Limbaugh: Obamas Enjoy Spending Money 'Without Having To Work For It.'...

Say what you will. The fact is that Limbaugh's reason for his comments is to trash Obama. That's all he does. And he does it to entertain his lemmings, who lap up every word. Beyond them, no one believes he's saying.

As I said earlier, I'm no Rush fan. Never have been. That said, Obama should be trashed by every media person out there. He was unqualifed for the job and is a danger to this nation. I'm glad he will be a one term candidate as I don't know if we could survive another 4 years.

Hate to break it to you, but Obama will be re-elected. The quality of the so-called Republican "candidates" is stone cold bottom of the barrel. The American people -- and I don't mean the Teabag loonies -- want someone working for them, not the 1 percent.
:rofl: You really think Obama is one of the 99%?

Sucker!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Limbaugh: Obamas Enjoy Spending Money 'Without Having To Work For It.'...

See this proves that Obama is a conservative.
Hate to break it to you, but Obama will be re-elected. The quality of the so-called Republican "candidates" is stone cold bottom of the barrel. The American people -- and I don't mean the Teabag loonies -- want someone working for them, not the 1 percent.

Hate to break it to you, but Bozo the Clown looks like a freaking statesman and genius next to Obama. His is a failed presidency by any standard. Obama will have to run on his record and it's tracing paper thin. Your field is far weaker than the Republican field. BTW, "working for them" is not handing out entitlements to moochers.

Let's see. Obama knocked out OBL, which Bush couldn't do. He pulled out the troops from Iraq, which Bush didn't do. His policies helped bring save parts of the auto industry. Crap, Several Republicans and GOP lemming pundits (like Limbaugh and Hannity) couldn't even bring themselves acknowledge the fact he'd gotten OSL.

A perfect record? No. The Republicans in Congress have done everything short of lie down on the floor in front of him to prevent him from doing anything or from working with the Dems to accomplish something. For that reason alone, the GOP deserves to get their butts kicked out of Washington.

Are you really this clueless? Really? Obama gave the go ahead to take down bin Laden. That's it. That's all. Who wouldn't have? Obama had nothing to do with finding him. That took years of intelligence work that began under Bush. Hell, I won't even give Bush credit for that. Bin Laden's people hit us on 9/11. He became the enemy. To track him down and eliminate him was a goal of the US. The intelligence community went to work towards that end. Finally, they hit pay dirt when Obama was president. His only involvement was to say "do it". 9.9 out of 10 Americans would have made the same call. Giving Obama credit for "knocking out" bin Laden is pretty damned weak, don't you think?

Pulling the troops out of Iraq was following the time table created before Obama became president. Not much credit in following a plan.

The auto idustry should have filed bancruptcy and reorganized as a leaner, meaner operation. Nothing is too big to fail. Using tax dollars to interfere in the cycle of business isn't to be commended.

The Republicans in Congress acted as the adults in the room who tell a child that NO, he can't go play along a cliff with a blindofld on. If it weren't for them, we'd be even deeper in the shitter than we are. They are the only thing keeping our nation this side of the abyss.

Give me your address and I'll gladly send you a clue.
Hate to break it to you, but Bozo the Clown looks like a freaking statesman and genius next to Obama. His is a failed presidency by any standard. Obama will have to run on his record and it's tracing paper thin. Your field is far weaker than the Republican field. BTW, "working for them" is not handing out entitlements to moochers.

Let's see. Obama knocked out OBL, which Bush couldn't do. He pulled out the troops from Iraq, which Bush didn't do. His policies helped bring save parts of the auto industry. Crap, Several Republicans and GOP lemming pundits (like Limbaugh and Hannity) couldn't even bring themselves acknowledge the fact he'd gotten OSL.

A perfect record? No. The Republicans in Congress have done everything short of lie down on the floor in front of him to prevent him from doing anything or from working with the Dems to accomplish something. For that reason alone, the GOP deserves to get their butts kicked out of Washington.

