Libertariabs and capitalists.

Once again, I call assholes assholes. You can't get away with being an asshole, sorry. If you didn't see my point or why I called you an asshole that's because you're an asshole. Clear enough yet?

And this is what you call non-emotional. :rolleyes: Clearly you have no clue how to discuss an issue. Dismissed.
You speak with great flatulence. You are in no position to critique debating skills since all you do is insult and dismiss points you don't agree with. That's an ideology led by emotion, projection won't work.

Once again the communication process has broken down.

"Evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack", "asshole" (X 4), and now "flatulence". You own them all.

An anarcho-capitalist is a fancy name for an anarchist

But there's the second word, so specifically one out to make a profit. Or to look at it in the reverse, a capitalist who wants no government setting any limits.

Is it not possible to be an anarchist who is not interested in making a profit?

I'm not sure why you asked me that as if I had made an argument, I just answered Ice Weasel's question what the term means.

But to answer your question, capitalists support free markets. A capitalist does not have to want to earn profits, they just have to believe people have the right to economic freedom free from control by government force. An anarchist is a capitalist by definition since they support no government.

Of course they live in a fantasy land. For one day, we would have economic freedom. The second day, mafia's would form to blackmail and coerce them. The third day, they would form a government to stop them. Libertarianism is sustainable, anarchy isn't. Under anarchy, markets would also collapse because no one could establish generally recognized ownership of any assets to transact business with.

It wasn't a question except rhetorical. I filled in the blank you left by addressing the "anarcho" part and ignoring "capitalist".

I agree with your portrayal, except for this part:
"An anarchist is a capitalist by definition since they support no government."

Doesn't follow. You're saying a capitalist is an anarchist?
Is it not possible to be an anarchist who is not interested in making a profit?
Profits are based on a common system. With anarchy, the individual defines what is right or wrong, there is no system, only what he sees fit to do. Profit then is in the mind of the beholder, a chicken for a goose could be considered profit, there's no standard to base value on.

That's just absurd, and the historical record shows you to be wrong. Money wasn't invented by government. It existed long before government got into the business. For thousands of years before government existed people farmed, lived in communities, observed the institution of private property, resolved disputes, exchanged what they produced, traded, punished criminals and performed all the other functions we associate with civilization. Anarchy doesn't mean chaos. It just means no big brother to order you around and take half of everything you own.
The whole ideological group that looks at the state of big business capitalism and financial institutions and sees too much regulation are just nuts. Big banks and big business pretty much run wild as it is because practically all politicians are owned and controlled by them. Of course they have a host of counter-intuitive theories that say that shit-canning the regs will somehow prevent so much plutocratic bullshit but I have never heard an argument that did not sound suspiciously like that voodoo invisible hand hogwash.

The whole ideological group that looks to gov't to control everything in their lives and provide for same sucks at the teat of American society because somehow they are entitled. Nobody owes you squat, Princess. There's lots of truly needy peeps out here. Get off your occupied butt and help me pull the train.
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Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.
If Republicans want smaller government then why is marijuana illegal?

Reefer Madness (1936) - IMDb
Hemp for Victory (1943) - IMDb


Controlled Substances Act
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

Also, what's a "Libertariab"?

Because Obama says it is bad.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.


Nobody believes in government comes in sizes, but Liberalism advocates minimalist government.

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.
If Republicans want smaller government then why is marijuana illegal?
Most of them probably believe that more potheads will cause more problems and won't necessarily shrink the size of dependents of the state.
Purity is a religious concept, not economic. There is no such thing as a pure economic system since all these theories about how a pure form of this economic system or that economic system is just mental masturbation. It's impossible to have any economic system with no regulation and I've never heard any Libertarian, conservative or otherwise call for it. Anarchy is self rule and no system is self ruled so whoever coined the term anarcho-capitalism is an idiot, if the term even exists. It's an oxymoron.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.


Nobody believes in government comes in sizes, but Liberalism advocates minimalist government.
You just repeated what I said and called it bullshit. Weird.

