Librarian Declines Gift of Dr. Seuss Books from First Lady Melania Trump – Says They’re Racist

Once again you do me the honor of posting something that proves my point, insulting and attacking a USMB member for not sharing YOUR views and opinions..
He's not sharing the countries view of the US Constitution.

Very Liberal OPINION.

Libs embrace the disrespectful act of kneeling during the National Anthem, defending it by pointing it out it is an exercise of their Constitutional Right of Free Speech.

They then prove me right - claiming libs only care about THEIR right of Free Speech and desire to silence anyone who does not share their view - by condemning the President for exercising his right of Free speech by condemning the players' actions.

As I said, as reported, The President's comments reflected the opinions of 58% of the American people who condemn the players' actions. If you can't accept that it's your issue.
Don't address that. Can't you tell a robot when you are communicating with one? Just insult them. Who cares at this point? You think any logical point you make will work on these mindless morons?
Pres, Obama praised Dr Seuss books several times, and credited them for teaching him about life when he was a young child. And there is a video of Michelle reading Dr Seuss to kids. Does that make them racist? .... :dunno:

Evidently.... Oh wait - my bad. It's only racist if a Conservative does the same thing. :p

Maybe they misheard it. With Melanias awful accent, they couldn't understand the book. Kinda like watching "Duck Dynasty"

Oh, another lefty hypocrite?
The first red flag is the woman's name, Liz Phipps Soeiro. She's a brown person of a foreign third world origin. She's not the American of White European heritage the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. We need to deport these type people and make this country pure with the specific people the founders had in mind for it.

If the OP meant this to be another self-indulgent, chicken shit racist pussy thread, it should have posted it in the appropriate forum.
The truth hurts doesn't it? .....

YOU sure as hell wouldn't know.
I love it when the RWnuts dig up someone with a view that almost no one agrees with and then proceed to broadbrush all liberals with that view.

Classic desperation.
Kind of odd how that broad brush keeps hitting the left. It doesn't help to have a steady stream of retarded provided daily by the nuts on the left.
This librarian is suffering from the mental disease called liberalism. What in the world is racist about Dr. Seuss?

Librarian Declines Gift of Dr. Seuss Books from First Lady Melania Trump – Says They're Racist (Video)
Gateway Pundit is the fakest of news.
Nothing to see here except America hates this former porn actress as First Lady. She's attached to the most loathsome person on earth.
She has patriotism and loves her country. Your disrespectful self does not!
I love it when the RWnuts dig up someone with a view that almost no one agrees with and then proceed to broadbrush all liberals with that view.

Classic desperation.
Kind of odd how that broad brush keeps hitting the left. It doesn't help to have a steady stream of retarded provided daily by the nuts on the left.

So you support the conservative who ran his car into the crowd in Charlottesville.

Okay. Got it.
A librarian does not have the authority to censure books or make judgments about their content. We could laugh at the image of some crazy 19th century spinster librarian being hysterical about Dr. Seuss but we all know what this is about, it's about the crazy left disrespecting the President.
I love it when the RWnuts dig up someone with a view that almost no one agrees with and then proceed to broadbrush all liberals with that view.

Classic desperation.
She's a beacon of desperation you idiots have been applauding. lol
Here's a pic of that librarian ....


Librarian Refuses Donation of Dr. Seuss Books From Melania Trump, Citing 'Racist Propaganda'
Extreme Liberals will find a paper clip to be racist. Liberals voted for people that stood with and for a Grand Dragon of the KKK (Byrd). Maybe she should resign.

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