Little girl mauled by pitbulls told to leave restaurant because her face was scaring

What happened to the "refusal to serve anyone" argument and "RIGHT" everyone has been screaming about? Good thing the kid wasn't trying to buy a gay wedding cake.
^^^ So who told you that he wouldn't? You haven't said yet.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Whoever told you that he would not, you believed their every word too. :D :D :D
KFC is in major damage control mode now and are "investigating"

Regardless, they have already donated $30,000 to the girls medical bills

It's good to see that KFC is donating to her medical costs.
I don't blame the company for this, no doubt it's just one or two dumbass employees.

All based on the word of one person...

I'm not saying it didn't happen as told by Grandma, I'm saying perhaps we should all wait until the tape is reviewed, so to speak...

I don't doubt that it happened at all. People can say some pretty rough things to strangers.
KFC is in major damage control mode now and are "investigating"

Regardless, they have already donated $30,000 to the girls medical bills

It's good to see that KFC is donating to her medical costs.
I don't blame the company for this, no doubt it's just one or two dumbass employees.

All based on the word of one person...

I'm not saying it didn't happen as told by Grandma, I'm saying perhaps we should all wait until the tape is reviewed, so to speak...

I guess it's always possible, it could be a complete hoax, or it even could be a misunderstanding. We'll see.
are you single?
Right now yes. Why are you wanting to know? It doesn't have anything to do with what's being talked about here?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I have to go now. I'll be back some time later on after 3 PM EST. :) :) :)
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KFC is in major damage control mode now and are "investigating"

Regardless, they have already donated $30,000 to the girls medical bills

It's good to see that KFC is donating to her medical costs.
I don't blame the company for this, no doubt it's just one or two dumbass employees.

All based on the word of one person...

I'm not saying it didn't happen as told by Grandma, I'm saying perhaps we should all wait until the tape is reviewed, so to speak...

I guess it's always possible, it could be a complete hoax, or it even could be a misunderstanding. We'll see.

I, like you I imagine, would hate to think that a family would be willing to exploit their child or their child's tragic accident for financial gain, but it's not as though we haven't seen such things in the past...

Couple that with the idea that, in today's world of instant media, both social and otherwise, one would have to be a complete moron to approach someone and say such a thing. They are out there, those morons, and many of them work in the express food industry, but crazy family exists as well...
If customers are going to be scared by a few scars what's going to happen when the illegal immigrant gang members start showing up with their facial tattoos?
Sounds like the action of one employee responding to the requests/complaints of other patrons. From a business perspective he/she did the wrong thing but for the right reason. If someone or something is causing a disruption, you try and fix whatever's wrong. But instead of trying to evict a deformed patron you should have explain to the complaining customers why she looks like that so they can feel empathy and shrug it off instead of gawk and cringe at it.
If customers are going to be scared by a few scars what's going to happen when the illegal immigrant gang members start showing up with their facial tattoos?

Since they were on the way home from the hospital, I suspect it was more than a few scars they were seeing. Doesn't make it any less rude. If it was too much to stomach, I would have just left without complaining to the restaurant because that would have been my issue, not theirs.
Most likely the dogs were pit bulls owned by some gang banger who thinks its cool to have them around. Another example of rap culture in society.

My god, she's three years old !!

Can you be any more heartless than this ?

You have just exampled why the left is full of a bunch of kooks. How could you politicize this story? What a jerk.
Most likely the dogs were pit bulls owned by some gang banger who thinks its cool to have them around. Another example of rap culture in society.

No they were owned by white people who were the ones that created the breed in the first place. This occurred before Rap was ever thought of.

Authorities said Victoria was attacked in April while visiting her grandfather, from whom Kelly Mullins is divorced.
One of the dogs ripped open the front door and two other dogs dragged her into the back yard, WAPT reported.
The dogs bit the girl all over, but especially on the face. She has severe facial scars and lost sight in her right eye and the ability to move the right side of her face, Mullins told WAPT. She wears an eye patch with a cartoon character on it.
The three dogs that attacked Victoria were killed. The grandfather, Donald Mullins, and his girlfriend were arrested on child endangerment charges, WAPT reported.
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Grandfather had 10 of them in back yard. Most likely a breeding farm to sell them to gang bangers.

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