Purity is a scientific concept.
The whole ideological group that looks at the state of big business capitalism and financial institutions and sees too much regulation are just nuts. Big banks and big business pretty much run wild as it is because practically all politicians are owned and controlled by them. Of course they have a host of counter-intuitive theories that say that shit-canning the regs will somehow prevent so much plutocratic bullshit but I have never heard an argument that did not sound suspiciously like that voodoo invisible hand hogwash.

The whole class of people that insist that there is not enough regulations has their head in the sand. If it wasn't for government regulations there wouldn't be big banks or big business for you to cry about. Of course, they have all sorts of lies that they use to prove that less regulation led to the problems they keep complaining about.

Want to know the difference between your bullshit and mine? I can provide proof that I am right about everything, all you can do is repeat talking points.
Is someone confuserated on the distinction between "intrusive" and "minimalist" then?

Help is on the way -


3. of, pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism, especially the freedom of the individual and governmental guarantees of individual rights and liberties.
4. favorable to or in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom possible, especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties.
5. favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression: a liberal policy toward dissident artists and writers.

Today's liberal do not fit the dictionary term. They re-label pretty much everything to forward their agenda. The classic liberal you refer to would be called a libertarian today.

Then you might be conflating "liberals" with "leftists". This just in: Joe McCarthy is expired. He tried the same thing.

Meanwhile I think we're all still waiting for some definition of "libertariabs". Sounds like something to do with aerobics.

He isn't the one that is confused, it is all the idiots that call themselves liberals and dismiss people who want smaller government as right wing nuts.

Wait, that is you,, isn't it?
I will agree with that in theory but my comment had more to do with the somewhat faith-based political beliefs of many libertarians rather than how things actually are. To me many of their calls for massive deregulation have no basis in reality and studiously ignores the unintended consequences of letting capitalists run amok, I feel there is too much of that already, especially in the financial industry.

One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite.

Mostly correct, I personally believe that unaccountable power is abhorrent to freedom. Why libertarians want practically all economic power to not be answerable to the public at large is mystifying.

You must despise Obama.

Wait, you actually don't. I guess that makes you a lying sack of shit.
Semantically it appears that an "anarcho-capitalist" is an simply an anarchist who makes a profit.

They look like this:


Seriously, it sounds like corporatocracy -- government of, by and for the richest. Which means on this planet they look more like this:


Ultimately it means an authoritarian; one who grovels at authority, defined as "he who has the most cash". Or as popularly termed - "elitism"

-- to be distinguished from anarcho-syndicalism...

Anarcho-syndicalists versus the First Estate:

Monty Python- The Annoying Peasant

So basically you wiki'd anarcho-capitalism, read maybe one or two sentences, and then dismissed it. "Oh,

No, I looked at the elements of the word, combined "anarchy" and "capitalist" and followed where those definitions led me. The next step was to find a Ferengi. The image I chose from Google Images happened to be associated with Wiki. The horse led the cart, not the other way 'round. And where it lives on Wiki is a page on Ferengi, not anarcho-capitalism. I have yet to even look up anarcho-capitalism (or "libertariab") -- I figure that's the job of those who invoke the terms. Wiki doesn't post here.

The problem with your horse is that Ferengi's are not anarchists. In other words, you just demonstrated your unparallelled ability to jump to unsupported conclusions instead of doing actual research.
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The statement isn't emotional; it's philosophical. It analyzes views of human nature.

But for a guy who claims not to be trafficking in emotion, you invoked "asshole" and "evil" before your second sentence was done. So much for that.

"One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite."

Yes, I know it's philosophical. It's what assholes think. One need not be emotional to recognize the trait.

--- and once again you're the one flinging the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.

But for anyone else without their hair on fire the question is open: are people basically good, or do they need an authority figure to lead them around? If so, is that authority figure necessarily that entity in possession of the most capital?

One is tempted to observe that you have no values to judge with, which is why you lie about everything.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.


Nobody believes in government comes in sizes, but Liberalism advocates minimalist government.

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

Link to ANY of those positions I've taken here?

Oh that's right ---- you just make it up.

