Libtard Finally Admits to Raping A Child...Then Declares The Matter Is OVER...Because He Says So.

Should or shouldn't is matter of opinion. But It is in our law books. If you don't agree with it, it still doesn't mean you're allowed to do it.

Well, again, when you start locking up everyone who has sex with a girl below the age of consent in her state, including other people below the age of consent, then you might have an argument.

"Right, because clearly, EVERYONE was waiting until they were 18 blah blah blah...."

"Defining deviancy down," the catchy alliteration coined by Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D., N.Y.) is the 1990s equivalent of "permissiveness" in political rhetoric about crime and criminal justice. The term implies that the problem is public tolerance of intolerable behavior ...."

You say "Permissiveness", I say "Pragmatism". Again, I grew up in the 1970's, when people were a lot less prude than they are now.

And you had a lot of unplanned pregnancies because people weren't getting good information. We all sat in Catholic schools and listned to the propaganda from the Frustrated Gays in Habits and then we went out and figured out ways to get into the panties of the girls from the neighboring Catholic Schools.

Did you just refer to child rape as "sex should be your owned (sic) damned business"?


Time for you to drag your knuckles back to your cave.

I find it amusing that the people who don't want government regulating health care or business or education, think government is totally capable of telling us who should be having sex with whom.
With 13 yo? How about 10 yo?

How low would you go?

Here's the thing. Through most of history, 13 years old was considered marriageable age.

The idea that you aren't an adult until you are 18 or 26 is a reasonably recent invention.

You see, we all decided that XX was too young to have sex, but the kids that age didn't get the memo or they ignored it.
It's not the duo, the list of leftist "heroes" and their enablers is long.

Clintons, Kennedys, Cosby, Weiner, majority of the Hollywood.

Yeah, only 20 years later Hollywood is speaking out against and disavow Weinstein and democrats returning money he donated. Why now? Because by playing victims, that's the only way they can get away from not saying or doing anything about it. I mean, what's the difference between Clinton and Weinstein? When will the Hollywood or the democrats disavow the Clintons?

The major difference between Clinton and Weinstein is that we had a 70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation on Clinton, and found most of the women were either consenting partners or fucking liars.
True. It's also true that most of them lose virginity to other teens.
Even if consensual, sex with minor is a rape, period.

Even if it's another minor. Could we throw both of them in jail for rape, the boy and the girl?

And this isn't a small thing, how many guys are on the "Sex offender Registry" because they were an 18 year old who had sex with his 16 year old girlfriend in the wrong state?
True. It's also true that most of them lose virginity to other teens.
Even if consensual, sex with minor is a rape, period.

Even if it's another minor. Could we throw both of them in jail for rape, the boy and the girl?

And this isn't a small thing, how many guys are on the "Sex offender Registry" because they were an 18 year old who had sex with his 16 year old girlfriend in the wrong state?

I don't think I've said that.

It's self explanatory that, by saying "sex with the minor" it obvious that the other party is not minor.

When both are minors, they're generally not braking the law. Depending on state, the age difference might vary, normally age of consent is between 16 and 18 and consent varies depending upon the minimum age of the younger party.

Having said that, "sex offender registry" shouldn't include any of those you mentioned.
With 13 yo? How about 10 yo?

How low would you go?

Here's the thing. Through most of history, 13 years old was considered marriageable age.

The idea that you aren't an adult until you are 18 or 26 is a reasonably recent invention.

You see, we all decided that XX was too young to have sex, but the kids that age didn't get the memo or they ignored it.
Okay, you have come down on the side of pedophiles. Are you Hispanic?

Now we know.
It's not the duo, the list of leftist "heroes" and their enablers is long.

Clintons, Kennedys, Cosby, Weiner, majority of the Hollywood.

Yeah, only 20 years later Hollywood is speaking out against and disavow Weinstein and democrats returning money he donated. Why now? Because by playing victims, that's the only way they can get away from not saying or doing anything about it. I mean, what's the difference between Clinton and Weinstein? When will the Hollywood or the democrats disavow the Clintons?

