Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

There is no freedom when you have the federal government running all business.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state? Times up… Because it doesn’t you fucking bitch. Lol

“Joe osteen” does not represent Christians you fucking whore.

The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind… In fact they have the opposite.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, And tax money never goes to where supposed to go... End of story

There is no freedom when you have the federal government running all business.

Where in the constitution does it say separation of church and state? Times up… Because it doesn’t you fucking bitch. Lol

“Joe osteen” does not represent Christians you fucking whore.

The collective never has the best interest of the individual in mind… In fact they have the opposite.

Illegal aliens costs this country billions of dollars every year, And tax money never goes to where supposed to go... End of story

Unlike Russia, the federal government regulates business to protect consumers against crooks, thieves, and dangerous or faulty products. I’m sorry but dishonest Russian business tactics aren’t allowed.

Calling me names. My my! I must have hit a nerve! Rustic can’t stand the idea that the only way a Russian can win is by cheating.
That’s like blaming the store for the shoplifter…all progressives are fucked in the head

You're fucked in the head. You say you live in the Badlands. That's about as far from the Southerm Border as you can get. In fact, South Dakota has one of the lowest immigrant populations in the USA. So what in the actual fuck do you know about illegal immigration in the United States?
He knows shit and he's a coward, because he has no interest in understanding the cause of this problem. Just to hate those who are the victims and to scapegoat them as the problem. They are no more the problem than he is a caring human being.
If there are 11 billion in this country illegally, using the system at the expense of the taxpayers, they are a problem. And the Do Nothing Democrats is a problem also. The CAUSE is that we have open borders with welcome mats and give out freebies at the expense of tax payers.
If the 11 million cost us one penny, that penny is on us. We caused illegal immigration and the refugee crisis. It's of our own making. And Trump's cowardly base is paralyzed to discuss that reality and truth, because it's a losing argument for them. I continue to post the same thing from this thread and no one from Trump's deplorable party has the guts to take it on because the argument does nothing but box them in. It's 100% on us. Bernie Sanders last night said what I am saying to you now.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.
Unlike Russia, the federal government regulates business to protect consumers against crooks, thieves, and dangerous or faulty products. I’m sorry but dishonest Russian business tactics aren’t allowed.

Calling me names. My my! I must have hit a nerve! Rustic can’t stand the idea that the only way a Russian can win is by cheating.
You're fucked in the head. You say you live in the Badlands. That's about as far from the Southerm Border as you can get. In fact, South Dakota has one of the lowest immigrant populations in the USA. So what in the actual fuck do you know about illegal immigration in the United States?
He knows shit and he's a coward, because he has no interest in understanding the cause of this problem. Just to hate those who are the victims and to scapegoat them as the problem. They are no more the problem than he is a caring human being.
If there are 11 billion in this country illegally, using the system at the expense of the taxpayers, they are a problem. And the Do Nothing Democrats is a problem also. The CAUSE is that we have open borders with welcome mats and give out freebies at the expense of tax payers.
If the 11 million cost us one penny, that penny is on us. We caused illegal immigration and the refugee crisis. It's of our own making. And Trump's cowardly base is paralyzed to discuss that reality and truth, because it's a losing argument for them. I continue to post the same thing from this thread and no one from Trump's deplorable party has the guts to take it on because the argument does nothing but box them in. It's 100% on us. Bernie Sanders last night said what I am saying to you now.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
Then stay the fuck out of theirs.

We aren't in theirs. They are in ours. Idiot.
Not sure what closet you've been living in for the lst six or seven decades, but you haven't got a clue; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections. Tell us again how we aren't there again? You do know that we have aircraft in the Galapagos Islands as we speak waiting to invade Venezuela right?

Now is the time for you to produce your counter arguments proving me wrong. Or you are just a bald faced liar.

Decades ago douche bag. Nothing going on there now. Those countries have had decades to get their shit together. If they didn't then that's on them.

This is 2019 not 1960.

You really are an idiot.
Do you have any idea the ignorance and the shallowness of your post? OMG! People this is unbelievable. A child in third grade could come up with something better. "Nothing going on there now?" My head is exploding. Why are people so misinformed? I just explained to you what is going on right now. And as to yesterdays intervention, has it not occurred to you the long standing damage that has occurred in these countries? I could write a book about the damages done, and how they are affecting them now because of what we did. Trump Toads are so unbelievably brain dead to what has been going on.

