Lilly Gaddis Explodes on Twitter and then is fired from her job after using the a variant of the “n word”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
No, that’s not the same thing as the full n word ******

And in this country, many black folks, especially rappers use the word ****** all the time.. white people or Black people could use that word in different matters and not be a racist. There’s actually a strict definition of the word that actually has nothing to do with blacks.

People will perhaps talk about the American past or slavery or something. Everyone knows that whether someone is black, Jewish, white, Muslim, Christian we all descend from slaves and slave owners …imperative to keep this in mind.

But either way, here’s the thing. I am going to bet that Lilly stands up for free speech and it’s just a bit controversial. She is maybe the white opposite of a black person on MSNBC or CNN saying white people are privileged or “all white people have a virus” which is what Van Jones on CNN once said without any repercussion.

Either we have free speech or we don’t. And it’s amazing how the left often react to these types of things specifically how they support suppressing free speech on social media outlets that play a powerful role in America’s political life. They will start whining like babies talking about “well I thought conservatives support corporations decision to do whatever they want”. So they are actually sounding like very conservative people in that regard. As opposed to perhaps libertarian supporting free speech. There you go
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Has America or perhaps the media turned into a bunch of crybabies and whiners? They can’t handle free speech. They cancel people all the time. It’s interesting how the left-wing reacts to these issues of how conservatives have been banned from YouTube and they won’t defend the free speech they will support this totalitarian measure because apparently they support babying Society

If somebody is offended by these videos below, then they must be offended by Van Jones of CNN saying all white people have a virus or when some multimillionaire black anchor on CNN gets in front of the camera and starts making very aggressive remarks against whites in general.

Judge it for yourself, let freedom prevail

This woman is getting millions and millions of views
No, that’s not the same thing as the full n word ******

And in this country, many black folks, especially rappers use the word ****** all the time.. white people or Black people could use that word in different matters and not be a racist. There’s actually a strict definition of the word that actually has nothing to do with blacks.

People will perhaps talk about the American past or slavery or something. Everyone knows that whether someone is black, Jewish, white, Muslim, Christian we all descend from slaves and slave owners …imperative to keep this in mind.

But either way, here’s the thing. I am going to bet that Lilly stands up for free speech and it’s just a bit controversial. She is maybe the white opposite of a black person on MSNBC or CNN saying white people are privileged or “all white people have a virus” which is what Van Jones on CNN once said without any repercussion.

Either we have free speech or we don’t. And it’s amazing how the left often react to these types of things specifically how they support suppressing free speech on social media outlets that play a powerful role in America’s political life. They will start whining like babies talking about “well I thought conservatives support corporations decision to do whatever they want”. So they are actually sounding like very conservative people in that regard. As opposed to perhaps libertarian supporting free speech. There you go

1. She's a classic Mean Girl. Her latest video exposed her as a peaked in high school and still mad about it kinda gal.

2. You have the freedom to say offensive things I guess. And your employer has the freedom to not want you to represent their company.
1. She's a classic Mean Girl. Her latest video exposed her as a peaked in high school and still mad about it kinda gal.

2. You have the freedom to say offensive things I guess. And your employer has the freedom to not want you to represent their company.
That is certainly possible. I believe in someways that she is the white opposite of a left-wing black person of her age who believes all whites are privileged or who gets in front of the video for Twitter or TikTok and makes very controversial comments about whites or just uses controversial words. It’s very interesting nonetheless

Let’s see if she gets canceled and removed from X, which is certainly more of a free speech platform compared to what it was before Elon Musk took over. That’s what counts for me. I don’t agree with much of what Lilly says and her direction. I’m interested to see If she gets canceled while somebody like Van Jones is allowed to remain on CNN after he says all white people have a virus.

Lilly already apparently lost her job. Meanwhile, black women of her age can say very controversial remarks. Hell they can even use the N-word as far as I know and not lose their job so that is just a blatant problem in this country that we need to correct
No, that’s not the same thing as the full n word ******

And in this country, many black folks, especially rappers use the word ****** all the time.. white people or Black people could use that word in different matters and not be a racist. There’s actually a strict definition of the word that actually has nothing to do with blacks.

