Like the coward he is, Trump claims Obama never called the families of fallen soldiers as an...

I find it appalling that these troops died over a week ago, and Trump said this morning that the letters would go out this evening or tomorrow.

Why is it taking so long? The military notifies the families of service members killed on duty in 24 hours or less.

Pompous faggot. So the presidant has to call every service members family who died? Or do like obama did and pose for pics with coffins then stop because it looked so fake? Tell you what, you claim to be a big bad litter, how about you take your fat lazy ass to the USO and go hug some troops ? If yo donā€™t you are unamerican and a liar.
So Trump never said Obama never called the families.

ā€œI donā€™t know if he did,ā€ the president said. ā€œI was told he didnā€™t often, and a lot of presidents donā€™t. They write letters.ā€

ā€œPresident Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didnā€™t,ā€ Mr. Trump continued. ā€œThatā€™s what I was told. All I can do is ask my generals.ā€

Trump Falsely Claims Obama Didnā€™t Contact Families of Fallen Soldiers
Are you really just stupid enough to believe everything Trump says? No one told him shit about Obamaā€™s calls. Youā€™re such a pawn.

Ever notice that when Trump is caught in a lie, he doesn't apologize, but rather doubles down and starts to talk about things he heard from others, and the others are never mentioned by name?

He won't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
So Trump never said Obama never called the families.

ā€œI donā€™t know if he did,ā€ the president said. ā€œI was told he didnā€™t often, and a lot of presidents donā€™t. They write letters.ā€

ā€œPresident Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didnā€™t,ā€ Mr. Trump continued. ā€œThatā€™s what I was told. All I can do is ask my generals.ā€

Trump Falsely Claims Obama Didnā€™t Contact Families of Fallen Soldiers
Are you really just stupid enough to believe everything Trump says? No one told him shit about Obamaā€™s calls. Youā€™re such a pawn.

Ever notice that when Trump is caught in a lie, he doesn't apologize, but rather doubles down and starts to talk about things he heard from others, and the others are never mentioned by name?

He won't take responsibility for ANYTHING.
I canā€™t even stand listening to him speak. Heā€™s so stupid and childish that itā€™s unbearable.
I think the Trump Administration is trying to set a standard so low they trip over it...

Anyone trying to defend Trump here is basically insulting the families of the dead soldiers and the past Presidents...

I wasn't a fan of GW:
Bush often met privately with the families of soldiers who died fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq and wrote extensive letters, according to The Washington Times.

"People say, ā€˜Why would you do that?'" the president told the paper in 2008, at the end of his presidency.

"And the answer is: This is my duty. The president is commander in chief, but the president is often comforter in chief, as well. It is my duty to be ā€” to try to comfort as best as I humanly can a loved one who is in anguish."

Mr Trump you failed to do your duty unlike those soldiers.
This is what makes Trump's lying pathological. He didn't even have to mention Obama, but he did anyway, and lied. The man simply cannot stop himself from lying.

It's an addiction.
His incessant lying is just another one of his many, many character flaws. The fucking moron is an absolute disaster. In other words, he is just what his boot-licking base of idiots wanted for a president, and they got it. We are an embarrassment to the world.
I find it appalling that these troops died over a week ago, and Trump said this morning that the letters would go out this evening or tomorrow.

Why is it taking so long? The military notifies the families of service members killed on duty in 24 hours or less.

Pompous faggot. So the presidant has to call every service members family who died? Or do like obama did and pose for pics with coffins then stop because it looked so fake? Tell you what, you claim to be a big bad litter, how about you take your fat lazy ass to the USO and go hug some troops ? If yo donā€™t you are unamerican and a liar.

Why do I need to go do that? I used the USO's for over 20 years while serving in the Navy. Besides, there aren't any in Amarillo TX.

As far as the ban on showing the coffins when they come stateside? Hate to tell you dude, but that ban was put in place under Bush Jr., and rescinded under Obama.

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Daily Mail Online

President Barack Obama is reviewing George Bushā€™s ban on photographs of the flag-draped coffins of Americaā€™s war dead.

Facing a public backlash over the unpopular war in Iraq, Mr Bush blocked the media from taking pictures of the return of U.S. troops for burial.

Now the new president says he is rethinking the Pentagon ban.

His announcement came on the day he learned that four more U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq.

Read more: Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
So Trump never said Obama never called the families.