Are you really this clueless? Really? Obama gave the go ahead to take down bin Laden. That's it. That's all. Who wouldn't have? Obama had nothing to do with finding him. That took years of intelligence work that began under Bush. Hell, I won't even give Bush credit for that. Bin Laden's people hit us on 9/11. He became the enemy. To track him down and eliminate him was a goal of the US. The intelligence community went to work towards that end. Finally, they hit pay dirt when Obama was president. His only involvement was to say "do it". 9.9 out of 10 Americans would have made the same call. Giving Obama credit for "knocking out" bin Laden is pretty damned weak, don't you think?

Pulling the troops out of Iraq was following the time table created before Obama became president. Not much credit in following a plan.

The auto idustry should have filed bancruptcy and reorganized as a leaner, meaner operation. Nothing is too big to fail. Using tax dollars to interfere in the cycle of business isn't to be commended.

The Republicans in Congress acted as the adults in the room who tell a child that NO, he can't go play along a cliff with a blindofld on. If it weren't for them, we'd be even deeper in the shitter than we are. They are the only thing keeping our nation this side of the abyss.

Give me your address and I'll gladly send you a clue.

In your GOP bizarro world, it's all the GOP and no one else. Does the GOP make the sun rise, too?
Money for nothin' and chicks for freeee...Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it.

That might explain why Barry and his baby-mamma like to hang out with rappers, rockers, and do-nothing for their money Hollyweird stars.
First of all, we can all yap for three hours, sure. What we CAN'T do is convince millions of people to listen to us, and thus bring in massive advertising dollars and syndication contracts. That's why HE'S getting millions of dollars a year to be a talk-show host, and we aren't.

Second of all, his job involves a lot more than just running his gums for three hours. Any talk-show host, but particularly one whose show involves current events and political issues, has to put in hours of show prep to find the topics and news stories people will be interested in. Furthermore, you're not heading any enterprise like that without a lot of behind-the-scenes meetings, both with your staff and with the people who actually fork over all that money.

Third and finally, yeah. He earns it, simply because it is money being paid to him contractually in exchange for a job he is doing. You can sit around, eating your liver with envy because it's so much and grousing that "he doesn't really earn it", but that's not your decision to make, because it's not your money. It's also not relevant to any logical, factual discussion of whether or not his income is earned, or merely siphoned off at the taxpayers' expense, a la the high-living Obamas and their fancy vacations and parties, which most assuredly are NOT coming out of or part of the salary we actually pay the President for the job he does. They're much more akin to a corporate executive abusing his expense account, only on a MUCH larger and more obscene scale.

You see....the left just doesn't understand all this. They see someone sitting at a desk, talking, and think "wow" i could do that! They don't understand that a job like this is MUCH more than sitting on your ass for 3 hrs...idiots. They think you can just sit yourself down and start talking...well, you can, but you also have to know what your talking about. I know i couldn't do it and still keep everyone's attention!!! ha!

They see rich people that seem to have a very cushy life....they don't understand that there's a good chance those rich people started out as poor as they are, and worked hard to move up in a company and they EARNED the right to have some "cushy" in their life.

Then there's the rich that has had everything handed to them....their parents possibly worked very hard and EARNED the money they were able to leave to their family.

No, not every rich person in America came by it honestly...we all know we have a gazillion crooks out there. But all these idiots that do nothing but bash the rich are just pissed because they're too lazy to go out and make something of themselves. Much easier to have their govt hand over everything they need.

Yeah except, I'm a conservative.........just a conservative that has never cared for Rush. In fact, I don't care for any talk radio host of any stripe with the exception of Neal Boortz. Most go over the top and stretch the truth in their favor. Most are willing to talk the talk, but aren't willing to walk the walk. If they are so smart and have the answers, why aren't they running for office and trying to solve the problems? No, most talk radio hosts are armchair quarterbacks who can spout rhetoric, but have no desire to back it up. They have to do what they do in order to keep people listening to get the ratings to keep a pay check. I'll give them that. They have a skill. How hard the work is, that's a different story.

A lot of talk show hosts, Rush included, feel they serve the public better doing what they do instead of running for public office.
Anyone who believes that the POTUS doesn't work for his money is about as full of shit as they come.
This came from Limburger? All that needs to be said.

