Lisa Page breaks silence, saying Trump's 'fake orgasm' forced her to speak out

Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking orgasms, he just proved it.

Trump knows all about fake orgasms. With his tiny "hands", he's not capable of giving women a real orgasm, not that he gives a rat's ass whether his partner gets there or not.
HEY get your ass off that computer and make me a sandwich and clean up a little bit!
No, we want you to list the things that Clinton was charged with, where she was listed as an "unindicted co-conspirator. We also want a list of Clinton staffers who have been charged, plead guilty or been sent to jail.
Dont forget the ones given immunity from prosecution.
Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking orgasms, he just proved it.
Why were we holding our noses? No one was doing that. You had to do that to vote for Clinton who was proven repeatedly to be corrupt since she got booted off The Nixon team.

Want me to list the scandals she was involved in?

No, we want you to list the things that Clinton was charged with, where she was listed as an "unindicted co-conspirator. We also want a list of Clinton staffers who have been charged, plead guilty or been sent to jail.

Still waiting for you to show me where your Multi-Million Dollar Hoax Investigation Launched by Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Lying, and paid for them when they purchased Kremlin Propaganda from PUTIN, Indicted President Trump for "Russian Collusion" Care to show me that?

The Establishment has REPEATEDLY looked the other way when their fellow Swamp Creatures have committed crimes. Trump is a threat to The Get Rich working for The Government schemes of The Establishment, but hate to tell you this, it is hard to frame and hang an innocent man unless you can stir up a lynch mob against him.

We aren't China, Russia, or Iran yet.

I realize you are working to make that happen, but this is still America where people still have the right to Due Process, and are presumed innocent until you prove otherwise.
Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking orgasms, he just proved it.
Why were we holding our noses? No one was doing that. You had to do that to vote for Clinton who was proven repeatedly to be corrupt since she got booted off The Nixon team.

Want me to list the scandals she was involved in?

No, we want you to list the things that Clinton was charged with, where she was listed as an "unindicted co-conspirator. We also want a list of Clinton staffers who have been charged, plead guilty or been sent to jail.
The reason woman weren’t allowed to vote right here lol
Why not speak out, when you are above the law? She’s untouchable like the rest of the conspirators.

And Strzok overseeing Hillary’s email is laughable, and just another little tidbit proving the FBI is corrupt. Little wonder Comey refused to prose
Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking orgasms, he just proved it.
That’s rich! You voted for HER! LMFAO.
Since all the republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, tramp should of kept his mouth shut, but he probably is good at faking organisms, he just proved it.

We know that you are libtards are so desperate that you fake have to your orgasms while masturbating, so you don't disappoint yourself when your hand falls asleep!
Lol, like some sexually repressed conservitard knows what an orgasm is.

Trump knows all about fake orgasms. With his tiny "hands", he's not capable of giving women a real orgasm, not that he gives a rat's ass whether his partner gets there or not.

Why would bitches who didn't care they were being used
care whether or not they got off?

The only thing they cared about was what was in it for them

Fucking #MeToo sham
Lisa, along with about a dozen other Deep State Operatives, should be hanged for treason.
Trying to paint herself as a victim before the IG report shows her as a traitor who colluded with foreign governments in a coup attempt against our President. Typical snowflake liberal behavior that is being lauded in the replies to her tweet. Daily Beast? How apropos. Lisa Page on Twitter

Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) December 2, 2019
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
When her hair is straight, she ain't too bad looking for a Lib Woman. Her biggest crime was doinking that stupid imbecile.....She could have done way better than that for God sakes.

It is a hell of a story and I'm going to give her immunity for telling it.....Lol

Even though she's only 39, I did see a picture of her when she was younger. She was a nice looking girl. She kind of hits me as the stuck-up kind since she probably got a lot of male attention years ago, and thinks she still has it.

Now she's crying the blues because she's concerned what people think about her when she's seen in public. She just wants it go to away. Wait a minute! You were working with a guy who together, wanted to ruin Trump's potential presidency, and now all you can do is think about yourself and what harm has come to your reputation?

Another BS'r. She said she forgot about all the text messages, and was shocked when the FBI pulled her in for questioning about them. How many guys was she bopping at the FBI where these texts were so easily forgotten?

I don't think she broke any laws, but she and stroke-off deserve whatever happens to them, including ridicule by the President on Twitter.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
When her hair is straight, she ain't too bad looking for a Lib Woman. Her biggest crime was doinking that stupid imbecile.....She could have done way better than that for God sakes.

It is a hell of a story and I'm going to give her immunity for telling it.....Lol

Even though she's only 39, I did see a picture of her when she was younger. She was a nice looking girl. She kind of hits me as the stuck-up kind since she probably got a lot of male attention years ago, and thinks she still has it.

Now she's crying the blues because she's concerned what people think about her when she's seen in public. She just wants it go to away. Wait a minute! You were working with a guy who together, wanted to ruin Trump's potential presidency, and now all you can do is think about yourself and what harm has come to your reputation?

