Lie of the Year goes to.....

Politifact is quite biased against Democrats. They're terrified of being called "Liberal media!", so they therefore try so hard to do some "But both sides do it equally!" nonsense. And since both sides don't do it equally, that means they have to stretch and contort to find the "lies" by the Democrats.

And as this thread shows, they shouldn't bother. No matter how many fables Politifact makes up about Democrats, the right will still keep shrieking "Liberal media!" at them.

Nobody believes that shit

Only honest sane people believe it.
LOL. If you are an example of honest sane people then I'm Caitlyn Jenner.

I bet you'd like to be.
Politifact is quite biased against Democrats. They're terrified of being called "Liberal media!", so they therefore try so hard to do some "But both sides do it equally!" nonsense. And since both sides don't do it equally, that means they have to stretch and contort to find the "lies" by the Democrats.

And as this thread shows, they shouldn't bother. No matter how many fables Politifact makes up about Democrats, the right will still keep shrieking "Liberal media!" at them.

Nobody believes that shit

Only honest sane people believe it.
LOL. If you are an example of honest sane people then I'm Caitlyn Jenner.

I bet you'd like to be.
No. But you might, No Pee-Pee.
Politifact is quite biased against Democrats. They're terrified of being called "Liberal media!", so they therefore try so hard to do some "But both sides do it equally!" nonsense. And since both sides don't do it equally, that means they have to stretch and contort to find the "lies" by the Democrats.

And as this thread shows, they shouldn't bother. No matter how many fables Politifact makes up about Democrats, the right will still keep shrieking "Liberal media!" at them.

Nobody believes that shit

Only honest sane people believe it.
I don't know of a single person that takes Politifact or Snopes serious. Extreme bias

Wow, empirical proof that Politifact and Snopes are not reliable. Gosh, I'm so relieved to know the truth now.

Nobody cares, Roots, nobody cares
drum roll please..........

PolitiFact: Trump wins 'Lie of the Year'

Fact-checking website PolitiFact has administered its "Lie of the Year" title to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential candidate's "various statements" throughout his 2016 campaign.

"When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire," Politifact said Monday in announcing the title.


Gosh, I thought "Lie of The Year" would go to Obama, then again, every time he opens his mouth he pretty much lies, therefore the Shortlist of The Lies would run to several volumes, difficult to choose one.
drum roll please..........

PolitiFact: Trump wins 'Lie of the Year'

Fact-checking website PolitiFact has administered its "Lie of the Year" title to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential candidate's "various statements" throughout his 2016 campaign.

"When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire," Politifact said Monday in announcing the title.


Yes, Adolf Trump is a world class liar. I suspect Hitler was much more truthful.

Heck, whatever happened to Godwin's Law?
drum roll please..........

PolitiFact: Trump wins 'Lie of the Year'

Fact-checking website PolitiFact has administered its "Lie of the Year" title to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential candidate's "various statements" throughout his 2016 campaign.

"When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire," Politifact said Monday in announcing the title.


Gosh, I thought "Lie of The Year" would go to Obama, then again, every time he opens his mouth he pretty much lies, therefore the Shortlist of The Lies would run to several volumes, difficult to choose one.

The left has a hard on for Trump, haven't you noticed about 100 threads on him? They are obsessed
drum roll please..........

PolitiFact: Trump wins 'Lie of the Year'

Fact-checking website PolitiFact has administered its "Lie of the Year" title to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential candidate's "various statements" throughout his 2016 campaign.

"When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire," Politifact said Monday in announcing the title.


Yes, Adolf Trump is a world class liar. I suspect Hitler was much more truthful.

Lots of similarities between AH and DT: Rabble-rousers playing on the emotions of people rather than providing a realistic, sound platform for action and, most of all, targeting a specific ethnicity via a religious affiliation as evil and needing a "temporary solution". Yeah, how many steps from that to the "final solution".
Last edited:
drum roll please..........

PolitiFact: Trump wins 'Lie of the Year'

Fact-checking website PolitiFact has administered its "Lie of the Year" title to Donald Trump for the Republican presidential candidate's "various statements" throughout his 2016 campaign.

"When it comes to inaccurate statements, the Donald was on fire," Politifact said Monday in announcing the title.


Gosh, I thought "Lie of The Year" would go to Obama, then again, every time he opens his mouth he pretty much lies, therefore the Shortlist of The Lies would run to several volumes, difficult to choose one.

The left has a hard on for Trump, haven't you noticed about 100 threads on him? They are obsessed

This is like what, 12 Trump threads today alone?


Remember when Carson's numbers were on the rise and all the threads on him? "numbers rising, must attack"

Look, I'm sorry you're so stupid you don't get it, but these candidates put THEMSELVES in these positions of publicity via their campaigns and cash.
Put a target in the middle of your lowbrow forehead, go on television and we'll oblige YOU with the proper attention and criticism afforded someone who wants to run this country, too. Idiot.
I don't know of a single person that takes Politifact or Snopes serious. Extreme bias

Wow, empirical proof that Politifact and Snopes are not reliable. Gosh, I'm so relieved to know the truth now.
I know right? :D

Yeah, she's just another incredibly lazy wingnut who makes statements and then never backs them up with facts, stats or data. Just pixelated methane appearing on the screen.

The true obsession for Trump actually comes from the internal leadership of the GOP. Liberals are just standing by and buying popcorn by the case.

From the rightwing, conservative Wall Street Journal. Skankie-pants needs to read more and surf the redneck sites less,

GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump
GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump

The Republican establishment, increasingly alarmed by the enduring strength of Donald Trump’s presidential bid, is ratcheting up efforts to knock him out of the race, including the first attempt to unite donors from rival camps into a single anti-Trump force.

A well-connected GOP operative is planning a “guerrilla campaign” backed by secret donors to “defeat and destroy” the celebrity businessman’s candidacy, according to a memo reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.
The true obsession for Trump actually comes from the internal leadership of the GOP. Liberals are just standing by and buying popcorn by the case.

From the rightwing, conservative Wall Street Journal. Skankie-pants needs to read more and surf the redneck sites less,

GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump
GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump

The Republican establishment, increasingly alarmed by the enduring strength of Donald Trump’s presidential bid, is ratcheting up efforts to knock him out of the race, including the first attempt to unite donors from rival camps into a single anti-Trump force.

A well-connected GOP operative is planning a “guerrilla campaign” backed by secret donors to “defeat and destroy” the celebrity businessman’s candidacy, according to a memo reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

The more they try to do that the higher his numbers go up.
The Establishment is not getting the message that a large majority of their voters are very angry at them and they need to change.
If they don't do that then kiss the Republican party good bye. Not a bad thing to happen if they don't.
The true obsession for Trump actually comes from the internal leadership of the GOP. Liberals are just standing by and buying popcorn by the case.

From the rightwing, conservative Wall Street Journal. Skankie-pants needs to read more and surf the redneck sites less,

GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump
GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump

The Republican establishment, increasingly alarmed by the enduring strength of Donald Trump’s presidential bid, is ratcheting up efforts to knock him out of the race, including the first attempt to unite donors from rival camps into a single anti-Trump force.

A well-connected GOP operative is planning a “guerrilla campaign” backed by secret donors to “defeat and destroy” the celebrity businessman’s candidacy, according to a memo reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Liberals won't be eating popcorn come General Election time, you'll be popping Tranquillisers instead....who do you have the option of as candidate?

Hillary or Bernie Sanders.

So your candidate is either Corrupt Hillary or Quasi-Marxist Bernie.

Uh-oh, can you say landslide for ANY of the Republicans. Thought you could.

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