

Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.
How 'bout background checks and a lower limit than 15 handguns a year? But thanks for the simplistic BS...dupe.

Who doesnt have background checks, and what does a quota on guns serve, it's a stupid idea, easily gotten around by........criminals, you know people who dont care about the law. I mean i'd just have 5 friends by me a gun each, and voila 5 guns......FOR ME!
How 'bout background checks and a lower limit than 15 handguns a year? But thanks for the simplistic BS...dupe.

Who doesnt have background checks, and what does a quota on guns serve, it's a stupid idea, easily gotten around by........criminals, you know people who dont care about the law. I mean i'd just have 5 friends by me a gun each, and voila 5 guns......FOR ME!
Libtards love the criminal vote. Don't mind the previous post by francnuts, he is just another idiot libtard who speaks out his a^%.
I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.

Careful, your own prejudice is showing.
You want to see compassionate progressives at work...take a gander at the abortion threads sometime.

The violent imagery, the attacks on tells you all you need to know about what sort of people support abortion, and gives you a little peek at WHY they support it as well.
I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.

You mean in contrast to whom? Conservatives? You mean because conservatives en masse insist that Atty General Holder for example is innocent of any wrongdoing in Fast and Furious until proven guilty?

That kind of restrained pre-judgement? Should conservatives be our role model in that regard?
Most gun shows have no background checks, and many gunstores have no limits on numbers...idiocy. About 80 % of the country would change that, but Pubs would never allow that.
I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.

You mean in contrast to whom? Conservatives? You mean because conservatives en masse insist that Atty General Holder for example is innocent of any wrongdoing in Fast and Furious until proven guilty?

That kind of restrained pre-judgement? Should conservatives be our role model in that regard?

It's a pretty damned schizophrenic post where he chides liberals for prejudging people and then goes on to prejudge liberals as criminal lovers and criminals as scumbags worthy of death. I wonder if this loony bird should be allowed to have guns.
I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.

You mean in contrast to whom? Conservatives? You mean because conservatives en masse insist that Atty General Holder for example is innocent of any wrongdoing in Fast and Furious until proven guilty?

That kind of restrained pre-judgement? Should conservatives be our role model in that regard?

Wow you really tossed this fat one over the plate? Holder is the AG and ran a program that he didnt know about? You really belive he had no idea. And this is after he already has been caught lying twice. Once when he said Bush was involved, but he did take that back.

And when the DoJ sent a letter to congress saying they knew nothing about this program, it was made up.....oooops,,, that's 2 major lies for DER Holder, so yes liberals dont evern wait for hearings or trials to project things. Atleast I waited til after Holder lied to congress...
You want to see compassionate progressives at work...take a gander at the abortion threads sometime.

The violent imagery, the attacks on tells you all you need to know about what sort of people support abortion, and gives you a little peek at WHY they support it as well.

Actually, Dems want to make them rare (BC, info, ed) and the choice of the woman- like the SC.- obviously you know better and are obsessed, dupe. Keep dragging up emotional, already adjudicated BS wedge issues Pubs use on MORONS.
No, they don't want to make them rare.

They want them free, government funded, and available for everybody.
Yea, well if the shoe fits..............could you tell Michelle she might should wear shoes before she gets a pic made.

Such a classy group, see how nice and lady like Mooch elle is sitting. That's compassion!!!

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I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.

You mean in contrast to whom? Conservatives? You mean because conservatives en masse insist that Atty General Holder for example is innocent of any wrongdoing in Fast and Furious until proven guilty?

That kind of restrained pre-judgement? Should conservatives be our role model in that regard?

It's a pretty damned schizophrenic post where he chides liberals for prejudging people and then goes on to prejudge liberals as criminal lovers and criminals as scumbags worthy of death. I wonder if this loony bird should be allowed to have guns.

Not really their dean, because you're mixing generalities with specific situations.
First liberals is a general term used for left wingers. They GENERALLY (hint that's where the term generalization comes from) think the same and have the same policies. And yes they rush to judgement in every situation. Show me an example of where I rushed to judgement on an actually situation?
Second the other coin is about a specific situation, like Duke Lacross, This killing, Columibine, Giffords shooting, Zimmerman, when liberals BEFORE they had any information just repeated talking points, but funny how all their talking points (Martin was a wonderful normal kid thart was gunned down by a racist WHITE-hispanic, duke lacross players like to rape poor black college students, tea party people shoot people) were all proven false. And this guy will probaby end up being another Leftwing OWS single payer nutjob.

So I'll sum it up, making a generalization of how liberals think is not the same as prejudging and making facts up in a specfic case.
I find it funny that non judgemental, compasionate liberals, ALWAYS jump to conclusions and pre judge people. They never worry about facts and just say guns are bad, no dickheads who like to kill innocent people are bad. If that isnt obvious you are a retard and stop posting on this board please.

How many times have we seen the media rush to blame the tea party, only to find out it's some loser OWS type, who blames society for HIS failure.

So liberals stop prejudging people and act like you have crime, when you want to give the criminals a hug and talk about your feelings. IF you really hated criminals you'd want them dead, like a normal person.

You mean in contrast to whom? Conservatives? You mean because conservatives en masse insist that Atty General Holder for example is innocent of any wrongdoing in Fast and Furious until proven guilty?

That kind of restrained pre-judgement? Should conservatives be our role model in that regard?

Wow you really tossed this fat one over the plate? Holder is the AG and ran a program that he didnt know about? You really belive he had no idea. And this is after he already has been caught lying twice. Once when he said Bush was involved, but he did take that back.

And when the DoJ sent a letter to congress saying they knew nothing about this program, it was made up.....oooops,,, that's 2 major lies for DER Holder, so yes liberals dont evern wait for hearings or trials to project things. Atleast I waited til after Holder lied to congress...

Total Pucrappe- last month's "outrage"- change the channel, dupe.
You want to see compassionate progressives at work...take a gander at the abortion threads sometime.

The violent imagery, the attacks on tells you all you need to know about what sort of people support abortion, and gives you a little peek at WHY they support it as well.

Actually, Dems want to make them rare (BC, info, ed) and the choice of the woman- like the SC.- obviously you know better and are obsessed, dupe. Keep dragging up emotional, already adjudicated BS wedge issues Pubs use on MORONS.

REally like parental notification, waiting periods, making abortion clinics have the same safety regulations as other medical building....oh wait liberals are opposed to that..
I mean sex ed, bc and all that have been implemented but we have more teen pregnancies and more abortions than before that stuff word FAILURE!!
You mean in contrast to whom? Conservatives? You mean because conservatives en masse insist that Atty General Holder for example is innocent of any wrongdoing in Fast and Furious until proven guilty?

That kind of restrained pre-judgement? Should conservatives be our role model in that regard?

Wow you really tossed this fat one over the plate? Holder is the AG and ran a program that he didnt know about? You really belive he had no idea. And this is after he already has been caught lying twice. Once when he said Bush was involved, but he did take that back.

And when the DoJ sent a letter to congress saying they knew nothing about this program, it was made up.....oooops,,, that's 2 major lies for DER Holder, so yes liberals dont evern wait for hearings or trials to project things. Atleast I waited til after Holder lied to congress...

Total Pucrappe- last month's "outrage"- change the channel, dupe.

Sorry troll, there is a reason your rep sucks more than a gay man in a bath house.

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