Lincoln said the Civil war was about taxes, not slavery...

Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
To collect a tariff, Lincoln caused the deaths of up to 850k Americans and destruction of much of the nation. Yet millions of uninformed Americans consider the warmongering tyrant, a great man.

So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery

The Morrill Tariff signed into law on March 2nd of 1861 which Lincoln is referring, was certainly not the cause of the civil war. Southern States had already began secession in Dec 1860, 4 months before Lincoln took office. Southern Senators who would have voted against the bill had already withdrawn from the Senate. The war was certainly not about Southern States refusing to pay a tariff. That would be a hell of a revision of history.

Like most wars, there are many underlying causes for the civil war.

For abolitionist in congress the cause of the war was certainly slavery

For Lincoln, the direct cause was a rebellion resulting from the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

Southerners believed that the addition of more free states would lead to abolition of slavery which would result an economic collapse in the South.

I don't believe that when Lincoln was elected he had any intent to free the slaves. His goal was to preserve the union rather than concentrate on the issue of slavery. He was ready to take military action to preserve the union and the South saw his election as a prelude to war.

Saying the war was not fought to abolish slavery is not quite true because slavery was the root cause of the problems between the North and South.

I noticed your referenced article was by By Roger K. Broxton president of the Confederate Heritage Fund, not exactly an unbiased source.

Debunking the Civil War Tariff Myth
The republican party has always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. That's what Lincoln was doing. The corporations of the "Union" were in the north. And they were using the raw materials in the south, and keeping all the profits. THAT'S WHY THE SOUTH DECIDED TO SECEDE. Lincoln knew that if the south seceded, it would destroy the corporations in the north. So he sacrificed the lives of 750,000 Americans for the profits of corporations.
Just like the Iraq war was used for profits of the military contractor corporations, like Halliburton. Shrub and Cheney gladly sacrificed the lives and limbs of 100,000 Americans for a trillion dollar profit for the INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX. The U.S. economy is war based...without war this country goes into recession. That's why the GOP is so desperate to invade Iran and Syria.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
The EP blows that theory right of the water.

The EP was kind of a military tactic. It freed only slaves in the Confederacy who could escape.

yes- and no.

It was a military tactic- and that was the Constitutional loophole which allowed Lincoln to emancipate those slaves.

But it immediately freed thousands of slaves who were in areas of Federal control, and as American troops put down the rebellion, the slaves in those areas became free. The Emancipation proclamation resulted ultimately in the freedom of most of the legal slaves in the United States- the remainder by the 13th Amendment.

Yes and no. The EP applied only to ten states, didn't make any of the freed slaves citizens, and didn't free half a million slaves in border states. But it did shift the focus of the War; this is the point where it became more specifically "about slavery".

I agree with all of that- but there is a reason the Emancipation Proclamation only applied to the states still in active rebellion- they were the only States were Lincoln could plausibly use Executive Power to free the slaves. He had absolutely no Constitutional power to free slaves held by States that were not in rebellion, nor did he have the authority to make anyone a citizen- which is why those took the 13th and 14th Amendments.

It did absolutely cause a shift in the war- it made it almost impossible for Britain and France to support the Confederacy, and it led to the loss of labor in the Confederacy as thousands of slaves fled slavery to Union lines- often ending up as Federal troops.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
To collect a tariff, Lincoln caused the deaths of up to 850k Americans and destruction of much of the nation. Yet millions of uninformed Americans consider the warmongering tyrant, a great man.

So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
The EP blows that theory right of the water.

The EP was kind of a military tactic. It freed only slaves in the Confederacy who could escape.

yes- and no.

It was a military tactic- and that was the Constitutional loophole which allowed Lincoln to emancipate those slaves.

But it immediately freed thousands of slaves who were in areas of Federal control, and as American troops put down the rebellion, the slaves in those areas became free. The Emancipation proclamation resulted ultimately in the freedom of most of the legal slaves in the United States- the remainder by the 13th Amendment.

Yes and no. The EP applied only to ten states, didn't make any of the freed slaves citizens, and didn't free half a million slaves in border states. But it did shift the focus of the War; this is the point where it became more specifically "about slavery".

Abraham Lincoln 'tried to deport slaves' to British colonies

Lincoln absolutely believed that African Americans should be encouraged to settle elsewhere- including some British colonies and Africa. By our standards Lincoln was certainly a racist- not a slave holding racist like most of the Confederate leadership- but still a racist.

But Lincoln never tried to 'deport' any 'slaves'- he initiated some programs of voluntary resettlement.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
To collect a tariff, Lincoln caused the deaths of up to 850k Americans and destruction of much of the nation. Yet millions of uninformed Americans consider the warmongering tyrant, a great man.

