Listen up GOP leadership: Why your base is terrified of immigration.

ill agree with you on the 2nd point but the ist part i dont care who was President.....9/11 would have probably still happened.....

Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

9/11 would have probably happened even if you were President RW and even if Dean was your Chief Security no doubt STILL would have happened....

Fact is Bush did not keep us safe on 9-11. That we know
Everything else is conjecture
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Prosperity through lower wages - GOP plan for the economy.

As opposed to the democrats plan of prosperity through no jobs! Minimum wage isn't an issue when you can't find work.
Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

oh gawd, like they didn't TRY under Clinton with the first world trade center bombing...He got lucky is all...
do you have a life that isn't some other reality?

6 deaths under Clinton....3000 under Bush
Clinton got the guys who did it....Bush gave up and invaded Iraq Oranges

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in 2003. Gee...who as President in 2003 again?
Bush had no interest in fighting terrorism,....wasn't glamorous enough for him. He was interested in reviving star wars and invading Iraq

Gave up the worst attack in history

9/11 would have probably happened even if you were President RW and even if Dean was your Chief Security no doubt STILL would have happened....

Fact is Bush did not keep us safe on 9-11. That we know
Everything else is conjecture

going by that logic....all the people in security who were actually out there trying to prevent this kind of stuff.....failed to keep us safe.....and just think....most of them are still out there....
9/11 would have probably happened even if you were President RW and even if Dean was your Chief Security no doubt STILL would have happened....

Fact is Bush did not keep us safe on 9-11. That we know
Everything else is conjecture

going by that logic....all the people in security who were actually out there trying to prevent this kind of stuff.....failed to keep us safe.....and just think....most of them are still out there....

Show me where Bush, when he became President, enacted tough antiterrorism measures.........he didn't

Bush did not care about fighting terrorism. He had bigger fish to fry than chasing pesky terrorist......3000 Americans died

He Failed at keeping us safe
Fact is Bush did not keep us safe on 9-11. That we know
Everything else is conjecture

going by that logic....all the people in security who were actually out there trying to prevent this kind of stuff.....failed to keep us safe.....and just think....most of them are still out there....

Show me where Bush, when he became President, enacted tough antiterrorism measures.........he didn't

Bush did not care about fighting terrorism. He had bigger fish to fry than chasing pesky terrorist......3000 Americans died

He Failed at keeping us safe

GW and Congress were too busy shipping the jobs to Asia.
going by that logic....all the people in security who were actually out there trying to prevent this kind of stuff.....failed to keep us safe.....and just think....most of them are still out there....

Show me where Bush, when he became President, enacted tough antiterrorism measures.........he didn't

Bush did not care about fighting terrorism. He had bigger fish to fry than chasing pesky terrorist......3000 Americans died

He Failed at keeping us safe

GW and Congress were too busy shipping the jobs to Asia.

Which companies did they personally move to Asia?
Show me where Bush, when he became President, enacted tough antiterrorism measures.........he didn't

Bush did not care about fighting terrorism. He had bigger fish to fry than chasing pesky terrorist......3000 Americans died

He Failed at keeping us safe

GW and Congress were too busy shipping the jobs to Asia.

Which companies did they personally move to Asia?

The ones that were able to write off their moving costs.

Using the logic of your posting I would presume that neither Obama nor any Democrats caused any one to lose their job or business because he didn't do it directly.
You MUST be a Randian.
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Prosperity through lower wages - GOP plan for the economy.

Progressives like you do us a great service. You mask mass immigration under the guise of justice and multiculturalism. Under the pretty face of diversity, social justice, and opportunity for all, we are able to preserve and enhance the global corporate economic order.

The alliance between progressives and business interests is an unstoppable powerhouse that cannot be broken.
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The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Prosperity through lower wages - GOP plan for the economy.

As opposed to the democrats plan of prosperity through no jobs! Minimum wage isn't an issue when you can't find work.

Minimum wage is an issue to Republicans. They want to end it and end benefits. Look how they cut education. They want to ensure we end up living in caves.
Fact is Bush did not keep us safe on 9-11. That we know
Everything else is conjecture

going by that logic....all the people in security who were actually out there trying to prevent this kind of stuff.....failed to keep us safe.....and just think....most of them are still out there....

Show me where Bush, when he became President, enacted tough antiterrorism measures.........he didn't

Bush did not care about fighting terrorism. He had bigger fish to fry than chasing pesky terrorist......3000 Americans died

He Failed at keeping us safe

those people in security do their jobs to the best of their ability no matter WHO is President......just because Bush took over does not mean they decided they did not have to do their best.....and even if Bush would have enacted tough measures,the way our Congress works,it would have taken the Assholes 2 years to pass the fucking sound like a typical "party" person RW....."all for the party".....
Prosperity through lower wages - GOP plan for the economy.

As opposed to the democrats plan of prosperity through no jobs! Minimum wage isn't an issue when you can't find work.

