List of the most dangerous of organized groups in the US.

They are Nazis by a different name.
What does that mean to you? To me it means they fuck up people with the same ideology they have.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Never heard of that even when I was in the military. However, that deflection had nothing to do with my question. Please link to when antifa was disrupting the military.

With your political views it is hard to believe you were in the military.
I think he was referring to the redneck trailer parks.
You think everything is working smoothly in the inner city?
Which inner city are you referring to and what does that have to do with your trailer park?
I am a farmer with my nearest neighbor 1/2 mile away. I have a home but I do not look down on people that are not able to afford a home. Many people work hard but just can't afford anything but a trailer house. It is nothing to be ashamed of.
I dont look down on people who cant afford a home. I look down on redneck trailer trash. They should be ashamed of being lazy when they have all the tools to succeed at their disposal.
Could it be you might be misjudging these people? Are you critical of them because they are white? Perhaps you look down on them because they may be a little slower mentally or maybe they just had bad luck or health problems.
Could be that I am misjudging them and yes I am more critical because they are white.
How is persecuting conservatives not dangerous? I can't imagine anything more dangerous.
I can.

But so far they've only persecuted a few.

As I said, once they get used to doing that, and start expanding such activities, the real danger starts.

And the U.S. Government is capable of far more harm to the U.S. citizenry, than Antifa, BLM etc. That's why the first ten amendments to the Constitution almost entirely concerned restrictions on government, not on the people.

Its only dangerous to elect a conservative. Persecuting them holds zero danger.
See? :cuckoo:
What does that mean to you? To me it means they fuck up people with the same ideology they have.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Never heard of that even when I was in the military. However, that deflection had nothing to do with my question. Please link to when antifa was disrupting the military.

With your political views it is hard to believe you were in the military.

He's a phony liar and probably not even black.
What does that mean to you? To me it means they fuck up people with the same ideology they have.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Never heard of that even when I was in the military. However, that deflection had nothing to do with my question. Please link to when antifa was disrupting the military.

With your political views it is hard to believe you were in the military.
Try being less obvious about your deflections. You got that link?
How is persecuting conservatives not dangerous? I can't imagine anything more dangerous.
I can.

But so far they've only persecuted a few.

As I said, once they get used to doing that, and start expanding such activities, the real danger starts.

Its only dangerous to elect a conservative. Persecuting them holds zero danger.
See? :cuckoo:
What would be more dangerous than using the government to persecute your political opposition?
1. Antifa: This is the most dangerous of all groups bent on destroying the Country that so many of us love. It is true that they are for the most part made up of spoiled children with no real experience in life other than the tainted education they receive today. They were not disciplined as children and allowed to spout their views while interrupting others by violent means. There is hope that as these children mature they will learn to respect others. Some will grow out of it and some will not such as individuals such a Bill Ayers who was a militant member of the Weathermen in the 60's. I feel the Antifa will continue to grow into a huge mess for my Country.

2. KKK and Nazi party: Quite frankly there is not enough of these clowns to do the Country much harm. For the most part they are made up of men that are failures in life and wish to blame other races for their failure. Most of these individuals will never change. They are in charge of nothing and have no power which is the reason for their frustration.

3. Black Lives Matter: Not really any different than the KKK and the Nazis except there are more of them. They blame others for their failures and seem to be unable to accept the fact that Blacks are sometimes shot and killed while committing crimes or assaulting police. They refuse to look at facts such as more whites are shot by police than blacks. Some of these will eventually open their eyes and put their hate aside hopefully. 4. The Media: This really could be the most evil of all groups as they spout their untruths for ratings. They see a riot, war, or shooting as job security. They use their created writing skills to create turmoil and damage to this Country.

There are many other groups loaded with danger. Please free to add.

Well, seeing as anyone connected with Antifa doesn't seem to have killed anyone, and their violence is not that violent in comparison with other groups, I don't see how they're on this list at all.
Thank you. See how easy that was?

I didnt really understand your last sentence. All I know is that they fuck up Nazis.

