like 43 said - misunderestimated

Deficits don't matter, again. They will only matter again when a Democrat wins the WH.
Unfunded Liabilities guarantee endless of deficits until we implode..
Trump did not increase spending because of unfunded liabilities.
He did it all by himself...............really............Dems wanted more spending in other normal.........

I would have shut the dang thing down......but that is me.
Deficits don't matter, again. They will only matter again when a Democrat wins the WH.
Unfunded Liabilities guarantee endless of deficits until we implode.................

Our gov't and you have no desire to get our fiscal house in order..........Because if it did they would have taken measures to end it............but haven't......

And the same career politicians who have been there for decades say they now have the answers...........really..........been there for decades without doing so..............pardon me when I say BS.
Translation: "It is NEVER Trump's fault for anything!"
Translation of yours everything is his fault...........How quaint............

I'll give you an instant Balanced about it...............

Shut down the gov't............the 6% of it that isn't funded by revenue................Revenue in equal Revenue out............there you go........

Some in the Gov't would have to go to the private sector...........but it isn't that dang many.........Hand over Federal Parks and such to the States......let them fund it and deal with it...........And get out of the housing business ........sell it off and leave it to the States to handle their own issues......same with massive land management.........

There you go............You want programs in your state...........You decide and Pay for it............if we don't want it in our state........then it doesn't happen.

What the Constitution prescribed anyways.
Trump did not increase spending because of unfunded liabilities. Your deflection is pathetic.

I've explained how to balance the budget and lower tax rates so many times on this forum, it is amazing you are ignorant of this.
The only pathetic thing here is the Nonstop Trump Hate Fest.................Just the way it is any more........

And so continues til we destroy ourselves.....................that is the path.
And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.
He’s had a handful of bankruptcies, out of hundreds maybe thousands of businesses he has owned. Failure is an essential part of business...
To is screwing over your creditors, business partners, subcontractors, customers and tenants
hmm, ok

how many of the 285 companies Trump owns have gone bankrupt?

Can you give us a list of those 285 companies?

Try Google

I did, and it told me you are full of shit. Trump does not own 285 companies.

Trump Inc is a holding company, do yourself a favor and learn what that will save you from future embarrassment

Gee, I showed my link...

where is yours?

mine stated "Of the 515 companies that Trump has a part in running, "

Only 285 share his name.

So we have gone from owning to "has a part in running"...

Thanks, my work here is done!

Just to be nice and help you out, them bearing his name does not mean he owns them or that he runs them.

Deficits don't matter, again. They will only matter again when a Democrat wins the WH.
Unfunded Liabilities guarantee endless of deficits until we implode.................

Our gov't and you have no desire to get our fiscal house in order..........Because if it did they would have taken measures to end it............but haven't......

And the same career politicians who have been there for decades say they now have the answers...........really..........been there for decades without doing so..............pardon me when I say BS.
Translation: "It is NEVER Trump's fault for anything!"
Translation of yours everything is his fault...........How quaint............

I'll give you an instant Balanced about it...............

Shut down the gov't............the 6% of it that isn't funded by revenue................Revenue in equal Revenue out............there you go........

Some in the Gov't would have to go to the private sector...........but it isn't that dang many.........Hand over Federal Parks and such to the States......let them fund it and deal with it...........And get out of the housing business ........sell it off and leave it to the States to handle their own issues......same with massive land management.........

There you go............You want programs in your state...........You decide and Pay for it............if we don't want it in our state........then it doesn't happen.

What the Constitution prescribed anyways.
Trump did not increase spending because of unfunded liabilities. Your deflection is pathetic.

I've explained how to balance the budget and lower tax rates so many times on this forum, it is amazing you are ignorant of this.
The only pathetic thing here is the Nonstop Trump Hate Fest.................Just the way it is any more........

And so continues til we destroy ourselves.....................that is the path.
Tissue ?
Unfunded Liabilities guarantee endless of deficits until we implode.................

Our gov't and you have no desire to get our fiscal house in order..........Because if it did they would have taken measures to end it............but haven't......

And the same career politicians who have been there for decades say they now have the answers...........really..........been there for decades without doing so..............pardon me when I say BS.
Translation: "It is NEVER Trump's fault for anything!"
Translation of yours everything is his fault...........How quaint............

I'll give you an instant Balanced about it...............

Shut down the gov't............the 6% of it that isn't funded by revenue................Revenue in equal Revenue out............there you go........

