Liberals:"We Know The Russians Hacked The Election".We Don't Need Any Proof From Anyone !

Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

The evidence is the USIC making it their official position and the President imposing retaliatory penalties as a result.

Please explain these actions. Are they simply all acting stupidly or do you believe there is a larger conspiracy?

Obama repeatedly abused his power. Repeatedly lied to The American People, and Weaponized many facets of Government and turned them against his political enemies.

It was nothing to him to try to help Hillary Clinton and his party to expel Russian Diplomats without a shred of proof of any wrong doing.

It was the political equivalent of a Hail Mary, that would not have been needed at all if THE DNC actually was able to show The AMERICAN PUBLIC proof of Russia Hacking Podesta's Emails.

But it was nothing but a cover story and a political maneuver. And Obama was duplicitous in this treachery.

BTW, my USMESSAGEBOARD.COM account password is "password" Don't hack me Bros.

Too bad you cannot impeach Obama Bin Lying after he has left office, because what he did was treasonous, and abusive and was a violation of his oath of office.

It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
You're a liar.
How many times do they have to tell you that no evidence exists that Russians effected the election. This is no different than the looney belief that 911 was an inside job.

No different?

So, the intelligence community was unanimous in their belief that 9/11 was an inside job?
No. The intelligence community didn't say that. And the intelligence community said Russia made attempts (like they always have) but there was no proof of Russian spies having a smidgen of an effect on the election. Face it, Hillary sucked as a candidate and she lost straight up.
That is the crux of the matter. We know the Russians, Chinese, Finns, and Canadians (and everyone else) are all very interested in the inner workings of power in Washington and thus are spying on us all the time, and us on them. Yet this supposedly rises to the level of "hacking the election". I have asked repeatedly what, if any, effect any of this had on the election, and have to date received no substantive replies.

Yet there continues the incessant drumbeat of certainty that "The Russians hacked the election".

When that happens, you have to ask why. Thus far, the only thing that can explain the drama is an attempt to remove Trump using trumped up (see what I did there?) charges that fade in the light of day.

Facts and reality don't matter in this scenario, only the narrative. Hence the continued gaseous "Dey hacked the elections I tels ya and Trump has to resignses!" bilge we're seeing. At least they're not clinging to the fantasy that somehow there's a way Hillary would be installed as president as a result.
It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
You're a liar.
How many times do they have to tell you that no evidence exists that Russians effected the election. This is no different than the looney belief that 911 was an inside job.

No different?

So, the intelligence community was unanimous in their belief that 9/11 was an inside job?
No. The intelligence community didn't say that. And the intelligence community said Russia made attempts (like they always have) but there was no proof of Russian spies having a smidgen of an effect on the election. Face it, Hillary sucked as a candidate and she lost straight up.

But they did say very clearly that the Russians attempted to influence our electoral process. So, it's not the same in any way then, dope.
If Trump is innocent in his Russian ties why isn't he encouraging the congress to investigate to put this matter behind him?

If he has no financial ties to Russia why doesn't he release his tax returns?

These matters would dissipate if he would just be transparent.

The fact neither of these things are happening gives the impression that he's dirtier than sin and these very serious matters will haunt him his entire presidency.
It's the issue that every famous person faces. Obama refused to release his college transcripts and the papers he wrote, leading to the speculation that they would reveal he was a mediocre at best student and a socialist firebrand. There are many reasons why someone would refuse to divulge information, and, up until now, everyone was entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Why won't Trump release his tax returns? Anyone other than Trump or his tax attornies who claims they absolutely know is full of it.
Snowflakes shit themselves last night. Trump's speech was well written and delivered fine.

No one but other snowflakes are buying their "Trump is Hitler and we're all gonna die" bullshit.

He laid out his specific vision for the country and how he intends to achieve those goals.

What specifically did he say in his speech indicated that he will lead the USA the way Hitler led Germany?

Cory Booker was trolled the hardest, followed by Nancy Botoxsi.
If Trumps alleged ties to Russia bothers snowflakes, why didn't Bill and Hillary Clinton's confirmed direct ties to China bother them?

