Libertariabs and capitalists.

No, I looked at the elements of the word, combined "anarchy" and "capitalist" and followed where those definitions led me. The next step was to find a Ferengi. The image I chose from Google Images happened to be associated with Wiki. The horse led the cart, not the other way 'round. And where it lives on Wiki is a page on Ferengi, not anarcho-capitalism. I have yet to even look up anarcho-capitalism (or "libertariab") -- I figure that's the job of those who invoke the terms. Wiki doesn't post here.

The problem with your horse is that Ferengi's are not anarchists. In other words, you just demonstrated your unparallelled ability to jump to unsupported conclusions instead of doing actual research..

That's what we on this planet call a "joke". Clearly leagues beyond your simple ken.

All of your posts are jokes, especially the ones you think are real.
--- and once again you're the one flinging the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.

But for anyone else without their hair on fire the question is open: are people basically good, or do they need an authority figure to lead them around? If so, is that authority figure necessarily that entity in possession of the most capital?

One is tempted to observe that you have no values to judge with, which is why you lie about everything.

-- says the poster boy for eating lead paint who led off his barrage by completely making shit up that he can't prove now that he's painted himself into a corner. :fu:

Remember when you said this?

The statement isn't emotional; it's philosophical. It analyzes views of human nature.

But for a guy who claims not to be trafficking in emotion, you invoked "asshole" and "evil" before your second sentence was done. So much for that.

"One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite."

Yes, I know it's philosophical. It's what assholes think. One need not be emotional to recognize the trait.

--- and once again you're the one flinging the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.

But for anyone else without their hair on fire the question is open: are people basically good, or do they need an authority figure to lead them around? If so, is that authority figure necessarily that entity in possession of the most capital?

If I am making everything up why are you getting emotional?
Once again the communication process has broken down.

"Evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack", "asshole" (X 4), and now "flatulence". You own them all.
There's no breakdown here, it's between your ears. Ignoring points you disagree with and claiming they don't exist only happens in your head, it doesn't alter reality. Repeating it over and over it makes you an asshole.
I agree with your portrayal, except for this part:
"An anarchist is a capitalist by definition since they support no government."

Doesn't follow. You're saying a capitalist is an anarchist?

A dog is a mammal, but does that mean that a mammal is a dog? Maybe, probably not.
I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

Link to ANY of those positions I've taken here?

Oh that's right ---- you just make it up.


Aren't you the guy who never gets emotional? What happened, did I hit too close to your lying scumbag facade?

Would you like a tissue?

Tough shit.

Pogo said:
Hi, you have received -7931 reputation points from Pogo.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you, lying asshole


Note: This is an automated message.

Failure to document noted. Lying asshole.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

Just a partisan talking point.

Gay marriage
Legalized pot

All examples of "conservatives want more government interference"

There are plenty of examples of where liberals favor more government intervention, it's just on different things.
One is tempted to observe that you have no values to judge with, which is why you lie about everything.

-- says the poster boy for eating lead paint who led off his barrage by completely making shit up that he can't prove now that he's painted himself into a corner. :fu:

Remember when you said this?

"One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite."

Yes, I know it's philosophical. It's what assholes think. One need not be emotional to recognize the trait.

--- and once again you're the one flinging the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.

But for anyone else without their hair on fire the question is open: are people basically good, or do they need an authority figure to lead them around? If so, is that authority figure necessarily that entity in possession of the most capital?

If I am making everything up why are you getting emotional?

This isn't emotion; this is dismissing you as the lying fraud with the mentality of a six-year-old that your are. Case in point: you've shuffled the posts above -- using somebody else's posts instead of your own that my post was a response to, which was this:

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

--- which I then challenged you to document in any way, shape or form at all, which you completely FAILED to do, and now sit and pretend it was attached to another post altogether, all of which exposes what a lying sactimonious hack-troll waste of human protoplasm you are.

Are you claiming then that Iceweasel is your sock account? Or are you just so abjectly stupid that you can't tell the difference between your own post and someone else's?

