Lincoln was a great leader exclusive of the war, darn him

This thread really isn't about Lincoln's war time service. I have to admit Lincoln wasn't really all that great about choosing generals. MacCllelan, Hooker, Burnside, Hallock, Fremont. Grant, Sherman, Thomas rose in the west where he wouldn't know about them.

I notice the hate Lincoln crowd have nothing to say about the cow colleges, the national banking act, the homestead act, the railroad act. They admit he was great there, and move on to suppressing treason in ways not delicate. It wasn't a delicate time, & I believe Lincoln was a lot more delicate than the situation called for.
Yeah...he was so delicate he caused the deaths of 750k Americans and destruction of half the nation, leading to decades of resentment, suffering, and racism...and what may be the most detrimental result of the war, the growth of the all powerful state.
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I can't imagine a more powerful state than one that sanctions people to be bought and sold like hogs or cattle.
I can't imagine a more powerful state than one that sanctions people to be bought and sold like hogs or cattle.

The state had little to do with slavery...and your beloved Lincoln said he would never interfere with it along with proposing an amendment to the Constitution to make slavery legal forever.

The only good thing that resulted from the war, was ending slavery. The bad things are too numerous to count.
Lincoln could have quarantined the seceding States without calling for an invasion. In that event Virginia would never have joined the Confederacy, which would have ultimately collapsed. In the mean time Congress would have been able to restrict the expansion of slavery, which would have died out within 20 years.

Was it worth 600,000 lives to move up this time line?

The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.
No, it was not, anymore than a portion of the population today can 'secede'.
Lincoln could have quarantined the seceding States without calling for an invasion. In that event Virginia would never have joined the Confederacy, which would have ultimately collapsed. In the mean time Congress would have been able to restrict the expansion of slavery, which would have died out within 20 years.

Was it worth 600,000 lives to move up this time line?

The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.

Correct. However, they had no right to fire upon or seize federal property. Instead of invading the South, Lincoln could have demanded reparations and used a naval blockade to enforce it.
Lincoln could have quarantined the seceding States without calling for an invasion. In that event Virginia would never have joined the Confederacy, which would have ultimately collapsed. In the mean time Congress would have been able to restrict the expansion of slavery, which would have died out within 20 years.

Was it worth 600,000 lives to move up this time line?

The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.
No, it was not, anymore than a portion of the population today can 'secede'.

Please cite the Constitutional authority for your assertion. And remember the 10th Amendment.
And no, Lincoln didn't propose the Corwin Amendment. For chrissakes, your facts are so fucked up, gimpy.
Lincoln could have quarantined the seceding States without calling for an invasion. In that event Virginia would never have joined the Confederacy, which would have ultimately collapsed. In the mean time Congress would have been able to restrict the expansion of slavery, which would have died out within 20 years.

Was it worth 600,000 lives to move up this time line?

The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.

Correct. However, they had no right to fire upon or seize federal property. Instead of invading the South, Lincoln could have demanded reparations and used a naval blockade to enforce it.
The seceding states offered to pay for all federal facilities on their land and their share of the national debt. Lincoln told them to fuck off.
Lincoln could have quarantined the seceding States without calling for an invasion. In that event Virginia would never have joined the Confederacy, which would have ultimately collapsed. In the mean time Congress would have been able to restrict the expansion of slavery, which would have died out within 20 years.

Was it worth 600,000 lives to move up this time line?

The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.
No, it was not, anymore than a portion of the population today can 'secede'.
Satists just can't accept the truth.
Lincoln could have quarantined the seceding States without calling for an invasion. In that event Virginia would never have joined the Confederacy, which would have ultimately collapsed. In the mean time Congress would have been able to restrict the expansion of slavery, which would have died out within 20 years.

Was it worth 600,000 lives to move up this time line?

The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.

Correct. However, they had no right to fire upon or seize federal property. Instead of invading the South, Lincoln could have demanded reparations and used a naval blockade to enforce it.