So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery

The Morrill Tariff signed into law on March 2nd of 1861 which Lincoln is referring, was certainly not the cause of the civil war. Southern States had already began secession in Dec 1860, 4 months before Lincoln took office. Southern Senators who would have voted against the bill had already withdrawn from the Senate. The war was certainly not about Southern States refusing to pay a tariff. That would be a hell of a revision of history.

Like most wars, there are many underlying causes for the civil war.

For abolitionist in congress the cause of the war was certainly slavery

For Lincoln, the direct cause was a rebellion resulting from the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

Southerners believed that the addition of more free states would lead to abolition of slavery which would result an economic collapse in the South.

I don't believe that when Lincoln was elected he had any intent to free the slaves. His goal was to preserve the union rather than concentrate on the issue of slavery. He was ready to take military action to preserve the union and the South saw his election as a prelude to war.

Saying the war was not fought to abolish slavery is not quite true because slavery was the root cause of the problems between the North and South.

I noticed your referenced article was by By Roger K. Broxton president of the Confederate Heritage Fund, not exactly an unbiased source.

Debunking the Civil War Tariff Myth
. And they were using the raw materials in the south, and keeping all the profits. THAT'S WHY THE SOUTH DECIDED TO SECEDE.

Pure revisionist history.

So- what do you think of the Confederate policy of executing captured African American Federal troops?
For crying out loud...

1) The Confederate traitors started and were entirely responsible for the war and ALL deaths that occurred therein.

2) Lincoln's goal was absolutely to preserve the Union, but just as his views on slavery evolved during his life so too did his understanding of the evil institution in relation to the war and beyond.

2a) The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was ironically the number of an amendment Lincoln had agreed (in an offered compromise with Southern legislators) to support prior to the war which would have persevered slavery in perpetuity in those states where it then existed. The foolish traitors chose another path.

3) Slavery did end in the US as a result of the North's victory in the American Civil War.

4) Slavery was at the root of all of the many causes of the war, so to say that the war "was never about slavery" is disingenuous at best.

5) The European powers were very unlikely to intercede on behalf of the South in the war regardless of the Emancipation Proclamation, the great symbolic significance of which did indeed affect the outcome of the war.

6) Lincoln is rightly remembered by reasoned Americans as our greatest President because he preserved the ..... well, what country are most of you in right now?
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery

The Morrill Tariff signed into law on March 2nd of 1861 which Lincoln is referring, was certainly not the cause of the civil war. Southern States had already began secession in Dec 1860, 4 months before Lincoln took office. Southern Senators who would have voted against the bill had already withdrawn from the Senate. The war was certainly not about Southern States refusing to pay a tariff. That would be a hell of a revision of history.

Like most wars, there are many underlying causes for the civil war.

For abolitionist in congress the cause of the war was certainly slavery

For Lincoln, the direct cause was a rebellion resulting from the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

Southerners believed that the addition of more free states would lead to abolition of slavery which would result an economic collapse in the South.

I don't believe that when Lincoln was elected he had any intent to free the slaves. His goal was to preserve the union rather than concentrate on the issue of slavery. He was ready to take military action to preserve the union and the South saw his election as a prelude to war.

Saying the war was not fought to abolish slavery is not quite true because slavery was the root cause of the problems between the North and South.

I noticed your referenced article was by By Roger K. Broxton president of the Confederate Heritage Fund, not exactly an unbiased source.

Debunking the Civil War Tariff Myth
The republican party has always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. That's what Lincoln was doing. The corporations of the "Union" were in the north. And they were using the raw materials in the south, and keeping all the profits. THAT'S WHY THE SOUTH DECIDED TO SECEDE. Lincoln knew that if the south seceded, it would destroy the corporations in the north. So he sacrificed the lives of 750,000 Americans for the profits of corporations.
Just like the Iraq war was used for profits of the military contractor corporations, like Halliburton. Shrub and Cheney gladly sacrificed the lives and limbs of 100,000 Americans for a trillion dollar profit for the INDUSTRIAL MILITARY COMPLEX. The U.S. economy is war based...without war this country goes into recession. That's why the GOP is so desperate to invade Iran and Syria.
No, the Republican party was founded by former members of the Whig party who opposed the spread of slavery particular into the new territories. Early Republican ideology opposed the large plantations that bought all the good land and supported small business and artisans over large businesses. In the 1870's the party began moving toward big business by supporting high tariffs on imports, and the gold standard. By 1900, the Republican party was clearly the party of the businessman with the party establishment delivering big business and Roosevelt the small businessman.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
To collect a tariff, Lincoln caused the deaths of up to 850k Americans and destruction of much of the nation. Yet millions of uninformed Americans consider the warmongering tyrant, a great man.

