Libertariabs and capitalists.

The statement isn't emotional; it's philosophical. It analyzes views of human nature.

But for a guy who claims not to be trafficking in emotion, you invoked "asshole" and "evil" before your second sentence was done. So much for that.

"One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite."

Yes, I know it's philosophical. It's what assholes think. One need not be emotional to recognize the trait.

--- and once again you're the one with the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.
You very clearly were insulting the right, asshole. You think everyone is as dumb as you? My point was clear, your comments won't make it disappear. The emotion is all yours, I call a spade a spade and don't ask the spade for permission.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

An anarcho-capitalist is a fancy name for an anarchist
That's what I was thinking, if it's a system of economics they need to coin a better term.
"One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite."

Yes, I know it's philosophical. It's what assholes think. One need not be emotional to recognize the trait.

--- and once again you're the one with the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.
You very clearly were insulting the right, asshole. You think everyone is as dumb as you? My point was clear, your comments won't make it disappear. The emotion is all yours, I call a spade a spade and don't ask the spade for permission.

Once again -- "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (three times now, plus "dumb", again attempting ad hom before a point is made). You own them all. Read 'em and weep. Or whatever you meltdowners do. Normal rational people, if facing a theory with which they differ, would offer a counterargument. Keep watching, maybe someone intelligent will be along to show you how it's done.
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Semantically it appears that an "anarcho-capitalist" is an simply an anarchist who makes a profit.

They look like this:


Seriously, it sounds like corporatocracy -- government of, by and for the richest. Which means on this planet they look more like this:


Ultimately it means an authoritarian; one who grovels at authority, defined as "he who has the most cash". Or as popularly termed - "elitism"

-- to be distinguished from anarcho-syndicalism...

Anarcho-syndicalists versus the First Estate:

So basically you wiki'd anarcho-capitalism, read maybe one or two sentences, and then dismissed it. "Oh,

No, I looked at the elements of the word, combined "anarchy" and "capitalist" and followed where those definitions led me. The next step was to find a Ferengi. The image I chose from Google Images happened to be associated with Wiki. The horse led the cart, not the other way 'round. And where it lives on Wiki is a page on Ferengi, not anarcho-capitalism. I have yet to even look up anarcho-capitalism (or "libertariab") -- I figure that's the job of those who invoke the terms. Wiki doesn't post here.

Even better. You just made it up. Good one.

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Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

An anarcho-capitalist is a fancy name for an anarchist
That's what I was thinking, if it's a system of economics they need to coin a better term.

Why? It accurately reflects the point of view. That being said there are other terms: voluntaryist, private law society, nonarchist, etc... Same basic idea though.

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So basically you wiki'd anarcho-capitalism, read maybe one or two sentences, and then dismissed it. "Oh,

No, I looked at the elements of the word, combined "anarchy" and "capitalist" and followed where those definitions led me. The next step was to find a Ferengi. The image I chose from Google Images happened to be associated with Wiki. The horse led the cart, not the other way 'round. And where it lives on Wiki is a page on Ferengi, not anarcho-capitalism. I have yet to even look up anarcho-capitalism (or "libertariab") -- I figure that's the job of those who invoke the terms. Wiki doesn't post here.

Even better. You just made it up. Good one.

I don't know if it's a "good one" or not -- I didn't make up the term. It was here when I got here, so I read it and interpreted.

And no, at no point did my analysis consist of "Oh, ............."
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

An anarcho-capitalist is a fancy name for an anarchist

But there's the second word, so specifically one out to make a profit. Or to look at it in the reverse, a capitalist who wants no government setting any limits.

Is it not possible to be an anarchist who is not interested in making a profit?
No, I looked at the elements of the word, combined "anarchy" and "capitalist" and followed where those definitions led me. The next step was to find a Ferengi. The image I chose from Google Images happened to be associated with Wiki. The horse led the cart, not the other way 'round. And where it lives on Wiki is a page on Ferengi, not anarcho-capitalism. I have yet to even look up anarcho-capitalism (or "libertariab") -- I figure that's the job of those who invoke the terms. Wiki doesn't post here.

Even better. You just made it up. Good one.

I don't know if it's a "good one" or not -- I didn't make up the term. It was here when I got here, so I read it and interpreted.