There was a fall guy who went to jail for funneling money from China to the DNC.

DNC claimed they knew nothing about it this donor funneling millions ones of dollars to the DNC from
China. :badgrin:

The good old honest DNC. If they claimed they didn't know they were getting millions of dollars from China, I totally believe them. :banana:
Show us the evidence THE DNC says they have on their server but won't allow anyone to look at it.

There is no evidence for that because it is bullshit.

DNC contracted well respected security experts to examine the server and share their findings, including relevant technical evidence with FBI, which was corroborated against what FBI already knew of Russian hacking activities and methods.
So in other words, there is no evidence. Got yah.
The FBI asked to look at the server.
They were told NO. No one shared any evidence with THE FBI or any other Intelligence Agency.

No one has seen The Server or The Evidence.

THE DNC ESSENTIALLY SAID...... "Just take our word for it."

If our intelligence community could track down Guccifer who claims he hacked Hillary's Server, a claim that THE DNC & Hillary said is false, then why can't our Intelligence Agency track down the so called DNC Hacker?

Well, they can't because the server wasn't hacked, and no one has been allowed to see the evidence. And the contractors based their opinions apparently on Spam that was found in Podesta's email account, which he protected with the password of "password."

This is the same kind of spam just about everyone gets. Unless you are looking at Security Logs on a server and looking at file structure, and the Email Server logs, and are willing to post those, all you have is An Opinion Based on Spam and Conjecture that was formulated as a Cover Story to save Hillary Clinton's & The DNC's Ass.

Show me the Security Logs, and Email Server Logs, and then show me your so called "Expert Analysis" which shows traces of "Russian Hacking"

Was that done? NOPE. Just, well we saw some Spam in Podesta's account which may have originated from Russia, or lord knows it must be Russians.

Yet, they won't even share the so called Spam with The Intelligence Community to verify even that fragile claim.

Again, any Liberal on here that can prove that Assange is lying about the fact that Russians did not hack The DNC Server, and that he got Podesta's Emails through a DNC Insider, can win a big chunk of Cash from me.

Find The Evidence. Display it Right Here. And Disprove that Assange said it was a DNC Insider who gave him The Leaked Podesta Emails.
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Show us the evidence THE DNC says they have on their server but won't allow anyone to look at it.

There is no evidence for that because it is bullshit.

DNC contracted well respected security experts to examine the server and share their findings, including relevant technical evidence with FBI, which was corroborated against what FBI already knew of Russian hacking activities and methods.
So in other words, there is no evidence. Got yah.
The FBI asked to look at the server.
They were told NO.
No one has seen it or The Evidence.

What the fuck is your malfunction? I just explained to you that security experts (CrowdStrike) was contracted to do the analysis of the DNC systems and forwarded all relevant evidence to FBI.


“It’s never a call any executive wants to get, but the IT team knew something was awry,” Dacey said. And they knew it was serious enough that they wanted experts to investigate.

That evening, she spoke with Michael Sussmann, a DNC lawyer who is a partner with Perkins Coie in Washington. Soon after, Sussmann, a former federal prosecutor who handled computer crime cases, called Henry, whom he has known for many years.

Within 24 hours, CrowdStrike had installed software on the DNC’s computers so that it could analyze data that could indicate who had gained access, when and how.

The firm identified two separate hacker groups, both working for the Russian government, that had infiltrated the network
, said Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrike co-founder and chief technology officer. The firm had analyzed other breaches by both groups over the past two years.

One group, which CrowdStrike had dubbed Cozy Bear, had gained access last summer and was monitoring the DNC’s email and chat communications
, Alperovitch said.

The other, which the firm had named Fancy Bear, broke into the network in late April and targeted the opposition research files. It was this breach that set off the alarm. The hackers stole two files, Henry said. And they had access to the computers of the entire research staff — an average of about several dozen on any given day.

Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump
It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
You're a liar.
How many times do they have to tell you that no evidence exists that Russians effected the election. This is no different than the looney belief that 911 was an inside job.

No different?