They had no right to secede. They had no right to fire on the federal troops. They had the right to submit to federal law, and when they did not, they signed the death warrant of the Union.
Statists? You dipshit.

The Corwin Amendment was not Lincoln's.

Lincoln had no trouble with abolition, but he did have a problem with where to put 4 million slaves to be freed.
Gipper and Jwoodie, go take a real Civil War class at the uni or even cc, and you try the above shit, you will fail the course.
The time line was not an issue at all.

The problem, like Emily and others on the far right today, was the unwillingness to submit to constitutional, electoral process.


The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.

Correct. However, they had no right to fire upon or seize federal property. Instead of invading the South, Lincoln could have demanded reparations and used a naval blockade to enforce it.

They had no right to secede. They had no right to fire on the federal troops. They had the right to submit to federal law, and when they did not, they signed the death warrant of the Union.
Wrong...all states are perpetual right?...just as dishonest Abe claimed...
Recommended reading for the neoconfederates (ha! Like they would ever...) ...for those who are following and want to learn more about Lincoln.

His Cooper Union speech was especially good.

The Lincoln Douglas debates also really give a great insight into how his mind worked. Stop reading out-of-context snippets - read the whole thing. The man could speak!

a snippet, of the Copper Union Speech:

"But you say you are conservative - eminently conservative - while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort. What is conservatism?

Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by "our fathers who framed the Government under which we live;" while you with one accord reject, and scout, and spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new.

True, you disagree among yourselves as to what that substitute shall be. You are divided on new propositions and plans, but you are unanimous in rejecting and denouncing the old policy of the fathers. Some of you are for reviving the foreign slave trade; some for a Congressional Slave-Code for the Territories; some for Congress forbidding the Territories to prohibit Slavery within their limits; some for maintaining Slavery in the Territories through the judiciary; some for the "gur-reat pur-rinciple" that "if one man would enslave another, no third man should object," fantastically called "Popular Sovereignty"; but never a man among you is in favor of federal prohibition of slavery in federal territories, according to the practice of "our fathers who framed the Government under which we live."

Not one of all your various plans can show a precedent or an advocate in the century within which our Government originated. Consider, then, whether your claim of conservatism for yourselves, and your charge of destructiveness against us, are based on the most clear and stable foundations."


One more snip:

"Your purpose, then, plainly stated, is that you will destroy the Government, unless you be allowed to construe and enforce the Constitution as you please, on all points in dispute between you and us. You will rule or ruin in all events."

Cooper Union speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

February 1860. More than a year before the south would fire the first shots of the war.
But let's hear from him:

"The framers of our Constitution never exhausted so much labor, wisdom, and forbearance in its formation, and surrounded it with so many guards and securities, if it were intended to be broken by every member of the Confederacy at will. It is intended for perpetual union, so expressed in the preamble, and for the establishment of a government (not a compact) which can only be dissolved by revolution, or by the consent of all the people in convention assembled."

Oh wait a minute! That's not Lincoln

That's Robert E. Lee!

The South lost the election of 1860 and refused to submit to constitutional, electoral process.
And they chose to secede, which was their right.

Correct. However, they had no right to fire upon or seize federal property. Instead of invading the South, Lincoln could have demanded reparations and used a naval blockade to enforce it.

They had no right to secede. They had no right to fire on the federal troops. They had the right to submit to federal law, and when they did not, they signed the death warrant of the Union.
Wrong...all states are perpetual right?...just as dishonest Abe claimed...

You are babbling.
The republicans and Lincoln made huge strides, mostly because the democrats were off involved in treasonous activities,

Yes, indeed. Ape Lincoln perpetrated treason against the constitution when he attacked and invaded the South.


They also created the transcontinental railways.

Yep , he adopted fascism as socio-economic system. All the RR sponsored by the feds, as expected, went belly up. He was also the 1st scumbag to levy an "income" tax. An honest SCOTUS , ruled the same to be UNconstitutional.

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