Some in the Gov't would have to go to the private sector...........but it isn't that dang many.........Hand over Federal Parks and such to the States......let them fund it and deal with it...........And get out of the housing business ........sell it off and leave it to the States to handle their own issues......same with massive land management.........

There you go............You want programs in your state...........You decide and Pay for it............if we don't want it in our state........then it doesn't happen.

What the Constitution prescribed anyways.
Trump did not increase spending because of unfunded liabilities. Your deflection is pathetic.

I've explained how to balance the budget and lower tax rates so many times on this forum, it is amazing you are ignorant of this.
The only pathetic thing here is the Nonstop Trump Hate Fest.................Just the way it is any more........

And so continues til we destroy ourselves.....................that is the path.
Tissue ?

And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.

yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.
He’s had a handful of bankruptcies, out of hundreds maybe thousands of businesses he has owned. Failure is an essential part of business...
To is screwing over your creditors, business partners, subcontractors, customers and tenants
It's you that got screwed.

Get over it, he a Republican president and he was born 71 years ago. In fact, no president that old has ever taken the WH despite your prediction that the next GOP POTUS hadn't been born yet.

OUCH! But then you're an idiot.
500 companies? Lol...where did you sheep pull that bull shit number from?

Sent from my iPhone using


number of companies trump owns - Bing
Like I said. He doesn't own 500 companies. You should read your own links.

hmm, ok

how many of the 285 companies Trump owns have gone bankrupt?

Can you give us a list of those 285 companies?

Try Google

lazy ass -

A list of everything Donald Trump runs that has his name on it
Deficits don't matter, again. They will only matter again when a Democrat wins the WH.
Unfunded Liabilities guarantee endless of deficits until we implode.................

Our gov't and you have no desire to get our fiscal house in order..........Because if it did they would have taken measures to end it............but haven't......

And the same career politicians who have been there for decades say they now have the answers...........really..........been there for decades without doing so..............pardon me when I say BS.
Translation: "It is NEVER Trump's fault for anything!"
Translation of yours everything is his fault...........How quaint............

I'll give you an instant Balanced about it...............

Shut down the gov't............the 6% of it that isn't funded by revenue................Revenue in equal Revenue out............there you go........

Some in the Gov't would have to go to the private sector...........but it isn't that dang many.........Hand over Federal Parks and such to the States......let them fund it and deal with it...........And get out of the housing business ........sell it off and leave it to the States to handle their own issues......same with massive land management.........

There you go............You want programs in your state...........You decide and Pay for it............if we don't want it in our state........then it doesn't happen.

What the Constitution prescribed anyways.
Trump did not increase spending because of unfunded liabilities. Your deflection is pathetic.

I've explained how to balance the budget and lower tax rates so many times on this forum, it is amazing you are ignorant of this.
The only pathetic thing here is the Nonstop Trump Hate Fest.................Just the way it is any more........

And so continues til we destroy ourselves.....................that is the path.

F Trump - his fat ass isnt worth hating.
Like I said. He doesn't own 500 companies. You should read your own links.

hmm, ok

how many of the 285 companies Trump owns have gone bankrupt?

Can you give us a list of those 285 companies?

Try Google

lazy ass -

A list of everything Donald Trump runs that has his name on it
Either way, you lose and Trump wins. That is your problem. Compound away fool.
Like I said. He doesn't own 500 companies. You should read your own links.

hmm, ok

how many of the 285 companies Trump owns have gone bankrupt?

Can you give us a list of those 285 companies?

Try Google

lazy ass -

A list of everything Donald Trump runs that has his name on it
Either way, you lose and Trump wins. That is your problem. Compound away fool.

lose what Gomer?
Unfunded Liabilities guarantee endless of deficits until we implode.................

Our gov't and you have no desire to get our fiscal house in order..........Because if it did they would have taken measures to end it............but haven't......

And the same career politicians who have been there for decades say they now have the answers...........really..........been there for decades without doing so..............pardon me when I say BS.
Translation: "It is NEVER Trump's fault for anything!"
Translation of yours everything is his fault...........How quaint............

I'll give you an instant Balanced about it...............

Shut down the gov't............the 6% of it that isn't funded by revenue................Revenue in equal Revenue out............there you go........

Some in the Gov't would have to go to the private sector...........but it isn't that dang many.........Hand over Federal Parks and such to the States......let them fund it and deal with it...........And get out of the housing business ........sell it off and leave it to the States to handle their own issues......same with massive land management.........