Liar dismissed. Enjoy your neg -- you earned it, turdwagon. Expect another one any time you continue to make shit up. Like it or lump it, whiny bitch.
Last edited:
Once again the communication process has broken down.

"Evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack", "asshole" (X 4), and now "flatulence". You own them all.
There's no breakdown here, it's between your ears. Ignoring points you disagree with and claiming they don't exist only happens in your head, it doesn't alter reality. Repeating it over and over it makes you an asshole.

I count five. Is that right?
I agree with your portrayal, except for this part:
"An anarchist is a capitalist by definition since they support no government."

Doesn't follow. You're saying a capitalist is an anarchist?

A dog is a mammal, but does that mean that a mammal is a dog? Maybe, probably not.

Agreed. That's the point.
Why is an anarchist a "capitalist by definition"? What part of the definition of anarchist necessarily invokes capitalism?
I agree with your portrayal, except for this part:
"An anarchist is a capitalist by definition since they support no government."

Doesn't follow. You're saying a capitalist is an anarchist?

A dog is a mammal, but does that mean that a mammal is a dog? Maybe, probably not.

Agreed. That's the point.
Why is an anarchist a "capitalist by definition"? What part of the definition of anarchist necessarily invokes capitalism?

OK, but I actually addressed that point in the quote. A capitalist is someone who believes in economic freedom. Only government can impede economic freedom because only government can use force. Businesses cannot use force to make you buy their product and not competitors. Since an anarchist believes in no government, there is no government to restrict economic freedom. So by the definition of an anarchist, they are guaranteed to be a capitalist. It's impossible by the definition of an anarchist to not be a capitalist. That is what I mean by "by definition."

The reverse is not true. I'm a hard core capitalist, but I am not an anarchist. I want government limited, I do not want it eliminated.
-- says the poster boy for eating lead paint who led off his barrage by completely making shit up that he can't prove now that he's painted himself into a corner. :fu:

Remember when you said this?

If I am making everything up why are you getting emotional?

This isn't emotion; this is dismissing you as the lying fraud with the mentality of a six-year-old that your are. Case in point: you've shuffled the posts above -- using somebody else's posts instead of your own that my post was a response to, which was this:

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

--- which I then challenged you to document in any way, shape or form at all, which you completely FAILED to do, and now sit and pretend it was attached to another post altogether, all of which exposes what a lying sactimonious hack-troll waste of human protoplasm you are.

Are you claiming then that Iceweasel is your sock account? Or are you just so abjectly stupid that you can't tell the difference between your own post and someone else's?

Liar dismissed. Enjoy your neg -- you earned it, turdwagon. Expect another one any time you continue to make shit up. Like it or lump it, whiny bitch.

All you have to do to prove me wrong is publicly state that you oppose the drug war, Obamacare, regulations that stifle business, and all the other big government programs that you suddenly claim to hate.
Last edited:
Remember when you said this?

If I am making everything up why are you getting emotional?

This isn't emotion; this is dismissing you as the lying fraud with the mentality of a six-year-old that your are. Case in point: you've shuffled the posts above -- using somebody else's posts instead of your own that my post was a response to, which was this:

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

--- which I then challenged you to document in any way, shape or form at all, which you completely FAILED to do, and now sit and pretend it was attached to another post altogether, all of which exposes what a lying sactimonious hack-troll waste of human protoplasm you are.

Are you claiming then that Iceweasel is your sock account? Or are you just so abjectly stupid that you can't tell the difference between your own post and someone else's?

Liar dismissed. Enjoy your neg -- you earned it, turdwagon. Expect another one any time you continue to make shit up. Like it or lump it, whiny bitch.

All you have to do to prove me wrong is publicly state that you oppose the drug war, Obamacare, regulations that stifle business, and all the other big government programs that you suddenly claim to hate.

You forgot Obama's green energy boondoggles.
Remember when you said this?

If I am making everything up why are you getting emotional?