They are Nazis by a different name.
What does that mean to you? To me it means they fuck up people with the same ideology they have.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Being in The military doesn't make you a saint....tons do it because it's the only way out and others for the benefits. You don't see Trumps kids serving, do you.
They are Nazis by a different name.
What does that mean to you? To me it means they fuck up people with the same ideology they have.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Being I. The military doesn't make you a saint....tons do it because it's the only way and others for the benefits. You don't see Trumps kids serving, do you.
Dont help him deflect. He claimed antifa was disrupting the military. I've never heard anything about it.
1. Antifa: This is the most dangerous of all groups bent on destroying the Country that so many of us love. It is true that they are for the most part made up of spoiled children with no real experience in life other than the tainted education they receive today. They were not disciplined as children and allowed to spout their views while interrupting others by violent means. There is hope that as these children mature they will learn to respect others. Some will grow out of it and some will not such as individuals such a Bill Ayers who was a militant member of the Weathermen in the 60's. I feel the Antifa will continue to grow into a huge mess for my Country.

2. KKK and Nazi party: Quite frankly there is not enough of these clowns to do the Country much harm. For the most part they are made up of men that are failures in life and wish to blame other races for their failure. Most of these individuals will never change. They are in charge of nothing and have no power which is the reason for their frustration.

3. Black Lives Matter: Not really any different than the KKK and the Nazis except there are more of them. They blame others for their failures and seem to be unable to accept the fact that Blacks are sometimes shot and killed while committing crimes or assaulting police. They refuse to look at facts such as more whites are shot by police than blacks. Some of these will eventually open their eyes and put their hate aside hopefully. 4. The Media: This really could be the most evil of all groups as they spout their untruths for ratings. They see a riot, war, or shooting as job security. They use their created writing skills to create turmoil and damage to this Country.

There are many other groups loaded with danger. Please free to add.

Well, seeing as anyone connected with Antifa doesn't seem to have killed anyone, and their violence is not that violent in comparison with other groups, I don't see how they're on this list at all.

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What does that mean to you? To me it means they fuck up people with the same ideology they have.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Being I. The military doesn't make you a saint....tons do it because it's the only way and others for the benefits. You don't see Trumps kids serving, do you.
Dont help him deflect. He claimed antifa was disrupting the military. I've never heard anything about it.
There is apparently many things you have not heard of. Being the racist that you have admitted being tells a lot about you. There have been some individuals that these fools have assaulted that were in the military. They would attack me if they saw me because I am different than them and I will speak my beliefs.
Watching you guys wet your pants over a couple hundred crust punks with cardboard shields is the most fun I've had in awhile.

If you're really living in such deathly fear of ANTIFA, there's a really easy way to avoid ever having any contact with them.

Don't go to any neo-nazi rallies.

So Milo is a neo-nazi, who knew?

Has ANTIFA killed anyone?
Is this a joke? Mexican cartels and MS-13 are easily the most dangerous. ANTIFA and the KKK aren't even in the same hemisphere.
They just want to disrupt and do not care if it is the Nazis or police or military personnel.
Whats wrong with disrupting? I've never heard of them disrupting the military. Do you have a citation for that or is that just a wild claim?

The vast majority of the military personnel are conservatives. You have to be aware of that.
Being I. The military doesn't make you a saint....tons do it because it's the only way and others for the benefits. You don't see Trumps kids serving, do you.
Dont help him deflect. He claimed antifa was disrupting the military. I've never heard anything about it.
There is apparently many things you have not heard of. Being the racist that you have admitted being tells a lot about you. There have been some individuals that these fools have assaulted that were in the military. They would attack me if they saw me because I am different than them and I will speak my beliefs.
Assaulting some inbred racist that happens to be in the military is not disrupting the military.
Watching you guys wet your pants over a couple hundred crust punks with cardboard shields is the most fun I've had in awhile.

If you're really living in such deathly fear of ANTIFA, there's a really easy way to avoid ever having any contact with them.

Don't go to any neo-nazi rallies.

You should not be a moderator.

Thanks for sharing your irrelevant and worthless opinion.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of this thread?
Seriously though, you probably shouldn't be a mod. Your post shows you aren't trust worthy
Watching you guys wet your pants over a couple hundred crust punks with cardboard shields is the most fun I've had in awhile.

If you're really living in such deathly fear of ANTIFA, there's a really easy way to avoid ever having any contact with them.

Don't go to any neo-nazi rallies.

You should not be a moderator.

Thanks for sharing your irrelevant and worthless opinion.

Do you have anything to say on the topic of this thread?
Seriously though, you probably shouldn't be a mod. Your post shows you aren't trust worthy

Anti-free speech moderator.

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