Lincoln said the Civil war was about taxes, not slavery...

Dishonest Abe made it clear that his war was not about ending slavery, but dumb people don't know the truth...and besides his terrible war did not end slavery. One would be a fool to think blacks were free after Lincoln's War.

One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.
One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.


The poster provided a direct quote, and the nation is still here, so YOU are wrong on all counts and apparently irrational about this.
But this thread is to expose the fact that republicans have always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. And that was what Lincoln was doing when he started the Civil war.

What was the name of one of those corporations?

Protective Tariffs: The Primary Cause of the Civil War

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Protective Tariffs: The Primary Cause of the Civil War
June 23, 2013 by David John Marotta and Megan Russell

Civil War cannon fire

Although they opposed permanent tariffs, political expedience in spite of sound economics prompted the Founding Fathers to pass the first U.S. tariff act. For 72 years, Northern special interest groups used these protective tariffs to exploit the South for their own benefit. Finally in 1861, the oppression of those import duties started the Civil War.

Thus the domestic manufacturing industries of the North benefited twice, once as the producers enjoying the protection of high manufacturing tariffs and once as consumers with a free raw materials market. The raw materials industries of the South were left to struggle against foreign competition.

Because manufactured goods were not produced in the South, they had to either be imported or shipped down from the North. Either way, a large expense, be it shipping fees or the federal tariff, was added to the price of manufactured goods only for Southerners. Because importation was often cheaper than shipping from the North, the South paid most of the federal tariffs.

Much of the tariff revenue collected from Southern consumers was used to build railroads and canals in the North. Between 1830 and 1850, 30,000 miles of track was laid. At its best, these tracks benefited the North. Much of it had no economic effect at all. Many of the schemes to lay track were simply a way to get government subsidies. Fraud and corruption were rampant.

With most of the tariff revenue collected in the South and then spent in the North, the South rightly felt exploited. At the time, 90% of the federal government’s annual revenue came from these taxes on imports.

Historians Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffer found that a few common factors increase the likelihood of secession in a region: lower wages, an economy based on raw materials and external exploitation. Although popular movies emphasize slavery as a cause of the Civil War, the war best fits a psycho-historical model of the South rebelling against Northern exploitation.

Many Americans do not understand this fact. A non-slave-owning Southern merchant angered over yet another proposed tariff act does not make a compelling scene in a movie. However, that would be closer to the original cause of the Civil War than any scene of slaves picking cotton.

Read the whole story hear....
Protective Tariffs: The Primary Cause of the Civil War | Marotta On Money
One would be a fool to claim that the Civil War did not result in the end to legal slavery.

And there are those anti-Lincoln slavery apologists who still miss slavery.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
But this thread is to expose the fact that republicans have always been all about protecting the profits of corporations. And that was what Lincoln was doing when he started the Civil war.

What was the name of one of those corporations?

Protective Tariffs: The Primary Cause of the Civil War

LOL- revisionist history.

South Carolina's own declaration of the causes of secession mentions slavery as the primary cause.
The black man was hardly free after dishonest Abe's war.

War is always about the health of state...if only that were taught in the government schools rather than lies, myths, and statism.

Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union and paid their taxes. Yeah....he hated slavery....LOL.

He wanted to preserve the union by destroying half of it and trampling the Constitution....Yeah what a saint....LOL.

Only idiots think exposing the truth about dishonest Abe, means you are an apologist for slavery
Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union .......

He recognized the importance of the Union enough that he would make any compromise to preserve it. The traitorous fools in the 'confederacy' insisted on war and they got beat down like the dogs they were. Many brave men on both sides died because those traitors valued slavery more than country, justice, or life.
Speaking about lies and myths- the slavery apologists love to attack Lincoln.

While Emancipation didn't end the oppression of blacks in America- it was a serious step forward- much to the dismay of slave owners who could no longer sell children away from their parents or have their own sex slaves.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union and paid their taxes. Yeah....he hated slavery....LOL.

Sigh- you are indeed a close minded idiot.

You have seen evidence that Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and in the end- he was responsible for freeing more slaves than any person in American history.

So of course you claim that he wasn't opposed to slavery.

Lincoln wanted to preserve the United States- and he did.

And you blame him for that.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union .......

He recognized the importance of the Union enough that he would make any compromise to preserve it. The traitorous fools in the 'confederacy' insisted on war and they got beat down like the dogs they were. Many brave men on both sides died because those traitors valued slavery more than country, justice, or life.
Save the Union by killing those who do not want to be part of it. Makes sense to the senseless.

You are such a terrible hypocrite. You condemn the fool FDR for what he did to Japanese Americans, but commend Dishonest Abe for his murderous actions against the South.
Apparently you missed the point of this thread. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery. He had no intention of terminating it. He also wanted to deport all blacks from the USA up to the day he was murdered. He was an ardent racist even for his time.

I know you are so stupid as to think some Americans today are apologists for slavery, but you really only prove how stupid you are with such idiotic statements.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union and paid their taxes. Yeah....he hated slavery....LOL.

