Liberals:"We Know The Russians Hacked The Election".We Don't Need Any Proof From Anyone !

I added this thread to my sigline, because it spells out plainly with logic and facts how the DNC lied to The American Public when they claimed Russia hacked their server.

Give Us The Server And Nobody Gets Hurt!

It was a Bernie Sanders supporter and an insider that got in to Podesta's Email account and exposed Fraud and Corruption in THE DNC. Schultz got fired over it, and Brazile was disgraced as well. And now THE DNC is tripling down on stupid by tapping a KNOWN RACIST BLACK BIGOT UNCLE TOM & ANTI SEMITE - ANTI CHRISTIAN in Elison to lead their JIHAD to Make America MUSLIM Again.
:argue: :bang3: :confused-84: And for how many weeks have we been listening to Hillary Supporters and "Angry Loonies" bring up "The Russians" every time the topic is brought up on any of the cable news networks? and along with "The View"....They just keep pushing the narrative that somehow "The Russians" were able to give Donald Trump a clean sweep of all the swing states. And even today, I overheard someone bring this up on Fox News, that, something along the lines of "We already know the Russians were involved with the election,and helped Donald win, {But even though the host had to tell him/her that the FBI couldn't find any evidence}.....the left seems to have the attitude that,,,,,"Yah, we know it was the russians, therefore Trump needs to be impeached":confused:

who said that we don't need proof?

the POINT, is that the intel services already KNOW they hacked the election.

or do you think the orange sociopath isn't lying to you? :cuckoo:

normal people simply KNOW there is enough evidence to warrant an independent investigation, not one run by trump shills.
If there was evidence it would be all over the internet and long ago too. The CIA "report" was a politically motivated conclusion, which is not what the CIA normally does. When was the last CIA report you read before that?

But it's still funny as hell the libs are really complaining about someone spilling the beans on how corrupt the DNC and media is.

If they had actual evidence they would have used it to win The Election, and even if they lost the election they'd use the so called never seen evidence to undermine Trump or even try to impeach him.

But they have nothing. It was all a big lie, just like The Benghazi Video.
It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
"It's been proven", even though those who would know a whole lot more than any of us on here say they have seen no proof. Interesting.

Here is the proof: STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Please don't ever say again you haven't seen it.
Okay, so what we have here is a report that identifies some spearfishing activities (nothing that I wouldn't expect our people to do to other nations, BTW) by Russian hackers. That's fine, as far as it goes. Now tell us how this relates to President Trump and the ongoing effort to delegitimize him and his administration. That's the real key here. We KNOW that the Russian government continually tries to get as much information on us as they possibly can. We also KNOW that EVERY nation does it to every other nation. Heck, we do it to everybody too, and we would be foolish to not do so. Does anyone really believe we don't have spies from many nations in our country right now, and our spies all over the world? Seriously? Everyone's yammering about the Russians and saying nothing about, for example, the Chinese, who are also up to their eyeballs in cyber warfare.

The important thing here, however, is that the losers in this last election have seized on these ongoing spying efforts and are trying to spin them from ordinary spying into "the Russians hacked the election", thus feebly attempting to claim that Trump only won because, as I keep saying, "the Russians hacked the election".

Now, once and for all, what is it that the Russians supposedly did that denied Queen Hillary her birthright access to the throne?
I still think that Putin sent about 10,000 of his midgets to the rust belt states, and somehow they all broke into the voting machines and switched about 10 Million votes.
:argue: :bang3: :confused-84: And for how many weeks have we been listening to Hillary Supporters and "Angry Loonies" bring up "The Russians" every time the topic is brought up on any of the cable news networks? and along with "The View"....They just keep pushing the narrative that somehow "The Russians" were able to give Donald Trump a clean sweep of all the swing states. And even today, I overheard someone bring this up on Fox News, that, something along the lines of "We already know the Russians were involved with the election,and helped Donald win, {But even though the host had to tell him/her that the FBI couldn't find any evidence}.....the left seems to have the attitude that,,,,,"Yah, we know it was the russians, therefore Trump needs to be impeached":confused:

who said that we don't need proof?

the POINT, is that the intel services already KNOW they hacked the election.

or do you think the orange sociopath isn't lying to you? :cuckoo:

normal people simply KNOW there is enough evidence to warrant an independent investigation, not one run by trump shills.
If there was evidence it would be all over the internet and long ago too. The CIA "report" was a politically motivated conclusion, which is not what the CIA normally does. When was the last CIA report you read before that?