The major difference between Clinton and Weinstein is that we had a 70 million dollar panty sniffing investigation on Clinton, and found most of the women were either consenting partners or fucking liars.

Most. Not all?

Weinstein basically said the same thing. So what's the difference?
After raping a child he fled the country to avoid prosecution...
He now admits to raping the child...
'It is over now', he claims...because he says so...
His lawyers want him to be allowed to come back to the US without being charged for his crime...

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What The.....?!

Roman Polanski finally admits to child rape but says, "It's over" - Hot Air
No mention of our tenn white boy who dismembered his parents?
Roman pol, are you kidding?
Why don't you post one of our 30000 a year?
Doesn't fit you made up mind.?
Jealous of Roman?
Not getting enough?
Love it when our white boys so preoccupied about sex and homosexuality
Makes you wonder
After raping a child he fled the country to avoid prosecution...
He now admits to raping the child...
'It is over now', he claims...because he says so...
His lawyers want him to be allowed to come back to the US without being charged for his crime...

Um, he was prosecuted and agreed to a plea. Then a judge reneged on the deal 40 years ago, and imposed a sentence that even the prosecutor thought was uncalled for.

Even the so-called "victim" (not really) has said, "enough, already".

Samantha Geimer, Victim In Roman Polanski Sex Case, Strongly Defends Him Inside And Outside Of Court

Under fierce questioning by several dozen reporters, she steadfastly refused to claim that she had been damaged by Polanski, who was charged was raping her in 1977 when she was 13. Instead she said the legal system had abused both her and Polanski almost from the beginning of the case.

“I was a young and sexually active teenager,” Geimer told reporters, insisting that she had not been deeply scarred by her sex and drug encounter with Polanski. She said both she and her mother had suffered more harm from those who focused attention on her from the beginning.
Some laws exist to protect some of the most defenseless amongst us, some who do not know better and need the protection of others, people like CHILDREN.

But please, do regale us with more reasons why the Liberal Pedophile should be spared the justice he deserves.

Just toss his name on top of the pile with the others - Holder, Hillary, Comey, Clapper, Koskinen, Brennan, Lynch, ...
No repubs?
Louisiana senator?
Guy in the bathroom?
Are you kidding?
I don't think I've said that.

It's self explanatory that, by saying "sex with the minor" it obvious that the other party is not minor.

When both are minors, they're generally not braking the law.

Then that's a crazy law.

It like saying if you have sex with a stranger for free it's not a crime, but if money changes hands it is.

Depending on state, the age difference might vary, normally age of consent is between 16 and 18 and consent varies depending upon the minimum age of the younger party.

and that's even more crazy. A 16 year old in California can't consent to sex but she can in Nevada?

yOu know, what, at the risk of sounding like a "conservative" here, the idea that government can regulate these things is kind of...silly.
Then why have you condemned the girl and her mother but have not condemned Polanski? Regardless of their actions, he made the decision to rape an underage girl. That's worthy of condemnation.

Meh,not really. Just can't get worked up over it.

I'm actually more pissed about the end of Rosemary's Baby than whatever he did to Baby Grifter. Jesus fucking Christ, a two hour film and we don't even get to see the baby!

You do know what statutory rape is, do ya?

Yes, it's a bullshit charge that shouldn't be on our law books.

Here's the thing. Lots of minors are losing their virginity before age 18. In fact MOST of them do. and this girl wasn't even a virgin. But it's like you all grow amnesia about what it was like to be a teenager, and how any one of you would have taken a chance to get laid as a teen.

Well, you can certainly see from some men's views of girls who come from troubled backgrounds why these girls are the ones most often taken advantage of. Sad that people don't understand that these children are victims, not criminals.

I don't see them as either. Look, we are all responsible for our own choices. You can't charge 13 year olds as adults when they commit crimes, and then say, "Well, she had no idea what she was doing when she took drugs and had sex, even though she had sex and took drugs before that.

And then you wonder why people think you support the rape of underage girls.

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Then he should stay where he is.