Do you have any idea of the ignorance of your posts??

Your talking about shit that happened back in the 60's Decades ago.

If you want to assume responsibility for all of South America. Feel free. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back just don't expect any sane person to applaud your stupid ass.

You sure are a bull headed idiot. And you sure as shit aren't American. Hope your country appreciates your stupid ass because no one else does. Idiot.
Exactly! And the same Ecuador that we invaded in the sixties is being used as a launching pad for further intervention into Venezuela today. Why are you people so misinformed?
We aren't in theirs. They are in ours. Idiot.
Not sure what closet you've been living in for the lst six or seven decades, but you haven't got a clue; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections. Tell us again how we aren't there again? You do know that we have aircraft in the Galapagos Islands as we speak waiting to invade Venezuela right?

Now is the time for you to produce your counter arguments proving me wrong. Or you are just a bald faced liar.

Decades ago douche bag. Nothing going on there now. Those countries have had decades to get their shit together. If they didn't then that's on them.

This is 2019 not 1960.

You really are an idiot.
Do you have any idea the ignorance and the shallowness of your post? OMG! People this is unbelievable. A child in third grade could come up with something better. "Nothing going on there now?" My head is exploding. Why are people so misinformed? I just explained to you what is going on right now. And as to yesterdays intervention, has it not occurred to you the long standing damage that has occurred in these countries? I could write a book about the damages done, and how they are affecting them now because of what we did. Trump Toads are so unbelievably brain dead to what has been going on.

Do you have any idea of the ignorance of your posts??

Your talking about shit that happened back in the 60's Decades ago.

If you want to assume responsibility for all of South America. Feel free. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back just don't expect any sane person to applaud your stupid ass.

You sure are a bull headed idiot. And you sure as shit aren't American. Hope your country appreciates your stupid ass because no one else does. Idiot.
Exactly! And the same Ecuador that we invaded in the sixties is being used as a launching pad for further intervention into Venezuela today. Why are you people so misinformed?

Why are you such an idiot talking about shit no one gives a shit about.

Go pat yourself on the back and have a beer.

Sucks to be your stupid ass.
He knows shit and he's a coward, because he has no interest in understanding the cause of this problem. Just to hate those who are the victims and to scapegoat them as the problem. They are no more the problem than he is a caring human being.
If there are 11 billion in this country illegally, using the system at the expense of the taxpayers, they are a problem. And the Do Nothing Democrats is a problem also. The CAUSE is that we have open borders with welcome mats and give out freebies at the expense of tax payers.
If the 11 million cost us one penny, that penny is on us. We caused illegal immigration and the refugee crisis. It's of our own making. And Trump's cowardly base is paralyzed to discuss that reality and truth, because it's a losing argument for them. I continue to post the same thing from this thread and no one from Trump's deplorable party has the guts to take it on because the argument does nothing but box them in. It's 100% on us. Bernie Sanders last night said what I am saying to you now.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
Because I don't support the invasion of other countries, then blame those same countries for a refugee problem we started. I care about that. You don't. Which means you have zero moral high ground to talk about it. I do. You and the rest of the Trump Toads who blame the refugees are 100% fos. And by the way, evil cultists.
Not sure what closet you've been living in for the lst six or seven decades, but you haven't got a clue; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Ecuador 1960-63: The CIA infiltrated the Ecuadorian government, set up news agencies and radio stations, bombed right-wing agencies and churches and blamed the left, all to force democratically elected Velasco Ibarra from office. When his replacement, Carlos Arosemara, refused to break relations with Cuba, the CIA-funded military took over the country, outlawed communism, and cancelled the 1964 elections. Tell us again how we aren't there again? You do know that we have aircraft in the Galapagos Islands as we speak waiting to invade Venezuela right?

Now is the time for you to produce your counter arguments proving me wrong. Or you are just a bald faced liar.

Decades ago douche bag. Nothing going on there now. Those countries have had decades to get their shit together. If they didn't then that's on them.

This is 2019 not 1960.

You really are an idiot.
Do you have any idea the ignorance and the shallowness of your post? OMG! People this is unbelievable. A child in third grade could come up with something better. "Nothing going on there now?" My head is exploding. Why are people so misinformed? I just explained to you what is going on right now. And as to yesterdays intervention, has it not occurred to you the long standing damage that has occurred in these countries? I could write a book about the damages done, and how they are affecting them now because of what we did. Trump Toads are so unbelievably brain dead to what has been going on.