So, the intelligence community was unanimous in their belief that 9/11 was an inside job?
No. The intelligence community didn't say that. And the intelligence community said Russia made attempts (like they always have) but there was no proof of Russian spies having a smidgen of an effect on the election. Face it, Hillary sucked as a candidate and she lost straight up.
Get it right.

WASHINGTON—The U.S. intelligence community said in a report Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and that Mr. Putin aspired to help Donald Trump to victory as part of a broader ambition to undermine Western liberalism.
:argue: :bang3: :confused-84: And for how many weeks have we been listening to Hillary Supporters and "Angry Loonies" bring up "The Russians" every time the topic is brought up on any of the cable news networks? and along with "The View"....They just keep pushing the narrative that somehow "The Russians" were able to give Donald Trump a clean sweep of all the swing states. And even today, I overheard someone bring this up on Fox News, that, something along the lines of "We already know the Russians were involved with the election,and helped Donald win, {But even though the host had to tell him/her that the FBI couldn't find any evidence}.....the left seems to have the attitude that,,,,,"Yah, we know it was the russians, therefore Trump needs to be impeached":confused:

who said that we don't need proof?

the POINT, is that the intel services already KNOW they hacked the election.

or do you think the orange sociopath isn't lying to you? :cuckoo:

normal people simply KNOW there is enough evidence to warrant an independent investigation, not one run by trump shills.
Post the evidence or shut you hole.
No one is looking for a new election, we just want to know what extent trumps people went to with the Russians


You already know it, you just refuse to accept it.
Only Guccifer said he did not hack the DNC server. He said he hacked Hillary Clinton's Server. So they cannot even put on a proper rouse. Quit getting your servers mixed up.

And again, no evidence is revealed in that statement, only Opinion.

"Geez, it looks like Podesta got some Spam, and that kind of Spam usually comes from Russia but we don't know for sure."

So that is inconclusive and noncommittal and they went on the DNC contractor's Opinion, and they did not get to look at The Evidence. No one has seen it. How does one form an opinion about another's opinion without looking at the facts themselves?

The DNC, Clinton, The Democrat Party all deny that Clinton's server was hacked.

So on one hand Guccifer said he hacked Clinton's server.....The DNC and Clinton say he is lying.

Guccifer said he did not hack The DNC server.....and THE DNC said he is lying.

Which is it? Who is lying? THE DNC IS LYING.

Is Guccifer actually a hacker? If so he is amazing. He hacks stuff he didn't hack, and doesn't hack stuff people say he hacked.

You see, no matter how Clever The Dem Propaganda and Lie Machine thinks it is, you cannot tell enough lies to cover other lies. Eventually you forget the lies you told to cover for the lies you told to hide the lies you told.

And that is where we are now, and if there were truth to their claim, that evidence would be made available to the Public which would improve PR for the Dems and perhaps earn a little bit of their respect back.

Instead they are looked at by America as liars and shit flingers.

Congrats to Podesta btw for securing his account with a password of password. Phucking Brilliant. Only Russians could log in to his email with that kind of security.

I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

The evidence is the USIC making it their official position and the President imposing retaliatory penalties as a result.

Please explain these actions. Are they simply all acting stupidly or do you believe there is a larger conspiracy?

Obama repeatedly abused his power. Repeatedly lied to The American People, and Weaponized many facets of Government and turned them against his political enemies.

It was nothing to him to try to help Hillary Clinton and his party to expel Russian Diplomats without a shred of proof of any wrong doing.

It was the political equivalent of a Hail Mary, that would not have been needed at all if THE DNC actually was able to show The AMERICAN PUBLIC proof of Russia Hacking Podesta's Emails.

But it was nothing but a cover story and a political maneuver. And Obama was duplicitous in this treachery.

BTW, my USMESSAGEBOARD.COM account password is "password" Don't hack me Bros.

Too bad you cannot impeach Obama Bin Lying after he has left office, because what he did was treasonous, and abusive and was a violation of his oath of office.

Show the evidence... that's all that is needed.
We already know THE DNC, Obama, and Hillary Clinton like to Fabricate Lies and Cover Stories.
Or did everyone already forget About Benghazi?
It's been proven. As has the Holocaust. Feel free to continue denying both.
You're a liar.
How many times do they have to tell you that no evidence exists that Russians effected the election. This is no different than the looney belief that 911 was an inside job.