But it's still funny as hell the libs are really complaining about someone spilling the beans on how corrupt the DNC and media is.
That's really the bottom line here. If there was strong evidence that Trump colluded with Russian hackers and somehow they managed to mess with the polling machines or in some way actually "hack the election", it would have come out a LONG time ago and this whole thing would be over except for the crying. What they're doing, however, is disingenuous, because they keep yammering on about something that isn't proven to have occurred. Basically, it shows that it's all they have to throw at Trump in their ongoing efforts to get rid of him.
The other irony in all this is that all the while the emails were being leaked the libs were prancing around in victory claiming there was nothing to it. Now it's a scandal for the ages. That's why I could never be a liberal, you have to have the backbone of Jello.
Again there is no proof of Russian Hackers. No one has been allowed to see The DNC Server or the so called evidence.

We know how private DNC IT contractors work now. They ignore court orders to preserve hard drives and data. They bleach bit evidence.

The DNC hired an IT contractor to write an opinion piece on how Podesta's emails got to Assange. Assange said a pissed off DNC insider who supported Sanders gave them to him.

The DNC contractor said he thought The Russians Hacked the DNC know because getting past Podesta's security on his email account, by typing in his password......"Password" was something only a Russian Hacker half a world away was capable of doing.

So everyone is basing their accusations on The DNC Contractor's Opinion Piece in which in that report there was ZERO EVIDENCE cited. Nothing. Not even a screen shot of Server Logs. Nothing at all to back up even one claim. It was a dam editorial piece.

Yah, it was The Russians. sure you want to continue to go with that?

BTW, a new report came out today about Tom Brady and deflate gate. Nobody in The Patriots Org deflated those balls. It was.....yes....THE RUSSIANS. The Patriots paid for the report, so we should accept it as fact....even though they offer no proof, but lots of opinion there......

Give Us The Server And Nobody Gets Hurt!
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There is no point in asking for the DNC server now, it was wiped so there's nothing left for the FBI to investigate - it was in the FBI report IIRC. The "odd" thing here is that they've based their entire "Russian theory" on the opinion of a private company hired by the DNC, CrowdStrike. There was no official or third party investigation, just CrowdStrike proclaiming that the hacking was done by the two agents, whom they and another couple private companies had fingered as Russian. It's also interesting that CrowdStrike has connections to the anti-Russian factions in the Ukraine - which is also the country that Gucifer 2.0 (who claimed to have hacked the DNC,) as well as the malware used to hack the DNC supposedly hail from. What's also interesting is that Wikileaks, the folks who put out the Podesta emails, have /always/ claimed that their source was an insider and it didn't come from the Russian's.

The whole thing is a string of bullshit. We the people will probably never actually know the truth on because it's become so convoluted with said bullshit that the truth can't ever float to the top.
Guccifer only claimed to have hacked Hillary Clinton's Server, not the DNC server. Clinton and The Democrat Party claim that Hillary Clinton's unsecure bathroom server was never hacked.

The DNC claims THE DNC server was hacked but not one person has ever been shown the evidence of this, and THE DNC refuses to allow anyone to see their server.

You know cuz they really want to get to the bottom of this............

Here is my explanation of the whole situation.

Give Us The Server And Nobody Gets Hurt!

Yes but that is part of the "evidence" the USIC is using to point at the Russian's for interfering with the elections:

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities." - Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security | Homeland Security
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.
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Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.
:argue: :bang3: :confused-84: And for how many weeks have we been listening to Hillary Supporters and "Angry Loonies" bring up "The Russians" every time the topic is brought up on any of the cable news networks? and along with "The View"....They just keep pushing the narrative that somehow "The Russians" were able to give Donald Trump a clean sweep of all the swing states. And even today, I overheard someone bring this up on Fox News, that, something along the lines of "We already know the Russians were involved with the election,and helped Donald win, {But even though the host had to tell him/her that the FBI couldn't find any evidence}.....the left seems to have the attitude that,,,,,"Yah, we know it was the russians, therefore Trump needs to be impeached":confused:

who said that we don't need proof?

the POINT, is that the intel services already KNOW they hacked the election.

or do you think the orange sociopath isn't lying to you? :cuckoo:

normal people simply KNOW there is enough evidence to warrant an independent investigation, not one run by trump shills.
If there was evidence it would be all over the internet and long ago too. The CIA "report" was a politically motivated conclusion, which is not what the CIA normally does. When was the last CIA report you read before that?