Do you have any idea of the ignorance of your posts??

Your talking about shit that happened back in the 60's Decades ago.

If you want to assume responsibility for all of South America. Feel free. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back just don't expect any sane person to applaud your stupid ass.

You sure are a bull headed idiot. And you sure as shit aren't American. Hope your country appreciates your stupid ass because no one else does. Idiot.
Exactly! And the same Ecuador that we invaded in the sixties is being used as a launching pad for further intervention into Venezuela today. Why are you people so misinformed?

Why are you such an idiot talking about shit no one gives a shit about.

Go pat yourself on the back and have a beer.

Sucks to be your stupid ass.
And this is what we are left with people. A bunch of Trump Toads who have regressed into total Idiocracy;
There are no refugees. There are invaders. This case is just one of murder suicide and nothing to care about. We are just stuck with the mother.
He knows shit and he's a coward, because he has no interest in understanding the cause of this problem. Just to hate those who are the victims and to scapegoat them as the problem. They are no more the problem than he is a caring human being.
If there are 11 billion in this country illegally, using the system at the expense of the taxpayers, they are a problem. And the Do Nothing Democrats is a problem also. The CAUSE is that we have open borders with welcome mats and give out freebies at the expense of tax payers.
If the 11 million cost us one penny, that penny is on us. We caused illegal immigration and the refugee crisis. It's of our own making. And Trump's cowardly base is paralyzed to discuss that reality and truth, because it's a losing argument for them. I continue to post the same thing from this thread and no one from Trump's deplorable party has the guts to take it on because the argument does nothing but box them in. It's 100% on us. Bernie Sanders last night said what I am saying to you now.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
And you are a result of a horrible human experiment.
If there are 11 billion in this country illegally, using the system at the expense of the taxpayers, they are a problem. And the Do Nothing Democrats is a problem also. The CAUSE is that we have open borders with welcome mats and give out freebies at the expense of tax payers.
If the 11 million cost us one penny, that penny is on us. We caused illegal immigration and the refugee crisis. It's of our own making. And Trump's cowardly base is paralyzed to discuss that reality and truth, because it's a losing argument for them. I continue to post the same thing from this thread and no one from Trump's deplorable party has the guts to take it on because the argument does nothing but box them in. It's 100% on us. Bernie Sanders last night said what I am saying to you now.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
And you are a result of a horrible human experiment.

Not as horrible as yours.
There are no refugees. There are invaders. This case is just one of murder suicide and nothing to care about. We are just stuck with the mother.
That is an argument that shows and proves nothing. You are telling us something absent of any documentation or proof. Your argument is totally dead and worthless. Try producing intelligent information that explains how these folks are not refugees, other than your shallow minded claim that says nothing.
If the 11 million cost us one penny, that penny is on us. We caused illegal immigration and the refugee crisis. It's of our own making. And Trump's cowardly base is paralyzed to discuss that reality and truth, because it's a losing argument for them. I continue to post the same thing from this thread and no one from Trump's deplorable party has the guts to take it on because the argument does nothing but box them in. It's 100% on us. Bernie Sanders last night said what I am saying to you now.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
And you are a result of a horrible human experiment.

Not as horrible as yours.
You're done. You say nothing and you produce nothing of substance. People, this is the dumbed down Trump Train on its fast decline.
It’s our own making, because an open southern border is the politically correct thing... That being the reality
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
And you are a result of a horrible human experiment.

Not as horrible as yours.
You're done. You say nothing and you produce nothing of substance. People, this is the dumbed down Trump Train on its fast decline.

You ramble on with nonsense, clown shoes
Well, if you're human and hate human suffering, Einstein, start reading in medicine. duh LA typhus and free health care for aliens? Farouk You just the same.
Has got zero to do with Geo-political take over of these countries. Once again you are totally void of any counter arguments.

And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
And you are a result of a horrible human experiment.

Not as horrible as yours.
You're done. You say nothing and you produce nothing of substance. People, this is the dumbed down Trump Train on its fast decline.

You ramble on with nonsense, clown shoes
I'm the only one who has posted a link destroying your argument. What have you and your ilk provided? Hate, evil, and excuses for a problem we as a country started. It's a simple cut and dry argument cemented in facts and documentation, and the Trump Toads are running around this thread saying the same old tired shit that is void of any substance or facts. You all just accuse a false boogey man out of convenience. You listen to all the hate rhetoric from Trump, and he can't back up anything either. You follow a cult. That's all you people do. And this thread is exhibit A.
And once again nobody but you gives a shit.
And you are a result of a horrible human experiment.