There you go............You want programs in your state...........You decide and Pay for it............if we don't want it in our state........then it doesn't happen.

What the Constitution prescribed anyways.
Trump did not increase spending because of unfunded liabilities. Your deflection is pathetic.

I've explained how to balance the budget and lower tax rates so many times on this forum, it is amazing you are ignorant of this.
The only pathetic thing here is the Nonstop Trump Hate Fest.................Just the way it is any more........

And so continues til we destroy ourselves.....................that is the path.

F Trump - his fat ass isnt worth hating.

I sense Hate in that post
hmm, ok

how many of the 285 companies Trump owns have gone bankrupt?

Can you give us a list of those 285 companies?

Try Google

lazy ass -

A list of everything Donald Trump runs that has his name on it
Either way, you lose and Trump wins. That is your problem. Compound away fool.

lose what Gomer?
You've lost just about everything since 2012, and I mean everything. Trump and the GOP, on the other hand have won everything since then, and I mean everything.

Losers lose. It's a tautology.
And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.

yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
Knowing how he loves to brag...I wont be surprise if he is worth nothing. If he was worth what he claims, he would fly his tax returns along the US flag and make everyone stand and salute it.


financial organizations put him between 3-4 billion dollars...

but YOU know better.
Where is his tax return that he promised to show ?
And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.

yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
Knowing how he loves to brag...I wont be surprise if he is worth nothing. If he was worth what he claims, he would fly his tax returns along the US flag and make everyone stand and salute it.


financial organizations put him between 3-4 billion dollars...

but YOU know better.
Where is his tax return that he promised to show ?

dont' know

didn't care then, don't care now.

everything else going on, and you're whining about a tax return?

(Threw that in to scare the crap out of you)
And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.

yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
Knowing how he loves to brag...I wont be surprise if he is worth nothing. If he was worth what he claims, he would fly his tax returns along the US flag and make everyone stand and salute it.


financial organizations put him between 3-4 billion dollars...

but YOU know better.
Where is his tax return that he promised to show ?

dont' know

didn't care then, don't care now.

everything else going on, and you're whining about a tax return?

(Threw that in to scare the crap out of you)
A man is his word. He promised and he didn't deliver....I'm glad to know you worship a clown like him.
yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
Knowing how he loves to brag...I wont be surprise if he is worth nothing. If he was worth what he claims, he would fly his tax returns along the US flag and make everyone stand and salute it.


financial organizations put him between 3-4 billion dollars...

but YOU know better.
Where is his tax return that he promised to show ?

dont' know

didn't care then, don't care now.

everything else going on, and you're whining about a tax return?

(Threw that in to scare the crap out of you)
A man is his word. He promised and he didn't deliver....I'm glad to know you worship a clown like him.


did you win the election for board clown?

only president I ever came close to 'worshipping' was Reagan, and that because of the Military Pay increase just after he took office.

Ohhh, I get it...

I don't want to hang him from the nearest lamppost like you do, so I must worship him.
This election was about Mexicans and Muslims.

The apathy of the pseuedocons about Trump steamrolling over every conservative principle proves that fact every day.
I'm feeling much better now that you've revealed the fact that you never watched one Trump Rally.
Either that, or you're an idiot.
And you wonder why companies under his management have gone bankrupt 7 times.

yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
Knowing how he loves to brag...I wont be surprise if he is worth nothing. If he was worth what he claims, he would fly his tax returns along the US flag and make everyone stand and salute it.


financial organizations put him between 3-4 billion dollars...

but YOU know better.
Where is his tax return that he promised to show ?

dont' know

didn't care then, don't care now.

everything else going on, and you're whining about a tax return?

(Threw that in to scare the crap out of you)

yup, tax returne - everyone needs to be transparent ....

Gang of Eight, Kelly Added to Justice Department Russia Meetings

yup, just terrible...

500 companies, and 7 filed for bankruptcy.

(What percentage is that?)
Knowing how he loves to brag...I wont be surprise if he is worth nothing. If he was worth what he claims, he would fly his tax returns along the US flag and make everyone stand and salute it.


financial organizations put him between 3-4 billion dollars...

but YOU know better.
Where is his tax return that he promised to show ?

dont' know

didn't care then, don't care now.

everything else going on, and you're whining about a tax return?

(Threw that in to scare the crap out of you)

yup, tax returne - everyone needs to be transparent ....

Gang of Eight, Kelly Added to Justice Department Russia Meetings


Should that include papers written while in college, grades, that sort of thing?

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