Libs and the MSM get "TRUMPED" again!! No Comey tapes

you waited like lap dogs for weeks. Trump plays the left like a fiddle. DANCE LIBLOONS DANCE LOL!!!!

I didn't think there was either, it was a head fake meant to ensure Comey didn't just feel free to say anything he wanted to. Think about it. Comey could literally have stated ANYTHING and the alt-left wished he would if it meant harming Trump. They are in the mode of "the ends justifies the means". It was a prudent comment to make considering the situation and the clear witch hunt against him.

If Comey somehow decided he was going to throw his integrity away to get revenge or some other motive (I have no reason to think he did this or was even thinking this), he had to think twice now. Comey is no fool and he had to consider that the president might have recorded them, so he walked the straight line. As any honourable man should in my opinion.

When Trump stated this Comey realized he couldn't be dishonest or exaggerate. His testimony was a clear win for Trump as far as I could glean, there wasn't any obstruction or collusion. Both of these concepts were destroyed in his testimony.

Furthermore, I think he is being honest in that HE doesn't have any tapes, but he cant say for sure that some other agency isn't recording this. All of this is sound reason based on the level of leaks with his personal calls to world leaders and such. He is protecting himself in case someone did record these conversations.
So Trump is just being an ass and jerking everyone around ?
Here is the scenario suspected played out:

1. After the one-on-one meetings with Trump, Comey prepared a bunch of memos that contained outright lies and fabrications.

2. After he was fired, he sent them to his friend to read them over the phone to the New York Times. The whole charade was set up to ensure that nobody other than Comey and his friend ever saw them before they were leaked to the NYT over the phone. The NYT didn't even verify their authenticity by demanding to see them before running the story.

3. After Trump posted his legendary "He better hope there are no tapes" Twitter message, Comey went back and drafted new memos with all of the lies and fabrications scrubbed out. He gave them to his friend and to Mueller's office, and represented these as the real ones
This report of no tapes is bad for trump and gives added support for Comey's contemporaneous notes. It seems a lot of trump supporters do not know the meaning of Comey's contemporaneous notes. These were notes written immediately following his meeting with trump and shown to FBI authorities and filed. They were not written days or weeks following the meeting and open for editings.
you waited like lap dogs for weeks. Trump plays the left like a fiddle. DANCE LIBLOONS DANCE LOL!!!!

I didn't think there was either, it was a head fake meant to ensure Comey didn't just feel free to say anything he wanted to. Think about it. Comey could literally have stated ANYTHING and the alt-left wished he would if it meant harming Trump. They are in the mode of "the ends justifies the means". It was a prudent comment to make considering the situation and the clear witch hunt against him.

If Comey somehow decided he was going to throw his integrity away to get revenge or some other motive (I have no reason to think he did this or was even thinking this), he had to think twice now. Comey is no fool and he had to consider that the president might have recorded them, so he walked the straight line. As any honourable man should in my opinion.

When Trump stated this Comey realized he couldn't be dishonest or exaggerate. His testimony was a clear win for Trump as far as I could glean, there wasn't any obstruction or collusion. Both of these concepts were destroyed in his testimony.

Furthermore, I think he is being honest in that HE doesn't have any tapes, but he cant say for sure that some other agency isn't recording this. All of this is sound reason based on the level of leaks with his personal calls to world leaders and such. He is protecting himself in case someone did record these conversations.
I agree with all you said, Shocked.
So he lied and that's a good thing?
It's funny, he said there may be tapes. My GOD he plays you for the fools you are!!!

Lying no matter how you spin it is not a good thing. Of course he doesn't have tapes. He never has anything he promises to deliver at a later time.

The bluff is overused.

He didn't say he had tapes, retard.
He said comey better hope that none existed.

And I bet comey did hope that hahahahaha.

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