Liberals, would you get in your car if there was a 10% chance it might explode ?

funny, there was an act of Christian terrorism just days before the san Bernardino shootings.

maybe it escaped your notice because you cheer on your terrorists.

'Christian' terrorism....? what church did that guy attend....?

the real terrorists in that incident are Planned Parenthood who murder babies, chop them up, and sell's a wonder more people haven't gone beserk.....
ScreamingEagle, terrorist sympathizer
no.....just using some common sense.....

it's really telling that Dhimwits will scream bloody murder whenever a whiff of Christianity is connected to terror but are almost dead silent when Islam is connected to it....
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
'Christian' terrorism....? what church did that guy attend....?

the real terrorists in that incident are Planned Parenthood who murder babies, chop them up, and sell's a wonder more people haven't gone beserk.....
ScreamingEagle, terrorist sympathizer
no.....just using some common sense.....

it's really telling that Dhimwits will scream bloody murder whenever a whiff of Christianity is connected to terror but are almost dead silent when Islam is connected to it....
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
how do you figure he sypathizes with a murderer? what post #?
There is a 1 in 20 million chance of being attacked by a terrorist.

all of you chickenshits better stay home.
how many were affected in Los Angeles by just a terrorist threat in the schools......over half a million......?
makes those odds look a little optimistic....
No one was harmed, fuckhead. And you don't know it was a Muslim. Any asshole can email a threat.

Like the man said, you have a one in 20 million chance of being killed by a terrorist anywhere on the globe.

What a bunch of pants shitters you are!

The French were attacked, and are still taking in refugees. Who knew that Euro socialist surrender monkeys had more testosterone than you? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Looks like that's just a paper eagle in your avatar, you jingoistic coward. I imagine you'd flinch and shit your pants like Trump did around a real one.
'no one was harmed'........? i guess you Dhimmidickheads will love living under sharia.....

the French are also Dhimmidickheads......and are probably heading for civil war.....
G5000 said:
Hey dumbass. Lightning has killed 78 people this year. Muslim terrorists have killed 19.

You are literally four times as likely to be killed by lightning than be killed by a Muslim terrorist, you cowardly pants shitting fearmonger.

that's only because they have been busy about the approx 50,000 killed in the ME....? not to mention the 3,000 killed in NY.....

now you idiots want to bring the war onto American soil even more...

and how many people did we kill in the middle east when baby bush ran his fraudulent war?
Oh yes....that's an OUTSTANDING analogy. :lmao:
...because the implication that you are really talking about the chance of a Syrian refugee being a terrorist is obvious...and a topic we do not want to discuss, especially considering this analogy.


BESIDES, Obama's thorough, fool-proof vetting process makes it sure you have NOTHING to fear, or as about as much as you have to fear from widows and orphans...or Pakistani terrorists who slipped right through Obama's vetting process to kill 14 Americans on US soil....
You're analogy states, quite clearly, that we have a 1 in 10 chance of being attacked by syrian refugees.
Oh yes....that's an OUTSTANDING analogy. :lmao:
...because the implication that you are really talking about the chance of a Syrian refugee being a terrorist is obvious...and a topic we do not want to discuss, especially considering this analogy.


BESIDES, Obama's thorough, fool-proof vetting process makes it sure you have NOTHING to fear, or as about as much as you have to fear from widows and orphans...or Pakistani terrorists who slipped right through Obama's vetting process to kill 14 Americans on US soil....
You're analogy states, quite clearly, that we have a 1 in 10 chance of being attacked by syrian refugees.
and that's all i need not to let them in. I care about my fellow americans.
ScreamingEagle, terrorist sympathizer
no.....just using some common sense.....

it's really telling that Dhimwits will scream bloody murder whenever a whiff of Christianity is connected to terror but are almost dead silent when Islam is connected to it....
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
how do you figure he sypathizes with a murderer? what post #?

whining pigeon is like that
G5000 said:
Hey dumbass. Lightning has killed 78 people this year. Muslim terrorists have killed 19.