Not as horrible as yours.
You're done. You say nothing and you produce nothing of substance. People, this is the dumbed down Trump Train on its fast decline.

You ramble on with nonsense, clown shoes
I'm the only one who has posted a link destroying your argument. What have you and your ilk provided? Hate, evil, and excuses for a problem we as a country stated. It's a simple cut and dry argument cemented in facts and documentation, and the Trump Toads are running around this thread saying the same old tired shit that is void of any substance of facts. You all just accuse a false boogey man out of convenience. You listen to all the hate rhetoric from Trump, and he can't back up anything either. You follow a cult. That's all you people do. And this thread is exhibit A.

You're loony toons. Ive rolled my eyes continuously reading your garbage
Neither the drugs in the country that cause refugees or refugees themselves should be allowed across another country's border, because the former causes the latter.... 20 tons of cocaine seized at Philly, yesterday.
Cause of the problem is liberals inviting these people into our country for votes.

So you think that people are uprooting, leaving their homes, with nothing but what they can carry, leaving their jobs, their lives, their family and friends, and travelling thousands of dangerous miles, so they can vote for Democrats.

These. diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, and certainly do not deserve to be here… End of story

Neither do YOU, you lying Russian troll. You're here to destroy America. That makes you so much WORSE than people who are coming to save themselves and see America as a land of safety and security. You're here to end all of that.

You damned right. We don't need any more illegals or fake asylum seeker in this country. We already have 20 million that need to be booted out.

I couldn't care less about the situation in the fake asylum seekers countries. That's their problem not ours and unlike your stupid self I won't make their problems mine.

They see America as a land where they can be paid to sit on their uneducated asses. They traveled through many countries to get to our border and didn't ask for asylum in any of them. Hell Mexico offered them all asylum and they turned it down. That explains it all right there and your to much of a fool to see it.

How many do you plan to take into your home and take care of??

I'd bet none.

You sure are a dumbass.
Then stay the fuck out of theirs.
Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary says we can intercede in Central America, Caribbean and Mexico if it is deemed in our national interests.

Two things are true at once:

1. the death of this husband and daughter is a tragedy and a heartbreak

2. Those deaths still don't mean we should open our borders to legions of people trying to make it across illegally...or what they did was wise

Liberals think the first is true but not the second, for the most part. Conservatives think the second is true but they should dismiss the first.

No, I think both can be true at the same time.
The sad truth is that thousands more can try to illegally cross our southern border, and die, or be brutally raped, or forced into sexual slavery, and neither the Democrats in Congress, or any of the candidates running in the Democrat primary will do anything to change our laws, or secure our border to stop this.

It's akin to Democrats chaining up a mean dog in their front yard, and setting out candy for the neighborhoods kids. Then virtue signaling by wringing their hands every time another child is killed by that dog.
So you think that people are uprooting, leaving their homes, with nothing but what they can carry, leaving their jobs, their lives, their family and friends, and travelling thousands of dangerous miles, so they can vote for Democrats.

These. diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, and certainly do not deserve to be here… End of story

Neither do YOU, you lying Russian troll. You're here to destroy America. That makes you so much WORSE than people who are coming to save themselves and see America as a land of safety and security. You're here to end all of that.

You damned right. We don't need any more illegals or fake asylum seeker in this country. We already have 20 million that need to be booted out.

I couldn't care less about the situation in the fake asylum seekers countries. That's their problem not ours and unlike your stupid self I won't make their problems mine.

They see America as a land where they can be paid to sit on their uneducated asses. They traveled through many countries to get to our border and didn't ask for asylum in any of them. Hell Mexico offered them all asylum and they turned it down. That explains it all right there and your to much of a fool to see it.

How many do you plan to take into your home and take care of??

I'd bet none.

You sure are a dumbass.
Then stay the fuck out of theirs.
Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary says we can intercede in Central America, Caribbean and Mexico if it is deemed in our national interests.

"Intercession" has consequences. You claim a right to do as you please, and then complain when others hold you accountable for your actions and expect you to clean up the messes you've made. Republican policies at their finest. "Yes we crashed the world economy, but Wall Street made millions, and the rest of you can go fuck yourselves. Oh yeah, and it's the Democrats' fault".

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