People will perhaps talk about the American past or slavery or something. Everyone knows that whether someone is black, Jewish, white, Muslim, Christian we all descend from slaves and slave owners …imperative to keep this in mind.

But either way, here’s the thing. I am going to bet that Lilly stands up for free speech and it’s just a bit controversial. She is maybe the white opposite of a black person on MSNBC or CNN saying white people are privileged or “all white people have a virus” which is what Van Jones on CNN once said without any repercussion.

Either we have free speech or we don’t. And it’s amazing how the left often react to these types of things specifically how they support suppressing free speech on social media outlets that play a powerful role in America’s political life. They will start whining like babies talking about “well I thought conservatives support corporations decision to do whatever they want”. So they are actually sounding like very conservative people in that regard. As opposed to perhaps libertarian supporting free speech. There you go
you are right frank. we despotic liberals made it illegal to call 1 class of people a degrading name

we kind of discourage it, because black children are as fully human as any fetus, and we don't really like when you attempt to abort their development by immersing them in your hate.

what? it is not illegal? what is the problem? you or this obscure woman can use the word all you want.

see, freedom.
I read the article. I have no idea who this person is and after contemplating her situation it seems I couldn't find a care.

Now for those who don't actually understand the concept of "free speech" that's another thing.
She speaks the truth. She should be left alone.

She is speaking the truth on an adult platform that allows the freedom of speech for such words. If you look at most black men's podcasts all they do is say derogatory things about black females by using all kids of deplorable words. Black men are extremely misogynistic towards black women. The black men get a pass, but they want to punish females for speaking their peace. It could be that this female has some black ancestry in her family. I don't use the n-word but there are times when it may be necessary to do so such as in the depiction of historical matters, and just when deemed necessary.

However, I can understand this white female in that black men always brag about how they want a white female who has money, and/or good credit. In that instance this white female is right, they are broke. They prize themselves on being a sex slaves for the white female as their contribution to the relationship as long as she pays them, and pays the bills. I know it sounds slave-like, but that is what many black men strive for. Mostly because black women refuse to "take care of them." Therefore, within the white female sisterhood a "broke n-word" will be the talk of their girl code dilemmas. What this white female is seeing is other white females with a broke n-word and she refuses to suffer in life with one.
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Her job most likely got mad not because of the n-word but because she told the truth when she used the word "BROKE"

When you tell the truth about black men they want you fired and/or harmed. They will speak bad about women all day, and all night in studios, podcasts; just everywhere especially black women. They want a different standard for others than they have for themselves.
This is America in a nutshell.

Be offensive as you can possibly be, whine when people criticize you for it, and then become a rightwing/MAGA star.
If blacks can say the nword then why can't whites?

It isn't it racist to say someone can't say a word because of the color of their skin?

Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.
You can say it, just not without the potential consequence of losing your job. :laugh: :funnyface:
you are right frank. we despotic liberals made it illegal to call 1 class of people a degrading name

we kind of discourage it, because black children are as fully human as any fetus, and we don't really like when you attempt to abort their development by immersing them in your hate.

what? it is not illegal? what is the problem? you or this obscure woman can use the word all you want.

see, freedom.
Aside from your obvious trolling and making up other peoples views, you’re wrong. That woman wasn’t free to use the N-word as Blacks are. She got fired from her job for doing it. It’s a blatant hypocrisy
Her job most likely got mad not because of the n-word but because she told the truth when she used the word "BROKE"

When you tell the truth about black men they want you fired and/or harmed. They will speak bad about women all day, and all night in studios, podcasts; just everywhere especially black women. They want a different standard for others than they have for themselves.
I think when she uses the term broke, she’s talking about white and black men. That said good points by you
Aside from your obvious trolling and making up other peoples views, you’re wrong. That woman wasn’t free to use the N-word as Blacks are. She got fired from her job for doing it. It’s a blatant hypocrisy

She was free to do it, and her employer was free to do what they did.

Both exercised their freedoms
This is America in a nutshell.

Be offensive as you can possibly be, whine when people criticize you for it, and then become a rightwing/MAGA star.
I think that some people are beyond tired of the hypocrisy from the far left wing when it comes to a topic like this.

By the way the rapper Eazy-E one said he doesn’t mind at all if a white or black person comes up to him and says hey what’s up nigga …but he was offended by the er

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