You are literally four times as likely to be killed by lightning than be killed by a Muslim terrorist, you cowardly pants shitting fearmonger.

that's only because they have been busy about the approx 50,000 killed in the ME....? not to mention the 3,000 killed in NY.....

now you idiots want to bring the war onto American soil even more...

and how many people did we kill in the middle east when baby bush ran his fraudulent war?
obviously too few...
no.....just using some common sense.....

it's really telling that Dhimwits will scream bloody murder whenever a whiff of Christianity is connected to terror but are almost dead silent when Islam is connected to it....
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
how do you figure he sypathizes with a murderer? what post #?

whining pigeon is like that
a whining pigeon says what?
No Unhinged, it's a different question altogether. Not the targeted killing/bombing like President Obama is doing, but carpet bombing like was done during WWII. How about killing the family members of the terrorist could that be justified sometimes?
you mean like was done to the innocent people in Germany?

Or England with the buzz-bombs and V2's, or Japan? Yes, but in ISIS controlled territory, today. Or even making the sand glow.
and what? It's just a question. What percent of Christians in America do you think would say yes or always as Billy just said?
what christians? Which group? The catholics, the protestants? who?

What church did they attend?

All of them, the ones that believe Jesus was the Christ. You know anyone who calls themselves Christian. It was a rhetorical question that no pollster I know of has asked so your guess is as good as mine I suppose.
Of course you wouldn''d be calling the bomb squad or at least be suing the manufacturer....

According to Pew research about 80% of U.S. Muslims say (lie?) that "suicide bombing is never justified"....flip that around and you have about 20% who DO believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified.....

Mind you.....that 20% rate is for American Muslims....

Of the young Muslims in Europe, 20-40 percent, depending on country, believe suicide bombing may be justified.

Why on earth would America even consider bringing in such a dangerous group of people.....? It would be like getting in that car you know will blow up at some point.....

Yet the clueless Dhimwits want to align with Muslims.....Debbie Wasserman Shultz even wants to 'bring a Muslim' to the State of the Union....

Read more: Articles: If You Find Yourself in an Immigration Hole, Stop Digging
Blog: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: let's bring Muslims to State of the Union
Talk about clueless dimwit, did you not listen to the majority of those in the debate say we cannot win the war on ISIS without the help of the majority moderate Muslims.
Dimwits like you play into the hands of ISIS. You are reacting exactly like they want the west to act.
you mean like was done to the innocent people in Germany?

Or England with the buzz-bombs and V2's, or Japan? Yes, but in ISIS controlled territory, today. Or even making the sand glow.
and what? It's just a question. What percent of Christians in America do you think would say yes or always as Billy just said?
what christians? Which group? The catholics, the protestants? who?

What church did they attend?

All of them, the ones that believe Jesus was the Christ. You know anyone who calls themselves Christian. It was a rhetorical question that no pollster I know of has asked so your guess is as good as mine I suppose.
who did they kill, I missed that one. hmmmm perhaps you just don't like christians and are just a jagbag. Yep jagbag winner.
Of course you wouldn''d be calling the bomb squad or at least be suing the manufacturer....

According to Pew research about 80% of U.S. Muslims say (lie?) that "suicide bombing is never justified"....flip that around and you have about 20% who DO believe suicide bombing is sometimes justified.....

Mind you.....that 20% rate is for American Muslims....

Of the young Muslims in Europe, 20-40 percent, depending on country, believe suicide bombing may be justified.

Why on earth would America even consider bringing in such a dangerous group of people.....? It would be like getting in that car you know will blow up at some point.....

Yet the clueless Dhimwits want to align with Muslims.....Debbie Wasserman Shultz even wants to 'bring a Muslim' to the State of the Union....

