Lie of the year, 2011 yeah it's democrats

Obamacare ended Medicare as we know it, I didn't see you screaming about that.

No it didn't. So-called Obamacare actually de-privatized Medicare to an extent by cutting SUBSIDIES to Medicare Advantage providers - PRIVATE INSURERS .


Declaring that the Medicare budget could not grow without limit, and actually taking $500,000,000 from it to pay for other programs, is not changing it as we know it? How about applying the new standards of only paying for things that help most people, not whatever the doctor decides will help the patient? is that a substantial change to Medicare?

The rationalizing of Medicare revenues with expenses to cope with changing conditions in healthcare is not killing Medicare. Use your head.
The only way for We, The Peeps to effectively manage the health care costs of people once they become too old for private insurance to be interested in is to stop paying for the care on a per procedure / per patient basis.

Build clinics, hire doctors, nurses and technicians on SALARY and unlock the door to affordable basic health care. The only thing better would be to also allow younger workers to participate in the public option based on choice.
If we replaced the income tax system with a national sales tax, would that be ending the income tax as we know it?

Yes, but then we would no longer be taxing incomes, would we? Congress changes the income tax laws every year, but did anyone ever claim they were "abolishing the income tax as we know it?"

Hold on there, buckaroo. Above you essentially argued that it's the thought that counts, regardless of the actual details of reality. As long as something is raising some amount (any amount) of revenue for the feds, the income tax must continue to exist, even if it doesn't because...well, it isn't really clear why. Have you abandoned that absurd logic?

Changing the deductions or brackets is not abolishing the income tax. Changing the deductible or premiums or reimbursement policies or coverage requirements or any number of important hypothetical changes to public health insurance is not ending Medicare.

However, no longer collecting taxes on income would indeed be the end of the income tax. And CMS ceasing to reimburse physician and hospital services rendered to seniors and no longer offering them a public insurance product ("Medicare") would indeed be the end of Medicare.

I'm often left, on a case-by-case basis, wondering if there's some fundamental philosophical divide here or folks just don't know what Medicare is and what the GOP budget proposes for it. In your case, I think I have my answer.

That means, simply, that the government takes your money, paycheck by paycheck, and then replaces it with a voucher that forces you to buy private insurance,

That lack of an option to purchase the health insurance that current seniors enjoy wouldn't perhaps be because Medicare, the public insurer, no longer exists in their vision of the future, would it? Nah, couldn't be!
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Nobody said anything about 'spreading wealth', evenly or otherwise. The question is all about using the distribution of wealth curve as a gauge of how healthy our economy is. That and the opinion that I and some others hold that seeing it skewed toward the wealthy like ours is means that our economy has the 'check engine' light on. The other side of that opinion is that the goal should be to pursue policies that push the gauge into a nice, smooth, symmetric bell curve.

I'm getting a lot of indications of opinions that the current skew we have toward a favored wealthy class means that our 'gauge' shows a good and healthy economy, but I've yet to hear a reason for that widely held opinion that's deeper than "God Bless America".


It's a bit of a conundrum.

Cuba has a far more even distribution of wealth than we do. Russia's is far more skewed than ours is. The bottom line is, in a free society wealth distribution doesn't matter at all.

Cuba's distribution of wealth graph shows ONE family in control of just about everything. It's one of THE most skewed distribution of wealth graphs on the planet. Try again.

You have also just helped to establish a direct correlation between nations with distribution of wealth graphs skewed toward a favored class and reductions in freedoms for their societies. Kudos.

Which family is that? Cuba has the fairest society in terms of wealth distribution. Russia has among the least fair.
None of that is indicative of anything.
Cuba has a far more even distribution of wealth than we do. Russia's is far more skewed than ours is. The bottom line is, in a free society wealth distribution doesn't matter at all.

Cuba's distribution of wealth graph shows ONE family in control of just about everything. It's one of THE most skewed distribution of wealth graphs on the planet. Try again.

You have also just helped to establish a direct correlation between nations with distribution of wealth graphs skewed toward a favored class and reductions in freedoms for their societies. Kudos.

Which family is that? Cuba has the fairest society in terms of wealth distribution. Russia has among the least fair.
None of that is indicative of anything.

Obviously the family in question is the Castro 'family' as defined by the cronyism that resulted in their revolt against outside ownership which resulted in a dick-tater for life.

Control of the means of production is in the hands of a privileged few in Russia, Cuba, many sub-Saharan African Nations and getting closer to the same every year here in the good ol' US of A.

How many business OWNERS are you on a first name basis with? How many were your father on a first name basis with? See the trend?

Get it?
Cuba's distribution of wealth graph shows ONE family in control of just about everything. It's one of THE most skewed distribution of wealth graphs on the planet. Try again.

You have also just helped to establish a direct correlation between nations with distribution of wealth graphs skewed toward a favored class and reductions in freedoms for their societies. Kudos.

