Little girl stands firm in face of street preacher's homophobic rant

When I watched the video I saw the child on the front line while the adults stood behind her. Now who put the child up to this is the question that needs to be answered. This child should be playing hopscotch and swinging with her friends in a playground somewhere, and not tied up in something that she is to young to understand or to partake in. Was the child being used as a human shield so to speak ? Is this now the order of the day in these events now ? I think it best to leave the children out of all of this don't you all ?
When you take your children to a parade, do you stand in front of them, or do you put them in front of you so they could have a good view and it's easier to keep and eye on them?

If you are going to use children in this way, then I no longer support the gay movement for equal rights.


Yup, I'm moving to the other side now. I cannot advocate using children in this way because it is wrong.

Like you were middle of the road before? LOL!

I fully supported SSM. Go check my posts. I have proof.
No, you fucking moron, it was not a political rally. How hard is it for folks like you to educate yourself about the facts before spouting off and demonstrating your stupidity. It was community festival. One going on for over forty years. Music and art and exhibits. Face painting for kids. Nothing about it had anything to do with gay pride or politics.

It WAS political to celebrate the SC ruling. YOU are the fucking moron here, advocating using children for your cause. No excuses.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
So, even after being shown that it was a community festival for all of Columbus, you are going to continue to lie and claim it was some sort of rally? Why? Because she was holding a rainbow flag? You slow about what the video shows and you lie about your " support" for marriage equality.

Why was she waving a rainbow flag, you idiot? Man you people are so . . . nuts.
So? That somehow changes a community festival into the political rally you first claimed, falsely? So any kid with a rainbow is fair game for hateful preachers? And the parents are to blame for letting the kid wear or carry a something with a rainbow on it?
It IS a political rally to celebrate and promote an AGENDA. These parents should have removed the child from the situation. She didn't learn anything. She probably doesn't even know what a "bigot" is.
No, you fucking moron, it was not a political rally. How hard is it for folks like you to educate yourself about the facts before spouting off and demonstrating your stupidity. It was community festival. One going on for over forty years. Music and art and exhibits. Face painting for kids. Nothing about it had anything to do with gay pride or politics.

It WAS political to celebrate the SC ruling. YOU are the fucking moron here, advocating using children for your cause. No excuses.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
Carla, I think that we can officially take Chris off of our donations request data base....

Yup, you can. I find you despicable and a rotten person.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
It WAS political to celebrate the SC ruling. YOU are the fucking moron here, advocating using children for your cause. No excuses.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
So, even after being shown that it was a community festival for all of Columbus, you are going to continue to lie and claim it was some sort of rally? Why? Because she was holding a rainbow flag? You slow about what the video shows and you lie about your " support" for marriage equality.

Why was she waving a rainbow flag, you idiot? Man you people are so . . . nuts.
So? That somehow changes a community festival into the political rally you first claimed, falsely? So any kid with a rainbow is fair game for hateful preachers? And the parents are to blame for letting the kid wear or carry a something with a rainbow on it?

See? You don't get it. You are too dense.
No, you fucking moron, it was not a political rally. How hard is it for folks like you to educate yourself about the facts before spouting off and demonstrating your stupidity. It was community festival. One going on for over forty years. Music and art and exhibits. Face painting for kids. Nothing about it had anything to do with gay pride or politics.

It WAS political to celebrate the SC ruling. YOU are the fucking moron here, advocating using children for your cause. No excuses.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
Carla, I think that we can officially take Chris off of our donations request data base....

Yup, you can. I find you despicable and a rotten person.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
So, even after being shown that it was a community festival for all of Columbus, you are going to continue to lie and claim it was some sort of rally? Why? Because she was holding a rainbow flag? You slow about what the video shows and you lie about your " support" for marriage equality.

Why was she waving a rainbow flag, you idiot? Man you people are so . . . nuts.
So? That somehow changes a community festival into the political rally you first claimed, falsely? So any kid with a rainbow is fair game for hateful preachers? And the parents are to blame for letting the kid wear or carry a something with a rainbow on it?

See? You don't get it. You are too dense.
Get what? That you have been lying about this gay rights rally for two days?
It WAS political to celebrate the SC ruling. YOU are the fucking moron here, advocating using children for your cause. No excuses.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
Carla, I think that we can officially take Chris off of our donations request data base....