In other words, you can't explain or justify the Obama family's high living at taxpayer expense, either. We're onto the "attack the messenger to obscure the message" ploy.

The "messenger," in this case, is someone who makes a living throwing darts at Obama. He's as believable as a sideshow mirror. The only people who believe what he says are his lemmings.

He threw darts at Bush, and at Clinton before just about every politician at one time or another. At least that's been the case since I started listening to him in '81. So what makes your messiah and his missus so special. They put themselves down range with targets on their backs. If they can't take the heat, they need to move along to something a little less public.
Let's see. Obama knocked out OBL, which Bush couldn't do. He pulled out the troops from Iraq, which Bush didn't do. His policies helped bring save parts of the auto industry. Crap, Several Republicans and GOP lemming pundits (like Limbaugh and Hannity) couldn't even bring themselves acknowledge the fact he'd gotten OSL.

A perfect record? No. The Republicans in Congress have done everything short of lie down on the floor in front of him to prevent him from doing anything or from working with the Dems to accomplish something. For that reason alone, the GOP deserves to get their butts kicked out of Washington.

Are you really this clueless? Really? Obama gave the go ahead to take down bin Laden. That's it. That's all. Who wouldn't have? Obama had nothing to do with finding him. That took years of intelligence work that began under Bush. Hell, I won't even give Bush credit for that. Bin Laden's people hit us on 9/11. He became the enemy. To track him down and eliminate him was a goal of the US. The intelligence community went to work towards that end. Finally, they hit pay dirt when Obama was president. His only involvement was to say "do it". 9.9 out of 10 Americans would have made the same call. Giving Obama credit for "knocking out" bin Laden is pretty damned weak, don't you think?

Pulling the troops out of Iraq was following the time table created before Obama became president. Not much credit in following a plan.

The auto idustry should have filed bancruptcy and reorganized as a leaner, meaner operation. Nothing is too big to fail. Using tax dollars to interfere in the cycle of business isn't to be commended.

The Republicans in Congress acted as the adults in the room who tell a child that NO, he can't go play along a cliff with a blindofld on. If it weren't for them, we'd be even deeper in the shitter than we are. They are the only thing keeping our nation this side of the abyss.

Give me your address and I'll gladly send you a clue.

In your GOP bizarro world, it's all the GOP and no one else. Does the GOP make the sun rise, too?

Sorry bub, I'm libertarian.
You see....the left just doesn't understand all this. They see someone sitting at a desk, talking, and think "wow" i could do that! They don't understand that a job like this is MUCH more than sitting on your ass for 3 hrs...idiots. They think you can just sit yourself down and start talking...well, you can, but you also have to know what your talking about. I know i couldn't do it and still keep everyone's attention!!! ha!

They see rich people that seem to have a very cushy life....they don't understand that there's a good chance those rich people started out as poor as they are, and worked hard to move up in a company and they EARNED the right to have some "cushy" in their life.

Then there's the rich that has had everything handed to them....their parents possibly worked very hard and EARNED the money they were able to leave to their family.

No, not every rich person in America came by it honestly...we all know we have a gazillion crooks out there. But all these idiots that do nothing but bash the rich are just pissed because they're too lazy to go out and make something of themselves. Much easier to have their govt hand over everything they need.

Yeah except, I'm a conservative.........just a conservative that has never cared for Rush. In fact, I don't care for any talk radio host of any stripe with the exception of Neal Boortz. Most go over the top and stretch the truth in their favor. Most are willing to talk the talk, but aren't willing to walk the walk. If they are so smart and have the answers, why aren't they running for office and trying to solve the problems? No, most talk radio hosts are armchair quarterbacks who can spout rhetoric, but have no desire to back it up. They have to do what they do in order to keep people listening to get the ratings to keep a pay check. I'll give them that. They have a skill. How hard the work is, that's a different story.

A lot of talk show hosts, Rush included, feel they serve the public better doing what they do instead of running for public office.