Another BS'r. She said she forgot about all the text messages, and was shocked when the FBI pulled her in for questioning about them. How many guys was she bopping at the FBI where these texts were so easily forgotten?

I don't think she broke any laws, but she and stroke-off deserve whatever happens to them, including ridicule by the President on Twitter.

I guess she has been talking to Monica Lewinsky a lot about dealing with the whispers in public.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
From how she is reporting it. I don't think she ever had an orgasm before. If she is relying on little Peter, I think she was a little disappointed.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
When her hair is straight, she ain't too bad looking for a Lib Woman. Her biggest crime was doinking that stupid imbecile.....She could have done way better than that for God sakes.

It is a hell of a story and I'm going to give her immunity for telling it.....Lol

Even though she's only 39, I did see a picture of her when she was younger. She was a nice looking girl. She kind of hits me as the stuck-up kind since she probably got a lot of male attention years ago, and thinks she still has it.

Now she's crying the blues because she's concerned what people think about her when she's seen in public. She just wants it go to away. Wait a minute! You were working with a guy who together, wanted to ruin Trump's potential presidency, and now all you can do is think about yourself and what harm has come to your reputation?

Another BS'r. She said she forgot about all the text messages, and was shocked when the FBI pulled her in for questioning about them. How many guys was she bopping at the FBI where these texts were so easily forgotten?

I don't think she broke any laws, but she and stroke-off deserve whatever happens to them, including ridicule by the President on Twitter.

I guess she has been talking to Monica Lewinsky a lot about dealing with the whispers in public.

Monica is a little different. She was just a stupid kid who never dreamed she'd one day be screwing the President of the United States. What we have here is a mature married women screwing a married man at work. I had some sympathy for Monica, people are naive at that age, and Bill took advantage of that. She was used even though fully consented to the relationship.

But in anything I read about Page, they never mention what happened to her marriage.
“Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back."

With those striking words in an interview published late Sunday, Lisa Page, the ex-FBI lawyer who carried on an extramarital affair with former FBI head of counterintelligence Peter Strzok as the two exchanged anti-Trump text messages, said she was breaking her silence.

The 39-year-old Page was referring to Trump's comments about her and Strzok at an October rally. During the event, Trump performed a passionate, dramatic reading of Strzok and Page's August 2016 text messages, including Strzok's conspicuous promise to Page that "we'll stop" Trump from becoming president. At the time, Strzok was overseeing the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the probe into the Trump campaign.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Have I got this right? The President of the the United States, leader of the free world (sort of) actually stood on stage at a rally and faked an orgasm? What a classy guy. Were people repulsed by his vulgar display or did they cheer? I actually missed this. if they laughed and cheered in mass, I am really embarrassed for you guys.

It’s a case where she really ought to keep quiet, show a low-profile, and just hope all of this goes away in three or four years.

This dummy is going to talk her way into a double sentence. She's admitting to a crime..... Even an incompetent lawyer should have advised her to be quiet. But these seriously deranged mental detectives still think they are in charge!
Anyone who defends this woman has a seriously low threshold for accountability, but that’s the status quo for liberals. Also it’s interesting watching Leslie Stahl last night telling the YouTube CEO that Biden didn’t threaten to withhold $1BB US Taxpayer dollars if they didn’t fire Shokin and you wonder why I think Liberals are dumber than rocks...
Lisa Page speaks out on Trump attacks

Former FBI lawyer and Deep State traitor, Lisa Page, broke her silence and attacked president Trump -- we all know why she is doing this.....because she knows she is about be arrested once the IG report comes out next week. She is the one who falsified documents and probably even more, like forced witnesses to lie under oath and anything else she could do to make Trump and Putin look bad.

"Former FBI lawyer Lisa Page blasted President Trump in an interview published Sunday, hammering his public references to her and former partner Peter Strzok, a former FBI agent who served on the special counsel investigation into possible ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. “Honestly, his demeaning fake orgasm was really the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Page told the publication."

Trump totally owned her when he simulated Page having an orgasm -- highlighting how evil this woman is -- because any woman who is married and sleeps with another man is nothing more than a whore and anything else they say shouldn't be trusted.".. if I’m walking down the street or shopping and there’s somebody wearing Trump gear or a MAGA hat, I’ll walk the other way or try to put some distance between us because I’m not looking for conflict." <<-- what a snowflake, can't take the heat whore?

Make no mistake, she isn't trying to attack Trump because of anything he said -- she is doing this because she knows the IG report is due out and she knows that she is most likely going to prison for a very long time..
Anyone who defends this woman has a seriously low threshold for accountability, but that’s the status quo for liberals. Also it’s interesting watching Leslie Stahl last night telling the YouTube CEO that Biden didn’t threaten to withhold $1BB US Taxpayer dollars if they didn’t fire Shokin and you wonder why I think Liberals are dumber than rocks...


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