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Lions, tigers and babies....oh my? Which do you value more? State your political leanings please.

Which means more to you?

  • 1) the death of Cecil the lion

  • 2) the death of the babies at planned parenthood

Results are only viewable after voting.
Who has suggested organizing mobs to murder hunters? Name names.
Why are you asking yourself questions? Do you have a split personality?
Wait. You think I'm boedicca? :rofl:
nvm lol

I want all my social security money back. I don't want my money supporting old crazy loons like you. If your family members aren't willing to care for you, then you should starve. As long as I get to keep my money and not give it to an old worthless man who doesn't even work.
I'm good with writing everyone a check for the SS money they paid in that they have not already received back. Who said anything about starving? You think people were starving in America before SS? ROFL I've never taken a dollar of welfare and never will. As for SS.. uhmm.. that's not welfare ya retard.

Obesity is a far bigger risk in the U.S. than is starvation.

Just sayin'.
Wait. You think I'm boedicca? :rofl:
nvm lol

Here's a wee clue. bodecea is the Evul Twin with a beard from the Anti-Matter Universe.

And I was here first.
Yeah I got it.. bode boed... pay more attn... I just figured you were changing your avatar.. lol

Shut up. You don't get anything. You are a silly old man, and that is all you are. Oh, and greedy and rotten too. :D
:) I get some things and miss others. I'm not perfect like you. I'm not greedy I just want my income to go to better programs that's all. Again, not sure why you are defending handouts as better than handups... perhaps you are scared and prefer to be "dependent?" Be honest.

What a fucking joke you are, seriously. You whine about embryos and fertilized eggs, yet where are you for these people once they are BORN? Do you realize how many unwanted children will be needing to be taken care of if those abortions didn't take place? Fucking moron with no common sense. Good God, this really is the loony bin.
Who has suggested organizing mobs to murder hunters? Name names.
Why are you asking yourself questions? Do you have a split personality?
Wait. You think I'm boedicca? :rofl:
nvm lol

I want all my social security money back. I don't want my money supporting old crazy loons like you. If your family members aren't willing to care for you, then you should starve. As long as I get to keep my money and not give it to an old worthless man who doesn't even work.
I'm good with writing everyone a check for the SS money they paid in that they have not already received back. Who said anything about starving? You think people were starving in America before SS? ROFL I've never taken a dollar of welfare and never will. As for SS.. uhmm.. that's not welfare ya retard.
They were kind of starving.

Before Social Security Most Americans FacedVery Bleak Retirement - WSJ
No you are an idiot because you think poor people are stealing your money. That is what our tax money is for, to make our country a better place. Helping the poor does that.


Calm down you crazy old coot. Is this how you normally have discussions with people?
Ok. No. I only talk this way to people like you who continually and repeatedly insist that government taxation for the purpose of hand-out programs to the poor is a charitable endeavor. When clearly that is not the case. Just the opposite. Conservatives want to teach a man to fish. Liberals idea is to vilify the fishermen take their fish and distribute their fish to the people who sit at home and bitch and moan about the fishermen who don't appreciate giving them free fish every day while they go out and labor.

No, you don't care about other men . . . or women or children. You only want to throw temper tantrums that a small portion of your tax dollars are spent on helping those less fortunate than you. Those who maybe couldn't afford to go to college or did not have a supportive family and friend network. You want to punish them for being poor, but mostly, you don't want to spend your money to help them.
How about you just FUCK OFF? Or maybe you could learn a skill and do something meaningful with your life instead of learning out to be a leech.
Well when I die I hope my dog is there.. otherwise it would not be the heaven I'm hoping for.

If you put that much emphasis on your dog, you have misplaced priorities. We need to talk.
Maybe you should ask for a sit down with Pope Francis so you can tell him all about how you are right and he is wrong.

All dogs go to heaven Pope Francis says animals will enter pearly gates RT News

The Pope! LOL! please don't get me started...
i have to agree....he puts his underpants on the same way everyone else does...
In a truly Civilized Society, this would not even be an issue. Human life would always take priority over animal life.
In a truly civilized society people like you that make up strawmen about there being a choice between humans or animals would be completely ignored.

In a Civilized Society, the government would protect you and the public from your insanity by putting you in a humane mental institution. That way, you wouldn't be able to organize mobs to murder hunters.
Who has suggested organizing mobs to murder hunters? Name names.

Ron Pringle for starters. ROAD TRIP.

View attachment 46091

Ron Pringle - We need to handle this dentist from... Facebook

Animal lovers encourage murder in revenge for a lion s death
Yep...that's wrong....anymore?
Well when I die I hope my dog is there.. otherwise it would not be the heaven I'm hoping for.

