CDZ Lindsey Graham Drops out of the race...unfortunate, but not unexpected...

I would rather have a common joe in there honestly. At least our interests would be at least thought about..
Describing Trump as a common Joe. :rofl:
yeah, that was damn funny
I wasn't calling trump a common joe. I was saying I would rather have a common joe.. :/
bullshit you were attempting and epically failing to put lipstick on a pig.
No I wasn't. I was saying I would rather have a common joe than anyone. I was saying your "qualifications" rhetoric is bullshit. That's what the duopoly feeds into your feeble brain.
What are qualifications you look for?
what the fuck does two suppliers dominate the market for a commodity or service. XXXXXXXXXXXX
again the qualifications for president are obvious...and not rhetorical...
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who are you trying to impress?

I don't know, pointing out your ignorance doesn't really impress many people. I just though I would give you some education about how the process works since you didn't seem to know. Winning 270 electoral votes is all it takes to be qualified. Now, Trump hasn't qualified yet because he still needs to get 270 electoral votes. We will find out in November 2016 if he is qualified to be president. Anything now is just speculation.
the real ignorance being displayed here is yours, assuming I'm ignorant of the process just showcases that.
your contention that the only necessary qualification are the number of electoral while technically fact does not mesh with reality just as your spiritual evidence nonsense doesn't but don't let the facts keep you from talking a lot and saying nothing.

Ah.. so we're already going to try and jump to another topic?

I've read the Constitution and it states several requirements to be president... none of them rely on dawsies opinion of qualification. 35 years old... natural born... 270 electoral votes. That's about it in terms of what qualifies one to be president. Anything else is just your speculation on whether he would be a good president.

Now, this is a CDZ thread, so if you would like to submit some evidence to contradict what I have said, you are more than welcomed to and I actually encourage you to do so, if you can. This forum doesn't allow trolls to sit here and lob 7th grade insults back and forth. So I will not engage you in such.
he at least, was qualified something trump can never be or say!
I would rather have a common joe in there honestly. At least our interests would be at least thought about..
you'll understand when I say that's the most fucking ignorant thing I've read today but it's early yet.
Why is it ignorant, exactly?

To the Leftists the truth is ignorance.
would that be object or subjective truth?

What is truth?
So daws, you don't even know what your qualifications are.. By judging your typical post, I am thinking it is just a letter
another false assumption. for the 3rd time the qualifications for president are blatantly obvious.
what letter would that be?:lmao::lol::lmao:
qualifications are subjective you goddamn idiot. It isn't obvious.
I swear you are fuckin stupid. Like rderp level. Seriously.
false being qualified to be a brain surgeon or trash collector is subjective. That's a level of idiocy I've never encountered before.
tnharley proclaims that the most important job in the US needs no qualifications, experience, etc... that's as frightening as it hilarious.
we are talking about president. Not PRIVATE sector jobs, dummy.
Any born here citizen has the proper qualifications to run. the rest is subjective and up to the voters.
So what are your qualifications?

Unless the voters like The Donald of course, that's just not allowed :rolleyes-41:
I would rather have a common joe in there honestly. At least our interests would be at least thought about..
you'll understand when I say that's the most fucking ignorant thing I've read today but it's early yet.
Why is it ignorant, exactly?

To the Leftists the truth is ignorance.
would that be object or subjective truth?

What is truth?

Not evident in your posts.
weren't you the poster that told me truth is subjective? That's what I thought :thup:
False ! I said there is objective and subjective truth. As always you can't tell the difference.
no, you didn't. But whatever. Its not like anything else you say has any relation to reality..
weren't you the poster that told me truth is subjective? That's what I thought :thup:
False ! I said there is objective and subjective truth. As always you can't tell the difference.
no, you didn't. But whatever. Its not like anything else you say has any relation to reality..

What is "reality"?

(This should be good...)
Senator Graham announced today that he's ending his bid for the Presidency. Sorry to see him go for he is one of the Republicans for whom I have a good deal of respect and whom I think injected some good sense into the race. I cannot say I agree with all his policy preferences, but I can say that the idea of his being president doesn't give me pause.

VERY glad he dropped out. He shouldn't have hung in as long as he did.

Also, it is a blessing for America that he has taken his infinitesimal chance of being President all the way down to zero.
Lindsay Graham was a Democrat pretending to be a Republican, good riddance.

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