But it's still funny as hell the libs are really complaining about someone spilling the beans on how corrupt the DNC and media is.

:argue: :bang3: :confused-84: And for how many weeks have we been listening to Hillary Supporters and "Angry Loonies" bring up "The Russians" every time the topic is brought up on any of the cable news networks? and along with "The View"....They just keep pushing the narrative that somehow "The Russians" were able to give Donald Trump a clean sweep of all the swing states. And even today, I overheard someone bring this up on Fox News, that, something along the lines of "We already know the Russians were involved with the election,and helped Donald win, {But even though the host had to tell him/her that the FBI couldn't find any evidence}.....the left seems to have the attitude that,,,,,"Yah, we know it was the russians, therefore Trump needs to be impeached":confused:

who said that we don't need proof?

the POINT, is that the intel services already KNOW they hacked the election.

or do you think the orange sociopath isn't lying to you? :cuckoo:

normal people simply KNOW there is enough evidence to warrant an independent investigation, not one run by trump shills.

What exactly did the Russians do to hack the election?

Stole emails from DNC and Podesta and made them public.
It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
You're a liar.
How many times do they have to tell you that no evidence exists that Russians effected the election. This is no different than the looney belief that 911 was an inside job.

No different?

So, the intelligence community was unanimous in their belief that 9/11 was an inside job?
And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

Total bullshit - hack was poorly executed and was counter-hacked to expose a list of a hack targets that Intelligence community knew was a Russian cyber hit list. And it is highly unlikely to have been false flag operation either, the list is high secrecy level, it would take top Kremlin admin to put it together.

Russia's European election hacks, Ukranian electrical utility hacks (and attempted one in America), Olympic Anti-Doping Agency hacks and DNC hack make the motivation and means more than clear.
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Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.
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And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.


Russians did, by hacking his account via link in a phishing email he received (and mis-communicated about by his aid). It absolutely did not matter what his password was, that is not how access to his account was gained.
And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

Total bullshit - hack was poorly executed and was counter-hacked to expose a list of a hack targets that Intelligence community knew was a Russian cyber hit list. And it is highly unlikely to have been false flag operation either, the list is high secrecy level, it would take top Kremlin admin to put it together.

Russia's European election hacks, Ukranian electrical utility hacks (and attempted one in America), Olympic Anti-Doping Agency hacks and DNC hack make the motivation and means more than clear.

Any day you want to prove this, I will pay anyone in here $1,000 dollars to refute with hard core irrefutable evidence Assange's claim that he was given Podesta's emails by a DNC Insider who leaked (NOT HACKED) but leaked the emails.

Any Liberal that can prove Assange is a Liar and did not get the emails from a DNC Insider gets a $1,000.

Your proof is on THE DNC Server, so go get it.
And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

Total bullshit - hack was poorly executed and was counter-hacked to expose a list of a hack targets that Intelligence community knew was a Russian cyber hit list. And it is highly unlikely to have been false flag operation either, the list is high secrecy level, it would take top Kremlin admin to put it together.

Russia's European election hacks, Ukranian electrical utility hacks (and attempted one in America), Olympic Anti-Doping Agency hacks and DNC hack make the motivation and means more than clear.

Any day you want to prove this, I will pay anyone in here $1,000 dollars to refute with hard care irrefutable evidence Assange's claim that he was given Podesta's emails by a DNC Insider who leaked (NOT HACKED) leaked the emails.

You are crazy, there is ZERO evidence corroborating Assange's claims, nor is there any reason to think Assange would even have any idea who was passing the documents to him as it could easily be done through intermediary. It would be a piece of cake for Russian intelligence to convince Assange leaks are coming from Santa Clause himself.

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