Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hol

Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

And then we wonder why the polarization in the US is getting wider and wider.
It's agitators like Limbaugh on both sides of the aisle that are the root of all this division.
The US grew to it's strength when there was bipartisanship and compromise. But that's all gone and America plummets downwards, both internally and on the world stage.
Now I know the haters just love this bullshit and they are more than happy to let their hate drive the US into the ground.
This also explains, why the independent/moderate demographic is the largest voting bloc and the GOP and Dems are shrinking. They are still grownups in this country.
The Rush Limbaugh's of the world and their easily manipulated followers, can kiss my ass.

Yeah, and you Nazis are so nice, always seeking to unify the nation.

They only want what's best for us. That's why they want to open the flood gates to illegal immigration, because we don't want to do the jobs that immigrants will do for next to nothing. Unemployment and low wages are what's best for us.
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Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

Yeah, he is 100% correct.

So what is your point Nazi fuck?

That's it in a nutshell.

The indoctrinators have to be routed if we are to remain a nation of free citizens.

It is that very freedom that enabled the rise of the indoctrinators. Lines need to be drawn.

I don't listen to the fat pillhead, but he's right about that.
I think I'll stick with civilization as in the sane media and our educational system over fascism.
Let me get this straight: you believe CNN and MSNBC are the sane media?


Our educational system is indoctrinating our kids with fascism, you fucking moron.
You libs are full of shit, liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it. Liberals have no interest whatsoever in compromising with the right, they hate our guts. Well okay fine we hate those fuckers right back its not rocket science.

Naw. We don't hate you. We assume that you will grow up some day and turn out to be MUCH less obnoxious than you were when you were teenagers.....

Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

And then we wonder why the polarization in the US is getting wider and wider.
It's agitators like Limbaugh on both sides of the aisle that are the root of all this division.
The US grew to it's strength when there was bipartisanship and compromise. But that's all gone and America plummets downwards, both internally and on the world stage.
Now I know the haters just love this bullshit and they are more than happy to let their hate drive the US into the ground.
This also explains, why the independent/moderate demographic is the largest voting bloc and the GOP and Dems are shrinking. They are still grownups in this country.
The Rush Limbaugh's of the world and their easily manipulated followers, can kiss my ass.

When Obama divided us there was no turning back

Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

And then we wonder why the polarization in the US is getting wider and wider.
It's agitators like Limbaugh on both sides of the aisle that are the root of all this division.
The US grew to it's strength when there was bipartisanship and compromise. But that's all gone and America plummets downwards, both internally and on the world stage.
Now I know the haters just love this bullshit and they are more than happy to let their hate drive the US into the ground.
This also explains, why the independent/moderate demographic is the largest voting bloc and the GOP and Dems are shrinking. They are still grownups in this country.
The Rush Limbaugh's of the world and their easily manipulated followers, can kiss my ass.

When Obama divided us there was no turning back

it started wayyy before hoebama, and the shrub was just as bad as hoebama
It''s almost ironic when a leftie Bernie Sanders supporter tried to murder an entire republican baseball team last month and lefties are whining about a Media Matters Rush Limbaugh feed. Rush made a freaking joke. The crazy angry democrat planned to murder every conservative republican congressman. See the difference? .

Battle to the death is simply a phrase people use not to be taken literally. It doesn't mean use physical violence. This is a leftist stretch if anything.

Sure is. Even Sponge Bob is in on it..

You libs are full of shit, liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it. Liberals have no interest whatsoever in compromising with the right, they hate our guts. Well okay fine we hate those fuckers right back its not rocket science.

Naw. We don't hate you. We assume that you will grow up some day and turn out to be MUCH less obnoxious than you were when you were teenagers.....

Damn! Once again, I seem have stumbled on to a Hillary thread, when I thought that it was about the democratic party, as the OP said in the thread title!

That happens to me a lot!
You libs are full of shit, liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it. Liberals have no interest whatsoever in compromising with the right, they hate our guts. Well okay fine we hate those fuckers right back its not rocket science.

Naw. We don't hate you. We assume that you will grow up some day and turn out to be MUCH less obnoxious than you were when you were teenagers.....

Damn! Once again, I seem have stumbled on to a Hillary thread, when I thought that it was about the democratic party, as the OP said in the thread title!

That happens to me a lot!

You know what happens to me a lot? When I corner a liberal and they have nothing more to say than "partisan politics" or "change the subject."

Try to follow me here: You made a reply that Democrats don't hate Republicans, and when I show you they do, you complain that it's off topic. How does that work exactly?
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.
That's rich coming from a guy that makes a living out of twisting the truth..

We expect that from Rush as he clearly states his conservative position.
BUT we don't expect it from the supposedly objective MSM...i.e. ABC,CBS,NBC,etc. !
If you don't understand the distinction maybe you should just take a few seconds which is the MAJOR problem with many uninformed people and
just read the FACTS as to how the BIASED MSM has attempted to alter political decisions by their biased presentations ALL the while supposedly being "objective journalists"!

Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.