ā€œI donā€™t know if he did,ā€ the president said. ā€œI was told he didnā€™t often, and a lot of presidents donā€™t. They write letters.ā€

ā€œPresident Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didnā€™t,ā€ Mr. Trump continued. ā€œThatā€™s what I was told. All I can do is ask my generals.ā€

Trump Falsely Claims Obama Didnā€™t Contact Families of Fallen Soldiers
Are you really just stupid enough to believe everything Trump says? No one told him shit about Obamaā€™s calls. Youā€™re such a pawn.

Ever notice that when Trump is caught in a lie, he doesn't apologize, but rather doubles down and starts to talk about things he heard from others, and the others are never mentioned by name?

He won't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

I think media should follow his actual words... He always says this is what he was told.

Follow up question:
Who fed you this false information?

Will this person be disciplined?

How is the information given to you verified?

Do you accept being falsely informed is not a very serious issue?

Old Donny will start throwing more people under the bus. But get the name of the person who informed him and if he dances around it. The Dems should open an investigation on who is feeding the President of the United States false information. This false information is a direct threat to US Security.
I find it appalling that these troops died over a week ago, and Trump said this morning that the letters would go out this evening or tomorrow.

Why is it taking so long? The military notifies the families of service members killed on duty in 24 hours or less.

Pompous faggot. So the presidant has to call every service members family who died? Or do like obama did and pose for pics with coffins then stop because it looked so fake? Tell you what, you claim to be a big bad litter, how about you take your fat lazy ass to the USO and go hug some troops ? If yo donā€™t you are unamerican and a liar.

Why do I need to go do that? I used the USO's for over 20 years while serving in the Navy. Besides, there aren't any in Amarillo TX.

As far as the ban on showing the coffins when they come stateside? Hate to tell you dude, but that ban was put in place under Bush Jr., and rescinded under Obama.

Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Daily Mail Online

President Barack Obama is reviewing George Bushā€™s ban on photographs of the flag-draped coffins of Americaā€™s war dead.

Facing a public backlash over the unpopular war in Iraq, Mr Bush blocked the media from taking pictures of the return of U.S. troops for burial.

Now the new president says he is rethinking the Pentagon ban.

His announcement came on the day he learned that four more U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq.

Read more: Obama reviews Bush ban on showing flag-draped coffins of American war dead | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

There is always a place to go and do something. Hell, wash dishes at the American leagion or become a pen pal, just donā€™t be appalled because itā€™s popular. And it was YOUR presidant who stopped profiling y coffins after backlash as none of the military felt Bammer gave two shirt ., so save the bush bull shit. Itā€™s old.
So Trump never said Obama never called the families.

ā€œI donā€™t know if he did,ā€ the president said. ā€œI was told he didnā€™t often, and a lot of presidents donā€™t. They write letters.ā€

ā€œPresident Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didnā€™t,ā€ Mr. Trump continued. ā€œThatā€™s what I was told. All I can do is ask my generals.ā€

Trump Falsely Claims Obama Didnā€™t Contact Families of Fallen Soldiers
Are you really just stupid enough to believe everything Trump says? No one told him shit about Obamaā€™s calls. Youā€™re such a pawn.

Ever notice that when Trump is caught in a lie, he doesn't apologize, but rather doubles down and starts to talk about things he heard from others, and the others are never mentioned by name?

He won't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

I think media should follow his actual words... He always says this is what he was told.

Follow up question:
Who fed you this false information?

Will this person be disciplined?

How is the information given to you verified?

Do you accept being falsely informed is not a very serious issue?

Old Donny will start throwing more people under the bus. But get the name of the person who informed him and if he dances around it. The Dems should open an investigation on who is feeding the President of the United States false information. This false information is a direct threat to US Security.

Obama is the greatest of all time. Just absolutely wonderful in every way. Just so damn cool. a mfing fool moron dumb fuck asshole....crazy worthless little handed jackass.

....mimicking exacting what the .01% DNC media of the upper west side and Georgetown think and promote.
Yeah, and he said this afternoon at his presser, he was going to mail the letters to the families of the 4 soldiers killed last week either this evening or tomorrow.

It's been a week. The military notifies family members of killed servicemembers within 24 hours or less. Why is it taking him over a week to get the letters out?

Doesn't he care?

He couldn't find forty minutes to an hour to call the four families? Anything he does now will be seen as insincere.
More troops died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush, I'm sure Obama did offer condolences, but what was the point?
I find it appalling that these troops died over a week ago, and Trump said this morning that the letters would go out this evening or tomorrow.