And no, at no point did my analysis consist of "Oh, ............."

Yeah, you just made up nonsense about an idea you know nothing about.

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Once again -- "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (three times now, plus "dumb", again attempting ad hom before a point is made). You own them all. Read 'em and weep. Or whatever you meltdowners do. Normal rational people, if facing a theory with which they differ, would offer a counterargument. Keep watching, maybe someone intelligent will be along to show you how it's done.
Once again, I call assholes assholes. You can't get away with being an asshole, sorry. If you didn't see my point or why I called you an asshole that's because you're an asshole. Clear enough yet?
Is it not possible to be an anarchist who is not interested in making a profit?
Profits are based on a common system. With anarchy, the individual defines what is right or wrong, there is no system, only what he sees fit to do. Profit then is in the mind of the beholder, a chicken for a goose could be considered profit, there's no standard to base value on.
Once again -- "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (three times now, plus "dumb", again attempting ad hom before a point is made). You own them all. Read 'em and weep. Or whatever you meltdowners do. Normal rational people, if facing a theory with which they differ, would offer a counterargument. Keep watching, maybe someone intelligent will be along to show you how it's done.
Once again, I call assholes assholes. You can't get away with being an asshole, sorry. If you didn't see my point or why I called you an asshole that's because you're an asshole. Clear enough yet?

And this is what you call non-emotional. :rolleyes: Clearly you have no clue how to discuss an issue. Dismissed.
Even better. You just made it up. Good one.

I don't know if it's a "good one" or not -- I didn't make up the term. It was here when I got here, so I read it and interpreted.

And no, at no point did my analysis consist of "Oh, ............."

Yeah, you just made up nonsense about an idea you know nothing about.

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Which means you have no answer. Not even .... "Oh".

I don't know if it's a "good one" or not -- I didn't make up the term. It was here when I got here, so I read it and interpreted.

And no, at no point did my analysis consist of "Oh, ............."

Yeah, you just made up nonsense about an idea you know nothing about.

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Which means you have no answer. Not even .... "Oh".


Did you ask a question?

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Once again -- "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (three times now, plus "dumb", again attempting ad hom before a point is made). You own them all. Read 'em and weep. Or whatever you meltdowners do. Normal rational people, if facing a theory with which they differ, would offer a counterargument. Keep watching, maybe someone intelligent will be along to show you how it's done.
Once again, I call assholes assholes. You can't get away with being an asshole, sorry. If you didn't see my point or why I called you an asshole that's because you're an asshole. Clear enough yet?

And this is what you call non-emotional. :rolleyes: Clearly you have no clue how to discuss an issue. Dismissed.
You speak with great flatulence. You are in no position to critique debating skills since all you do is insult and dismiss points you don't agree with. That's an ideology led by emotion, projection won't work.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

An anarcho-capitalist is a fancy name for an anarchist

But there's the second word, so specifically one out to make a profit. Or to look at it in the reverse, a capitalist who wants no government setting any limits.

Is it not possible to be an anarchist who is not interested in making a profit?

I'm not sure why you asked me that as if I had made an argument, I just answered Ice Weasel's question what the term means.

But to answer your question, capitalists support free markets. A capitalist does not have to want to earn profits, they just have to believe people have the right to economic freedom free from control by government force. An anarchist is a capitalist by definition since they support no government.

Of course they live in a fantasy land. For one day, we would have economic freedom. The second day, mafia's would form to blackmail and coerce them. The third day, they would form a government to stop them. Libertarianism is sustainable, anarchy isn't. Under anarchy, markets would also collapse because no one could establish generally recognized ownership of any assets to transact business with.
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An anarcho-capitalist is a fancy name for an anarchist
That's what I was thinking, if it's a system of economics they need to coin a better term.

Why? It accurately reflects the point of view. That being said there are other terms: voluntaryist, private law society, nonarchist, etc... Same basic idea though.

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What's wrong with those terms is that they are misleading because you're defining anarchy by consequences instead of strategies. Your strategy is "no government." Anarchist reflects that. One can be a capitalist, volunteerist or the other things and not be an anarchist. And your strategy isn't to implement anarchy through capitalism, capitalism is just one consequence of anarchy.

