Listen up GOP leadership: Why your base is terrified of immigration.

Democrats only have the hispanic vote until hispanics no linger need democrats. If anything democrats should be crapping themselves over the possibility of Jeb Bush running. He really does have the hispanic vote. He also wants totally open borders throwing one of the best democrat positions to the side of the road.
If I was in the queue to become a legal immigrant by the appropriate rules and regulations I'd be furious that people who broke the laws of the land get a free pass.
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Bush did not keep us is his legacy

so like the righties here got on the lefties for saying Obama got OBL when he was thousands of miles are doing the same thing with minds and all that....

If anyone can point to the antiterrorism initiatives implemented by Bush in his first eight months...I will listen

Bush FAILED to keep us safe

Clinton had a chance to get Bin laden during his Presidency, I'm sure you also blame him for 9/11, RIGHT?
man your dribble just go on and on over takes every thread....
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You can't warn any more than a detailed report titled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack inside the United States".

Bush Jr. was concerned with Iraq, couldn't care less about Bin Laden or al Qaeda.

In terms of terrorism, Bush took his eye off the ball. 3000 Americans died

Then he abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. 5000 more Americans died

ill agree with you on the 2nd point but the ist part i dont care who was President.....9/11 would have probably still happened.....

Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history
In terms of terrorism, Bush took his eye off the ball. 3000 Americans died

Then he abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. 5000 more Americans died

ill agree with you on the 2nd point but the ist part i dont care who was President.....9/11 would have probably still happened.....

Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

oh gawd, like they didn't TRY under Clinton with the first world trade center bombing...He got lucky is all...
do you have a life that isn't some other reality?
wow, that is some hate for his fellow country men and women

Please don't throw the word "hate" around lightly. It degrades the word and when we use it appropriately on the far-right, it has less meaning

Nothing said in the post was hateful.

You mean like the word "racist" or the word "homophobe?" Those two words mean nothing now, thanks to the left.
ill agree with you on the 2nd point but the ist part i dont care who was President.....9/11 would have probably still happened.....

Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

oh gawd, like they didn't TRY under Clinton with the first world trade center bombing...He got lucky is all...
do you have a life that isn't some other reality?

6 deaths under Clinton....3000 under Bush
Clinton got the guys who did it....Bush gave up and invaded Iraq Oranges
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ill agree with you on the 2nd point but the ist part i dont care who was President.....9/11 would have probably still happened.....

Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

oh gawd, like they didn't TRY under Clinton with the first world trade center bombing...He got lucky is all...
do you have a life that isn't some other reality?

Yeah ... once in a while he peeks his head out of the sewer and gets smacked around by Trixie
Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

oh gawd, like they didn't TRY under Clinton with the first world trade center bombing...He got lucky is all...
do you have a life that isn't some other reality?

6 deaths under Clinton....3000 under Bush
Clinton got the guys who did it....Bush gave up and invaded Iraq Oranges

holy smokes, you're pathetic
Clinton got rid of our intel capabilities, remember? :cuckoo:

No, I don't remember that. If it happened, it was probably because Republicans cut the budget. They held both houses.

Remember, they cut embassy security just before right wingers released that video mocking Islam's deity. Course, right after Benghazi, they raised embassy security by two billion. Which strange since they told Mrs. Clinton it wasn't needed and she said it was. That was the second time Republicans ignored a warning from a Clinton.

First and foremost if the State Department could and did pay a Libyan Militia to guard the Embassy and the Consulate; they could have paid American Security as well.

But they didn't. It was all optics. The State Department chose a Libyan Militia as security.

What could possibly go wrong? Oh snap. 4 dead Americans.

Don't hand me your freaking bullshit that Benghazi was the Republican's fault. Clinton relied on a Libyan Militia for defense. Oh what a swell idea sparky!!!

Now to the separation of the intel agencies being able to share information. Obviously you are unaware of true history.

I shouldn't be surprised.

There is "true" history and the GOP "rewrite". Rarely do the two coincide.
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.
I thought it was awfully odd that Republicans would give Mitt Romney a free pass on wanting to cut education and bring in immigrants with degrees. Turns out I was right. The GOP base was voting anti Obama even though Romney's policies would hurt them more than anyone.

So why is that?

We all know how USMB Republicans have gone on about how business has been moving from Blue States to Red States. We know that those with a technical education soon followed. No where did the Republican leadership promise to help their base get those types of jobs. Just some vague "we support educational choice". We know there simply isn't enough highly trained people to fill all the technical jobs available in both Blue States and Red States.

We know the Republican base's position on education. You could never get Democrats or Independents to sit in a room and hear their leadership mock education and they then cheer. That will never happen.

The GOP base has finally put two and two together. Business wants the tax breaks, the give a ways, the relaxed rules on environmental and safety standards that are available in Red States. But they also need skilled workers. And the cheapest way is the import ones that are already qualified.

And when you import workers with degrees, everyone else soon follows. If I was an engineer from Mexico, I would be very suspicious of hiring a right winger to build my house.

Clearly, the GOP base feels with an influx of educated immigrants, they would be further marginalized.

Do you have someone shit in your ear on a regular basis to replenish the mental diarrhea that flows from your mouth?
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Prosperity through lower wages - GOP plan for the economy.
In terms of terrorism, Bush took his eye off the ball. 3000 Americans died

Then he abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. 5000 more Americans died

ill agree with you on the 2nd point but the ist part i dont care who was President.....9/11 would have probably still happened.....

Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

9/11 would have probably happened even if you were President RW and even if Dean was your Chief Security no doubt STILL would have happened....

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