So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
To collect a tariff, Lincoln caused the deaths of up to 850k Americans and destruction of much of the nation. Yet millions of uninformed Americans consider the warmongering tyrant, a great man.

So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
To collect a tariff, Lincoln caused the deaths of up to 850k Americans and destruction of much of the nation. Yet millions of uninformed Americans consider the warmongering tyrant, a great man.

So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. .

Oh I got the point of this thread- it was just the usual revisionist anti-Lincoln slavery apologist crap.

Just like yours.

Lincoln personally opposed slavery his entire life- he fought the expansion of slavery- Lincoln had no desire to 'keep slavery' as you revisionists lie about- but he was not committed to ending slavery until your buddies the Confederate Slave states revolted.

Your buddies brought about their own destruction and the loss of their human property.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. .

Oh I got the point of this thread- it was just the usual revisionist anti-Lincoln slavery apologist crap.

Just like yours.

Lincoln personally opposed slavery his entire life- he fought the expansion of slavery- Lincoln had no desire to 'keep slavery' as you revisionists lie about- but he was not committed to ending slavery until your buddies the Confederate Slave states revolted.

Your buddies brought about their own destruction and the loss of their human property.
Yeah anyone who dares criticize the Saint Dishonest Abe, loves slavery.

Can't fix stupid.
One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. .

Oh I got the point of this thread- it was just the usual revisionist anti-Lincoln slavery apologist crap.

Just like yours.

Lincoln personally opposed slavery his entire life- he fought the expansion of slavery- Lincoln had no desire to 'keep slavery' as you revisionists lie about- but he was not committed to ending slavery until your buddies the Confederate Slave states revolted.

Your buddies brought about their own destruction and the loss of their human property.
Yeah anyone who dares criticize the Saint Dishonest Abe, loves slavery.

Can't fix stupid.

Abe wasn't no Saint.

But he was responsible for the act that legally freed the majority of slaves in America.

Americans like yourself have never forgiven him for that.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. .

Oh I got the point of this thread- it was just the usual revisionist anti-Lincoln slavery apologist crap.

Just like yours.

Lincoln personally opposed slavery his entire life- he fought the expansion of slavery- Lincoln had no desire to 'keep slavery' as you revisionists lie about- but he was not committed to ending slavery until your buddies the Confederate Slave states revolted.

Your buddies brought about their own destruction and the loss of their human property.
Yeah anyone who dares criticize the Saint Dishonest Abe, loves slavery.

Can't fix stupid.

Abe wasn't no Saint.

But he was responsible for the act that legally freed the majority of slaves in America.

Americans like yourself have never forgiven him for that.
Yeah...that's it.
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery

The Morrill Tariff signed into law on March 2nd of 1861 which Lincoln is referring, was certainly not the cause of the civil war. Southern States had already began secession in Dec 1860, 4 months before Lincoln took office. Southern Senators who would have voted against the bill had already withdrawn from the Senate. The war was certainly not about Southern States refusing to pay a tariff. That would be a hell of a revision of history.

Like most wars, there are many underlying causes for the civil war.

For abolitionist in congress the cause of the war was certainly slavery

For Lincoln, the direct cause was a rebellion resulting from the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

Southerners believed that the addition of more free states would lead to abolition of slavery which would result an economic collapse in the South.

I don't believe that when Lincoln was elected he had any intent to free the slaves. His goal was to preserve the union rather than concentrate on the issue of slavery. He was ready to take military action to preserve the union and the South saw his election as a prelude to war.

Saying the war was not fought to abolish slavery is not quite true because slavery was the root cause of the problems between the North and South.

I noticed your referenced article was by By Roger K. Broxton president of the Confederate Heritage Fund, not exactly an unbiased source.

Debunking the Civil War Tariff Myth
. And they were using the raw materials in the south, and keeping all the profits. THAT'S WHY THE SOUTH DECIDED TO SECEDE.

Pure revisionist history.

So- what do you think of the Confederate policy of executing captured African American Federal troops?
Do not think that I condone slavery. The south were, and still are bigots. They are now republicans instead of democrats, because of what the Kennedy's and LBJ did for them. They sure didn't vote for Obama.
But this thread is to expose the fact that republicans have always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. And that was what Lincoln was doing when he started the Civil war.
But this thread is to expose the fact that republicans have always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. And that was what Lincoln was doing when he started the Civil war.

What was the name of one of those corporations?
So the slavery apologists keep telling us.
Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
Abraham Lincoln repeatedly stated his war was caused by taxes only, and not by slavery, at all.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year.