Why is it taking so long? The military notifies the families of service members killed on duty in 24 hours or less.

Trump staff couldn't get the mail merge to work.
Yeah, and he said this afternoon at his presser, he was going to mail the letters to the families of the 4 soldiers killed last week either this evening or tomorrow.

It's been a week. The military notifies family members of killed servicemembers within 24 hours or less. Why is it taking him over a week to get the letters out?

Doesn't he care?

He couldn't find forty minutes to an hour to call the four families? Anything he does now will be seen as insincere.

Thanks to obama , troops being killed in action is now rare thing . So it wouldn't be hard to call the families .
This is what makes Trump's lying pathological. He didn't even have to mention Obama, but he did anyway, and lied. The man simply cannot stop himself from lying.

It's an addiction.
His incessant lying is just another one of his many, many character flaws. The fucking moron is an absolute disaster. In other words, he is just what his boot-licking base of idiots wanted for a president, and they got it. We are an embarrassment to the world.

Trump expects us to eventual not even acknowledge his BS since it's never-ending! He says whatever pops into his head and we're not supposed to take any of it seriously since he can't remember half of it! I'm so done! It's so hard to watch the news seeing this buffoon embarrassing himself and the country everyday; lowering the bar so much I can't imagine what's next in store for the country when it comes to "leadership!" Republicans "own" it from Coast to Coast and little is getting done, but excuses continue and finger pointing the norm with all of them! I'm disgusted, but just have to let it go! It ain't gonna get better anytime soon and it doesn't seem like many care which is another symptom of being bombarded with this kind of nonsense daily! My head hurts! :bang3: :banghead: :blahblah: :talktothehand:
This is what makes Trump's lying pathological. He didn't even have to mention Obama, but he did anyway, and lied. The man simply cannot stop himself from lying.

It's an addiction.

Do you even think he knows he is lying? Or is it so pathological that he doesn't know and believes his own dumbshit?
This is what makes Trump's lying pathological. He didn't even have to mention Obama, but he did anyway, and lied. The man simply cannot stop himself from lying.

It's an addiction.

Do you even think he knows he is lying? Or is it so pathological that he doesn't know and believes his own dumbshit?
I think he knows he is lying initially but after he doubles down on his lies like a retard he begins to believe them.
This is what makes Trump's lying pathological. He didn't even have to mention Obama, but he did anyway, and lied. The man simply cannot stop himself from lying.

It's an addiction.

Do you even think he knows he is lying? Or is it so pathological that he doesn't know and believes his own dumbshit?
I think he knows he is lying initially but after he doubles down on his lies like a retard he begins to believe them.

As good a theory as any.
So Trump never said Obama never called the families.

ā€œI donā€™t know if he did,ā€ the president said. ā€œI was told he didnā€™t often, and a lot of presidents donā€™t. They write letters.ā€

ā€œPresident Obama, I think, probably did sometimes and maybe sometimes he didnā€™t,ā€ Mr. Trump continued. ā€œThatā€™s what I was told. All I can do is ask my generals.ā€

Trump Falsely Claims Obama Didnā€™t Contact Families of Fallen Soldiers
Are you really just stupid enough to believe everything Trump says? No one told him shit about Obamaā€™s calls. Youā€™re such a pawn.

Ever notice that when Trump is caught in a lie, he doesn't apologize, but rather doubles down and starts to talk about things he heard from others, and the others are never mentioned by name?

He won't take responsibility for ANYTHING.

I think media should follow his actual words... He always says this is what he was told.

Follow up question:
Who fed you this false information?

Will this person be disciplined?

How is the information given to you verified?

Do you accept being falsely informed is not a very serious issue?

Old Donny will start throwing more people under the bus. But get the name of the person who informed him and if he dances around it. The Dems should open an investigation on who is feeding the President of the United States false information. This false information is a direct threat to US Security.

Obama is the greatest of all time. Just absolutely wonderful in every way. Just so damn cool. a mfing fool moron dumb fuck asshole....crazy worthless little handed jackass.

....mimicking exacting what the .01% DNC media of the upper west side and Georgetown think and promote.

Obama was good...

But your second statement is far closer to the mark...

And your last statement is shite that is living in your head
This is what makes Trump's lying pathological. He didn't even have to mention Obama, but he did anyway, and lied. The man simply cannot stop himself from lying.

It's an addiction.

Do you even think he knows he is lying? Or is it so pathological that he doesn't know and believes his own dumbshit?

That is the real question to ask... Is he devious or mad?

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