Lindsey Graham's rude awakening


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

Senator Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump's golf caddy, boot polisher, lawn jockey, and all around "boy" is finding out like Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, FOX News, and so many others, that loyalty with Donald Trump only runs one way. Years ago Senator Graham along with other lawmakers spent days touring the military camps with the the Kurds, he saw the sacrifices they had made in their fight against ISIS and pledged never to abandon them after all they had done. Enter Donald Trump, who yanks away America's small military presence, leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks, and allows Mother Russia an even bigger foothold and more influence in the region. Thrown under the bus, Senator Graham now scrambles to salvage his political influence and (what's left) of his reputation, as he and other Republican lawmakers vote to condemn Trump's actions, knowing it will have little or no effect.

Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's traditional deficit hawk policy's of curtailing government spending and paying down our national debt. Today thanks to Trump, the GOP is just an empty shell of what was once a great political party.

I understand the influence Trump has over his voter base, he tells them what they want to hear, plays on their fears, and they don't bother to do any research and see if what he says is true. Like David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other cult leaders, he speaks with an air of authority that causes them to worship him. What I do not understand is how smart people like Senator Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and others can be drawn so completely under Trump's spell.

Republicans: When are you going wake up and realize Donald Trump cares less for you than he does a used wad of toilet paper?!. Trump's political coattails didn't help you in 2018, did they? When are you going to wake up?

House Republicans break 2-to-1 against Trump on withdrawal of Kurd support
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Senator Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump's golf caddy, boot polisher, lawn jockey, and all around "boy" is finding out like Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, FOX News, and so many others, that loyalty with Donald Trump only runs one way. Years ago Senator Graham along with other lawmakers spent days touring the military camps with the the Kurds, he saw the sacrifices they had made in their fight against ISIS and pledged never to abandon them after all they had done. Enter Donald Trump, who yanks away America's small military presence, leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks, and allows Mother Russia an even bigger foothold and more influence in the region. Thrown under the bus, Senator Graham now scrambles to salvage his political influence and (what's left) of his reputation, as he and other Republican lawmakers vote to condemn Trump's actions, knowing it will have little or no effect.

Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's traditional deficit hawk policy's of curtailing government spending and paying down our national debt. Today thanks to Trump, the GOP is just an empty shell of what was once a great political party.

I understand the influence Trump has over his voter base, he tells them what they want to hear, plays on their fears, and they don't bother to do any research and see if what he says is true. Like David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other cult leaders, he speaks with an air of authority that causes them to worship him. What I do not understand is how smart people like Senator Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and others can be drawn so completely under Trump's spell.

Republicans: When are you going wake up and realize Donald Trump cares less for you than he does a used wad of toilet paper?!. Trump's political coattails didn't help you in 2018, did they? When are you going to wake up?

House Republicans break 2-to-1 against Trump on withdrawal of Kurd support

No one worships Trump, you fool.

Trump is the voice for 10's of Millions of people who libtardos have demonized for decades. He is your worst nightmare as he is the one speaking truth to power.

War mongering assholes sacrificing our soldiers in secular Islamic spats are getting their asses handed to them. Our military is for taking the fight to those who wage war against us. These Islamic spats over who's form of Islam is correct is not worth one of our soldiers.

Go ahead and run your pathetic candidate on a platform of sending our military to fight for which prayer rug has the correct symbol on it.

We'll kick your ass at the ballot box, AGAIN.
Graham often plays "Here is what I would do had you elected ME president."

People note his opinion, and move along.

Senator Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump's golf caddy, boot polisher, lawn jockey, and all around "boy" is finding out like Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, FOX News, and so many others, that loyalty with Donald Trump only runs one way. Years ago Senator Graham along with other lawmakers spent days touring the military camps with the the Kurds, he saw the sacrifices they had made in their fight against ISIS and pledged never to abandon them after all they had done. Enter Donald Trump, who yanks away America's small military presence, leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks, and allows Mother Russia an even bigger foothold and more influence in the region. Thrown under the bus, Senator Graham now scrambles to salvage his political influence and (what's left) of his reputation, as he and other Republican lawmakers vote to condemn Trump's actions, knowing it will have little or no effect.

Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's traditional deficit hawk policy's of curtailing government spending and paying down our national debt. Today thanks to Trump, the GOP is just an empty shell of what was once a great political party.

I understand the influence Trump has over his voter base, he tells them what they want to hear, plays on their fears, and they don't bother to do any research and see if what he says is true. Like David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other cult leaders, he speaks with an air of authority that causes them to worship him. What I do not understand is how smart people like Senator Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and others can be drawn so completely under Trump's spell.

Republicans: When are you going wake up and realize Donald Trump cares less for you than he does a used wad of toilet paper?!. Trump's political coattails didn't help you in 2018, did they? When are you going to wake up?

House Republicans break 2-to-1 against Trump on withdrawal of Kurd support
Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's...

Unfortuately, what you voted for was this:

They abandoned our country, and our trust...
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Senator Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump's golf caddy, boot polisher, lawn jockey, and all around "boy" is finding out like Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, FOX News, and so many others, that loyalty with Donald Trump only runs one way. Years ago Senator Graham along with other lawmakers spent days touring the military camps with the the Kurds, he saw the sacrifices they had made in their fight against ISIS and pledged never to abandon them after all they had done. Enter Donald Trump, who yanks away America's small military presence, leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks, and allows Mother Russia an even bigger foothold and more influence in the region. Thrown under the bus, Senator Graham now scrambles to salvage his political influence and (what's left) of his reputation, as he and other Republican lawmakers vote to condemn Trump's actions, knowing it will have little or no effect.

Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's traditional deficit hawk policy's of curtailing government spending and paying down our national debt. Today thanks to Trump, the GOP is just an empty shell of what was once a great political party.

I understand the influence Trump has over his voter base, he tells them what they want to hear, plays on their fears, and they don't bother to do any research and see if what he says is true. Like David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other cult leaders, he speaks with an air of authority that causes them to worship him. What I do not understand is how smart people like Senator Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and others can be drawn so completely under Trump's spell.

Republicans: When are you going wake up and realize Donald Trump cares less for you than he does a used wad of toilet paper?!. Trump's political coattails didn't help you in 2018, did they? When are you going to wake up?

House Republicans break 2-to-1 against Trump on withdrawal of Kurd support
Analysis: Trump equals = Man all about himself and his family. The end!

Senator Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump's golf caddy, boot polisher, lawn jockey, and all around "boy" is finding out like Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, FOX News, and so many others, that loyalty with Donald Trump only runs one way. Years ago Senator Graham along with other lawmakers spent days touring the military camps with the the Kurds, he saw the sacrifices they had made in their fight against ISIS and pledged never to abandon them after all they had done. Enter Donald Trump, who yanks away America's small military presence, leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks, and allows Mother Russia an even bigger foothold and more influence in the region. Thrown under the bus, Senator Graham now scrambles to salvage his political influence and (what's left) of his reputation, as he and other Republican lawmakers vote to condemn Trump's actions, knowing it will have little or no effect.

Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's traditional deficit hawk policy's of curtailing government spending and paying down our national debt. Today thanks to Trump, the GOP is just an empty shell of what was once a great political party.

I understand the influence Trump has over his voter base, he tells them what they want to hear, plays on their fears, and they don't bother to do any research and see if what he says is true. Like David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other cult leaders, he speaks with an air of authority that causes them to worship him. What I do not understand is how smart people like Senator Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and others can be drawn so completely under Trump's spell.

Republicans: When are you going wake up and realize Donald Trump cares less for you than he does a used wad of toilet paper?!. Trump's political coattails didn't help you in 2018, did they? When are you going to wake up?

House Republicans break 2-to-1 against Trump on withdrawal of Kurd support
Lindsey Graham is one of the people responsible for ISIS.
He and John McCain....and Marco Rubio.....and others....helped support ISIS.
Now he's trying to act like he's trying to prevent the slaughter of the Kurds.

What he's trying to do is keep a constant war going on in the Middle-East so they can continue to ship Syrians, and other Muslims like Ilhan Omar, into the US.
An independent? Then why are you spouting DNC talking points that ignore reality?
On what authority did Graham pledge US military to the Kurds for ever?

Nitwit, it is NOT just "loyalty" to Kurds (mindful that the orange turd has NO loyalty except to his own fat ass) ...It is the real FACT that Trump has now allowed Russia and Iran to have a strong foot hold in the middle east...AND the idiot-in-chief just gave Assad and Syria over to full control by Putin.

Besides, where the fuck did Trump "think" that he could send an additional 3.000 US troops to Saudi when the moron was bitching about getting all our troops back home???
Trump covered every one of the fruitcake's "concerns" (ie his weapon-makers stock portfolio)....ceasefire, Kurds under Assad/Putin protection, US Forces take oil fields that Iran was eyeing. check, check, check. So Lindsey...STFU!


Senator Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump's golf caddy, boot polisher, lawn jockey, and all around "boy" is finding out like Michael Cohen, Jeff Sessions, FOX News, and so many others, that loyalty with Donald Trump only runs one way. Years ago Senator Graham along with other lawmakers spent days touring the military camps with the the Kurds, he saw the sacrifices they had made in their fight against ISIS and pledged never to abandon them after all they had done. Enter Donald Trump, who yanks away America's small military presence, leaving the Kurds to be slaughtered by the Turks, and allows Mother Russia an even bigger foothold and more influence in the region. Thrown under the bus, Senator Graham now scrambles to salvage his political influence and (what's left) of his reputation, as he and other Republican lawmakers vote to condemn Trump's actions, knowing it will have little or no effect.

Years ago I supported George H.W. Bush, Bob Dole, and even "W" because they did not abandon the GOP's traditional deficit hawk policy's of curtailing government spending and paying down our national debt. Today thanks to Trump, the GOP is just an empty shell of what was once a great political party.

I understand the influence Trump has over his voter base, he tells them what they want to hear, plays on their fears, and they don't bother to do any research and see if what he says is true. Like David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jim Jones and other cult leaders, he speaks with an air of authority that causes them to worship him. What I do not understand is how smart people like Senator Graham, Rudy Giuliani, Bill Barr and others can be drawn so completely under Trump's spell.

Republicans: When are you going wake up and realize Donald Trump cares less for you than he does a used wad of toilet paper?!. Trump's political coattails didn't help you in 2018, did they? When are you going to wake up?

House Republicans break 2-to-1 against Trump on withdrawal of Kurd support
No you DON"T understand-don't try to act smart-your're not. Ryan and McCain were fake and disloyal. Flake was a coward. Trump was a Democrat-his supporters know that, so you won't get a "true Republican" response to everything. Graham is a war hawk and that he supports Trump because he thinks the Dems will pull out of wars-now we will see what HE does. Trump did not hurt 2018-McCain did by killing health care by Republicans. Trump's policies are good mostly, being Independent, I favor a mix of left right which Trump gives us. And if you think any politician cares about you you are naive. And one last point, The GOP was never Grand-just elitest-and if Trump does not pull them to a new place, the elephant will just rot away.

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