No different?

So, the intelligence community was unanimous in their belief that 9/11 was an inside job?
No. The intelligence community didn't say that. And the intelligence community said Russia made attempts (like they always have) but there was no proof of Russian spies having a smidgen of an effect on the election. Face it, Hillary sucked as a candidate and she lost straight up.
Get it right.

WASHINGTON—The U.S. intelligence community said in a report Friday that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to influence the outcome of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and that Mr. Putin aspired to help Donald Trump to victory as part of a broader ambition to undermine Western liberalism.

I said in a report today that you lick Obama's Hairy Balls. Again, show the Evidence. Without Evidence, any claims made are simply Propaganda and Lies. That is, unless we can find a picture of you licking Obama Bin Lying's Balls. Well then, that's different.

We know how much Lefty Hates The Intelligence Community, especially when they told Lefty there were WMDs in Iraq.
Show us the evidence THE DNC says they have on their server but won't allow anyone to look at it.

There is no evidence for that because it is bullshit.

DNC contracted well respected security experts to examine the server and share their findings, including relevant technical evidence with FBI, which was corroborated against what FBI already knew of Russian hacking activities and methods.
So in other words, there is no evidence. Got yah.
The FBI asked to look at the server.
They were told NO.
No one has seen it or The Evidence.

What the fuck is your malfunction? I just explained to you that security experts (CrowdStrike) was contracted to do the analysis of the DNC systems and forwarded all relevant evidence to FBI.


“It’s never a call any executive wants to get, but the IT team knew something was awry,” Dacey said. And they knew it was serious enough that they wanted experts to investigate.

That evening, she spoke with Michael Sussmann, a DNC lawyer who is a partner with Perkins Coie in Washington. Soon after, Sussmann, a former federal prosecutor who handled computer crime cases, called Henry, whom he has known for many years.

Within 24 hours, CrowdStrike had installed software on the DNC’s computers so that it could analyze data that could indicate who had gained access, when and how.

The firm identified two separate hacker groups, both working for the Russian government, that had infiltrated the network
, said Dmitri Alperovitch, CrowdStrike co-founder and chief technology officer. The firm had analyzed other breaches by both groups over the past two years.

One group, which CrowdStrike had dubbed Cozy Bear, had gained access last summer and was monitoring the DNC’s email and chat communications
, Alperovitch said.

The other, which the firm had named Fancy Bear, broke into the network in late April and targeted the opposition research files. It was this breach that set off the alarm. The hackers stole two files, Henry said. And they had access to the computers of the entire research staff — an average of about several dozen on any given day.

Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump

Please share with us CrowdStrikes Evidence that they based their OPINION ON.

That is all that is necessary to believe THE DNC STORY. That was their silver bullet to take down Trump and win The White House, so why didn't they share it with The American Voter?

BOOM one press conference, here is the evidence, and Clinton wins in a landslide. See you can't do that if your story is a lie, like The Benghazi Video Lie.

Why didn't CrowdStrike share it? They sound like a commie org btw. Probably owned by George Soros.

I am willing to believe The DNC's Story. I just want to see Server Logs, Security Logs, Email Logs, and Russian Fingerprints inside of THE DNC SERVER. I am not asking for even Incontrovertible Proof. How about any proof at all we can look at that a logical man would agree was valid and reasonable to create The Russian Narrative.

Show me the traces and origin IPs of a Hack if A Hack Occurred...

Then explain to me what special skill The Russians needed to gain access to an email account that was protected with a password of "password" and please tell me why only THE RUSSIANS would be able to access an email account that a 5 year old could access if they simply guessed what the password was.
I posted directly from OUR GOVERNMENT'S report on the Russian's interference in the election I'm going off what our USIC said, /their/ opinion that drove /their/ reaction by throwing sanctions.

If you have issue with the USIC's claim that the guy did it or didn't do it, that he's claimed to be not Russian and they didn't believe him, that the eMail hack had nothing to do with the DNC server hack - then you'll have to take it up with them.