Sigh- you are indeed a close minded idiot.

You have seen evidence that Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and in the end- he was responsible for freeing more slaves than any person in American history.

So of course you claim that he wasn't opposed to slavery.

Lincoln wanted to preserve the United States- and he did.

And you blame him for that.
Preserve the Union by using force resulting in 850k deaths and destruction of much of the nation...leading to decades of resentment and terrible treatment of blacks.

Yeah...good job....can't fix stupid!!!

You know so little, that your repeated response is slavery that all you know?
Last edited:
Preserve the Union by defeating those who would kill to destroy it for the sake of evil? Yes.
Preserve the Union by defeating those who would kill to destroy it for the sake of evil? Yes.
FDR sucks cause he unconstitutionally imprisoned Japanese Americans.

Dishonest Abe is great cause he unconstitutionally warred on Americans.

The South wanted to leave peacefully, but Abe said fuck you... I will kill you to came you.

Dishonest Abe is great cause he unconstitutionally warred on Americans.....

He did not. The 'confederate' traitors caused the war, started the war, and acted illegally not to mention immorally.

Dishonest Abe is great cause he unconstitutionally warred on Americans.....

He did not. The 'confederate' traitors caused the war, started the war, and acted illegally not to mention immorally.
You clearly do not know the history. Now everything you post is suspect.

Lincoln invaded and caused the war. The South tried to leave peacefully...even agreed to pay for their share of the national debt and for all federal facilities on their land. Lincoln told them to fuck off and declared..."I will KILL YOU!!!"

Statists....they are always easily fooled by the State.

War is the health of the STATE...ALWAYS!!!!
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union and paid their taxes. Yeah....he hated slavery....LOL.

Sigh- you are indeed a close minded idiot.

You have seen evidence that Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and in the end- he was responsible for freeing more slaves than any person in American history.

So of course you claim that he wasn't opposed to slavery.

Lincoln wanted to preserve the United States- and he did.

And you blame him for that.
Preserve the Union by using force resulting in 850k deaths and destruction of much of the nation..

Look- we all understand- you despise the United States and resent that Lincoln kept the Union intact and prepared to become who we are- the America you despise.

The rest of us don't.
Lincoln invaded and caused the war. The South tried to leave peacefully...even agreed to pay for their share of the national debt and for all federal facilities on their land. Lincoln told them to fuck off and declared..."I will KILL YOU!!!"!

Pure revisionist history.

The Confederate slave states tried to rebel so that they could protect the right to own human property.
They fired on American troops in an American fort.
Then the President of the United States ordered the rebellion to be put down.

And to your dismay, the Confederacy fell, and slaves were freed.
Lincoln hated slavery as did most republicans. He just hated the destruction of the nation a lot more. Had the South accepted the premise that slavery would not be allowed in the new territories or new states, Lincoln would have gladly yielded to the South on any other matter. However, the South knew that the admission of new free states would doom slavery and no matter how tolerant Lincoln might be toward slavery in the South, war was inevitable.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler

"I think slavery is wrong, morally, and politically. I desire that it should be no further spread in these United States, and I should not object if it should gradually terminate in the whole Union." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler
You FLOPPED with that post flopper.

Lincoln did not hate slavery and he destroyed the nation. So, wrong on all counts.

He was an ardent racist even for his time. He hoped to deport all blacks in his second term. Had he been successful, it is likely we would be talking about the holocaust of American blacks by your beloved Saint Lincoln.

There is almost nothing actually true in your entire post.

What a remarkable accomplishment.

Lincoln hated slavery
He preserved the nation- which is why we still have the United States and Alabama is part of it.
Lincoln was a racist- but hardly a surprise there- most Americans were. Unlike Confederate racists though he didn't enslave blacks- or execute black soldiers who were captured.
He no intention of deporting any blacks.

You slavery apologists and your revisionist lies.
He hated slavery so much that he was perfectly find with the South keeping it, as long as they stayed in the Union and paid their taxes. Yeah....he hated slavery....LOL.

Sigh- you are indeed a close minded idiot.

You have seen evidence that Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and in the end- he was responsible for freeing more slaves than any person in American history.

So of course you claim that he wasn't opposed to slavery.

Lincoln wanted to preserve the United States- and he did.

And you blame him for that.
...leading to decades of resentment and terrible treatment of blacks.

Ending centuries of slavery- while post slavery America was not kind to African Americans- because the former Confederates regained political power and oppressed them- they no longer were bought and sold- sold from a plantation in Virginia and marched to Alabama to work the cotton fields- or had their children sold away from them- or their daughter taken off to be raped by the masters.

In all of this- not one word by you about the terrible treatment of blacks by the Confederates- both before the war- and after the war.

And that is no surprise.
Lincoln did not start the Civil War.
The Civil War was not 'his' war.
A groups of states attempted, though violence, to abrogate their participation in the perpetual union they had joined. That rebellion was put down by the United States.

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