Minimum wage is an issue to Republicans. They want to end it and end benefits. Look how they cut education. They want to ensure we end up living in caves.

many Democrat Gov. have done the same.....why dont you tell everyone why they can do it,but if a Republican Gov. does it.....they must hate Education......Gov. Brown did that out here and took a lot of flak for it.....
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Why is the US the ONLY nation in the world which practices almost unfettered business visas and off-shoring?
Because it doesn't really work and the people of every other civilized nation aren't nearly as stupid as Republicans think they are.
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Why is the US the ONLY nation in the world which practices almost unfettered business visas and off-shoring?
Because it doesn't really work and the people of every other civilized nation aren't nearly as stupid as Republicans think they are.

And look how great Europe is doing for it, the EU is on the verge of collapse and bankruptcy. To prop up their entitlement systems, they should be begging for more laborers, instead, the scapegoat them as the problem. Europe needs to accept globalism and multiculturalism as a reality, like Americans have. The only people that don't are economic ignoramuses and racists.
The GOP leadership understands immigration is necessary to preserve our economy. Immigration keeps the downward pressure on wages necessary to preserve the profits of our businesses, without which, we couldn't possibly survive. The America of unions, artificially high wages, and mom and pop stores is done. We are moving into a global economy and antiquated nationalists and protectionists are going to have to realize the irrelevancy of borders.

The last thing we need at this point is the Tea Party blocking the inevitable.

Why is the US the ONLY nation in the world which practices almost unfettered business visas and off-shoring?
Because it doesn't really work and the people of every other civilized nation aren't nearly as stupid as Republicans think they are.

And look how great Europe is doing for it, the EU is on the verge of collapse and bankruptcy. To prop up their entitlement systems, they should be begging for more laborers, instead, the scapegoat them as the problem. Europe needs to accept globalism and multiculturalism as a reality, like Americans have. The only people that don't are economic ignoramuses and racists.

Oh, how often have we heard this bullshit.

Do you live in Europe?
Why is the US the ONLY nation in the world which practices almost unfettered business visas and off-shoring?
Because it doesn't really work and the people of every other civilized nation aren't nearly as stupid as Republicans think they are.

And look how great Europe is doing for it, the EU is on the verge of collapse and bankruptcy. To prop up their entitlement systems, they should be begging for more laborers, instead, the scapegoat them as the problem. Europe needs to accept globalism and multiculturalism as a reality, like Americans have. The only people that don't are economic ignoramuses and racists.

Oh, how often have we heard this bullshit.

Do you live in Europe?

No, don't need to to keep up with current events. Don't tell me you are going to cite Germany as an example of success? That would be a lame example to say the least. They are the exception to the rule in the EU and propping up the entire system.

But even Germany can't escape the fact it needs to open up it's borders further in the long run. They have an aging and declining population.
And look how great Europe is doing for it, the EU is on the verge of collapse and bankruptcy. To prop up their entitlement systems, they should be begging for more laborers, instead, the scapegoat them as the problem. Europe needs to accept globalism and multiculturalism as a reality, like Americans have. The only people that don't are economic ignoramuses and racists.

Oh, how often have we heard this bullshit.

Do you live in Europe?

No, don't need to to keep up with current events. Don't tell me you are going to cite Germany as an example of success? That would be a lame example to say the least. They are the exception to the rule in the EU and propping up the entire system.

But even Germany can't escape the fact it needs to open up it's borders further in the long run. They have an aging and declining population.

Would you care to back up you assessment with some hard stats?

/sharpen my fingernails.
Oh, how often have we heard this bullshit.

Do you live in Europe?

No, don't need to to keep up with current events. Don't tell me you are going to cite Germany as an example of success? That would be a lame example to say the least. They are the exception to the rule in the EU and propping up the entire system.

But even Germany can't escape the fact it needs to open up it's borders further in the long run. They have an aging and declining population.

Would you care to back up you assessment with some hard stats?

/sharpen my fingernails.

Back up which assesment? The declining and aging population?
To prop up their entitlement systems, they should be begging for more laborers, instead, the scapegoat them as the problem
So they should add more welfare grabbers to the system to fix it? That makes no sense.

Europe needs to accept globalism and multiculturalism as a reality, like Americans have. The only people that don't are economic ignoramuses and racists.

Many Euro countries have declared multiculturalism as a failure. And it's not surprising, since, for example, Sweden has seen a huge uptick in rapes committed by Muslims. That's not racist. That's fact.

And many Americans have also not accepted multiculturalism because of things like the increase in Black on White crime, Drunk driving illegal immigrants killing Americans and other instances
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But even Germany can't escape the fact it needs to open up it's borders further in the long run. They have an aging and declining population.

Only braindead morons think that throwing open the doors to Third World trash is the answer to a country's economic problem. THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!! It's the same in Europe as it is here: They don't want to work...they want the welfare benefits that the idiots in government hand like candy.

You have a declining/aging population? Fine...then encourage the younger population to have more kids. Offer some sort of tax incentives.

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