Read more: Articles: If You Find Yourself in an Immigration Hole, Stop Digging
Blog: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: let's bring Muslims to State of the Union
Talk about clueless dimwit, did you not listen to the majority of those in the debate say we cannot win the war on ISIS without the help of the majority moderate Muslims.
Dimwits like you play into the hands of ISIS. You are reacting exactly like they want the west to act.
re-read your post....
as Trump said there are 'moderate' Muslims who think doing so is prudent and wise....
Last edited:
ScreamingEagle, terrorist sympathizer
no.....just using some common sense.....

it's really telling that Dhimwits will scream bloody murder whenever a whiff of Christianity is connected to terror but are almost dead silent when Islam is connected to it....
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
how do you figure he sypathizes with a murderer? what post #?
Liberals, would you get in your car if there was a 10% chance it might explode ? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

he basically says the guy shooting people wasn't really the terrorist, it was the people at their legal job, and they deserved it and it's crazy that it doesn't happen more often.

how do you not consider that sympathizing with the terrorist?
no.....just using some common sense.....

it's really telling that Dhimwits will scream bloody murder whenever a whiff of Christianity is connected to terror but are almost dead silent when Islam is connected to it....
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
how do you figure he sypathizes with a murderer? what post #?
Liberals, would you get in your car if there was a 10% chance it might explode ? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

he basically says the guy shooting people wasn't really the terrorist, it was the people at their legal job, and they deserved it and it's crazy that it doesn't happen more often.

how do you not consider that sympathizing with the terrorist?

the guy was mentally ill......much like you.....
Lets resign this to propaganda in the same way Nazis talked about Jews...
did the Jews slaughter the Germans like what happened in San Bernardino....?
I haven't seen the security footage at the clinic proving that those accused actually did the deed, have you?

Isn't it possible these two were patsies?

Terror suspects attorney questions if clients are patsies, questions reality of ‘Sandy Hook’
Terror suspects attorney questions if clients are patsies, questions reality of 'Sandy Hook'

We're just supposed to believe the establishment that they were "radicalized." :eusa_think:

San Bernardino Killers Did Not Post Public Terror Messages
San Bernardino Killers Did Not Post Public Terror Messages

The whole thing stinks. People that have the media and government do their thinking for them are being led around by the nose.

Folks that have heard of Operation Gladio aren't so quickly convinced.
and there weren't bombs in their home either correct?

The mom lived upstairs and never saw any of that stuff. If you honestly don't believe the establishment has no war agenda or gun control agenda, sure, believe them if you like. Everyone is entitled to believe what they like. But just for shits and giggles, why not Google Operation Gladio.

You're analogy states, quite clearly, that we have a 1 in 10 chance of being attacked by syrian refugees.

For that matter, for the 2,996 who died and over 6,000 who were wounded on 9/11/01 that percentage was 100%.

For the 3 Americans who were killed and 260 others killed during the Boston Marathon terrorist attack that percentage was 100%.

For the 4 Marines who were killed in the Chattanooga, Tn terrorist attack that percentage was 100%.

So how is the analogy NOT equal? Because there have only been 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil? Because the chance of Americans dying in another attack is 'so low'?

ANY number higher than ZERO is to high for me, especially when 3 die and 260 are injured or when 14 die, or 4 die needlessly in Libya when they could have and should have been prevented!
What you were doing was sympathizing with the terrorist. There's no denying it
What is there to deny, there was no terrorist that was christian? So how can you deny something that never existed?
there was a terrorist. you can call him christian or not, i don't care. doesn't really matter, and it doesn't change the fact that ScreamingEagle sympathized with him.
how do you figure he sypathizes with a murderer? what post #?
Liberals, would you get in your car if there was a 10% chance it might explode ? | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

he basically says the guy shooting people wasn't really the terrorist, it was the people at their legal job, and they deserved it and it's crazy that it doesn't happen more often.

how do you not consider that sympathizing with the terrorist?

the guy was mentally ill......much like you.....
do you feel that the planned parenthood workers were the real terrorists, that they deserved it, and that its crazy that it doesn't happen more often?

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