Lindsey Graham to call for Confederate flag to come down


Only racists consider this to be racist.
Racists, sure. Also those who have been intimidated by it consider it to be racist.
Amazing how a mentally ill kid, a few race baiting fools, a compliant media and a bunch of sissified libs can cause such a commotion over a piece of cloth
Funny how some board RWrs cry more about the Confederate flag than they do about the murder of 9 people in church.
Amazing how a mentally ill kid, a few race baiting fools, a compliant media and a bunch of sissified libs can cause such a commotion over a piece of cloth
Amazing how people feel so strongly about a piece of cloth that they start pouting when its removed or shamed.
When they want it flown, it's a symbol of Southern heritage, no matter how loathsome that heritage might be. When it became a national embarrassment, it became merely a 'piece of cloth' and totally benign.
Cognitive dissonance in action.
The pressure is on and the south is feeling it Hopefully the traitor's flag will be removed from government property once and for all

Lindsey Graham to call for Confederate flag to come down -
If only they can remove what the loser flag symbolizes from their thoughts too.

The old bloated neo-confederate crackers are dying off, Nature is taking its course

Al Gore Sr, LBJ
Yep...they're is Byrd and Thurmond and Helms.....

Only racists consider this to be racist.
Racists, sure. Also those who have been intimidated by it consider it to be racist.
Those are institutional racists.
This guy is an institution?


These peaceful marchers are an institution?


What twisted rationale are you trying so feebly to foist upon us today?
Your selectivity just illustrated the institutionalism I was referring to.

Only racists consider this to be racist.
Racists, sure. Also those who have been intimidated by it consider it to be racist.
Those are institutional racists.
This guy is an institution?


These peaceful marchers are an institution?


What twisted rationale are you trying so feebly to foist upon us today?
Your selectivity just illustrated the institutionalism I was referring to.
You always illustrate the state of stupidity you losers typically live it. Face it. The loser flag is coming down and your indoctrination will be exposed with it.

Only racists consider this to be racist.
Racists, sure. Also those who have been intimidated by it consider it to be racist.
Those are institutional racists.
This guy is an institution?


These peaceful marchers are an institution?


What twisted rationale are you trying so feebly to foist upon us today?
Your selectivity just illustrated the institutionalism I was referring to.
You always illustrate the state of stupidity you losers typically live it. Face it. The loser flag is coming down and your indoctrination will be exposed with it.
The Taliban felt the same way when they blew up ancient Buddhist artifacts.
Racists, sure. Also those who have been intimidated by it consider it to be racist.
Those are institutional racists.
This guy is an institution?


These peaceful marchers are an institution?


What twisted rationale are you trying so feebly to foist upon us today?
Your selectivity just illustrated the institutionalism I was referring to.
You always illustrate the state of stupidity you losers typically live it. Face it. The loser flag is coming down and your indoctrination will be exposed with it.
The Taliban felt the same way when they blew up ancient Buddhist artifacts.
When did you join the Taliban?
Those are institutional racists.
This guy is an institution?


These peaceful marchers are an institution?


What twisted rationale are you trying so feebly to foist upon us today?
Your selectivity just illustrated the institutionalism I was referring to.
You always illustrate the state of stupidity you losers typically live it. Face it. The loser flag is coming down and your indoctrination will be exposed with it.
The Taliban felt the same way when they blew up ancient Buddhist artifacts.
When did you join the Taliban?
Are you being obtuse or are you that stupid?
This guy is an institution?


These peaceful marchers are an institution?


What twisted rationale are you trying so feebly to foist upon us today?
Your selectivity just illustrated the institutionalism I was referring to.
You always illustrate the state of stupidity you losers typically live it. Face it. The loser flag is coming down and your indoctrination will be exposed with it.
The Taliban felt the same way when they blew up ancient Buddhist artifacts.
When did you join the Taliban?
Are you being obtuse or are you that stupid?

Neither. Im asking you a question? I would ask if you were stupid but we already know you are.
It's never enough with the PC Police with this flag issue or any other. History must be erased so it can be rewritten.

Let's get rid of all images, writings, speech and thoughts of things that offend the most sensitive among us. We're all so weak now, we must bubble wrap ourselves and everything we may come into contact with. Anyone who opposes this concept is a reactionary, a racist, a homophobe, a hater, a _______fill in the blank. I'm exhausted with this BS.

Continue with this lunacy and the level of offensive images, writings and thoughts meriting elimination for the common good will gradually over a short time get lower and lower and lower until you get what you want. Compliance.

While we're at it, lets encourage the Obama Youth to burn objectionable books, CDs and DVDs. We don't want subversive material to outlive this Generation of Enlightenment.

No thanks. I'll stick with the First Amendment.

On April 12, 2000, the South Carolina State Senate passed a bill to remove the Confederate flag from the top of the State House dome by a majority vote of 36 to 7. Originally placed there in 1962, "the new bill specified that a more traditional version of the battle flag would be flown in front of the Capitol next to a monument honoring fallen Confederate soldiers."

Confederate Flag History
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To rewrite history, you must first erase it.
Thats what they did in the first place. Thats why we have racism now.
It's what your ilk are doing now, nazi bigot.
No one is erasing history. We are throwing the loser flag in the garbage where it belongs. Texas already shut you losers down on the license plate issue.
No, demonazis shut Texas down. And now your bigoted nazi ilk is doing the same to another state.
Good. The more states the merrier. :laugh:
Interesting when we look at a respectable poll (Pew Research Center) of how Americans view the Confederate flag. Most Americans think nothing about it.

And Blacks, whom the flag removers say they are so concerned about, show up in the poll as having only 41% having a negative view of the flag, as opposed to 55% who are not negative to it, and that 55% of blacks includes a 10% group, who view it with a POSITIVE reaction.


If the mere image of a piece of cloth can be so offensive to the victims of "microaggressions", a history book would make their heads explode. We must burn the history books least we offend. Our history is simply too traumatic to read. A museum or a Civil War battlefield park would cause apoplexy. Close them. Certainly all Civil War memorials should be torn down--except those of the north.

I heard today on the talking head channels that we must eliminate all reminders of slavery and Jim Crow. I guess the chattering class doesn't think there are any lessons our young people could learn from our past.

Our history is our history. Warts and all. The PC Police are bound and determined to erase it or worse, deform it.

What do they intend to replace it with?

I don't give a rat's rear end about the Confederate battle flag or where it's flown. What bothers me is that 650,000 soldiers died to settle that damn war and we're trying to hide or rewrite what happened and why.

I can just imagine the PC cleansed Gettysburg Battle field of the year 2115 adorned with hundreds of plaques and monuments to Union soldiers and nothing else:

Tour Guide: "And here on Little Round Top is where the United States Army held its ground against an aggressive onslaught."

12-year-old: "Against who?"

Tour Guide: "Well, son, we don't know anymore. But it was a gallant defense and the brave soldiers did their duty."

12-year-old: "Against who?"

Tour Guide: "And if you will all follow me, the next stop in our tour will be...."

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