a DNC Insider. At the end of the month if you have no proof, you Pay Pal me 5Gs. If you have proof, I Pay Pal you 5 Gs.

This offer is open to all Liberals.

All I am seeing is opinions and political actions.

Which btw, is Dishonorable when you abuse your office for political reasons, such as was done with The IRS when Der Fuhrer Obama weaponized THE IRS.

But that is what Nazi Tyrants do.

Show the proof or STFU.
Last edited:
$1,000 dollars for you if you can prove Assange is lying when he said A DNC INSIDER gave him Podesta's Emails and that it wasn't The Russians.


It doesn't matter if he is lying or genuinely believes the bullshit about the mole - THE CLAIM IS BASELESS AND IS COUNTERFACTUAL to American Intelligence findings.

That fact that you would take Assange's bare word over evidence based conclusions of our Intelligince speaks volumes about your batshit-nuttery.

Ok, how about $5,000 dollars for you to prove Assange did not get Podesta's Emails from a DNC Insider?

You are again betting BESIDE THE POINT because your bullshit has ZERO evidence to support it and you know it. It doesn't matter who Assange thinks or lies about handing him the the emails, what matters is the ORIGIN of the email hacks and the EVIDENCE BASED FINDINGS by our Intelligence is that this was part of organized Russian hacking operations.
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

The evidence is the USIC making it their official position and the President imposing retaliatory penalties as a result.

Please explain these actions. Are they simply all acting stupidly or do you believe there is a larger conspiracy?
And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

Total bullshit - hack was poorly executed and was counter-hacked to expose a list of a hack targets that Intelligence community knew was a Russian cyber hit list. And it is highly unlikely to have been false flag operation either, the list is high secrecy level, it would take top Kremlin admin to put it together.

Russia's European election hacks, Ukranian electrical utility hacks (and attempted one in America), Olympic Anti-Doping Agency hacks and DNC hack make the motivation and means more than clear.

Any day you want to prove this, I will pay anyone in here $1,000 dollars to refute with hard care irrefutable evidence Assange's claim that he was given Podesta's emails by a DNC Insider who leaked (NOT HACKED) leaked the emails.

You are crazy, there is ZERO evidence corroborating Assange's claims, nor is there any reason to think Assange would even have any idea who was passing the documents to him as it could easily be done through intermediary. It would be a piece of cake for Russian intelligence to convince Assange leaks are coming from Santa Clause himself.

Or simply email them to him anonymously.
Show us the evidence THE DNC says they have on their server but won't allow anyone to look at it.
Prove to us that Assange did not get Podesta's Emails from a DNC Insider.

Do that and you can win $5,000 dollars.

If a political party is basing their entire future on such a claim, you would think they'd want to prove they weren't lying, right?

So would their faithful followers.
Last edited:
$1,000 dollars for you if you can prove Assange is lying when he said A DNC INSIDER gave him Podesta's Emails and that it wasn't The Russians.


It doesn't matter if he is lying or genuinely believes the bullshit about the mole - THE CLAIM IS BASELESS AND IS COUNTERFACTUAL to American Intelligence findings.

That fact that you would take Assange's bare word over evidence based conclusions of our Intelligince speaks volumes about your batshit-nuttery.

Ok, how about $5,000 dollars for you to prove Assange did not get Podesta's Emails from a DNC Insider?

Is that tempting enough? All I am seeing from anyone is Opinion that is not rooted or attached to any evidence what so ever.

Look, I politely gave you two chances to fix your mistake, but you've elected to stupidly continue to attack someone who fucking agrees with you.

Here's your sign:

Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

The evidence is the USIC making it their official position and the President imposing retaliatory penalties as a result.

Please explain these actions. Are they simply all acting stupidly or do you believe there is a larger conspiracy?

Obama repeatedly abused his power. Repeatedly lied to The American People, and Weaponized many facets of Government and turned them against his political enemies.

It was nothing to him to try to help Hillary Clinton and his party to expel Russian Diplomats without a shred of proof of any wrong doing.

It was the political equivalent of a Hail Mary, that would not have been needed at all if THE DNC actually was able to show The AMERICAN PUBLIC proof of Russia Hacking Podesta's Emails.

But it was nothing but a cover story and a political maneuver. And Obama was duplicitous in this treachery.

BTW, my USMESSAGEBOARD.COM account password is "password" Don't hack me Bros.

Too bad you cannot impeach Obama Bin Lying after he has left office, because what he did was treasonous, and abusive and was a violation of his oath of office.
Show us the evidence THE DNC says they have on their server but won't allow anyone to look at it.

There is no evidence for that because it is bullshit.

DNC contracted well respected security experts to examine the server and share their findings, including relevant technical evidence with FBI, which was corroborated against what FBI already knew of Russian hacking activities and methods.
Obama repeatedly abused his power. Repeatedly lied to The American People, and Weaponized many facets of Government and turned them against his political enemies.

:rolleyes: Yet "his political enemies" won midterms and the next presidency against all of this super duper weaponized gobamint enterprise.

Kinda tough to reconcile reality with your lunatic hyperbole.
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

The evidence is the USIC making it their official position and the President imposing retaliatory penalties as a result.

Please explain these actions. Are they simply all acting stupidly or do you believe there is a larger conspiracy?

Obama repeatedly abused his power. Repeatedly lied to The American People, and Weaponized many facets of Government and turned them against his political enemies.

It was nothing to him to try to help Hillary Clinton and his party to expel Russian Diplomats without a shred of proof of any wrong doing.

It was the political equivalent of a Hail Mary, that would not have been needed at all if THE DNC actually was able to show The AMERICAN PUBLIC proof of Russia Hacking Podesta's Emails.

But it was nothing but a cover story and a political maneuver. And Obama was duplicitous in this treachery.

BTW, my USMESSAGEBOARD.COM account password is "password" Don't hack me Bros.

Too bad you cannot impeach Obama Bin Lying after he has left office, because what he did was treasonous, and abusive and was a violation of his oath of office.

It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
You're a liar.
How many times do they have to tell you that no evidence exists that Russians effected the election. This is no different than the looney belief that 911 was an inside job.

No different?

So, the intelligence community was unanimous in their belief that 9/11 was an inside job?
No. The intelligence community didn't say that. And the intelligence community said Russia made attempts (like they always have) but there was no proof of Russian spies having a smidgen of an effect on the election. Face it, Hillary sucked as a candidate and she lost straight up.
If Trump is innocent in his Russian ties why isn't he encouraging the congress to investigate to put this matter behind him?

If he has no financial ties to Russia why doesn't he release his tax returns?

These matters would dissipate if he would just be transparent.

The fact neither of these things are happening gives the impression that he's dirtier than sin and these very serious matters will haunt him his entire presidency.

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