Which family is that? Cuba has the fairest society in terms of wealth distribution. Russia has among the least fair.
None of that is indicative of anything.

Obviously the family in question is the Castro 'family' as defined by the cronyism that resulted in their revolt against outside ownership which resulted in a dick-tater for life.

Control of the means of production is in the hands of a privileged few in Russia, Cuba, many sub-Saharan African Nations and getting closer to the same every year here in the good ol' US of A.

How many business OWNERS are you on a first name basis with? How many were your father on a first name basis with? See the trend?

Get it?

Any proof the Castro family controls all the wealth? No, of course not.
How many business owners am I on a first name basis with? About a dozen. I dont know who my father's friends were. Likely they were all doctors like him. So I guess all of them.
Was there a point to that question?
Which family is that? Cuba has the fairest society in terms of wealth distribution. Russia has among the least fair.
None of that is indicative of anything.

Obviously the family in question is the Castro 'family' as defined by the cronyism that resulted in their revolt against outside ownership which resulted in a dick-tater for life.

Control of the means of production is in the hands of a privileged few in Russia, Cuba, many sub-Saharan African Nations and getting closer to the same every year here in the good ol' US of A.

How many business OWNERS are you on a first name basis with? How many were your father on a first name basis with? See the trend?

Get it?

Any proof the Castro family controls all the wealth? No, of course not.
How many business owners am I on a first name basis with? About a dozen. I dont know who my father's friends were. Likely they were all doctors like him. So I guess all of them.
Was there a point to that question?

Yup. But if you missed it thus far, I don't think I can help you. Good luck.
Obviously the family in question is the Castro 'family' as defined by the cronyism that resulted in their revolt against outside ownership which resulted in a dick-tater for life.

Control of the means of production is in the hands of a privileged few in Russia, Cuba, many sub-Saharan African Nations and getting closer to the same every year here in the good ol' US of A.

How many business OWNERS are you on a first name basis with? How many were your father on a first name basis with? See the trend?

Get it?

Any proof the Castro family controls all the wealth? No, of course not.
How many business owners am I on a first name basis with? About a dozen. I dont know who my father's friends were. Likely they were all doctors like him. So I guess all of them.
Was there a point to that question?

Yup. But if you missed it thus far, I don't think I can help you. Good luck.

OK so there was no point, beyond the top of your head.
When you have proof that Castro and his family control all teh wealth in Cuba I'll listen. Otherwise you are just airing your ignorance.

The truth is that Cuba presents a society with equal wealth distribution. ANd that is where the Left would like to take this country. Note Michael Moore's glowing report of Cuban medical care compaired to the US.
Any proof the Castro family controls all the wealth?

They took all of my family's wealth after the revolution.

Remind me when the even redistribution took place.


The phony rabbi doesn't like reality checks.....

The Rabbi said:
Hi, you have received -141 reputation points from The Rabbi.
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Maybe yoyu should go back.

The Rabbi

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[Nope. It doesn't require them to buy anything. It gives them a voucher they can use to buy insurance with if they so choose. They can throw the voucher in the trash if they don't want to buy insurance.

But the voucher represents their payroll taxes. If they don't use the voucher to buy the private insurance,

they effectively lose the payroll taxes they've been required to pay in all their working lives.

That means, simply, that the government takes your money, paycheck by paycheck, and then replaces it with a voucher that forces you to buy private insurance,

or forfeit that money.

That is exactly the same as requiring you to buy private insurance (under Obamacare) or pay a penalty... the question is, why aren't the same people who said that was unconstitutional saying it about Ryancare?

Sorry, no it isn't. Food stamps exactly work the same way. So do student loans. So how could they be constitutional if the Ryan plan isn't?

You're grasping at straws. Your theory is idiotic.
The rationalizing of Medicare revenues with expenses to cope with changing conditions in healthcare is not killing Medicare. Use your head.

"Rationalizing?" I love that. Liberals are great at coining euphemisms for their atrocities. The Nazis were also good at it.
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You wouldn't know reality if it bit you in the ass.


Says the guy who negged and ran when challenged to back up his bullshit.

Too funny.

But have a Happy Hanukka anyway, oh phony one!

No one ever challenged me, dipstick. I challenged Joe where Castro and his family controlled all the wealth in Cuba. He still hasn't provided proof.

Uh huh....

Then by all means, please, teach the class about the even redistribution of all the wealth that the Communists confiscated when they took over the country.

My family was there. They were quite wealthy and the Castro bros took it all. Along with everyone else's shit.

What happened to it?

Did they take a population count and start the even redistribution? If so, when? How was it done?

Please explain that.

That is unless you want to argue that Communists don't take everyone's wealth and property when they take over a country. I'm sure that will be fun to see you explain.

Either way, I expect epic flailing from you.

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