Of course that's just theory anyway. You're ignoring human nature that bad guys will band together and use force and the only way good guys are going to stop them is by doing the same. While the initial conflict may be resolved through voluntary association, in the long run, it won't work because we'll all end up sitting in towers all day looking for bad guys rather than doing anything productive.
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That's what I was thinking, if it's a system of economics they need to coin a better term.

Why? It accurately reflects the point of view. That being said there are other terms: voluntaryist, private law society, nonarchist, etc... Same basic idea though.

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What's wrong with those terms is that they are misleading because you're defining anarchy by consequences instead of strategies. Your strategy is "no government." Anarchist reflects that. One can be a capitalist, volunteerist or the other things and not be an anarchist. And your strategy isn't to implement anarchy through capitalism, capitalism is just one consequence of anarchy.

Of course that's just theory anyway. You're ignoring human nature that bad guys will band together and use force and the only way good guys are going to stop them is by doing the same. While the initial conflict may be resolved through voluntary association, in the long run, it won't work because we'll all end up sitting in towers all day looking for bad guys rather than doing anything productive.

As opposed to now, where we have bad guys fleecing us all in the name of looking for other bad guys.
Words can often come down to semantics. I like to use the term smaller government vs. limited because limited means there is an overseeing agency that limits exactly what it can do or not do. We have the Constitution to put limits on government but it's a guideline, not an enforcement agency.

Let's say a company has no problem dumping raw waste into a lake, how would an anarcho-capitalist handle it? I would support government health and environmental regulations but oppose government wage controls. That in my mind separates me from a socialist.

Government health and environmental regulations give corporations free passes to pollute up to a certain point, whereas absolute private property rights under anarcho-capitalism would make it illegal to pollute other peoples' property.
Well, I'd need to see a definitive term definition. Anarcho sounds like anarchy to me. I am very opposed to crony capitalism and am more a free market capitalist guy. I'm unclear how the anarcho-capitalist enforces rules against polluting someone else's property. Doesn't that require government?

Arachno-capitalism makes about as much sense (rhetorically speaking) as the arachno-collectivism.

Puitting aside for a moment the stupidity of both phrases, note how both groups who call themselves this are basically confused?

Capitalism DEMANDS some authority to insure that capitalists can conduct their activities unmolested by ANARCHISTS who recognize NO authority other than themselves.

Collectivism DEMANDS an AGREED UP authority (or set of behaviors) that the members of the collective agree to.

Basically in both cases these arachno-idiots imagine that sticking the term arachno somehow indicates that they LOVE FREEDOM.,

But there is no state of being less free in mankind's many possible forms of governance than the state of anarchy.

Anarchy never lasts because sooner rather than later MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.
Government health and environmental regulations give corporations free passes to pollute up to a certain point, whereas absolute private property rights under anarcho-capitalism would make it illegal to pollute other peoples' property.
Well, I'd need to see a definitive term definition. Anarcho sounds like anarchy to me. I am very opposed to crony capitalism and am more a free market capitalist guy. I'm unclear how the anarcho-capitalist enforces rules against polluting someone else's property. Doesn't that require government?

Arachno-capitalism makes about as much sense (rhetorically speaking) as the arachno-collectivism.

Puitting aside for a moment the stupidity of both phrases, note how both groups who call themselves this are basically confused?

Capitalism DEMANDS some authority to insure that capitalists can conduct their activities unmolested by ANARCHISTS who recognize NO authority other than themselves.

Collectivism DEMANDS an AGREED UP authority (or set of behaviors) that the members of the collective agree to.

Basically in both cases these arachno-idiots imagine that sticking the term arachno somehow indicates that they LOVE FREEDOM.,

But there is no state of being less free in mankind's many possible forms of governance than the state of anarchy.

Anarchy never lasts because sooner rather than later MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.
I agree with all that, especially the bold.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

I'm an anarcho-capitalist. We are currently a small faction among libertarians, but we're growing fast. The reason people become anarcho-capitalists is the fact the phrase "limited government" is an oxymoron. Once you have government, it continues to grow until it consumes all of society. "Limited government" is a concept similar to "limited melanoma." A democracy will never be a stable situation. It inevitably blows up.

Private property is necessary for capitalism to work, and no entity, but government, can ensure private property rights. Without government, your private property, including any profits you make are yours only if you have the physical force adequate to prevent someone else from taking it away from you.

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