Like her/Hate her - no one can deny Kayleigh Enany is just amazing

She prepares on the hot buttons, active topics in the media. This is simple research and likely they put some staff members on it. It would also be fairly easy to set up a computer-generated list of active topics and then boil those down.

Note the binder. The subject matter is organized and tabbed. She flips right to a given subject in literally a second.

She's got a method and I'm willing to bet it's something along those lines.
I was impressed at first, until I realized her method was on every topic to have a diversion.

Why did Trump say this? Do you support or not? This isn’t accurate, why don’t you tell us?

They all get answered with........You should investigate Obama, So and so said this, What about Biden?

There are no real answers
Why would these reporters arbitrarily bring this up if the policy existed prior to Obama? It’s not like the kids were inhumanely treated like they are under Trump. Kids prior to Trump weren’t kept as prisoners. We have thousands of migrant kids in cages being kept here indefinitely solely because of Trump. It doesn’t make any goddamn sense.

Probably because the media originally LIED and claimed those "cages" were something UNIQUE to the Trump Admin.. The stupid morons tried to pass off pictures of "kids in cages" as something new..
Mackenany is good at the job.. Trolls in the press corps LOVE to derail actual discussion with baiting questions.. She just takes bait.hooker, sinker and pulls them out of their boat with it.,..
I was impressed at first, until I realized her method was on every topic to have a diversion.

Why did Trump say this? Do you support or not? This isn’t accurate, why don’t you tell us?

They all get answered with........You should investigate Obama, So and so said this, What about Biden?

There are no real answers

What do you think of the questions?
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman. How in THE world does this woman jump from topic to topic and in microseconds snap back at slanted questions so effective and so fast.
I dislike Sean Hannity. He is a pimp. But he is extremely quick witted and has an amazing ability to summon up statistics and come backs - lies or no lies. But he is an amateur compared to this gal. Her friggin IQ must be 160.
Impressive as hell. Every single question is negative. All of them. 9 out of 10 is gotcha one-liners and narrative gotchas, but she gets right past it and comes right back at them

It's got to be MADDENING trying to get her trapped in a "gotcha" and failing every single time.

Have you EVER seen these "journalists" go after a Leftist like this?

Dude, we are never going to agree on a whole lot concerning politics, but if you think she is the one doing the diverting here you are choosing to see it that way. Is she going to put positive spin on things - uh... a press secretary that doesn't? Name me a press secretary that stood there and said "yes the President failed on this".
A press secretary is supposed to provide media facts about important stuff, but when all the media does is line up with one gotcha question after another...almost NONE about actual tangible items of significance but useless attacks that solve nothing. So what would she do in return?
Disseminating fact from fiction is what the press does. Deflection from any of the mucks from the Trump Admin shouldn't be a problem now should it?
No, other Press Secretaries haven’t acted like that. The media asks “gotcha” questions because Trump leaves them no choice.

No Prez has LIVED thru being suspected as a "tool of Russia" and attacked so heavily by the NOW political action groups that call themselves media..

When your JOB is to be the mouthpiece for The Greatest Troll on Earth -- You have to know how to handle and shut down the WANNABEE trolls who are no longer journalists... It's troll on troll violence to even get anything serious covered... And NO ONE knows trolling like the Trump Administration..

It's what you HAVE to do to get "other opinions" asserted in these days of cancel culture and memes..

Just like your EVERY DAY "congressional hearing" is Narcissist on Narcissist self-loving and RARELY does anything important "get heard"...
What do you think of the questions?

If he answers, ask him to handle stupid ridiculous questions that are REALLY bait..., Stupid questions are a difficult problem in a room where there should be professionalism and dignity..
Queen of diversion.

Why did Trump say this?

But what about Hillary? What about Biden? Crooked media
After those nazi jit bags Obama had, Trump's press secretary's are a breath of fresh air. Obama's would argue with and put down their own kids.
I have watched numerous of her daily briefing and I have never seen in all my decades of watching press conferences have seen a press secretary so damn quick and effective as this woman.
Yes, she is amazing in her ability to choose which logical fallacy in her catalog to spew in answer to a straightforward question.

She has taken the crown of fastest-talking liar and bullshitter from Kellyane Conway, which I honestly did not think was possible.
We have 120,000 deaths from TRUMPvirus

No time to move past it

Mostly in Democratic Party controlled states, cities, counties and localities.. sadly they refused to follow Trump's lead and also refuse to take to take responsibility ... as usual

... and of course, you as a TDS Democrat refuse to accept the reality, too busy with cheap shots and Democrat dishonesty is my guess.
She has a mouth, that's for sure. Everything else, not so much. Not a babe. Not hot. But, she sure has an odd shaped body plus them chicken legs.

she looks anorexic & should try to eat something.
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I was impressed at first, until I realized her method was on every topic to have a diversion.

Why did Trump say this? Do you support or not? This isn’t accurate, why don’t you tell us?

They all get answered with........You should investigate Obama, So and so said this, What about Biden?

There are no real answers

In some cases, yes, she deflects. In others, she is prepared in advance. I've seen her make quite a few of them look like utter fools. When she has to she moves off, no doubt, and dances around to avoid saying anything that reflects badly on Trump. That's not atypical for a press secretary. They are the primary spokesperson for the administration, not a neutral party, so I wouldn't expect anything else.

She's pretty good at her job, IMO. Like her or hate her, there is definitely a solid skillset there.
Probably because the media originally LIED and claimed those "cages" were something UNIQUE to the Trump Admin.. The stupid morons tried to pass off pictures of "kids in cages" as something new..
Mackenany is good at the job.. Trolls in the press corps LOVE to derail actual discussion with baiting questions.. She just takes bait.hooker, sinker and pulls them out of their boat with it.,..
Ugh I hate how you claim to be this free thinking independent yet more often than not you side with Trumptards.

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