There is no proof of Lincoln ever declaring the war was fought to abolish slavery, and without such an official statement, the war-over-slavery teaching remains a complete lie and offensive hate speech that divides Americans, as is being done now by the media and politicians regarding the Confederate flag in South Carolina.

Slavery was NOT abolished; just the name was changed to sharecropper with over 5 million Southern whites and 3 million Southern blacks working on land stolen by Wall Street bankers.

White, black, Indian, Hispanic, Protestant, Catholic and Jewish Confederates valiantly stood as one in thousands of battles on land and sea. Afterwards, they attended Confederate Veterans' reunions together and received pensions from Southern States.

Photos of black Confederate veterans may be seen in Alabama's Archives in Scrapbook – 41st Reunion of United Confederate Veterans, Montgomery, June 2,3,4 and 5, 1931."

Lincoln did not claim slavery was a reason even in his Emancipation Proclamations on Sept. 22, 1862, and Jan. 1, 1863. Moreover, Lincoln's proclamations exempted a million slaves under his control from being freed (including General U.S. Grant's four slaves) and offered the South three months to return to the Union (pay 40 percent sales tax) and keep their slaves. None did. Lincoln affirmed his only reason for issuing was: "as a fit and necessary war measure for suppressing said (tax) rebellion."

Mrs. Grant wrote in her personal memoirs: "We rented our pretty little home (in St. Louis) and hired out our four servants to persons whom we knew and who promised to be kind to them. Eliza, Dan, Julia and John belonged to me. When I visited the General during the War, I nearly always had Julia with me as nurse."

Lincoln declared war to collect taxes in his two presidential war proclamations against the Confederate States, on April 15 and 19th, 1861: "Whereas an insurrection against the Government of the United States has broken out and the laws of the United States for the collection of the revenue cannot be effectually executed therein."

On Dec. 25, 1860, South Carolina declared unfair taxes to be a cause of secession: "The people of the Southern States are not only taxed for the benefit of the Northern States, but after the taxes are collected, three-fourths (75%) of them are expended at the North (to subsidize Wall Street industries that elected Lincoln)." (Paragraphs 5-8)

It was on April 8, 1861, that Lincoln, alone, started the war by a surprise attack on Charleston Harbor with a fleet of warships, led by the USS Harriet Lane, to occupy Fort Sumter, a Federal tax collection fort in the territorial waters of South Carolina and then invaded Virginia.

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery

The Morrill Tariff signed into law on March 2nd of 1861 which Lincoln is referring, was certainly not the cause of the civil war. Southern States had already began secession in Dec 1860, 4 months before Lincoln took office. Southern Senators who would have voted against the bill had already withdrawn from the Senate. The war was certainly not about Southern States refusing to pay a tariff. That would be a hell of a revision of history.

Like most wars, there are many underlying causes for the civil war.

For abolitionist in congress the cause of the war was certainly slavery

For Lincoln, the direct cause was a rebellion resulting from the uncompromising differences between the free and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.

Southerners believed that the addition of more free states would lead to abolition of slavery which would result an economic collapse in the South.

I don't believe that when Lincoln was elected he had any intent to free the slaves. His goal was to preserve the union rather than concentrate on the issue of slavery. He was ready to take military action to preserve the union and the South saw his election as a prelude to war.

Saying the war was not fought to abolish slavery is not quite true because slavery was the root cause of the problems between the North and South.

I noticed your referenced article was by By Roger K. Broxton president of the Confederate Heritage Fund, not exactly an unbiased source.

Debunking the Civil War Tariff Myth
. And they were using the raw materials in the south, and keeping all the profits. THAT'S WHY THE SOUTH DECIDED TO SECEDE.

Pure revisionist history.

So- what do you think of the Confederate policy of executing captured African American Federal troops?
Do not think that I condone slavery. The south were, and still are bigots. They are now republicans instead of democrats, because of what the Kennedy's and LBJ did for them. They sure didn't vote for Obama.
But this thread is to expose the fact that republicans have always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. And that was what Lincoln was doing when he started the Civil war.
When Lincoln was elected, he was ready to allow slavery to continue in South provided slavery was prohibited in new territories and states. The South would have no part of that because more free states would mean the end of slavery so just a month after the election southern states began succeeding from the Union and southern Senators began walking out of the Senate. A month before Lincoln's inauguration, the Confederacy was formed. For Lincoln, that changed everything. He saw war was inevitable. That meant courting industry and allowing huge profits in order to produce what the Union would need for the war.

In the month before the war, Lincoln's speeches and open preparations for war certainly provoked the South, but the war was actually started by the South.

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