This isn't emotion; this is dismissing you as the lying fraud with the mentality of a six-year-old that your are. Case in point: you've shuffled the posts above -- using somebody else's posts instead of your own that my post was a response to, which was this:

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

--- which I then challenged you to document in any way, shape or form at all, which you completely FAILED to do, and now sit and pretend it was attached to another post altogether, all of which exposes what a lying sactimonious hack-troll waste of human protoplasm you are.

Are you claiming then that Iceweasel is your sock account? Or are you just so abjectly stupid that you can't tell the difference between your own post and someone else's?

Liar dismissed. Enjoy your neg -- you earned it, turdwagon. Expect another one any time you continue to make shit up. Like it or lump it, whiny bitch.

All you have to do to prove me wrong is publicly state that you oppose the drug war, Obamacare, regulations that stifle business, and all the other big government programs that you suddenly claim to hate.

NO, YOU made the claim, and with that comes the burden of proof. It ain't my job to document your hallucinations. Get off your lazy ass and go find a post of mine -- anywhere anytime -- that substantiates any part of your bullshit. You won't, because there's no such thing. And that's because you made it up.

This is beyond belief... you actually think you can just make shit up out of thin air and not get called on it? Not on this planet, Gummo.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.

Just a partisan talking point.

Gay marriage
Legalized pot

All examples of "conservatives want more government interference"

There are plenty of examples of where liberals favor more government intervention, it's just on different things.
Huh? Making abortions more rare involves more government? Keeping marriages between men and women involve more government? Weed, yes, I agree it's more government, well maybe. We'll see how it shakes out but there's been a few bumps in the road already. You're comparing it to all the liberal big government programs? Are you serious?
I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

Pogo believes the size of government is determined only by whether it allows abortion or gay marriage.

You too, same challenge. Quote anywhere I've posted on either topic. Let's see what you got.

Gotta wonder about the judgment of you liars who just make it up as you go and think nobody will call you on it.

Time's up. You lose.
Pogo believes the size of government is determined only by whether it allows abortion or gay marriage.

You too, same challenge. Quote anywhere I've posted on either topic. Let's see what you got.

Gotta wonder about the judgment of you liars who just make it up as you go and think nobody will call you on it.

Time's up. You lose.

I don't need to prove. Anyone who has a brain and has read your posts knows it's true.
This isn't emotion; this is dismissing you as the lying fraud with the mentality of a six-year-old that your are. Case in point: you've shuffled the posts above -- using somebody else's posts instead of your own that my post was a response to, which was this:

--- which I then challenged you to document in any way, shape or form at all, which you completely FAILED to do, and now sit and pretend it was attached to another post altogether, all of which exposes what a lying sactimonious hack-troll waste of human protoplasm you are.

Are you claiming then that Iceweasel is your sock account? Or are you just so abjectly stupid that you can't tell the difference between your own post and someone else's?

Liar dismissed. Enjoy your neg -- you earned it, turdwagon. Expect another one any time you continue to make shit up. Like it or lump it, whiny bitch.

All you have to do to prove me wrong is publicly state that you oppose the drug war, Obamacare, regulations that stifle business, and all the other big government programs that you suddenly claim to hate.

NO, YOU made the claim, and with that comes the burden of proof. It ain't my job to document your hallucinations. Get off your lazy ass and go find a post of mine -- anywhere anytime -- that substantiates any part of your bullshit. You won't, because there's no such thing. And that's because you made it up.

This is beyond belief... you actually think you can just make shit up out of thin air and not get called on it? Not on this planet, Gummo.

I rest my case.
You too, same challenge. Quote anywhere I've posted on either topic. Let's see what you got.

Gotta wonder about the judgment of you liars who just make it up as you go and think nobody will call you on it.

Time's up. You lose.

I don't need to prove. Anyone who has a brain and has read your posts knows it's true.

Especially since it would only take one post to prove us wrong.
Once again the communication process has broken down.

"Evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack", "asshole" (X 4), and now "flatulence". You own them all.
There's no breakdown here, it's between your ears. Ignoring points you disagree with and claiming they don't exist only happens in your head, it doesn't alter reality. Repeating it over and over it makes you an asshole.

I count five. Is that right?
No, go back and try again. Asshole.

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