He's already lost. He and the rest of the whacko conservative bubble media believe they have a moment where they can force ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC et al, the real news, out of business so that the fake news like Faux News, Breitbart, and con-talk-radio can take it's place. Unfortunately for Dimbaugh he has maybe 2-3 million viewers a day while ABC, NBC, and CBS EACH has 7-8 million viewers a day. Faux News has maybe 2 million.

Cons, in order for you to win any cultural war you have to actually be in the fight. You are the fringe in all areas. There is no conservative Hollywood, Rupert Murdoch and the rest of the wealthy right wing weirdos understand there are no creative people on the conservative side. All the most creative people, by a million miles, are liberal minded. Otherwise Murdoch and the other con golems would have tried to build a conservative Hollywood and would have been making con movies. But con movies don't sell. They have a tiny audience in this culture which is generally liberal.

There is no battle. Conservatives never make it as far as the playing field, they are forever stuck in traffic on the way to the stadium.

I gotta say, I think the rabid right is more dangerous than that. They want an end to a free media. They want a state controlled media- like Britbart, fox, info wars.

They admire Putin and the damage he has done to Russian economy. They knowingly voted for fascism and will again.

Sent from my iPad using

They want news as news ,not propaganda machines for liberal ideology.

And where is the 'news as news' in the media?

Well see as a novice it appears you don't know the difference between "News" and "editorial comment" do you?
Rush,Hannity, etc. they all proudly acknowledge hey we are conservatives and our views are conservative.
BUT the MSM i.e. ABC,CBS,NBC, etc... supposedly NEWS services have blurred that line.
Now I know, I know this is a LOT of reading for people of your ilk to do BUT see the devil is in the details and I hope you have the
intellectual honesty to see the difference in what I'm showing you!
View attachment 137684
See those are suppose to be NEWS stories... not editorials!
View attachment 137685
So when you honestly look at the above CHART and then reflect on the chart above it... Isn't there something glaringly wrong there?
I mean I thought the MSM was to present the news in an objective manner with NO personal opinion influencing the news.
But when you have a Pulitzer prizing winning "JOURNALIST" write this... NOW do you understand why most conservatives, honest intellectually superior people like me, Rush,etc. have a disdain for the MSM and it's constantly biased news?
View attachment 137689


The media pitch the best news money can buy.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.
Democrats oppose Republicans. "They're the enemy!"

Hollywood makes fun of politicians including Republicans. "They're the enemy!!"

Some scientists oppose Republican plans. "They are the enemy!!!"

Some news media report negatively on Republicans. "THEY ARE ALL THE ENEMY!!!"

Some Republicans refuse to back fellow Republicans on some issues. "THEY ARE THE ENEMIES ARGLE BARGLE!!!!!!!"

Geez Louise, but does paranoia run strong in the far-right or what?
Not one true intellectually honest and objective person could not after reading the above still believe in MSM objectivity!
It has degraded to such a degree that this is what the general public thinks about the MSM.

More voters trust Trump than the political media: poll
37 percent of voters believe the White House has been more forthright than the media,
versus 29 percent who favor the press.
Another 34 percent were unsure or had no opinion.

All anyone had to do was watch it just a little. It's why many didn't watch. They got tired of only lefty views.
All the programs they have is opinion shows from morning till night.
I guess the reg. viewers don't know the difference, because they keep saying Rush is news when he has an opinion talk radio show, not news.
Rush makes comments on news stories.
News stories should have no opinion in reporting.
You libs are full of shit, liberals HATE conservatives don't try to deny it. Liberals have no interest whatsoever in compromising with the right, they hate our guts. Well okay fine we hate those fuckers right back its not rocket science.

Naw. We don't hate you. We assume that you will grow up some day and turn out to be MUCH less obnoxious than you were when you were teenagers.....

Damn! Once again, I seem have stumbled on to a Hillary thread, when I thought that it was about the democratic party, as the OP said in the thread title!

That happens to me a lot!

You know what happens to me a lot? When I corner a liberal and they have nothing more to say than "partisan politics" or "change the subject."

Try to follow me here: You made a reply that Democrats don't hate Republicans, and when I show you they do, you complain that it's off topic. How does that work exactly?

Try to stay on topic, Ray. Hillary is not the topic. Not only does she not hold political office, she never will.
Limbaugh calls for a “battle to the death” against the media, The Democratic Party, academia and Hollywood.

Kill a Liberal for Jesus and make your MessiahRushie ecstatic.

July 6, 2017
RUSH: That distinctive American culture which has given freedom its greatest repository and chance in the world is under assault from the American media and its agents in the Democrat Party and in academia and in Hollywood. The threat to American Western civilization is now primarily domestic, and it has to be beaten back if we are to survive. It’s a battle to the death, folks, and we’re smack-dab in the middle of it.
Is this what they mean by Identity Politics?
Personally, I can not grasp why anyone would want to make any kind of serious comment about Rush, regardless of what that clown has to say. It is kind of like asking David Duke to make a speech on "Why I am a Republican".
A battle of words is a battle to the death? Sounds like he's calling for a lot more than just a battle of words.

You fascists are fighting to kill the free republic and the land of liberty. It is a fight to the death. If you win, human kind again slips into a dark age that will take centuries to emerge from.

We see it as freedom from far left indoctrination and the left are the social fascists.

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