Personally I think they're full of shit, as I alluded to in the post you replied to.

Please highlight ACTUAL PROOF cited in the "OPINION PIECE" you posted.

That opinion was formed on the basis of a PAID FOR REPORT funded by THE DNC which also did not publish ONE BIT OF EVIDENCE. That report offered no evidence, only an opinion.

And again, I remind you, Podesta's Password was "Password." Anyone from anywhere in the world could log in to his account. A 5 year old could do it.

No one has seen THE EVIDENCE, and THE DNC is refusing to let anyone examine THE DNC SERVER.

THE CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, & Homeland Security have all been denied access to it.

My question is WHY? What are you hiding? Don't you want The American People to believe you?

Just show the evidence. Had you actually had any, you would have used it to win the election.

The only person that had contact with "The Leaker" was Assange, and Assange stated categorically that the Emails Were Leaked by an DNC Insider who gave him the emails.

They were not hacked. They were leaked by a DNC Insider upset over The DNC Rigging The Primaries Against Bernie Sanders.

So again, I ask you to show evidence to counter Assange's Claim.

You have none, The DNC has none...and no one ever will be able to have any.

Refute Assange's claim of how he was given the Podesta Emails or STFU.

The evidence is the USIC making it their official position and the President imposing retaliatory penalties as a result.

Please explain these actions. Are they simply all acting stupidly or do you believe there is a larger conspiracy?

Obama repeatedly abused his power. Repeatedly lied to The American People, and Weaponized many facets of Government and turned them against his political enemies.

It was nothing to him to try to help Hillary Clinton and his party to expel Russian Diplomats without a shred of proof of any wrong doing.

It was the political equivalent of a Hail Mary, that would not have been needed at all if THE DNC actually was able to show The AMERICAN PUBLIC proof of Russia Hacking Podesta's Emails.

But it was nothing but a cover story and a political maneuver. And Obama was duplicitous in this treachery.

BTW, my USMESSAGEBOARD.COM account password is "password" Don't hack me Bros.

Too bad you cannot impeach Obama Bin Lying after he has left office, because what he did was treasonous, and abusive and was a violation of his oath of office.

Show the evidence... that's all that is needed.
We already know THE DNC, Obama, and Hillary Clinton like to Fabricate Lies and Cover Stories.
Or did everyone already forget About Benghazi?

It's been shown repeatedly, dope.

Show us the evidence of the conspiracy you are suggesting among the entire Intel community and the WH.
Check out the difference between "Hacking" and the word "Influence".

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence released on Friday a report that detailed what it called a Russian campaign to influence the election.

Hacking was the method of obtaining the information.
Influence was using that information to diminish Clinton and allow Trump to hammer her relentlessly over it.

Why is this so difficult to understand?
Democrats just cannot admit that Hillary lost in a massive landslide because 70% of all "Legal Americans" see her as a typical white bitch"

That's true they can't because it didn't happen. Your massive landslide was in fact the 13th smallest margin of victory.
:argue: :bang3: :confused-84: And for how many weeks have we been listening to Hillary Supporters and "Angry Loonies" bring up "The Russians" every time the topic is brought up on any of the cable news networks? and along with "The View"....They just keep pushing the narrative that somehow "The Russians" were able to give Donald Trump a clean sweep of all the swing states. And even today, I overheard someone bring this up on Fox News, that, something along the lines of "We already know the Russians were involved with the election,and helped Donald win, {But even though the host had to tell him/her that the FBI couldn't find any evidence}.....the left seems to have the attitude that,,,,,"Yah, we know it was the russians, therefore Trump needs to be impeached":confused:

who said that we don't need proof?

the POINT, is that the intel services already KNOW they hacked the election.

or do you think the orange sociopath isn't lying to you? :cuckoo:

normal people simply KNOW there is enough evidence to warrant an independent investigation, not one run by trump shills.

What exactly did the Russians do to hack the election?

Stole emails from DNC and Podesta and made them public.

So someone hacked into the DNC emails and made them public, so they didn't hack the election, they hacked the DNC?

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