Blame the victim. That's all you have left. He drugged and raped an underage girl. You can't avoid that, no matter how feverish your fantasy. It simply doesn't matter how she behaved before or after the rape, he knew what he was doing, he was the adult and had the responsibility for the situation. He is a child rapist and should not be allowed anywhere near children again.

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Okay, let's look at that.

Did he Force her mouth open and shove drugs down her throat, or did he hand her a pill, tell her what is was, and she took it?

Did he pin her to a bed and force her, or did she agree to have sex below the age we think teens shouldn't be able to make those agreements.

It seems you want to prosecute him based on your morality,not what actually happened. It's the same kind of mentality that wants to tell gays they can't get married or women they have to have the babies if they have an unexpected pregnancy.

If you are grown up enough to go to a wild hollywood party at Jack Nicholson's house, you are old enough to be responsible for what you do.

She was 13. He raped her.

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And then you wonder why people think you support the rape of underage girls.

Well, here's the thing. Just because you call it rape doesn't make it rape than calling it a unicorn makes it a unicorn. So now on, I will call it a statutory Unicorn..

She was 13. He raped her.

Except she was a willing participant in the Unicorn..
So you think that anyone who has ever sued anyone- and got a payment- is a "Grifter"

Both Sandusky's victims and Hastert's victims were likely driven by their parents to meet with their future rapists also.

You are an apologist for a rapist- and you lie about his victims.

Sorry this was a shakedown from day one. .

No- you are sorry that Roman Polanski didn't get away with rape scott free.

Like so many assholes you attack the victim- a 13 year old girl- rather than the 40 year old man who lured her in, fed her drugs and raped her.

Please stay away from women- for their sake.
That article was published yesterday. It's time to get over it.

That's funny. When a liberal like Polanski or Hillary commits heinous crimes, the Left can't get away from them fast enough, but 25 years from now, they will still be ripping on Trump for things he never even said or did.

That should have been the title of Hillary's book: "It's Time To Get Over It."

It's not just Polanski, or Weinstein...

If you are liberal and you take advantage of many women and your wife then trashes them, for other liberals it's OK. If you're liberal and you talk a teenage girl into doing adult things over the phone for you, it's OK. If you are liberal and you trade sex for an income and acting career, its OK. If you are liberal and run your girlfriend off a bridge, then run home while she drowns, its OK,... well, you get elected to the Senate.

But if you're conservative and you hold the door open for a woman, your a sexist and misogynist pig.

"It's not just Polanski, or Weinstein... "

Can we add Bill 'the rapist' Clinton to that duo?

We can add Donald 'the rapist' Trump for sure.
That article was published yesterday. It's time to get over it.

That's funny. When a liberal like Polanski or Hillary commits heinous crimes, the Left can't get away from them fast enough, but 25 years from now, they will still be ripping on Trump for things he never even said or did.

That should have been the title of Hillary's book: "It's Time To Get Over It."

It's not just Polanski, or Weinstein...

If you are liberal and you take advantage of many women and your wife then trashes them, for other liberals it's OK. If you're liberal and you talk a teenage girl into doing adult things over the phone for you, it's OK. If you are liberal and you trade sex for an income and acting career, its OK. If you are liberal and run your girlfriend off a bridge, then run home while she drowns, its OK,... well, you get elected to the Senate.

But if you're conservative and you hold the door open for a woman, your a sexist and misogynist pig.

"It's not just Polanski, or Weinstein... "

Can we add Bill 'the rapist' Clinton to that duo?

It's not the duo, the list of leftist "heroes" and their enablers is long.

Clintons, Kennedys, Cosby, Weiner, majority of the Hollywood.

It's not the duo, the list of Conservative 'heroes' and their enablers is long:
Hastert, Trump, Cosby, Roger Ailes, the majority of Trump supporters....
And then you wonder why people think you support the rape of underage girls.

Well, here's the thing. Just because you call it rape doesn't make it rape than calling it a unicorn makes it a unicorn. So now on, I will call it a statutory Unicorn..

She was 13. He raped her.

Except she was a willing participant in the Unicorn..

It was rape, no matter what fantasy you have to the contrary.

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