I understand that. I also undersntad that it is easier to demand litmus tests, make claims and tell other people how they should do their jobs when you aren't the one actually doing the job. You know, kind of like how candidates make all sorts of promises during a campaign and then get faced with reality when they step into the job.
are you really this clueless? Really? Obama gave the go ahead to take down bin laden. That's it. That's all. Who wouldn't have? Obama had nothing to do with finding him. That took years of intelligence work that began under bush. Hell, i won't even give bush credit for that. Bin laden's people hit us on 9/11. He became the enemy. To track him down and eliminate him was a goal of the us. The intelligence community went to work towards that end. Finally, they hit pay dirt when obama was president. His only involvement was to say "do it". 9.9 out of 10 americans would have made the same call. Giving obama credit for "knocking out" bin laden is pretty damned weak, don't you think?

Pulling the troops out of iraq was following the time table created before obama became president. Not much credit in following a plan.

The auto idustry should have filed bancruptcy and reorganized as a leaner, meaner operation. Nothing is too big to fail. Using tax dollars to interfere in the cycle of business isn't to be commended.

The republicans in congress acted as the adults in the room who tell a child that no, he can't go play along a cliff with a blindofld on. If it weren't for them, we'd be even deeper in the shitter than we are. They are the only thing keeping our nation this side of the abyss.

Give me your address and i'll gladly send you a clue.

in your gop bizarro world, it's all the gop and no one else. Does the gop make the sun rise, too?

sorry bub, i'm libertarian.

In name only.
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Yeah except, I'm a conservative.........just a conservative that has never cared for Rush. In fact, I don't care for any talk radio host of any stripe with the exception of Neal Boortz. Most go over the top and stretch the truth in their favor. Most are willing to talk the talk, but aren't willing to walk the walk. If they are so smart and have the answers, why aren't they running for office and trying to solve the problems? No, most talk radio hosts are armchair quarterbacks who can spout rhetoric, but have no desire to back it up. They have to do what they do in order to keep people listening to get the ratings to keep a pay check. I'll give them that. They have a skill. How hard the work is, that's a different story.

A lot of talk show hosts, Rush included, feel they serve the public better doing what they do instead of running for public office.

I understand that. I also undersntad that it is easier to demand litmus tests, make claims and tell other people how they should do their jobs when you aren't the one actually doing the job. You know, kind of like how candidates make all sorts of promises during a campaign and then get faced with reality when they step into the job.

You mean, kinda like Sunshine makes all kinds of assumptions about why cops act a certain way in a certain situation, even though no one was in any danger of being killed?:eusa_eh:
The president of the United States has the most dangerous job in America. The most dangerous job, period,

and thus, the most dangerous job of all who serve this country.It's pretty small of some guy sitting on his fat ass 3 hours a day making about 60,000 bucks an hour running his mouth to be pissing and moaning about the president's compensation.


NO....Our military has the most dangerous job. Obama didn't even serve in the military, he has NO idea what danger is! The most danger he's ever in is maybe getting hit in the head with a golf ball, or eating bad food at one of his extravagant parties. He has so much protection around him all the time i doubt he has any worries at all. Let's send him to Afghanistan for about 3 months and see how he does....ALONE!

No they don't.

The presidency is a job that lasts roughly speaking, only about 6 years on average.

There have been 43 presidents. 4 have been killed in office. In round numbers that's a 10 percent chance of being killed doing a job that only lasts a few years.

No other job in America is that dangerous, not even the military.

so STFU, you idiot.
Anyone who believes that the POTUS doesn't work for his money is about as full of shit as they come.

No one said anything about HIS money, cluebird, but thanks for that pitifully obvious dodge that acts like a neon sign to point out what you know he's doing wrong and you're too partisan and chickenshit to admit or address.
Anyone who believes that the POTUS doesn't work for his money is about as full of shit as they come.

No one said anything about HIS money, cluebird, but thanks for that pitifully obvious dodge that acts like a neon sign to point out what you know he's doing wrong and you're too partisan and chickenshit to admit or address.

Was there a message in that partisan ramble? If there was, it got lost in that circular logic.

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