Liberals...why not intellectually rationalize your views?

Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Why are you still playing politics after the election? You have control of everything now lead. Show us results. Why are you talking about us? Is it to distract from what you are actually doing?

Are you claiming Democrat / Liberal this week?
I'm a Republican now
I'm a liberal seeing Republicans way only works for the rich. Are you rich?
You mean rich like the Clintons?
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Why are you still playing politics after the election? You have control of everything now lead. Show us results. Why are you talking about us? Is it to distract from what you are actually doing?

Are you claiming Democrat / Liberal this week?
I'm a Republican now
I'm a liberal seeing Republicans way only works for the rich. Are you rich?

Rich like Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates?
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
I'm a liberal and I consider myself pretty rational. The OP does intrigue me though. So give me an example of irrationality in the points you put forth and let's try to discuss both our viewpoints. I find the broad outlines a bit vague, that's why I'm asking for elaboration.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
I'm a liberal and I consider myself pretty rational. The OP does intrigue me though. So give me an example of irrationality in the points you put forth and let's try to discuss both our viewpoints. I find the broad outlines a bit vague, that's why I'm asking for elaboration.

It's an inherent ideology embraced by default. It's never about right and wrong or just and unfair. It's all about personal situations and or experiences.
The poor and struggling....generally Liberal believe that stealing more from the rich is the answer vs. getting their own shit right...a belief by default.
Immigrants, illegal or here by recent illegal means and generally Liberal believe in open borders and no limitation to immigration...a belief by default.
Gays, Lesbians, Trannys...Liberal by default.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
What liberals are you speaking to, that you have knowledge that they exist as your narrative tries to encapsulate with opinions?
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Why are you still playing politics after the election? You have control of everything now lead. Show us results. Why are you talking about us? Is it to distract from what you are actually doing?

/---- We're leading now get upchuck schemer back in his cage.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
I'm a liberal and I consider myself pretty rational. The OP does intrigue me though. So give me an example of irrationality in the points you put forth and let's try to discuss both our viewpoints. I find the broad outlines a bit vague, that's why I'm asking for elaboration.

It's an inherent ideology embraced by default. It's never about right and wrong or just and unfair. It's all about personal situations and or experiences.
The poor and struggling....generally Liberal believe that stealing more from the rich is the answer vs. getting their own shit right...a belief by default.
Immigrants, illegal or here by recent illegal means and generally Liberal believe in open borders and no limitation to immigration...a belief by default.
Gays, Lesbians, Trannys...Liberal by default.
Well I'll give you a very rough rundown of my principles. I believe that a country has the obligation to give everybody a fair chance to be successful, a chance that doesn't rely on economic situation, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, health status, or for that matter the country where you were born. I also feel that I have no business to say to you how to live your life, providing you don't hurt other people in the process of making personal choices. I do not feel it is unreasonable to ask those who are already successful to contribute more to funding the provision of those chances than those who haven't been able to get financially secure.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
I'm a liberal and I consider myself pretty rational. The OP does intrigue me though. So give me an example of irrationality in the points you put forth and let's try to discuss both our viewpoints. I find the broad outlines a bit vague, that's why I'm asking for elaboration.

I admit that the first post was little more than a taunt, but it certainly degenerated after that, because it called forth all the ardent Leftists on the board to taunt the O. P.---and never address the O.P., as is customary by Leftists on this board.

I doubt that you are acting in good faith, but you have pretended to do so....that's more than the usual effort, so I will give you an example.

Muslims. Islam.

The harsh and autocratic Political Ideology that also masquerades as a Religion. (Any Muslim will tell you that they are both the same & inseprable...even in the U.S.A. And if they are in some place like Arabia or North Africa or Persia...they may cut your head off for asking about it.

Why do Liberals want to fight so hard to get them in this Great Country when all the evidence for over 10 centuries, and recently from Europe, is that they have not yet changed one bit; that they will do nothing to assimilate, that they will only seek to undermine; to impose; to demand; and a disproportionate few to kill randomly and be supported by a disproportionate number of other Muslims.

