LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

Methinks this Michelle chick doesn't give a shit one way or another but does want her 15 minutes of fame for later on when she runs for senate or something. Betcha.

She announced her candidacy for Congress in December. She is just mugging for the camera and looking to use this event to catapult herself into higher office.
Gonna tweet that, MDK.
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The FBI has finally talked to Nevada Assembly woman Fiore and they are going to allow Reverend Graham and Fiore to negotiate the surrender.
They take over a refuge, now cry they will go to jail. Hellllllooooo?

And it's stupid to compare this to Occupy Wall Street. The "occupiers" were idiots, but they were bombarded with tear gas, pepper sprayed, and many arrested. And they didn't take over a federal refuge while armed. There's a difference between shitting on a police car, and shooting at the FBI.

Occupiers took over public and private property.

Without weapons.

And allowed rapes and obstructed justice.
Interesting. Because how long did Occupy Wall Street occupy areas all over the country and nothing was done for months on end?
Was it federal; oh, yes, it was not.

And you're dealing with four count them four protesters in the middle of freaking nowhere who have not held up cities and commerce for months on end. OWS should have been removed immediately.

You've got posters calling for the Feds to whack these protesters just like the posters wanted bloodshed at Bundy's. It's disgusting.
I'd smoke 'em out.
The FBI and local law enforcement should move in now and root 'em out like cockroaches. If they wait, they risk people showing up to join their protest and instead of peacefully arresting four knuckleheads, it can turn into a mob and get ugly.
And there you have it. People calling for the death of four guys in the wilderness. I guess OWS was anti government and their protest was valid but four white guys in the middle of nowhere deserve to be slaughtered.

Mmmm that gets me thinking. When Ferguson was burning....oh they were black. Never mind.
And there you have it. People calling for the death of four guys in the wilderness. I guess OWS was anti government and their protest was valid but four white guys in the middle of nowhere deserve to be slaughtered.

Mmmm that gets me thinking. When Ferguson was burning....oh they were black. Never mind.

even calling for torture
Wonder if they will murder another unarmed man or shoot one in the back or maybe just burn it to the ground like they did in Waco.
Interesting. Because how long did Occupy Wall Street occupy areas all over the country and nothing was done for months on end?
Did they take over Wall Street, and use the threat of shooting any police who try to enter that street, while denying the people who use that street access to their rights?

No. Stop being a jackass.
Interesting. Because how long did Occupy Wall Street occupy areas all over the country and nothing was done for months on end?
Did they take over Wall Street, and use the threat of shooting any police who try to enter that street, while denying the people who use that street access to their rights?

No. Stop being a jackass.
All they did was make the streets and sidewalks inaccessible by defecating everywhere.
I'm already burned out on it. Twitter said the live feed is down to 20K listeners now due to the prayers and psalm songs. lol
So..I said good night and will see what happens tomorrow. FBI is enjoying their warm cars, sammiches and hot coffee and said they will wait til the morning, so..nothing left to listen to except a lot of whining and church stuff.

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