If you put that much emphasis on your dog, you have misplaced priorities. We need to talk.
Maybe you should ask for a sit down with Pope Francis so you can tell him all about how you are right and he is wrong.

All dogs go to heaven Pope Francis says animals will enter pearly gates RT News

The Pope! LOL! please don't get me started...
i have to agree....he puts his underpants on the same way everyone else does...

Really? He might go Commando!
Why are you asking yourself questions? Do you have a split personality?
Wait. You think I'm boedicca? :rofl:
nvm lol

I want all my social security money back. I don't want my money supporting old crazy loons like you. If your family members aren't willing to care for you, then you should starve. As long as I get to keep my money and not give it to an old worthless man who doesn't even work.
I'm good with writing everyone a check for the SS money they paid in that they have not already received back. Who said anything about starving? You think people were starving in America before SS? ROFL I've never taken a dollar of welfare and never will. As for SS.. uhmm.. that's not welfare ya retard.

Is it or is it not tax payer funded? Maybe I don't like old men like you and feel you are mooching off my hard labor. I think you probably owe me some money. :D
SS is a different kind of system. It's a group insurance plan. For me, when I collect I'll probably get 1/4 of what I put in back. This if I live to be 90. For the people who receive back more than they put in by comparison to what others get back it's welfare yes. For the people, like me who have maxed out the SS payments every year they get royally screwed compared to the people who put in less. But yes I like your idea of cashing everyone out. I'd put my SS money in my 401k. I would love to have that 15% of my income up to the max out back. It's a ton of money. Hell, I'll promise to give half of it to charity if you can make that happen
You can be obese and starving. Starving has to do with not getting proper nutrition! If you lived on potato chips and weighed 300 pounds, you can STILL die from starvation because your body is not getting the CORRECT nutrients.

Honestly, I don't think many people in America are starving, but that is BECAUSE of our social safety nets. Now, you may think these people are "bad" or whatever, but that is not a good enough reason for the government or us citizens to allow them and their children to starve or lack in things like vaccinations and other proper medical care and treatment. Then what happens when these people are flooding the hospitals because they're sick? Are you going to deny them medical treatment too?
In a truly Civilized Society, this would not even be an issue. Human life would always take priority over animal life.
In a truly civilized society people like you that make up strawmen about there being a choice between humans or animals would be completely ignored.

In a Civilized Society, the government would protect you and the public from your insanity by putting you in a humane mental institution. That way, you wouldn't be able to organize mobs to murder hunters.
Who has suggested organizing mobs to murder hunters? Name names.

Ron Pringle for starters. ROAD TRIP.

View attachment 46091

Ron Pringle - We need to handle this dentist from... Facebook

Animal lovers encourage murder in revenge for a lion s death
Yep...that's wrong....anymore?

Yes, the mob that responded to him. It's quite disgusting. Mia Farrow also posted his address online. There is no reason to do that other than to encourage mob violence.
Woman are NOT aborting to "make money" or are "being paid" for the aborted body parts. The lion was killed as a trophy. For it's head. He PAID someone to get that thrill so his dick could get hard. Two completely different subjects but the OP had to make this all about abortion so he could waving his tiny fists while comparing it to killing animals illegally.

Meh. Stupid thread.
You can be obese and starving. Starving has to do with not getting proper nutrition! If you lived on potato chips and weighed 300 pounds, you can STILL die from starvation because your body is not getting the CORRECT nutrients.

Honestly, I don't think many people in America are starving, but that is BECAUSE of our social safety nets. Now, you may think these people are "bad" or whatever, but that is not a good enough reason for the government or us citizens to allow them and their children to starve or lack in things like vaccinations and other proper medical care and treatment. Then what happens when these people are flooding the hospitals because they're sick? Are you going to deny them medical treatment too?

If someone has enough money to buy nutrition free junk food, he has enough money to buy healthy food.
In a truly civilized society people like you that make up strawmen about there being a choice between humans or animals would be completely ignored.

In a Civilized Society, the government would protect you and the public from your insanity by putting you in a humane mental institution. That way, you wouldn't be able to organize mobs to murder hunters.
Who has suggested organizing mobs to murder hunters? Name names.

Ron Pringle for starters. ROAD TRIP.

View attachment 46091

Ron Pringle - We need to handle this dentist from... Facebook

Animal lovers encourage murder in revenge for a lion s death
Yep...that's wrong....anymore?