Won't let Women vote or drive; throw Homosexuals off buildings; yet are yearned for by every Democrat cocksucker in New York, New England, New Jersey, Chicago, Detroit & California....who spend their day calling Heartland Americans...Rubes, Bigots, Homophobes, Deplorables.

Why is that.
The Venona Papers, a typical Alt Fact in trying to deflect the discussion, is not what we are talking about.

Joe McCarthy was a vicious alcoholic who engaged in Alt Facts and Fake News, like his political descendant two generations later, Trump, to lie and destroy people.

As usual, you are one hundred percent W-R-O-N-G.
Liberals...why not intellectually rationalize your views?

Yeah, like Trumpster goose-steppers are rational. :haha:
If they were rational, the multitude of Trump lies, would cause a rational thinking person to bail on Trump. But nooooo. No matter what Trump says and every time he gets caught in yet another lie, they scramble to their favorite talking point resource and let that resource feed them what they should say to any lie.

Trumpsters and rationality are polar opposites. :dunno:
The Venona Papers, a typical Alt Fact in trying to deflect the discussion, is not what we are talking about.

Joe McCarthy was a vicious alcoholic who engaged in Alt Facts and Fake News, like his political descendant two generations later, Trump, to lie and destroy people.

As usual, you are one hundred percent W-R-O-N-G.

Maybe not. It was only about 55 years ago during the McCarthy era, and I'm sure jake was there at the time and he had the inside scoop.
McCarthy was vicious: check.

He was an alcoholic: check.

He engaged in their equivalent of fake news and alt facts: check.

His own party pulled him down: check.

However, where he hated the Russkies, the Alt Right today love them, meaning McCarthy would have had them shot if he could have done so.
The Venona Papers, a typical Alt Fact in trying to deflect the discussion, is not what we are talking about.

Joe McCarthy was a vicious alcoholic who engaged in Alt Facts and Fake News, like his political descendant two generations later, Trump, to lie and destroy people.

As usual, you are one hundred percent W-R-O-N-G.

You can only be talking about one person...well actually it might describe three or four.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?

Point out any issues that I do that with and we'll go from there.

Be sure to provide evidence, unless you're just trolling.

You want to play pretend?

Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?

Why bother to form a complete thought about what the fuck your own point is? :dunno:

Haha...pretty sure the point is crystal clear. Nice try though

I want you to either back up your accusation, or else admit that you don't consider me under the ridiculous broad brush you're flailing around.

Ah yes, more stunned silence. I guess Brokeback Loserman has fled the interview.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Projecting much?

What is your opinion of 10USC311, as federal law in regard to federal supremacy.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?

I've read people here wanting examples of points they argue that aren't based on facts and logic so let's think of some to discuss

1. Liberals explain why sanctuary cities are a good thing. Explain in economics how it benefits the country
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Just because you aren't smart enough to understand all of those issues, it doesn't mean liberals are wrong about them.
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Just because you aren't smart enough to understand all of those issues, it doesn't mean liberals are wrong about them.

What an absurd response this is. Not a whiff beyond the elementary school playground.

But, it is remarkably common from Leftists...who I am now convinced are the poorest educated people on this board.

If you are going to respond in this thread, why not pick an issue and debate it?
Why hide behind and blind yourself with "tolerance"?
Why compartmentalize broad ranging issues?
Why form such conviction on surface value?
Why mask true logic and reason by crying racism and bigotry?
Why not deeply consider economics and social impact to construct your views?
Just because you aren't smart enough to understand all of those issues, it doesn't mean liberals are wrong about them.

What an absurd response this is. Not a whiff beyond the elementary school playground.

But, it is remarkably common from Leftists...who I am now convinced are the poorest educated people on this board.

If you are going to respond in this thread, why not pick an issue and debate it?
Okay, how about you pick one and we'll go from there?

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