Yup, you can. I find you despicable and a rotten person.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
So, even after being shown that it was a community festival for all of Columbus, you are going to continue to lie and claim it was some sort of rally? Why? Because she was holding a rainbow flag? You slow about what the video shows and you lie about your " support" for marriage equality.

Why was she waving a rainbow flag, you idiot? Man you people are so . . . nuts.
So? That somehow changes a community festival into the political rally you first claimed, falsely? So any kid with a rainbow is fair game for hateful preachers? And the parents are to blame for letting the kid wear or carry a something with a rainbow on it?

See? You don't get it. You are too dense.
Get what? That you have been lying about this gay rights rally for two days?

What did I lie about? Be specific now, and it had BETTER be related to my points about using children.
I'm moving to the other side because I see just how rotten you people are now. Thanks for opening my eyes.
So, you are going somewhere where you can lie with impunity?

Nope. I'm going to be against gay people now. I cannot support an agenda when they use children as pawns.
Which is precisely what your lying ass has been doing for two days.

Basically, you are advocating the abuse of a child for your own selfish reasons. You are a rotten human being.
No it was not, silly stupid fuck. It was at Comfest in Columbus Ohio. That is in the article you are commenting about but did not bother to read. This is what Comfest is: "ComFest is a large, free, non-corporate, music and arts annual festival currently held each June at Goodale Park in the Victorian Village area of Columbus, Ohio. The festival bills itself as "The Party with a Purpose". To accomplish this goal, the festival relies on community members to work together in the planning and operation of the festival serving on committees and work teams including clean-up and recycling, safety and first aid, entertainment, street fair, and the "World Peace Rocks Forever Committee". Now, please, shut up.

And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
Carla, I think that we can officially take Chris off of our donations request data base....

Yup, you can. I find you despicable and a rotten person.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
I don't think the equality movement needs allies who lie and try to exploit children. You will, however, be welcome among those like this preacher.
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And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
Yup, you can. I find you despicable and a rotten person.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
I don't think the equality movement needs allies who lie and try to exploit children's. You will, however, be welcome among those like this preacher.

Sorry, a lot of people will be displeased to see this video. People who care about children's well being would not approve.
And the homosexuals were there to celebrate. Stop being dishonest, you asshole. Stop trying to use children for your cause. It is despicable.
Yup, you can. I find you despicable and a rotten person.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
I don't think the equality movement needs allies who lie and try to exploit children's. You will, however, be welcome among those like this preacher.

BTW, you barely make sense. You are not only a selfish ass, but an illiterate one.
So, even after being shown that it was a community festival for all of Columbus, you are going to continue to lie and claim it was some sort of rally? Why? Because she was holding a rainbow flag? You slow about what the video shows and you lie about your " support" for marriage equality.

Why was she waving a rainbow flag, you idiot? Man you people are so . . . nuts.
So? That somehow changes a community festival into the political rally you first claimed, falsely? So any kid with a rainbow is fair game for hateful preachers? And the parents are to blame for letting the kid wear or carry a something with a rainbow on it?

See? You don't get it. You are too dense.
Get what? That you have been lying about this gay rights rally for two days?

What did I lie about? Be specific now, and it had BETTER be related to my points about using children.
You lied about this being some sort of gay rights rally that these parents took their kid to when they should have expected that hateful pricks lie this preacher would show up. The truth is that this child, like the other 40,000 people who attended this festival, did so to have fun. Some hateful clown shows up and shouts his hate and this kid reacted with courage, class and grace. Three things that your kids, if they are anything like you, will lack.
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
I don't think the equality movement needs allies who lie and try to exploit children's. You will, however, be welcome among those like this preacher.

BTW, you barely make sense. You are not only a selfish ass, but an illiterate one.

Case closed. ;)
And what would you call someone who spent two days complaining about a kid being taken to a gay rights rally when that was a lie?

Look, you are obviously a dumbass who cannot understand the valid points I've made about using children as pawns in your silly childish game to agitate the crazy people.
We have already established that you are a liar who thinks it ok to attack parents based on your lies.

Oh, okay. Hmm. Do I care? No. But you should because you will probably lose a lot of allies now, as your true colors show.
I don't think the equality movement needs allies who lie and try to exploit children's. You will, however, be welcome among those like this preacher.

BTW, you barely make sense. You are not only a selfish ass, but an illiterate one.
What part did you not understand? I can use smaller words.

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