Today's liberal do not fit the dictionary term. They re-label pretty much everything to forward their agenda. The classic liberal you refer to would be called a libertarian today.

Then you might be conflating "liberals" with "leftists". This just in: Joe McCarthy is expired. He tried the same thing.

Meanwhile I think we're all still waiting for some definition of "libertariabs". Sounds like something to do with aerobics.

He isn't the one that is confused, it is all the idiots that call themselves liberals and dismiss people who want smaller government as right wing nuts.

Wait, that is you,, isn't it?

No double-comma boy, read the last post of mine you quoted that directly contradicts that. Dumb shit.
So basically you wiki'd anarcho-capitalism, read maybe one or two sentences, and then dismissed it. "Oh,

No, I looked at the elements of the word, combined "anarchy" and "capitalist" and followed where those definitions led me. The next step was to find a Ferengi. The image I chose from Google Images happened to be associated with Wiki. The horse led the cart, not the other way 'round. And where it lives on Wiki is a page on Ferengi, not anarcho-capitalism. I have yet to even look up anarcho-capitalism (or "libertariab") -- I figure that's the job of those who invoke the terms. Wiki doesn't post here.

The problem with your horse is that Ferengi's are not anarchists. In other words, you just demonstrated your unparallelled ability to jump to unsupported conclusions instead of doing actual research..

That's what we on this planet call a "joke". Clearly leagues beyond your simple ken.
Never heard of anarcho-capitalist before but a libertarian, conservative or liberal can be a capitalist. Libertarians and conservatives believe in smaller less intrusive government. Liberals believe in bigger and more intrusive government for everybody else.


Nobody believes in government comes in sizes, but Liberalism advocates minimalist government.

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

Pogo believes the size of government is determined only by whether it allows abortion or gay marriage.
"One is tempted to observe here that the left side here believes people are basically good while corporatia needs to be controlled lest it get out of line; whereas the right believes the exact opposite."

Yes, I know it's philosophical. It's what assholes think. One need not be emotional to recognize the trait.

--- and once again you're the one flinging the emotion. My musing contains no value judgments; you so far have invoked "evil", "righteous", "greedy", "talking smack" and "asshole" (twice) -- the last as an attempted ad hominem before a point has even been made.

Perhaps you're just not cut out for this musing stuff.

But for anyone else without their hair on fire the question is open: are people basically good, or do they need an authority figure to lead them around? If so, is that authority figure necessarily that entity in possession of the most capital?

One is tempted to observe that you have no values to judge with, which is why you lie about everything.

-- says the poster boy for eating lead paint who led off his barrage by completely making shit up that he can't prove now that he's painted himself into a corner. :fu:

Nobody believes in government comes in sizes, but Liberalism advocates minimalist government.

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

Pogo believes the size of government is determined only by whether it allows abortion or gay marriage.

You too, same challenge. Quote anywhere I've posted on either topic. Let's see what you got.

Gotta wonder about the judgment of you liars who just make it up as you go and think nobody will call you on it.
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Nobody believes in government comes in sizes, but Liberalism advocates minimalist government.

I guess that proves you aren't a liberal, doesn't it? Or did you change your mind about Obamacare, the war on drugs, regulating businesses, and all those other big government things you love?

Link to ANY of those positions I've taken here?

Oh that's right ---- you just make it up.


Aren't you the guy who never gets emotional? What happened, did I hit too close to your lying scumbag facade?

Would you like a tissue?

Tough shit.

Pogo said:
Hi, you have received -7931 reputation points from Pogo.
Reputation was given for this post.

Fuck you, lying asshole


Note: This is an automated message.
Then you might be conflating "liberals" with "leftists". This just in: Joe McCarthy is expired. He tried the same thing.

Meanwhile I think we're all still waiting for some definition of "libertariabs". Sounds like something to do with aerobics.

He isn't the one that is confused, it is all the idiots that call themselves liberals and dismiss people who want smaller government as right wing nuts.

Wait, that is you,, isn't it?

No double-comma boy, read the last post of mine you quoted that directly contradicts that. Dumb shit.

You wrote a post that directly contradicts your post? Why am I not surprised?

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