Yes, the mob that responded to him. It's quite disgusting. Mia Farrow also posted his address online. There is no reason to do that other than to encourage mob violence.
I was and am a part of that mob. GO MIA!!! I hope the fucker suffers. And if the world was more like me, maybe it wouldn't be so fucked up.
Well when I die I hope my dog is there.. otherwise it would not be the heaven I'm hoping for.

If you put that much emphasis on your dog, you have misplaced priorities. We need to talk.
Maybe you should ask for a sit down with Pope Francis so you can tell him all about how you are right and he is wrong.

All dogs go to heaven Pope Francis says animals will enter pearly gates RT News

If only! I'd give top dollar to discuss theology with the Pope and be happy to point out the many false doctrines of Catholicism...

Where do I begin????
How about starting at ... he might be more of an expert on the bible than you?
i was raised a catholic,and in that stupid catechism class i had to attend after school they would not allow us to bring in the bible....the brother said he will tell us everything we need to know.....i saw the writing on the wall at that point....Catholics have their own version of the bible...as far as i am concerned...
So, some people want to make women have babies that maybe they cannot afford to support, and then take away their social support system too? Is that what some of you are suggesting? Then, when the woman does have the baby and doesn't have the abortion, she is a "leech" and you feel it is well and good to denigrate her and treat her as less than a human being? Then you would wonder why maybe SOME women might choose an abortion instead?

Oh, I suppose she just shouldn't have had sex to begin with? Is that realistic? Really? I think we live on two different planets here.
Wow. Everyone is screaming at everyone else with different topics in this thread. Even I'm getting confused (no surprise there most of the time while here).

I think I will bow out.

You can be obese and starving. Starving has to do with not getting proper nutrition! If you lived on potato chips and weighed 300 pounds, you can STILL die from starvation because your body is not getting the CORRECT nutrients.

Honestly, I don't think many people in America are starving, but that is BECAUSE of our social safety nets. Now, you may think these people are "bad" or whatever, but that is not a good enough reason for the government or us citizens to allow them and their children to starve or lack in things like vaccinations and other proper medical care and treatment. Then what happens when these people are flooding the hospitals because they're sick? Are you going to deny them medical treatment too?

If someone has enough money to buy nutrition free junk food, he has enough money to buy healthy food.

That was not my point. My point is that you can be obese and still be starving because your body doesn't get the correct nourishment. Now, we give people their monthly allowance of cash and food stamps or cards, whatever it is they use now. That is the best we can do. Unless you want to be chaperoning these people when they shop, I don't know what you would suggest. I suppose eating SOMETHING is better than eating nothing.

Here's a wee clue. bodecea is the Evul Twin with a beard from the Anti-Matter Universe.

And I was here first.
Yeah I got it.. bode boed... pay more attn... I just figured you were changing your avatar.. lol

Shut up. You don't get anything. You are a silly old man, and that is all you are. Oh, and greedy and rotten too. :D
:) I get some things and miss others. I'm not perfect like you. I'm not greedy I just want my income to go to better programs that's all. Again, not sure why you are defending handouts as better than handups... perhaps you are scared and prefer to be "dependent?" Be honest.

Oh, now all nicey-nicey? What gives? Again, I am not dependent. I have a job and pay taxes. Do you? Are you collecting tax payer funded social security?
What gives? You make a somewhat decent post that does not make up a ton of vile lies about me and you get a reasoned response. Accuse me or a group I associate myself with of what I see as vile BS and I'll start using capital letters :)

We've had way too many years of the left pushing these hand-out programs. I'd like to see them replaced with programs that actually work. I mistook you for being on welfare based on your comments. If you were just defending others... why not defend them better by arguing for hand-up programs that will help those people better than hand-out programs?
Well when I die I hope my dog is there.. otherwise it would not be the heaven I'm hoping for.

If you put that much emphasis on your dog, you have misplaced priorities. We need to talk.
Maybe you should ask for a sit down with Pope Francis so you can tell him all about how you are right and he is wrong.

All dogs go to heaven Pope Francis says animals will enter pearly gates RT News

If only! I'd give top dollar to discuss theology with the Pope and be happy to point out the many false doctrines of Catholicism...

Where do I begin????
How about starting at ... he might be more of an expert on the bible than you?
i was raised a catholic,and in that stupid catechism class i had to attend after school they would not allow us to bring in the bible....the brother said he will tell us everything we need to know.....i saw the writing on the wall at that point....Catholics have their own version of the bible...as far as i am concerned...

It's a control thing. They don't want you to know the Bible and what it really says. Along with prayer, the Bible is the key to relationship with God. It's all about Him and you. Not an organized religion.

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